This project uses Semantic Versioning.
- Really updated the TOC for WoW 11.0.5.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 11.0.5.
- Replaced deprecated GetAddOnMetadata and IsAddOnLoaded with C_AddOns namespaced functions.
- Removed reference to undefined variable.
- Fix for Greenwall settings not displaying in Options>AddOns Tab and the related 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value) error.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 11.0.0.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 10.2.0.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 10.1.0.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 10.0.5.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 10.0.0.
- Removed an unsupported anchor positioning element.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 9.2.5.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 9.1.0.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 9.0.5.
- Updated the README to point to the current connected realm documentation.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 9.0.2.
- Replaced usage of deprecated GuildRoster() with C_GuildInfo.GuildRoster().
- Added a conditional check for successfully parsed addon version for minimum version enforcement. This is a tactical fix to address the semantic version parsing.
- Removed replication of achievements, promotions, demotions, and loot
announcements between co-guilds. The
function was made partially protected in 8.2.5, and events that are not triggered by hardware events cannot use the function. - Removed unnecessary local co-guild use of the addon communication channel.
function to query the custom chat channels in use by GreenWall
- Updated the TOC for WoW 8.3.0.
- Refactored CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM handling to use an abstract factory and added full unit testing for the polymorphic classes.
- Updated debug message call stack parsing for 8.3.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 8.2.5.
- Added unit test coverage reporting through Coveralls.
- Moved to customer branch approach for WoW Classic releases.
- Removed transitional code for handling PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD.
- Cleaned up project to support CurseForge automatic packaging.
- Added compatibility support for Incognito.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 8.2.
- Removed Gitter badge from documentation.
- Added missing message alteration for Name2Chat.
- Added ID tagging support for Identity-2 and Name2Chat under the WoW 8.1.0 changes.
- Changed legendary loot notifications from second-person to third-person.
- Fixed GreenWall_ParseText message filtering to filter blank messages.
- Added warning for any transmission of a blank message on a channel.
- Removed unused CRC import.
- Added chat interception workaround for guild chat changes in BFA 8.1.
Thank you to Ashayo for the patch.
- Refactored system message pattern matching.
- Removed a debug statement that was raising format errors.
Thank you to Legracen from AIE for helping with the fault isolation.
- Refactored gw.Debug to test the debug level before formatting the message.
- Restored context menu availability for speakers in other co-guilds.
- Checks for ElvUI compatibility now recognize ElvUI user profiles.
Thank you, again, to Simpy from the ElvUI team.
- Applied workaround for chat channel sender regression introduced in 8.0.1.
- Removed pre-8.0 call to bare SendLocal.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 8.0.
- Updated compatibility mode for ElvUI 10.74 changes to chat.
- Removed combat log from chat window scanning.
Thank you to Simpy from the ElvUI team for the fixes.
- SendAddonMessage is now called in the C_ChatInfo namespace for 8.0.x.
- Moved WoW build information to global.
- Added support for shared, account-level settings per character. Each character can either use the account settings or a character-specific configuration. If an existing GreenWall configuration exists for the character character mode will be the default, otherwise account mode is the default.
- Added confederation announcements of legendary items looted.
- Moved configuration handling to a proxy class to allow a single point of access for all configuration data.
- Added Travis CI build testing with luaunit for unit tests.
- Added a dedication in memoriam to Roger K White (aka Ralff), we will always miss you.
- Corrected item string matching for legendary loot toasts.
- Pointed documentation to new CurseForge URL.
- Rewrote the project README.
- Removed luadoc HTML output.
- HTML copies of other documentation.
- Applied a workaround for 7.3.0 where GuildControlSetRank() was made protected. Checking for rank access is now determined by reading the officer note of the GM.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 7.3.
- Updated the TOC for WoW 7.2.
- The version command now give WoW version information.
- Corrected configuration whitespace grooming.
- Updated TOC for WoW 7.1.
- Added whitespace trimming to configuration parser.
- Compatibility messages are now raised as debugging output.
- Corrected global name parsing to account for UTF-8.
- Updated API documentation.
- Workaround for delayed bridge channel join caused by missing CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE events.
- Updated TOC for WoW 7.0.3.
- Improved message validation during adaptation layer decoding.
- Fixed message handling logic.
- Updated color of addon messages in chat.
- Confederation bridging API for third-party add-ons.
- Automatic Prat-3.0 compatibility mode.
- Removed version number from options screen title.
- A check is now done for officer status before sending a gratuitous officer announcement.
- Added officer note data validation before parsing.
- Automatic ElvUI compatibility mode. Thank you, Blazeflack.
- Added Markdown change log.
- Added channel-specific hold downs for join failures.
- Updated TOC for WoW 6.2.
- Refactored the user option validation.
- Modified the GwHoldDown object. Renamed
and created a new 'GwHoldDown:set()' mutator to change the interval. - Moved the Semantic Versioning parser to a LibStub library.
- Added a user option (joindelay) to control the channel join hold-down.
- Restored original channel hold-down timer value of 30 seconds.
- Removed lazy sweeper case in the event loop and replaced it with a callback for handling hold-down expiry.
- Reduced channel hold-down to 10 seconds.
- Added conditional to check achievements flag on receipt of achievement spam.
- Added guild ID to debugging output on message receipt.
- Comprehensive refactor to allow new features in 2.0.
- Refactored configuration parser.
- Split GreenWall_Core.lua into multiple files.
- Removed excess semicolons ... Lua is not Perl.
- Added GwConfig object to contain configuration.
- Added GwChannel objects for channel management, implementing transport and adaptation layers for communication.
- Added GwHoldDown and GwHoldDownCache objects.
- Added LibStub libraries for SHA256, Salsa20, CRC16-CCITT, and Base64.
- Corrected comparisons of character names to account for capitalization normalization in the API.
- Updated luadoc.
- Added comember cache updates for channel join/leave events. This stops flapping roster announcements for characters in peer co-guilds.
- Fixed the General chat delay lockout.
- Improved the tests for officer status.
- Fixed regular expression for realm name in GwGlobalName.
- Updated for fully qualified names.
- Switched to MIT license.
- Minor changes to debug messages.
- Added support for guilds on connected realms.
- Corrected the processing of the reload request.
- Update documentation for Interface Options.
- Cleaned up debugging levels.
- Added Interface Options panel for GreenWall options.
- Fixed sender identification under WoW 5.4.7.
- Added realm name to gwPlayerName.
- Added missing roster notification functionality.
- Changed officer note format and updated parsing.
- Updated TOC for WoW 5.4.0.
- Fixed message integrity checking for duplicated messages.
- Fixed messages generated on guild join, leave, or kick.
- Corrected formatting of documentation.
- Project moved to GitHub.
- All text documentation has been converted to Markdown and HTML.
- All URLs have been updated in the TOC.
- Guild configuration format documentation has been added.
- Fixed handling of a kick from a guild.
- Fixed variable names for input validation in GwStringHash().
- Simplified the unpacking of inter-guild messages.
- Added support for a newer, compact configuration format.
- Updated TOC for WoW 5.2.0.
- Updated TOC for WoW 5.1.0.
- Localized _ to avoid the taint issues with glyphs in 5.0.4.
- Updated TOC for WoW 5.0.4.
- Replaced the 32-bit string hash used to obfuscate channel names in the
debugging output with a standard CRC-16-CCITT implementation to avoid
overflow issues with
in MoP. - Made some changes to the debugging code to improve visibility into message passing and replication.
- Added extra debugging information for current guild information.
- Added value checking for missing coguild ID in GwSendConfederationMsg().
- Fixed officer chat bridging for the guild leader.
- Updated TOC for WoW version 4.3.
- Added link to LemonKing's add-on in the documentation.
- Documented prequisites.
- Fixed unnecessary channel resets due to configuration reload.
- Fixed behavior during UI reload.
- Corrected join/leave handling.
- Corrected case statement for handling chat events.
- Switched to Semantic Versioning.
- Separated guild info parsing from the
function. - Factored out some ugly flags.
- Cleaned up CLI configuration.
- Cleaned up debugging output.
- Cleaned up guild info handling.
- Parameterized all channel control functions.
- Masked all channel names and passwords in debugging output.
- Added officer chat support.
- Added message queuing.
- Added a GwIsOfficer() check to the officer chat configuration phase to avoid pointless work.
- Added broadcast message type.
- Added broadcasts of guild join and leave events.
- Added broadcasts of promote and demote messages.
- Added hold-down for reconfiguration.
- Added broadcast receiver code.
- Added string hash to determine changes in text fields.
- Added error checking for officer note parsing failure.
- Added README.txt and GUILD_QUICKSTART.txt.
- Removed channel protection code.
- Removed SHA1 library.
- Updated TOC for WoW version 4.2.
- Babel now disabled by default.
- Moved scan of chat windows to chat message event handlers.
- Sorted clauses in the main event switch for legibility.
- Added
function. - Added RegisterAddonMessagePrefix call for 4.1 changes.
- Added Babel.
- Minor updates for Curse packager.
- Cleaned up status display code.
- Added BSD-derived license.
- Moved
call to PLAYER_LOGIN handler. - Limited conditions under which reinitialization occurred on PLAYER_GUILD_UPDATE.
- Renamed
. - Cleaned up prep/refresh/join flow for connecting to the common channel.
- Added a delay mechanism to prevent hijacking of general channel.
- Added connection statistics gathering.
- Added LuaDoc data for functions and procedures.
- Fixed missing assignment of channel number on join.
- Redacted sensitive data in the status output.
- Added hold-downs for join and configuration messages.
- Added a configuration flag to enable replication of achievement messages.
- Added frame identifier to Tx debug messages.
- Added help text with command listing.
- Removed tabs from the source code!
- Removed event registration for channel leave events.
- Removed squelch message on reload flood.
- Fixed status output when no channel has been configured.
- Added co-guild tagging.
- Added announcement flag check for logout announcements.
- Removed unused moderation release code.
- Added options line to configuration.
- Fixed SavedVariables processing.
- Removed moderator handling and switched to better handling of owner status.
- Removed faulty
checks to stop prolific kicking.
- Fixed missing argument to
- Updated guild change/update handling.
- Fixed /who and channel join event processing.
- Limited handling of channel owner/moderator changes to the common channel.
- Simplified and improved
- Added a nil result check for the system message regex.
- Added gratuitous container officer response on channel join.
- Suspend confederation messages until container ID is known.
- Limit scope of the channel debugging.
- Removed proactive channel leave before a join.
- Rewrote guild lookups.
- Added extra slash commands.
- Missing negation in channel defense code.
- Corrected guild join handling.
- Added more debugging code.
- Removed channel bans.
- Typos in variable names.
- Added online/offline notices.
- Fixed the placement and use of
- Changed container messaging system to generalize the request message type.
- Fixed container recognition in configuration processing.
- Added debugging output to slash command handling.
- Changed configuration to support common configurations across co-guilds.
- Refactored configuration parsing.
- Cleaned up slash command handling.
- Added variable field to the saved variables.
- Added container IDs to channel messages to avoid duplicates within the same co-guild.
- Brought back GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE to get around the guild info loading delay.
- Cleaned up debugging statements.
- Added moderator/owner status handling.
- Added kick/ban handling for interlopers.
- Added channel leave if player leaves the guild.
- Finished defensive ownership/moderation handling.
- Added handling for guild achievements.
- Added forced reload.
-Removed GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event handling.
- Fixed parsing of peer entries in configuration.
- Expanded debugging code.
- Removed slash command code, left stub.
- Abstracted several functions.
- Added peer configuration entries.
Initial commit.