simpler, easier, more powerful ng-zorro by directives
Enhance and simplify NG-ZORRO in a lightweight way.
English | 简体中文
- Adaptive height card and DIV
- Adaptive height tab
- Adaptive height table
- Simplified drop-down box physical pagination
- Drop-down box auto assignment
- Simplify form validation info
- Simplify form validation feedback
- 3D flip card
npm install zorro-sharper --save
Import the ZorroSharperModule into every module where you want to use the directives.
Import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
Import { NgZorroAntdModule } from "ng-zorro-antd";
Import { ZorroSharperModule } from "zorro-sharper";
Imports: [NgZorroAntdModule, ZorroSharperModule],
Declarations: [],
Exports: []
Export class DirectiveDemoModule {}
Use directives and components where needed.
<nz-card nsAutoHeightCard nzHoverable nzTitle="Adaptive Height Card">
Just add the "nsAutoHeightCard" directive to extend the bottom of the nz-card to the bottom of
the page.