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Iteration 4: Design

Jeff Caldwell edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 39 revisions

Barrios Technology - Forecasting and Prediction Modeling

Team Noname

Jonathan Morgan

Carlos Cardenas

Josue Lozano

Jeremy Miles

Jeff Caldwell

1. Introduction

i. Purpose of the system

The ISS analysis tool is a web application that provides analysts at Barrios, an aerospace company, with logistics optimization, usage forecasting, and prediction accuracy analysis surrounding consumable delivery to the International Space Station (ISS).

ii. Design goals

  1. Provide a clean, usable, intuitive interface for Barrios employees to upload user-generated data and view analysis results.
  2. Provide accurate and useful analyses, including supply-chain optimization, predictive modeling, and prediction accuracy analysis.

iii. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

  • ISS: International Space Station
  • IMS: Inventory Management System - Barrios' ISS inventory management datastore
  • ORM: Object Relational Mapper - A framework-specific set of classes and methods for interacting with a database
  • ASGI: Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface - An asynchronous calling convention for Python web servers
  • DOM: The Document Object Model - A data structure that represents an HTML document.

iv. References

  • Emmett: A "full-stack" web framework written in Python
  • HTMX: A client-side JavaScript library that enhances HTML for easy communication with the server
  • Hypermedia APIs vs. Data APIs
  • PostgreSQL: A relational SQL database
  • Pandas: A Python library for exploring and manipulating tabular data
  • DuckDB: An analytical database system that allows developers to run SQL queries directly on flat CSV files
  • Prophet: A forecasting algorithm

v. Overview

The ISS analysis tool will give Barrios analysts the ability to quickly transform user-provided data into three types of analysis: prior prediction accuracy assessment, logistics optimization, and predictive modeling.

2. Current software architecture

The current architecture is based on a Model-View-Controller architecture. HTTP requests to the server will be handled by Controllers, which will coordinate with Models to generate or persist analyses based on how the user interacts with Views. In its current state, the system handles basic file uploads and the persistence of user-provided data to

3. Proposed software architecture

The proposed system has not changed since it was proposed in Iteration 3, with the exception that the proposed system might use DuckDB for performant, on-the-fly analysis of user-provided CSV files. The system will also use an HTTP server framework named Emmett to facilitate a basic Model-View-Controller application structure. With this structure, controllers will respond to HTTP requests sent from a browser-based HTML interface augmented with the HTMX library and coordinate the creation of optimization analysis and predictive modeling using either the Pandas data library or DuckDB and the Prophet algorithm. The system will also facilitate uploading and storing client-generated data using PostgreSQL.

i. Overview

ii. Subsystem decomposition

Subsystem Diagram

iii. Hardware/software mapping

Deployment Diagram

iv. Persistent data management

Entity Relation Diagrams

Auth & User

Auth ERD

Flight Plans

Flight Plan ERD

Inventory Management System Overview

IMS ERD Overview

Inventory Management Detail

IMS Detail 1

IMS Detail 2

Other Tables

Other Tables ERD

v. Access control and security

Access matrix

Role Analyses View Files Upload Data Manage Users
Viewer Read
Analyst Read/Write/Execute Read Read/Write/Execute
Admin Read/Write/Execute Read Read/Write/Execute Read/Write

vi. Global software control

Global software control for this system will be handled with a server-client architecture implemented using the Emmett web framework. This will allow the server to respond to HTTP requests from a browser with HTML templates. These templates will be augmented using the HTMX library.

Requests from the browser will be handled asynchronously by the server, allowing the system to respond to a larger number of requests than a synchronous server. This is made possible because the Emmett framework follows the ASGI, or Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface convention. This convention allows web server software to respond to numerous concurrent requests without the need to enlist additional processes, which will save expensive computing resources.

Synchronization between the browser and server will be handled like traditional HTTP servers. Rather than issuing responses using an intermediate language like JSON, server endpoints will respond with HTML. This will be possible by using HTMX, a small JavaScript library that makes asynchronous calls to a web server and replaces appropriate sections of the DOM with the server's response. This removes the need for a client-side JavaScript framework and reduces the overall complexity of the application by ensuring all application state remains on the server.

vii. Boundary conditions

Startup The server software will run on what is essentially an infinite loop, waiting for HTTP requests. The true system, however, will start up when a client makes a request. If that request is targeted at a valid route, the request will be processed by a controller. If not, the system will return a 404 error.

Errors All exceptions will be collected in an error log for additional analysis by developers. If the exception is severe enough that it fails to process a client request properly, it will be returned to the client as an error message with an HTTP status code.

Shut down When a client ends a session, the system will ensure all active database connections used in client requests are closed and that any ongoing transactions are committed to the database.

4. Subsystem services





Analyzers and Analysis

Analyzers and Analysis


ISS: International Space Station

IMS: Inventory Management System - Barrios' ISS inventory management datastore

ORM: Object Relational Mapper - A framework-specific set of classes and methods for interacting with a database

ASGI: Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface - An asynchronous calling convention for Python web servers

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol - The messaging and networking protocol used to request and deliver hypermedia on the web

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language - A language used to define hypertext documents for use by a web browser

DOM: The Document Object Model - A data structure representing an HTML document and all of the elements contained therein.

PostgreSQL: A popular relational database


GitHub Roadmap