Contain state (properties)
Contain methods
Communicate through messages
Defines an object
- wraps state
- wraps behaivour - methods
Method - function for manipulating / changing properties
Refers to the current / ("this") object
Used as:
- Accesing properties for "hidden" properties
- Calling from an overloaded ctor from the same class
- Caling some method from a class
- Is an instance of a class
The following code will output Ivan
and Gosho
Human ivan = new Human("Ivan");
Human gosho = new Human("Gosho");
Named groups for semantically connected classses
Used for hierarchary organization of the code
Named after inverted domain addresses
- Uses only lowercase letters,
for a seperator - mail.google.com -> com.google.mail
- Uses only lowercase letters,
Accesing to another class from a different package
- Every class has default access to:
- Classes from its own package
- Classes from
- Every class has default access to:
For Classes
- public
- Can be accessed by every class in every package
- without a modifier (package-private)
- Can be accessed by the classes in the same package
- public
For Properties
- public
- protected
- without a modifier
- private
- Only the inner behaivour (methods) of a given object have access to its state, makes it impossible for unexpected changes to occur.
- Can be done in Java through the usage of access modifiers
Wrong usage:
public class Human {
public String name;
public Human(string name) {
this.name = name;
Human human = new Human("Pesho");
human.name = "Gosho"; // bad code!
This should be:
public class Human {
private String name;
public Human(string name) {
this.name = name;
Human human = new Human("Pesho");
human.name = "Gosho"; // wont work!
Allows the reuseability and extension of behaivour and state from already existing classes
Is realized in Java using the keyword
The child class gets acces to both public and protected properties and methods from the parent
The child class can override already existing methods (the access modifier in both classes must match in both the child parent class)
Java doesn't allow multiple class inheritance
Refers to the parent of the object
Used for:
- Accessing properties from the parent class
- Calling the ctor from the parent class
- Calling methods from the parent class
public class Student extends Human {
private int facultyNumber;
public Student(String name, int facultyNumber) {
this.facultyNumber = facultyNumber;
Student ivan = new Student("Ivan", 2345);
ivan.whoAmI(); // calls the parent method
- All classes in java are children of the
- Used for type checking: see whether a given object is an instance of a given class
Student ivan = new Student("Ivan", 234343);
Human petar = new Human("Petar");
System.out.println(ivan instanceof Student); // true
System.out.println(ivan instanceof Human); // true
System.out.println(peter instanceof Student); // false
System.out.println(peter instanceof Human); // false
In variable declaration -> makes it constant
In method declaration -> method can't be overriden
In class delcaratoin -> class can't be inherited from
From greek "poly" (a lot) + "morphe" (shape / form)
Used for modifying methods from parent class (runtime overriding) or from the same class (compile-time overloading)
Uses the keyword
Can have methods withtout an implementation
- Multiple method declarations / signatures without an implementation
Means modelling an object from the "real life / virtual world" by "abstacting" yourself from the irrelevant / unneeded parts.
Example: modelling student, we only give him a Name and Faculty Number, and abstracting yourself from the irrelevant (for instance - eye color)
Objects are compared for equality with
, and not with==
if("".equals(s)) {
System.out.println("Empty string");
Should always be defined in a class
Should be used when comparing "value equality", rather than their references (addresses in memory)
Should be defined when
has been defined -
When defining it and
returns true, the hashCode of their objects must be equal. If the hashCode of 2 objects are equal, it is not necessarily true thatequals()
returns true.
Part of the class and not an instance
Can be accessed without a created object using the name of the class +
a (a dot) and the name of the static property / method
Math.pow(double, double)
- The static properties / methods have a single copy, which is shared among the instances of classes.
- This saves memory
Event that happens during runtime and disturbs the usual flow of instructions
- Wrong input
- Trying to open a file that doesn't exist
- Network error
- VM has ran out of memory
public Object pop() {
if (size == 0) {
throw new ZeroStackSizeException();
try {
// dangerous code
} catch (Exception e) {
// handling exception
} finally {
// optional code which gets executed always
Checked (Compile-Time)
- Compiler checks if they have been handled
- Examples:
- FileNotFoundException
- IOException
- Examples:
- Compiler checks if they have been handled
Unchecked (Runtime)
- Occur during the execution of the program
- Examples:
- ArithmeticException
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- NullPointerException
- NumberFormatException
- Examples:
- Occur during the execution of the program
- Occur "outside" of the program can't be recovered from
- Examples:
- OutOfMemoryError
- StackOverflowError
- Examples:
- Occur "outside" of the program can't be recovered from
- If a given method doesn't handle a checked exception, which may be thrown in the body, the method must declare it in the prototype (warns those who call the method)
public void writeList() throws IOException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
Seperates code for handling them -> becomes cleaner
"Passing" / Throwing them up the call stack
Grouping and differentiating different types
- Public parts must be kept to a minimum
- Don't write duplicate code
- Use polymorphism always when possible
- Use interface for decleration, implementation for initialization
- Abstract the irrelevant code
A class should do a single thing
- If you have the word
in the name, it's most likely wrong - If you have the word
, it may have better design
- If you have the word
A method should do a single thing
- Be Short: <= 20 lines
- If you have the word
in the name -> split it - If it has a lot of parameters, its class might not be the most appropriate place
Don't abuse
Format using your IDE's shortcut
Rather than using "magic numbers", use an appropriately named constant
- Match the appropriate naming convention for the language write in
- Quality code is self-explanatory
I/O (frontend) from buissnes (backend)
Normal (mainstream) from exception (non-mainstream)
Use exceptions rather than error codes
Don't supress / swallow exceptions
- Never leave an empty
- Never leave an empty
- Java provides a handful of collections, all inherited from the