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Tom Anderson edited this page Mar 17, 2016 · 11 revisions

These options will exist in your config/autoload/ file in the zf-doctrine-audit` section.

target_object_manager - This is the service manager alias for the object manager you are auditing from.

audit_object_manager - This is the service manager alias for the object manager for your audit data. This cannot be the same name as target_object_manager but they may use the same database. See for more instructions on setting up a second object manager.

audit_table_name_suffix - It is strongly recommended you include a suffix for your audit table names if you are using the same database for both target and audit object managers. It is not necessary to use a suffix or prefix if your audit database is independent of your target database.

audit_table_name_prefix - Only use this if you like typing the same thing over and over when directly querying your database. SSIA.

user_entity_class_name - The class name of your user entity. This is used to list the name, using getDisplayName() of the user associated with a revision.

authentication_service - Usually an instance of Zend\Authentication\AuthenticationService, this service will be used to find the user id of the user_entity_class_name entity when a revision is created.

entities - an associative array of target entities to be audited. Array key names are the complete namespace for the entity and the value is routing information.

Entity Routing Information

If provided as keys to the entities array a link to the canonical url for the data will be provided by zf-doctrine-audit-view.

'Db\Entity\song' => array(
    'route' => 'default',
    'defaults' => array(
        'controller' => 'song',
        'action' => 'detail',

This will provide a link using the default route provided by zendframework/skeleton-application.

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