rta-transient-receiver-comet is a COMET plugin for handling VoEvents notices. The plugin writes the notices in a MySQL database and performs several processes for detecting a possible correlation among instruments. Then it sends an email alert to the team for further analysis. This code just implements the class eventreciver and uses the code from https://github.com/ASTRO-EDU/rta-transient-receiver for the data manipulation.
This repo contain a submodule so, clone the repo then download the submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:ASTRO-EDU/rta-transient-receiver-comet.git
The dependencies are listed in the file requirement.txt. It is recommended to install them into a venv enviromnent.
For creating and install a new virtual enviroment: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html
First of all is important fill the config.json template with the required information. You can find this file in rta-transient-receiver/voeventhandler/config/config.json
Then create a new virtual enviroment in a folder named venv whith the following command:
python3 -m venv venv
Now activate the virtual enviroment whit the command:
source venv/bin/activate
Then install the dependency for the program and the submodule.
pip install -r rta-transient-receiver/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
And use the following commands for excecute the files setup.py to install the program
pip install rta-transient-receiver/
pip install .
Comet commands can be found on the official documentation: https://comet.transientskp.org/en/stable/installation.html For subscribing to a specific topic us needed specify the ip and receive-port
For example for reciving voevent from gcn the command is:
twistd -n comet -r --local-ivo=ivo://hotwired.org --local-ivo=ivo://it.agile/mcal --remote= --receive-port=28098 --save-event --save-event-directory=/data01/homes/afiss/repos/voevents --receive-event
The code provides a special function for establish if a voevent is important and sholud be marked in a special way during the email notification. You can find this function in the path voeventhandler/emailnotifier.py and it's name is is_important(). From deafault configuration this class return False, but you can build yuor own rule creating conditional operations usign the field of the voeventdata object. For a fast look to what this field are look at the class voeventdata contained at path voeventhandler/utilis/voeventdata.py. The tag can be modified in the config file.
If an exception occurre during excecution of the voevent handling the receiver won't stop running. For checking if something went wrong during excecution is been created a file called log.txt in the folder containing the eventreciver.py class. That path is variable and depend where the comet framework is installed.