This is a small program written in Go for teaching purposes. The program loads a list of url's and finds the header Xframe settings for each url. The program wil not only show the outcome of each url in the terminal but also write it to a .txt-document.
1.) Open a terminal-window (os-x or unix) or Putty (win)
2.) Navigate to the location of the code, for example:
cd go/src/
3.) Run the program by typing:
go run main.go
The code used for this lesson is part of a bigger package used for CyberBorg:Engine, one of DutchSec's projects. This code contains loads of comments to explain what happens in the code for new programmers to learn how to program on Go.
You can view the code by opening it in your favorite editor like Atom/Spacemacs/Sublime/notepad++/VisualStudio/.
This code should be seen as a good start to build your own first Go-app. Reuse some of this code, or just use it as a example.
Following the -> in the code's comments will give a idea on the route the code takes when run.