To set up your development environment, we are going to install software and setup environment variables. To complete the environment setup:
- Follow these instructions for Windows
- Follow these instructions for Windows - WSL (alternative)
- Follow these instructions for Macs
- Follow these instructions for AMD64 ChromeBooks
The instructions linked above will configure the following software and environment settings.
- Python 3.10.11: must be exactly this version
- Java 1.8: must be exactly this version
- Git Bash: version is not important - can skip this if you already have it
- WinUtils: Windows only
- Visual Studio Code/"VS Code": version is not important - can skip this if you already have it
Note: It is possible you already have other/more recent versions of Python and Java already on your computer (Java 1.8 came out in 2014!). However, it is very important to use exactly these versions: lots of data engineering projects were built off of Java 1.8, and these versions need to be compatible with the versions of the AWS libraries we will be using. You will encounter lots of errors - some obvious, some tricky ("UnsatisifedLinkError"? "ClassDefNotFound?") if your versions of Java, Python, and AWS libraries are not correctly in sync! Other tools we will use (VS Code, Git) are not as sensitive, and if you already have these on your computer, whatever versions you have are likely fine.
- Environment variables relating to Java/Python/Spark
- A Python virtual environment
- VS Code
To verify your Spark environment is setup correctly, you will execute simple Spark program.
If you want the gory details of why we must run with:
- pyspark 3.1.3
- winutils 3.2.0
- aws-java-sdk-bundle 1.11.375
Here is the link that explains:
[Apache Spark]
[Amazon S3]
[Apache Superset]