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File metadata and controls

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Starbound data formats

This document is intended to describe Starbound's various data structures.

File formats

Starbound uses regular JSON and Lua files for some things, but this document will only focus on the custom file formats.


A B-tree database format which enables quick scanning and updating. It's used by Starbound to save world and universe data.


The header consists of 512 bytes, representing the following fields:

Field # Type Description
1 char[8] The string "BTreeDB5"
2 int32 Byte size of blocks (see below)
3 char[16] The name of the database (null padded)
4 int32 Byte size of index keys
5 bool Whether to use root node #2 instead
6 int32 Free node #1 block index
byte[4] Unknown
7 int32 Offset in file of end of free block #1
8 int32 Root node #1 block index
9 boolean Whether root node #1 is a leaf
10 int32 Free node #2 block index
byte[4] Unknown
11 int32 Offset in file of end of free block #2
12 int32 Root node #2 block index
13 boolean Whether root node #2 is a leaf
byte[445] Unused bytes

In the BTreeDB4 format there was also a "free node is dirty" boolean which is not accounted for above. It may be one of the "Unknown" values.


The most primitive structure in the BTreeDB5 format is the block. It's a chunk of bytes of a fixed size (defined in the header) which plays a certain role in the database.

A lot of fields in the BTreeDB5 format references blocks by their index which means an offset of header_size + index * block_size.

Root nodes

The root node is the entry point when scanning for a specific key. The root node can be either an index block or a leaf block, depending on how large the database is. Usually, it will be an index block.

Since BTreeDB5 databases are meant to be updated on the fly, the root node may alternate to allow for transactional updates to the index. If the alternate root block index flag is true, the alternate root index should be used for entry instead when scanning for a key.

Index block

The index block always starts with the characters II.

Leaf block

The leaf block always starts with the characters LL.

Free block

The free block always starts with the characters FF.

Free blocks may be either brand new blocks (after growing the file), or reclaimed blocks that were no longer in use.

Scanning for a key

This section will contain information on how to retrieve a value from a BTreeDB5 database.


A large file that contains an index pointing to many small files within it. The main asset file (packed.pak) and mods are of this type.


The header for SBAsset6 is very straightforward:

Field # Type Description
1 char[8] The string "SBAsset6"
2 uint64 Metadata offset

The metadata offset points to another location in the file where the metadata can be read. Seek to that point in the file and find:

Field # Type Description
1 char[5] The string "INDEX"
2 SBON map Information about the file
3 SBON varint Number of files in the index
4 + 4n byte Length of path (next field)
5 + 4n string UTF-8 encoded string
6 + 4n uint64 Offset where file starts
7 + 4n uint64 Length of file

Once the index has been parsed into memory, it can be used to seek to various files in the SBAsset6 file.


Versioned JSON-like data. Used for player data files and the like. The data structures themselves use a custom binary form of JSON which will be referred to as "SBON" in this document.

The file structure is simply the string "SBVJ01" followed by a single versioned JSON object (see below).


(I'm calling this "Starbound Binary Object Notation", but don't know what the Starbound developers call it internally.)

This format is similar to other binary formats for JSON (e.g., BSON). SBON is used in most file formats to represent complex data such as metadata and entities.

Data types:

  • Variable length integer (also known as VQL)
  • Bytes (varint for length + the bytes)
  • String (bytes with UTF-8 encoding)
  • List (varint for count, dynamic for values)
  • Map (varint for count, string/dynamic pairs for entries)
  • Dynamic (byte for type + value)
    • 0x01: Nil value
    • 0x02: 64-bit float
    • 0x03: Boolean
    • 0x04: Signed varint
    • 0x05: String
    • 0x06: List
    • 0x07: Map

Versioned JSON

Starbound has a data structure known as "versioned JSON" which consists of SBON. In addition to arbitrary data, it also holds a name and a version.

Most complex data structures are represented as versioned JSON and may have Lua scripts that upgrade older versions to the current one.

Field Type Description
Name SBON string The name or type of the data structure.
? Byte Always 0x01. Possibly for future use.
Version 32-bit integer The version of the data structure.
Data SBON dynamic The data itself, usually a map.

Celestial data

Celestial files are BTreeDB5 databases that contain generated information about the universe.

Little is currently known about this format as the keys are hashes of some key that has not yet been reverse engineered.

World data

World files (this includes the player ship) are BTreeDB5 databases that contain the metadata, entities, and tile regions of the world.


Regions are indexed by type, X, and Y values. The type value is 1 for tile data and 2 for entity data. There's a special key, {0, 0, 0} which points to the world metadata. All values are gzip deflated and must be inflated before they can be read.

The BTreeDB5 key for a region is represented in binary as a byte for type followed by two shorts for the X and Y coordinates.

The X axis goes from left to right and the Y axis goes from down to up.

World metadata

Once inflated, the {0, 0, 0} value starts with two integers (8 bytes) holding the number of tiles along the X and Y axes, followed by an SBON data structure containing all the world's metadata.

Tile data

The {1, X, Y} value contains three bytes followed by the data for 32×32 tiles. The purpose of the three bytes is currently unknown.

A single tile is made up of 30 bytes of binary data:

Field # Bytes Type Description
1 1–2 int16 Foreground material¹
2 3 uint8 Foreground hue shift
3 4 uint8 Foreground color variant
4 5–6 int16 Foreground mod
5 7 uint8 Foreground mod hue shift
6 8–9 int16 Background material¹
7 10 uint8 Background hue shift
8 11 uint8 Background color variant
9 12–13 int16 Background mod
10 14 uint8 Background mod hue shift
11 15 uint8 Liquid
12 16–19 float Liquid level
13 20–23 float Liquid pressure
14 24 bool Liquid is infinite
15 25 uint8 Collision map²
16 26–27 uint16 Dungeon ID³
17 28 uint8 "Biome"⁴
18 29 uint8 "Environment Biome"⁴
19 30 bool Indestructible (tree/vine base)

¹ Refers to a material by its id. Additional constants:

Constant Meaning
-36 Unknown (seen on ships)
-9 Unknown (possibly dungeon related)
-8 Unknown (possibly dungeon related)
-7 Unknown (possibly dungeon related)
-3 Not placeable
-2 Not generated (or outside world bounds)
-1 Empty

² Used by the game to block the player's movement. Constants:

Constant Meaning
1 Empty space
2 Platform (floor that player can pass through)
3 Dynamic (e.g., closed door)
5 Solid

³ Dungeon info is stored in the world metadata. Additional constants:

Constant Meaning
65,531 Tile removed by player
65,532 Tile placed by player
65,533 Microdungeon
65,535 Not associated with anything

⁴ Unverified, simply quoting from this page:

Entity data

Values for {2, X, Y} keys are a sequence of various entities in the region at (X, Y). Each entity is a versioned JSON object.

The data, once inflated, consists of an SBON varint for the count and then the versioned JSON objects, one after the other.