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base repository: 1pkg/gohalt
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base: v0.6.0
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head repository: 1pkg/gohalt
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compare: master
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  • 10 commits
  • 11 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Feb 17, 2021

  1. Verified

    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    de2b2be View commit details

Commits on Mar 20, 2021

  1. bump go version

    1pkg committed Mar 20, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    b00754d View commit details

Commits on Mar 21, 2021

  1. simplify throttler testing tcase

    1pkg committed Mar 21, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    74208af View commit details

Commits on Apr 12, 2021

  1. add semaphore throtttler

    1pkg committed Apr 12, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    72255b8 View commit details

Commits on Aug 14, 2021

  1. add generic cell rate throttler

    1pkg committed Aug 14, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    bcb2a1a View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    2730a0c View commit details
  3. add leaky bucket throttler

    make generic cell rate throttler atomic
    1pkg committed Aug 14, 2021
    Copy the full SHA
    3a8abf2 View commit details

Commits on Apr 22, 2024

  1. go1.22 support

    1pkg committed Apr 22, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    ba12a86 View commit details

Commits on May 7, 2024

  1. Fix typo.

    ryan961 authored May 7, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    98a4935 View commit details
  2. Merge pull request #9 from ryan961/patch-1

    Fix typo.
    1pkg authored May 7, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    dbdb3da View commit details
Showing with 476 additions and 212 deletions.
  1. +5 −5 .github/workflows/lint.yml
  2. +4 −4 .github/workflows/test.yml
  3. +15 −49 README.MD
  4. +7 −0 atomic.go
  5. +29 −0 context.go
  6. +1 −0 context_test.go
  7. +7 −0 executors.go
  8. +22 −11 go.mod
  9. +13 −53 go.sum
  10. +136 −9 throttlers.go
  11. +237 −81 throttlers_test.go
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions .github/workflows/lint.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ jobs:
go-version: [1.14.x, 1.15.x]
go-version: [1.22.x]
platform: [ubuntu-latest]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}
- name: setup
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: golangci-lint
uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v2
uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v4
version: v1.31
version: v1.54
args: -E misspell -E golint
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ jobs:
go-version: [1.14.x, 1.15.x]
go-version: [1.22.x]
platform: [ubuntu-latest]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }}
- name: setup
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: ${{ matrix.go-version }}
- name: checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: test
uses: nick-invision/retry@v1
uses: nick-invision/retry@v3
max_attempts: 3
timeout_minutes: 10
64 changes: 15 additions & 49 deletions README.MD
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,17 +17,6 @@

Gohalt is simple and convenient yet powerful and efficient throttling go library. Gohalt provides various throttlers and surronding tools to build throttling pipelines and rate limiters of any complexity adjusted to your specific needs. Gohalt provides an easy way to integrate throttling and rate limiting with your infrastructure through built in middlewares.

## Features

- [x] Blastly fast and efficient, Gohalt has minimal performance overhead, it was design with performance as the primary goal.
- [x] Flexible and powerful, Gohalt supports numbers of different throttling strategies and conditions that could be easily combined and customized to match your needs [link](#Throttlers).
- [x] Easy to integrate, Gohalt provides separate package with numbers of built in middlewares for simple (couple lines of code) integrations with stdlib and other libraries, among which are: io, rpc/grpc, http, sql, gin, [etc](#Integrations).
- [x] Metrics awareness, Gohalt could use Prometheus metrics as a conditions for throttling.
- [x] Queueing and delayed processing, Gohalt supports throttling queueing which means you can easily save throttled query to rabbitmq/kafka stream to process it later.

- [ ] Durable storage, Gohalt has embedded k/v storage to provide thtottling persistence and durability.
- [ ] Meta awareness, Gohalt provides easy way to access inner throttlers state in form of meta that can be later exposed to logging, headers, etc.

## Concepts

Gohalt uses `Throttler` as the core interface for all derived throttlers and surronding tools.
@@ -78,9 +67,13 @@ func WithTimestamp(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time) context.Context
// to differ `Acquire` priority levels.
// Resulted context is used by: `priority` throtttler.
func WithPriority(ctx context.Context, priority uint8) context.Context
// WithWeight adds the provided weight to the provided context
// to differ `Acquire` weight levels.
// Resulted context is used by: `semaphore` and `cellrate` throtttlers.
func WithWeight(ctx context.Context, weight int64) context.Context
// WithKey adds the provided key to the provided context
// to add additional call identifier to context.
// Resulted context is used by: `pattern` and `generator` throtttlers.
// Resulted context is used by: `before`, `after`, `timed`, `adaptive`, `semaphore`, `cellrate` and `bucket` throtttlers.
func WithKey(ctx context.Context, key string) context.Context
// WithMessage adds the provided message to the provided context
// to add additional message that need to be used to context.
@@ -94,10 +87,11 @@ func WithMarshaler(ctx context.Context, mrsh Marshaler) context.Context
// WithParams facade call that respectively calls:
// - `WithTimestamp`
// - `WithPriority`
// - `WithWeight`
// - `WithKey`
// - `WithMessage`
// - `WithMarshaler`
func WithParams(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time, priority uint8, key string, message interface{}, marshaler Marshaler) context.Context
func WithParams(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time, priority uint8, weight int64, key string, message interface{}, marshaler Marshaler) context.Context
Also there is yet another throttling sugar `func WithThrottler(ctx context.Context, thr Throttler, freq time.Duration) context.Context` related to context. Which defines context implementation that uses parrent context plus throttler internally. Using it you can keep typical context patterns for cancelation handling and apply and combine it with throttling.
@@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ select {
If internal context throttler is throttling context done chanel will be closed respectively. **Note** such behavior is implemented by throttler long pooling with the specified frequency, so efficiently there will be additional throttling user in form of long pooling goroutine.
If internal context throttler is throttling context done channel will be closed respectively. **Note** such behavior is implemented by throttler long pooling with the specified frequency, so efficiently there will be additional throttling user in form of long pooling goroutine.

// complex throttler example
@@ -147,21 +141,21 @@ You can find list of returning error types for all existing throttlers in thrott
| context | `func NewThrottlerContext() Throttler` | Always throttless on *done* context.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`; |
| panic | `func NewThrottlerPanic() Throttler` | Always panics with `ErrorInternal`. |
| each | `func NewThrottlerEach(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each periodic *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| before | `func NewThrottlerBefore(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call below the *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| after | `func NewThrottlerAfter(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call after the *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| before | `func NewThrottlerBefore(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call below the *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call qunatity, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| after | `func NewThrottlerAfter(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call after the *i-th* call defined by the specified threshold.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call qunatity, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| past | `func NewThrottlerPast(threshold time.Time) Throttler` | Throttles each call befor timestamp defined by the specified UTC time threshold.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| future | `func NewThrottlerFuture(threshold time.Time) Throttler` | Throttles each call after timestamp defined by the specified UTC time threshold.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| chance | `func NewThrottlerChance(threshold float64) Throttler` | Throttles each call with the chance *p* defined by the specified threshold.<br> Chance value is normalized to *[0.0, 1.0]* range.<br> Implementation uses secure `crypto/rand` as PRNG function.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| running | `func NewThrottlerRunning(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Throttles each call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| buffered | `func NewThrottlerBuffered(threshold uint64) Throttler` | Waits on call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold until the running quota is available again. |
| priority | `func NewThrottlerPriority(threshold uint64, levels uint8) Throttler` | Waits on call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold until the running quota is available again.<br> Running quota is not equally distributed between *n* levels of priority defined by the specified levels.<br> Use `func WithPriority(ctx context.Context, priority uint8) context.Context` to override context call priority, *1* by default. |
| timed | `func NewThrottlerTimed(threshold uint64, interval time.Duration, quantum time.Duration) Throttler` | Throttles each call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold in the specified interval.<br> Periodically each specified interval the running quota number is reseted.<br> If quantum is set then quantum will be used instead of interval to provide the running quota delta updates.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| timed | `func NewThrottlerTimed(threshold uint64, interval time.Duration, quantum time.Duration) Throttler` | Throttles each call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold in the specified interval.<br> Periodically each specified interval the running quota number is reseted.<br> If quantum is set then quantum will be used instead of interval to provide the running quota delta updates.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call qunatity, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| latency | `func NewThrottlerLatency(threshold time.Duration, retention time.Duration) Throttler` | Throttles each call after the call latency *l* defined by the specified threshold was exeeded once.<br> If retention is set then throttler state will be reseted after retention duration.<br> Use `func WithTimestamp(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time) context.Context` to specify running duration between throttler *acquire* and *release*.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| percentile | `func NewThrottlerPercentile(threshold time.Duration, capacity uint8, percentile float64, retention time.Duration) Throttler` | Throttles each call after the call latency *l* defined by the specified threshold was exeeded once considering the specified percentile.<br> Percentile values are kept in bounded buffer with capacity *c* defined by the specified capacity. <br> If retention is set then throttler state will be reseted after retention duration.<br> Use `func WithTimestamp(ctx context.Context, ts time.Time) context.Context` to specify running duration between throttler *acquire* and *release*.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| monitor | `func NewThrottlerMonitor(mnt Monitor, threshold Stats) Throttler` | Throttles call if any of the stats returned by provided monitor exceeds any of the stats defined by the specified threshold or if any internal error occurred.<br> Builtin `Monitor` implementations come with stats caching by default.<br> Use builtin `NewMonitorSystem` to create go system monitor instance.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`;<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| metric | `func NewThrottlerMetric(mtc Metric) Throttler` | Throttles call if boolean metric defined by the specified boolean metric is reached or if any internal error occurred.<br> Builtin `Metric` implementations come with boolean metric caching by default.<br> Use builtin `NewMetricPrometheus` to create Prometheus metric instance.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`;<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| enqueuer | `func NewThrottlerEnqueue(enq Enqueuer) Throttler` | Always enqueues message to the specified queue throttles only if any internal error occurred.<br> Use `func WithMessage(ctx context.Context, message interface{}) context.Context` to specify context message for enqueued message and `func WithMarshaler(ctx context.Context, mrsh Marshaler) context.Context` to specify context message marshaler.<br> Builtin `Enqueuer` implementations come with connection reuse and retries by default.<br> Use builtin `func NewEnqueuerRabbit(url string, queue string, retries uint64) Enqueuer` to create RabbitMQ enqueuer instance or `func NewEnqueuerKafka(net string, url string, topic string, retries uint64) Enqueuer` to create Kafka enqueuer instance.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`; |
| adaptive | `func NewThrottlerAdaptive(threshold uint64, interval time.Duration, quantum time.Duration, step uint64, thr Throttler) Throttler` | Throttles each call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold in the specified interval.<br> Periodically each specified interval the running quota number is reseted.<br> If quantum is set then quantum will be used instead of interval to provide the running quota delta updates.<br> Provided adapted throttler adjusts the running quota of adapter throttler by changing the value by *d* defined by the specified step, it subtracts *d^2* from the running quota if adapted throttler throttles or adds *d* to the running quota if it doesn't.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| adaptive | `func NewThrottlerAdaptive(threshold uint64, interval time.Duration, quantum time.Duration, step uint64, thr Throttler) Throttler` | Throttles each call which exeeds the running quota *acquired - release* *q* defined by the specified threshold in the specified interval.<br> Periodically each specified interval the running quota number is reseted.<br> If quantum is set then quantum will be used instead of interval to provide the running quota delta updates.<br> Provided adapted throttler adjusts the running quota of adapter throttler by changing the value by *d* defined by the specified step, it subtracts *d^2* from the running quota if adapted throttler throttles or adds *d* to the running quota if it doesn't.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call qunatity, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| pattern | `func NewThrottlerPattern(patterns ...Pattern) Throttler` | Throttles if matching throttler from provided patterns throttles.<br> Use `func WithKey(ctx context.Context, key string) context.Context` to specify key for regexp pattern throttler matching.<br> `Pattern` defines a pair of regexp and related throttler.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`;<br> - could return any underlying throttler error; |
| ring | `func NewThrottlerRing(thrs ...Throttler) Throttler` | Throttles if the *i-th* call throttler from provided list throttle.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`;<br> - could return any underlying throttler error; |
| all | `func NewThrottlerAll(thrs ...Throttler) Throttler` | Throttles call if all provided throttlers throttle.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`; |
@@ -171,37 +165,9 @@ You can find list of returning error types for all existing throttlers in thrott
| retry | `func NewThrottlerRetry(thr Throttler, retries uint64) Throttler` | Retries provided throttler error up until the provided retries threshold.<br> If provided onthreshold flag is set even `ErrorThreshold` errors will be retried.<br> Internally retry uses square throttler with `DefaultRetriedDuration` initial duration.<br> - could return any underlying throttler error; |
| cache | `func NewThrottlerCache(thr Throttler, cache time.Duration) Throttler` | Caches provided throttler calls for the provided cache duration, throttler release resulting resets cache.<br> Only non throttling calls are cached for the provided cache duration.<br> - could return any underlying throttler error; |
| generator | `func NewThrottlerGenerator(gen Generator, capacity uint64, eviction float64) Throttler` | Creates new throttler instance that throttles if found key matching throttler throttles.<br> If no key matching throttler has been found generator used insted to provide new throttler that will be added to existing throttlers map.<br> Generated throttlers are kept in bounded map with capacity *c* defined by the specified capacity and eviction rate *e* defined by specified eviction value is normalized to [0.0, 1.0], where eviction rate affects number of throttlers that will be removed from the map after bounds overflow.<br> Use `WithKey` to specify key for throttler matching and generation.<br> - could return `ErrorInternal`;<br> - could return any underlying throttler error; |

## Integrations

**Note:** in gohalt v0.3.0 all integrations were moved to separate [repository]( to make base gohalt repository dependencies footprint small.

`go get -u`

| Library | Adapter |
| gin | `func NewMiddlewareGin(thr Throttler, with GinWith, on GinOn) gin.HandlerFunc` |
| stdlib http handler | `func NewMiddlewareStd(h http.Handler, thr Throttler, with StdWith, on StdOn) http.Handler` |
| echo | `func NewMiddlewareEcho(thr Throttler, with EchoWith, on EchoOn) echo.MiddlewareFunc` |
| beego | `func NewMiddlewareBeego(thr Throttler, with BeegoWith, on BeegoOn) beego.FilterFunc` |
| kit | `func NewMiddlewareKit(thr Throttler, with KitWith, on KitOn) endpoint.Middleware` |
| mux | `func NewMiddlewareMux(h http.Handler, thr Throttler, with MuxWith, on MuxOn) http.Handler` |
| httprouter | `func NewMiddlewareRouter(h http.Handler, thr Throttler, with RouterWith, on RouterOn) http.Handler` |
| reveal | `func NewMiddlewareRevel(thr Throttler, with RevealWith, on RevealOn) revel.Filter` |
| iris | `func NewMiddlewareIris(thr Throttler, with IrisWith, on IrisOn) iris.Handler` |
| fasthttp | `func NewMiddlewareFast(h fasthttp.RequestHandler, thr Throttler, with FastWith, on FastOn) fasthttp.RequestHandler` |
| stdlib rt | `func NewRoundTripperStd(rt http.RoundTripper, thr Throttler, with RoundTripperStdWith, on RoundTripperStdOn) http.RoundTripper` |
| fasthttp rt | `func NewRoundTripperFast(rt RoundTripperFast, thr Throttler, with RoundTripperFastWith, on RoundTripperFastOn) RoundTripperFast` |
| stdlib rpc client coded | `func NewRPCClientCodec(cc rpc.ClientCodec, thr Throttler, with RPCCodecWith, on RPCCodecOn) rpc.ClientCodec` |
| stdlib rpc server coded | `func NewRPCServerCodec(sc rpc.ServerCodec, thr Throttler, with RPCCodecWith, on RPCCodecOn) rpc.ServerCodec` |
| grpc client stream | `func NewGRPCClientStream(cs grpc.ClientStream, thr Throttler, with GRPCStreamWith, on GRPCStreamOn) grpc.ClientStream` |
| grpc server stream | `func NewGrpServerStream(ss grpc.ServerStream, thr Throttler, with GRPCStreamWith, on GRPCStreamOn) grpc.ServerStream` |
| go-micro client | `func NewMicroClient(thr Throttler, with MicroClientWith, on MicroOn) client.Wrapper` |
| go-micro server | `func NewMicroHandler(thr Throttler, with MicroServerWith, on MicroOn) server.HandlerWrapper` |
| stdlib net conn | `func NewNetConn(conn net.Conn, thr Throttler, with NetConnWith, on NetConnOn, mode NetConnMode) net.Conn` |
| stdlib sql | `func NewSQLClient(cli SQLClient, thr Throttler, with SQLClientWith, on SQLClientOn) SQLClient` |
| stdlib io reader | `func NewReader(r io.Reader, thr Throttler, with RWWith, on RWOn) io.Reader` |
| stdlib io writer | `func NewWriter(w io.Writer, thr Throttler, with RWWith, on RWOn) io.Writer` |
| semaphore | `func NewThrottlerSemaphore(weight int64) Throttler` | Creates new throttler instance that throttles call if underlying semaphore throttles.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call weight, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| cellrate | `func NewThrottlerCellRate(threshold uint64, interval time.Duration, monotone bool) Throttler` | Creates new throttler instance that uses generic cell rate algorithm to throttles call within provided interval and threshold.<br>If provided monotone flag is set class to release will have no effect on throttler.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call qunatity, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |
| bucket | `func NewThrottlerBucket(threshold uint64, interval time.Duration, monotone bool) Throttler` | Creates new throttler instance that leaky bucket algorithm to throttles call within provided interval and threshold.<br>If provided monotone flag is set class to release will have no effect on throttler.<br>Use `WithWeight` to override context call qunatity, 1 by default.<br> - could return `ErrorThreshold`; |

## Licence
