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SmartTradesV2 Api

Please read General API Information first

Get smart trade history (Permission: SMART_TRADE_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /v2/smart_trades

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
account_id integer NO
pair string NO
type string NO simple_buy, simple_sell, smart_sell, smart_trade, smart_cover, smart_buy
page integer NO (1)
per_page integer NO (10)
status string NO all, active, finished, successfully_finished, cancelled, failed
order_by string NO created_at, updated_at, closed_at, status, profit, profit_percentage (status)
order_direction string NO asc, desc (desc)
from string NO Param for a filter by created date
to string NO Param for a filter by created date
base string NO Base currency
quote string NO Quote currency

Create smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
account_id integer YES id from GET /ver1/accounts
pair string YES
instant boolean NO true for Simple Buy and Simple Sell
skip_enter_step boolean NO true only for Smart Sell
note string NO
leverage[enabled] boolean YES
leverage[type] string NO custom, cross, isolated
leverage[value] integer NO Cross leverage value
position[type] string YES buy, sell
position[order_type] string YES market, limit, conditional
position[units][value] number YES Amount of units to buy
position[price][value] number YES Price for limit order
position[conditional][price][value] number YES Conditional trigger price
position[conditional][price][type] string NO bid, ask, last By default ask for long, bid for short
position[conditional][order_type] string YES market, limit
position[conditional][trailing][enabled] boolean YES
position[conditional][trailing][percent] number YES Should be 100% in the sum of all steps
take_profit[enabled] boolean YES
take_profit[steps][][order_type] string YES market, limit
take_profit[steps][][volume] number YES
take_profit[steps][][price][type] string YES bid, ask, last
take_profit[steps][][price][value] number NO only if position has no trailing or position trailing is finished
take_profit[steps][][price][percent] number NO only if position has trailing and position trailing is not finished
take_profit[steps][][trailing][enabled] boolean YES
take_profit[steps][][trailing][percent] number YES
stop_loss[enabled] boolean YES
stop_loss[breakeven] boolean NO
stop_loss[order_type] string YES market, limit
stop_loss[price][value] number YES Price for limit order
stop_loss[conditional][price][type] string YES bid, ask, last
stop_loss[conditional][price][value] number NO if position has no trailing or position trailing is finished
stop_loss[conditional][price][percent] number NO only if position has trailing and position trailing is not finished
stop_loss[conditional][trailing][enabled] boolean YES
stop_loss[timeout][enabled] boolean YES
stop_loss[timeout][value] integer YES

Reduce funds for smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

GET /v2/smart_trades/{id}/reduce_funds_info

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Another way to create smart trade v2 is send JSON body with the header

Content-Type: application/json

    "account_id": "1",                              /*required*/
    "pair":"USDT_BTC",                              /*required*/
    "instant":"true|false",                         /*optional. true for Simple Buy and Simple Sell*/
    "skip_enter_step": "true|false",                /*optional. true only for Smart Sell*/
    "leverage": {                                   /*optional. uses only for contract exchanges*/ 
        "enabled": "true|false",                    /*required*/
        "type": "custom|cross",                     /*required only if enabled */
        "value": "12"                               /*value of custom leverage*/
    "position": {                                   /*required*/
        "type":"buy|sell",                          /*required*/
        "units": {                                  /*required*/
            "value":"0.1234"                        /*amount of units to buy*/
        "price": {                                  /*optional. uses for limit orders or price for Smart Sell*/
            "value":"0.1234"                        /*required*/
        "order_type":"market|limit|conditional",    /*required*/
        "conditional": {                            /*required only if order type is conditional */
            "price": {                              /*required*/
                "value":"0.1234",                   /*conditional trigger price*/
                "type":"bid|ask|last",              /*optional. By default ask for long trades, bid for short trades */
            "order_type": "market|limit",           /*required*/
            "trailing": {                           /*optional. Only for market orders */
                "enabled":"true|false",             /*required*/
                "percent": "12.12"                  /*required if enabled*/
    "take_profit": {                                /*required only when instant is false */
        "enabled":"true|false",                     /*required*/
        "steps": [                                  /*required if enabled. Maximum steps is 8 */
                "order_type": "market|limit",       /*required*/
                "price": {                          /*required*/
                    "value":"0.123",                /*required only if position has no trailing or position trailing is finished */
                    "type":"bid|ask|last",          /*required*/
                    "percent":"10.5"                /*required only if position has trailing and position trailing is not finished */
                "volume": "25.0",                   /*required. should be 100% in the sum of all steps */
                "trailing": {                       /*optional. Only for market orders */
                    "enabled":"true|false",         /*required*/
                    "percent": "12.12"              /*required if enabled*/
            /* ... */
    "stop_loss": {                                  /*required only when instant is false */
        "enabled":"true|false",                     /*required*/
        "breakeven":"true|false",                   /* optional. By default false */
        "order_type": "market|limit",               /*required*/
        "price": {                                  /*required only for limit order_type */
        "conditional": {                            /*required*/
            "price": {                              /*required. SL trigger price */
                "value":"0.1234",                   /*required only if position has no trailing or position trailing is finished */
                "type":"bid|ask|last",              /*required*/
                "percent":"10.5"                    /*required only if position has trailing and position trailing is not finished */
            "trailing": {                           /* optional. Only for market orders */
                "enabled":"true|false",             /*required*/
                "percent": "12.12"                  /*required if enabled*/
        "timeout": {                                /* optional. */
            "enabled":"true|false",                 /*required*/
            "value": "123"                          /*required if enabled. value in seconds*/


Simple Market Buy

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "instant": "true",
    "position": {
        "type": "buy",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "order_type": "market"

Simple Market Buy with leverage

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "instant": "true",
    "position": {
        "type": "buy",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "order_type": "market"
    "leverage": {
        "enabled": true,
        "type": "custom",
        "value": "12"

Simple Market Sell

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "instant": "true",
    "position": {
        "type": "sell",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "order_type": "market"

Simple Limit Buy

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "instant": "true",
    "position": {
        "type": "buy",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "price": {
            "value": "10000"
        "order_type": "limit"

Simple Limit Sell

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "instant": "true",
    "position": {
        "type": "sell",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "price": {
            "value": "10000"
        "order_type": "limit"

Smart Trade Conditional Market Buy

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "position": {
        "type": "buy",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "order_type": "conditional",
        "conditional": {
            "price": {
                "value": "10000"
            "order_type": "market"
    "take_profit": {
        "enabled": "false"
    "stop_loss": {
        "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Conditional Market Sell

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "position": {
        "type": "sell",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "order_type": "conditional",
        "conditional": {
            "price": {
                "value": "8500"
            "order_type": "market"
    "take_profit": {
        "enabled": "false"
    "stop_loss": {
        "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Conditional Limit Buy

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "position": {
        "type": "buy",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "price": {
            "value": "10500"
        "order_type": "conditional",
        "conditional": {
            "price": {
                "value": "10000"
            "order_type": "limit"
    "take_profit": {
        "enabled": "false"
    "stop_loss": {
        "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Conditional Limit Sell

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "position": {
        "type": "sell",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "price": {
            "value": "8500"
        "order_type": "conditional",
        "conditional": {
            "price": {
                "value": "8800"
            "order_type": "limit"
    "take_profit": {
        "enabled": "false"
    "stop_loss": {
        "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Trailing Buy

    "account_id": 1,
    "pair": "USDT_BTC",
    "position": {
        "type": "buy",
        "units": {
            "value": "0.01"
        "order_type": "conditional",
        "conditional": {
            "price": {
                "value": "10000"
            "order_type": "market",
            "trailing": {
                "enabled": "true",
                "percent": "9.95"
    "take_profit": {
        "enabled": "false"
    "stop_loss": {
        "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Trailing Sell

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "sell",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "conditional",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": "10000"
      "order_type": "market",
      "trailing": {
        "enabled": "true",
        "percent": "9.95"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Market Buy

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Limit Buy

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "price": {
      "value": "10000"
    "order_type": "limit"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Market Buy TP 1 Market

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "value": 10000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 100
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Market Buy TP 1 Limit

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 10000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 100
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Market Buy TP 4 Limit Trailing

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 10000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 10
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 10500,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 20
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 11000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 30
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "value": 11500,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 40,
        "trailing": {
          "enabled": true,
          "percent": 10.5
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Market Buy TP 4 Market Trailing

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "value": 10000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 10
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "value": 10500,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 20
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "value": 11000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 30
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "value": 11500,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 40,
        "trailing": {
          "enabled": true,
          "percent": 10.5
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "false"

Smart Trade Market Buy SL Market

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "order_type": "market",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": 8500,
        "type": "bid"

Smart Trade Market Buy SL Limit

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "order_type": "limit",
    "price": {
      "value": 8300
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": 8500,
        "type": "bid"

Smart Trade Market Buy SL Trailing

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "order_type": "market",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": 8500,
        "type": "bid"
      "trailing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "percent": 8.5

Smart Trade Market Buy SL Timeout

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "false"
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "order_type": "market",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": 8500,
        "type": "bid"
    "timeout": {
      "enabled": true,
      "value": 8

Smart Trade Trailing Buy TP 2 Limit Trailing SL Trailing

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "conditional",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": "10000"
      "order_type": "market",
      "trailing": {
        "enabled": "true",
        "percent": "9.95"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "type": "bid",
          "percent": 11
        "volume": 40
        "order_type": "market",
        "price": {
          "type": "bid",
          "percent": 13
        "volume": 60,
        "trailing": {
          "enabled": true,
          "percent": 10.5
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "order_type": "market",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "type": "bid",
        "percent": 6
      "trailing": {
        "enabled": true,
        "percent": 8.5

Smart Sell TP 1 Limit SL Market

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "skip_enter_step": true,
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "order_type": "market",
    "units": {
      "value": 0.01
    "price": {
      "value": 8000
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 10000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 100
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "order_type": "market",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": 7500,
        "type": "bid"

Smart Trade Market Buy TP 2 Limit SL Market Breakeven

  "account_id": 1,
  "pair": "USDT_BTC",
  "position": {
    "type": "buy",
    "units": {
      "value": "0.01"
    "order_type": "market"
  "take_profit": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "steps": [
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 10000,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 50
        "order_type": "limit",
        "price": {
          "value": 10500,
          "type": "bid"
        "volume": 50
  "stop_loss": {
    "enabled": "true",
    "breakeven": "true",
    "order_type": "market",
    "conditional": {
      "price": {
        "value": 7500,
        "type": "bid"

Get smart trade v2 by id (Permission: SMART_TRADE_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /v2/smart_trades/{id}

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Cancel smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

DELETE /v2/smart_trades/{id}

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Update smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

PATCH /v2/smart_trades/{id}

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
leverage[enabled] boolean YES
leverage[type] string NO custom, cross, isolated
leverage[value] integer NO Cross leverage value
position[units][value] number YES Amount of units to buy
position[price][value] number YES Price for limit order
position[conditional][price][value] number YES Conditional trigger price
position[conditional][price][type] string NO bid, ask, last By default ask for long, bid for short
position[conditional][order_type] string YES market, limit
position[conditional][trailing][enabled] boolean YES
position[conditional][trailing][percent] number YES
take_profit[enabled] boolean YES
take_profit[steps][][order_type] string YES
take_profit[steps][][volume] number YES
take_profit[steps][][price][type] string YES
take_profit[steps][][price][value] number NO
take_profit[steps][][price][percent] number NO
take_profit[steps][][trailing][enabled] boolean YES
take_profit[steps][][trailing][percent] number YES
stop_loss[enabled] boolean YES
stop_loss[breakeven] boolean NO
stop_loss[order_type] string YES market, limit
stop_loss[price][value] number YES Price for limit order
stop_loss[conditional][price][type] string YES bid, ask, last
stop_loss[conditional][price][value] number NO Trigger price
stop_loss[conditional][price][percent] number NO
stop_loss[conditional][trailing][enabled] boolean YES
stop_loss[timeout][enabled] boolean YES
stop_loss[timeout][value] integer YES
id integer YES

Reduce funds for smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{id}/reduce_funds

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
order_type string YES market, limit
units[value] number YES Amount of units to buy
price[value] number YES Price for limit order
id integer YES

Average for smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{id}/add_funds

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
order_type string YES market, limit
units[value] number YES Amount of units to buy
price[value] number YES Price for limit order
id integer YES

Close by market smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{id}/close_by_market

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Force start smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{id}/force_start

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Process smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{id}/force_process

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
id integer YES

Set note to smart trade v2 (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{id}/set_note

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
note string YES
id integer YES

Get smart trade v2 trades (Permission: SMART_TRADE_READ, Security: SIGNED)

GET /v2/smart_trades/{smart_trade_id}/trades

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
smart_trade_id integer YES

Panic close trade by market (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

POST /v2/smart_trades/{smart_trade_id}/trades/{id}/close_by_market

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
smart_trade_id integer YES
id integer YES

Cancel trade (Permission: SMART_TRADE_WRITE, Security: SIGNED)

DELETE /v2/smart_trades/{smart_trade_id}/trades/{id}

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Values(default) Description
smart_trade_id integer YES
id integer YES

Response Entities