If you encounter any bugs, please Report them on the Issuetracker.
To make it easier to verify and fix them, please provide a minimal-not_-working-example, the error-message and information about your OS and LaTeX distribution.
Before you submit any bugreports, please make sure to test the latest
version of the desired Class/Package.
When creating the Issue, please start the title with [BUG] template-abbreviation:
(see section issuetracker for abbreviations)
If you think you know any way to improve one of the templates feel free to author an issue or contribute your own implementation to the repository (see below for contributing code) If you plan to implement a feature, it would be good to inform me, so that no one else tries to implement the same feature.
When submitting a feature-request please please start the title with [FEATURE] template-abbreviation:
. Depending on the importance of the Feature,
I will assign one of the labels ToDo
or Feature Request
Please start every Issue-title with [BUG]
or [Feature-Request]
applicable), followed by the abbreviation of the package/class the
issue corresponds to. Abbreviations are:
| HWA | homeworkassignment | | CS | cheatsheet |
I will add labels to the issues as soon when I read/confirmed
them. Feature-Requests will get the label Feature-Request
or ToDo
depending on importance. ToDo
also marks issues which are no
feature-requests but proposals but things I should do (like Upload a new version to CTAN
, for example).
All ToDos are stored in /todos.org
on the repository-root. The ToDos
must have a description/specification. I will prioritise
them. Important todos will be added to milestones.
ToDos which are done, shall be marked as done. They will be removed once the feature is merged into master.
If you want to contribute features, fetch the repository, implement your stuff and create a new pull-request. (IMPORTANT: read the section branching before doing anything!)
People, whose contributions are most valuable will gain direct push-access to my repository.
When implementing a new feature or changing the behaviour of an existing one, please update the documentation.
The branches are ordered by stability, the upper most are the most stable, but also the slowest
Holds the packages like they are on CTAN.
Should be equal to master, but most of the time I will »forget« to upload releases to CTAN.
Hold release Versions.
To this branch requires approved pull--requests (mainly to stop me from pushing »simple bugfixes« directly to master)
Where X is the abbreviation of the package/class.
The Implementation is done here and nowhere else!
You may also create a branch dev-X-FEATURE
and merge them once your
feature is complete. When working on a fork, this should not be required.