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High 01

extendedTime calculation in DebitaV3Loan::extendLoan shall Cause denial of Service, due to overflow-underflow error.


The extendLoan function in DebitaV3Loan contract contains a flawed calculation for extendedTime that causes arithmetic underflow, making the loan extension feature unusable for certain duration combinations. The double subtraction of block.timestamp in the calculation leads to arithmetic underflow. The bug effectively creates a denial of service for loan extensions under common and valid loan scenarios, making it critical to fix.

Root Cause

In DebitaV3Loan.sol extendedTime calculation causes arithmetic errors leading to revert.

uint alreadyUsedTime = block.timestamp - m_loan.startedAt;
uint extendedTime = offer.maxDeadline - alreadyUsedTime - block.timestamp;

The extendedTime calculation is incorrect. It subtracts the current timestamp twice:

  • Once through alreadyUsedTime (which includes block.timestamp - startedAt)
  • Again directly with block.timestamp

This creates a mathematical impossibility for many valid timestamp combinations, causing arithmetic underflow.


Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  • Borrower takes a 60-day loan with lenders offering 100 and 111-day max durations
  • At day 55, borrower tries to extend the loan


  • Loan Extension fails due to arithmetic underflow
  • Borrower loses ability to extend loan despite being within valid timeframes
  • Could affect multiple loans with similar duration patterns
  • The bug effectively creates a denial of service for loan extensions under common and valid loan scenarios, making it critical to fix.


In TwoLendersERC20Loan.t.sol:

Set initial borrower duration to : 5184000 in setUp()

address borrowOrderAddress = DBOFactoryContract.createBorrowOrder(
            5184000, //864000,

and Add the following test function

function testExtendLoan_underflow() public {
    // initialDuration = 60days= 5184000;  // 10 days

    // first lender:  maxDeadline1 = 8640000;   // 100 days
    // second lender: maxDeadline2 = 9640000;   // ~111 days
    // Warp to day 55
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 55 days); 
    // Try to extend loan

    AEROContract.approve(address(DebitaV3LoanContract), type(uint256).max);    
    // This call will revert with arithmetic overflow- underflow error. 

run : forge test --mt testExtendLoan_underflow


No response


DebitaPyth::getThePrice function returns Price without accounting for exponent of priceData


In getThePrice function of DebitaPyth contract, pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan() is used which returns a Price struct that contains the price , conf, expo and publishTime. The function does not take into account the exponent returned and proceeds to return priceData.price without the exponent taken into account. priceData.price is in fixed-point numeric representation, it should be multiplied by 10 ** expo.

Root Cause

In DebitaPyth

function getThePrice(address tokenAddress) public view returns (int) {
        // falta hacer un chequeo para las l2
        bytes32 _priceFeed = priceIdPerToken[tokenAddress];
        require(_priceFeed != bytes32(0), "Price feed not set");
        require(!isPaused, "Contract is paused");

        // Get the price from the pyth contract, no older than 90 seconds
        PythStructs.Price memory priceData = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(

        // Check if the price feed is available and the price is valid
        require(isFeedAvailable[_priceFeed], "Price feed not available");
        require(priceData.price > 0, "Invalid price");
 @--->   return priceData.price; //@audit should be multipled by 10**expo

contract PythStruct has Price struct as follows:

struct Price {
        // Price
        int64 price;
        // Confidence interval around the price
        uint64 conf;
        // Price exponent
        int32 expo;
        // Unix timestamp describing when the price was published
        uint publishTime;

As mentioned in Pyth network Docs and API reference: The integer representation of price value can be computed by multiplying by 10^exponent

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


DebitaV3Aggregator, hasgetPriceFrom which calls getThePrice function of the Oracle. whenever the oracle is Pyth, the returned price will be inaccurate, which results in incorrect calculations of principle prices, collateral prices etc.


No response


Apply the returned expo of the Price struct to the price.

function getThePrice(address tokenAddress) public view returns (int) {
        // falta hacer un chequeo para las l2
        bytes32 _priceFeed = priceIdPerToken[tokenAddress];
        require(_priceFeed != bytes32(0), "Price feed not set");
        require(!isPaused, "Contract is paused");

        // Get the price from the pyth contract, no older than 90 seconds
        PythStructs.Price memory priceData = pyth.getPriceNoOlderThan(

        // Check if the price feed is available and the price is valid
        require(isFeedAvailable[_priceFeed], "Price feed not available");
        require(priceData.price > 0, "Invalid price");
 -     return priceData.price; //@audit should be multipled by 10**expo
 ++  int256 priceFinal = priceData.expo >= 0 ? (priceData.price * 10 ** priceData.expo) : (priceData.price / 10**(-priceData.expo));

 +   return priceFinal


Medium 01

Variable Shadowing in ChangeOwner Function of multiple contracts Prevents Ownership Transfer


The changeOwner function is used in 3 different contracts:

The function is all three instances is unusable and does not update the owner state variable due to variable shadowing.

  • The authorization check require(msg.sender == owner) validates msg.sender against the input parameter owner instead of the state variable owner, making it impossible for the current owner to call the function (with a new owner address).
  • The local function parameter "owner" shadows the state variable, causing the assignment statement to have no effect on the intended state variable. As a result, the owner of the contract cannot be changed using this function.

Root Cause

changeOwner function of three contracts:

 @-->  function changeOwner(address owner) public { //@audit : input param has same name as state var
        require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner");
        owner = owner;

The Input parameter owner in changeOwner has the same name as the state variable owner of the contract. Within the function, the local parameter takes precedence, effectively "hiding" the state variable. - so everytime owner calls changeOwner function with a new owner address as input argument, the require statement does not pass. - also, the statement owner = owner; only operates on the local parameter and does not modify the state variable.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

1.Owner has to call changeOwner function .


  • After Initial deployment, any attempt to transfer/change ownership fails.


In file BasicDebitaAggregator.t.sol

add the following test function in DebitaAggregatorTest contract:

function testChangeOwnerBug() public {
    // Get initial owner (deployer/test contract)
    address initialOwner = address(this);
    address newOwner = address(0x123);

    //   - should fail because msg.sender is checked against input parameter , not original owner
    vm.expectRevert("Only owner");  // Reverts because msg.sender != owner parameter



Use a different variable name for input param instead of owner

function changeOwner(address _newOwner) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner");  // checks against state variable
    require(deployedTime + 6 hours > block.timestamp, "6 hours passed");
    owner = _newOwner;  // proper assignment

Low 01

Race Condition at Loan Deadline Creates Temporary DOS


The DebitaV3Loan contract contains inconsistent deadline checks between payDebt and claimCollateralAsLender functions, creating a race condition at the exact deadline timestamp where neither borrower nor lender can interact with the loan.

Root Cause

In payDebt function of DebitaV3loan contract:

require(nextDeadline() >= block.timestamp, "Deadline passed to pay Debt");

In claimCollateralAsLender function:

require(_nextDeadline < block.timestamp && _nextDeadline != 0, "Deadline not passed");

Inconsistent deadline comparison operators

  • >= in payDebt prevents payment at exact deadline
  • < in claimCollateralAsLender prevents claim at exact deadline No clear specification of who should have priority at deadline

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


When block.timestamp == nextDeadline():

  • Borrower's payment reverts because nextDeadline() >= block.timestamp fails
  • Lender's claim reverts because _nextDeadline < block.timestamp fails

Loan enters temporary deadlock:

  • Temporary denial of service at exact deadline timestamp.
  • Neither borrower can repay nor lender can claim collateral
  • Affects core loan functionality at critical moment


No response


// Option 1: Give borrower priority at deadline

function payDebt() {
    require(nextDeadline() > block.timestamp, "Deadline passed");

function claimCollateralAsLender() {
    require(_nextDeadline <= block.timestamp, "Deadline not passed");

// Option 2: Give lender priority at deadline
function payDebt() {
    require(nextDeadline() >= block.timestamp, "Deadline passed");

function claimCollateralAsLender() {
    require(_nextDeadline <= block.timestamp, "Deadline not passed");

Low 02

Array Out of Bounds error in getActiveBuyOrders of buyOrderFactory contract Causes DOS


The getActiveBuyOrders function in buyOrderFactory contract contains two critical array-related errors:

  • Incorrect array size calculation using wrong variable ("limit - offset")
  • Array index out-of-bounds error in loop iteration. ("i < offset + limit") This can cause denial of service for buy order retrieval functionality in most cases

Root Cause

In BuyOrderfactory contract getActiveBuyOrders function,

 function getActiveBuyOrders(
        uint offset,
        uint limit
    ) public view returns (BuyOrder.BuyInfo[] memory) {
        uint length = limit;

        if (limit > activeOrdersCount) {
            length = activeOrdersCount;

        BuyOrder.BuyInfo[] memory _activeBuyOrders = new BuyOrder.BuyInfo[](
 @-->           limit - offset         //@audit should be "length - offset"

  @--->      for (uint i = offset; i < offset + limit; i++) {
            address order = allActiveBuyOrders[i]; //@audit can result in out of bounds error
            _activeBuyOrders[i] = BuyOrder(order).getBuyInfo();
        return _activeBuyOrders;

Error 1: Array Size Calculation:

  • Uses limit - offset instead of length - offset
  • limit could be larger than activeOrdersCount
  • Creates array larger than available items

Error 2: for loop condition i<offset+limit where i starts from offset:

  • offset + limit value can exceed activeOrdersCount value, upon which , function throws Error: "Index out of bounds"

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


  • denial of service for buy order retrieval functionality
  • Function reverts on call majority of times
  • Protocol's order discovery mechanism is broken


Add the following test function in BuyOrder.t.sol :

function testGetActiveBuyOrdersRevert() public {
    // Create multiple buy orders
    deal(AERO, buyer, 1000e18 * 10, false);  // Fund for 10 orders
    AEROContract.approve(address(factory), 1000e18 * 10);
    // Create 10 buy orders
    for(uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

    factory.getActiveBuyOrders(2, 8);

Run: - anvil: anvil --fork-url --fork-block-number 21151256 - forge test --mt testGetActiveBuyOrdersRevert --fork-url http://localhost:8545 -vvvv


function getActiveBuyOrders(uint offset, uint limit) public view returns (BuyOrder.BuyInfo[] memory) {
    require(offset <= activeOrdersCount, "Invalid offset");
    uint length = limit;
    if (limit > activeOrdersCount) {
        length = activeOrdersCount;
    @--> BuyOrder.BuyInfo[] memory _activeBuyOrders = new BuyOrder.BuyInfo[](length - offset); //fixed
    @--> for (uint i = 0; i < length - offset; i++) {
     @-->   address order = allActiveBuyOrders[offset + i];
        _activeBuyOrders[i] = BuyOrder(order).getBuyInfo();
    return _activeBuyOrders;

Above fix ensure:

  • Proper array size calculation using capped length
  • Correct array indexing relative to offset
  • No out-of-bounds access
  • Function remains usable