Notes.txt udpated with explaination if how noteref's works
Notes.txt udpated with explaination if how noteref's works
scroll to selected note functionality added with ref's
scroll to selected note functionality added with ref's
Simple Search functionality added
Simple Search functionality added
final commmit -> auth tokens changes to localStorage items and button…
final commmit -> auth tokens changes to localStorage items and button…
alerts,signup added - alerts done using context api state,function(ch…
alerts,signup added - alerts done using context api state,function(ch…
Login page and functionality added
Login page and functionality added
Update function(client,server) added with edit model
Update function(client,server) added with edit model
server side add new note,delete node functionality added in context A…
server side add new note,delete node functionality added in context A…
AddNote and deletenote frontend functions added-see onchange handling…
AddNote and deletenote frontend functions added-see onchange handling…
dummy notes and note items added
dummy notes and note items added
using useLocation hook to change active links in navbar dynamically -…
using useLocation hook to change active links in navbar dynamically -…
context API understanding with example function in noteContext
context API understanding with example function in noteContext
Context Api - Basic code understanding
Context Api - Basic code understanding
update,delete note functionality added
update,delete note functionality added
addnote,fetc all notes function added
addnote,fetc all notes function added
Backend setup and Schemas added
Backend setup and Schemas added