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TutorAid - User Guide

1. Introduction

Are you a teaching assistant that is struggling to keep up with the additional responsibility of teaching a class?

Do you sometimes wish that there was an easier way to organize and filter through your students?

As a broke uni student, do you desperately need a tool to keep track of your earnings?

Look no further! TutorAid is the one stop solution to answer all of your TA woes!

TutorAid is for teaching assistants or tutors who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their classes and related tasks. TutorAid helps in organizing all the information you need in one place so that you can optimize your workflow. More importantly, TutorAid is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

This User Guide was written to help you understand and familiarize yourself with all the commands TutorAid has to help you get started.

If you can type fast, TutorAid can get your tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps. Interested? Jump to the Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest tutoraid.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TutorAid.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Login with your account or if you do not have one, register within Tutoraid.

  6. After logging in, you will be directed to the Student Page.

  7. The Reminders Window should pop up as well.

  8. Type a command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  9. Some example commands you can try:

    • help : Links you to the User Guide so you can view how to use all the available commands.

    • add_taskc/CS2103T Lecture mark/Y tt/20/09/2019 16:00, 20/09/2019 18:00 : adds a classId named CS2103T that is on 20th September 2019 4pm.

    • claim_earnings2 claim/approved : marks that the claim for this earnings has been approved.

    • exit : exits the app

  10. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Features

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times e.g. tt/TASK_TIME…​ can be used as tt/…​, tt/…​ tt/…​ etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

3.1. Viewing help : help

Format: help

3.2. Register : register

Register an account with the application to start using it.
Format: register user/USERNAME pass/PASSWORD


  • register user/Steve pass/Pa55w0rd!

  • Username and Password should not contain any spaces and username should have at least 5 characters.

3.3. Login : login

Login a registered account with the correct username and password.
Format: login user/USERNAME pass/PASSWORD


  • login user/Steve pass/Pa55w0rd!

  • As of now, the login features allow multiple users to view the same data. This will be upgraded in later versions such that different accounts will see different data.

3.4. User Interface

3.4.1. Tab Status

The Tab that you are currently on will be shown on the bottom right corner


3.4.2. Change tab : tab

Change tab to any of the available ones.
Format: change_tab tab/DESTINATION

Examples (All available destinations listed):

  • change_tab tab/earnings

  • change_tab tab/calendar

  • change_tab tab/student_profile

  • change_tab tab/reminders

  • change_tab tab/notepad

  • change_tab tab/task

Figure 1. Tab Change GUI

The user may alternatively choose to change tab by using the Items on the Menu Bar.

3.4.3. Delete Button

Delete Button for Reminders and Notes for quick and easy removal of Reminder or Note.

Figure 2. Delete Button GUI

3.5. Tasks

3.5.1. Adding task: add_task

Adds a task to one or more time slots.
Format: add_task c/MODULE mark/STATUS tt/TASK_TIME…​

A task can have more than one time slots.
STATUS should only be Y or N.
TASK_TIME should be in the format "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm, dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm".
If there are multiple task times, they will be automatically sorted based on their starting time.
Mark indicates whether a Reminder will be created for this task.
The Reminder created will have the Task’s MODULE as its DESCRIPTION and the Task’s TASK_TIME as its DATE.


  • add_task c/CS2103T mark/Y tt/13/09/2019 13:00, 20/09/2019 16:00 tt/21/09/2019 13:00, 21/09/2019 15:00

  • add_task c/MA1521 Tutorial mark/N tt/02/11/2020 14:00, 02/11/2020 15:00

add task add task 2

  • The Reminder created will have the Task’s MODULE as its DESCRIPTION and the Task’s TASK_TIME as its DATE.

3.5.2. Editing task: edit_task

Update task information.
Format: edit_task INDEX [c/CLASSID] [mark/STATUS] [tt/TASK_TIME]

INDEX must be a positive integer.
At least one element inside task should be edited.
If key in a Task Time, it can be empty.


  • edit_task 1 c/CS2103

edit task edit task 2

  • edit_task 1 tt/19/10/2019 12:00, 19/10/2019 14:00 mark/N

  • If the task Mark was originally N and the user edited it to Y, a Reminder for the Task WILL NOT be created. Reminders will only be created at the creation of the task.

  • Likewise, editing the Mark from Y to N will not delete the Reminder that was created at the creation of said Task.

3.5.3. Deleting task: delete_task

Deletes selected task.
Format: delete_task INDEX

INDEX must be a positive integer.


  • delete_task 1

delete task delete task 2

  • Deleting a task does not delete the Reminder associated with it.

  • Senario: After creating a Task with Mark, Y, a Reminder will be created as well. User deleted said task with delete_task command. This removes the task but not the Reminder.

  • If the user creates a new Task with the same description as a Reminder, and Mark Y, the program would create the Task, then attempt to create the Reminder and this would cause a Duplicate Reminder Error .

  • To prevent this, remember to deleted associated Reminder as well.

3.5.4. Finding tasks based on Module : find_task_by_module

Find specific tasks by Module and list them.
Format: find_task_by_module MODULE …​

  • The MODULE is case insensitive. e.g cs2100 will match CS2100

  • Only full words will be matched. e.g. 2100 will not match CS2100

  • Can find using more than one MODULE at a time.


  • find_task_by_module cs2100

find task 1 find task 2

  • find_task_by_module CS2103T cs2100

3.5.5. Finding tasks based on Date : find_task_by_date

Find specific tasks by Date and list them.
Format: find_task_by_date DATE

  • The DATE should be in the format dd/MM/YYYY. e.g 12/10/2019


  • find_task_by_date 20/10/2019

find task 3 find task 4

3.5.6. Listing all tasks : list_task

List all tasks.
Format: list_task

3.5.7. Calendar View

Views the Task in Calendar View

Clicking on a date will show the user the Tasks with that date as its Start Time in normal list view.
The Calendar will display the tasks starting on that date and the amount of tasks starting on that date.
If there is a Task starting on that date, only the Task’s DESCRIPTION and START_TIME will be displayed on the calendar.
  • The maximum number of tasks that can be shown on each date is 2. If there are more than 2 tasks on a date, a …​ will be added at the bottom of that date to indicate that there are more tasks not shown.

  • The Calendar will display the tasks starting on that date and the amount of tasks starting on that date.

  • If there is a Task starting on that date, only the Task’s DESCRIPTION and START_TIME will be displayed on the calendar.


3.6. Reminders

3.6.1. Add Reminder

Adds reminders.
Reminders must be unique and cannot have the same DESCRIPTION
Format: add_reminder rd/DESCRIPTION rt/START_TIME, END_TIME

A Reminder can have more than one time slots.
  • START_TIME and END_TIME must be in the format "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm, dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm".

  • The END_TIME must be after the START_TIME.

  • If there are multiple task times, they will be automatically sorted based on their START_TIME.


  • add_reminder rd/CS2103T Homework rt/13/10/2019 13:00, 13/10/2019 15:00

add reminder

add reminder 2

3.6.2. Delete Reminder

Removes the reminder.
Format: delete_reminder INDEX


  • delete_reminder 1

  • INDEX must be a positive integer.

delete reminder

delete reminder 2

Figure 3. Deleting a Reminder using the delete button

Reminders can also be deleted easily by clicking the delete button

3.6.3. Finding Reminders based on Description : find_reminder_by_description

Find specific reminders by description and list them.
Format: find_reminder_by_description DESCRIPTION …​

  • The DESCRIPTION is case insensitive. e.g cs2100 will match CS2100

  • Only full words will be matched. e.g. 2100 will not match CS2100

  • Can find using more than one DESCRIPTION at a time.


  • find_reminder_by_description CS2103T

  • find_reminder_by_description CS2103T, cs2100

find reminder 1

find reminder 2

3.6.4. Finding Reminders based on Date : find_reminder_by_date

Find specific reminders by date and list them.
Format: find_reminder_by_date DATE …​

  • The DATE should be in the format dd/MM/YYYY. e.g 12/10/2019


  • find_reminder_by_date 13/10/2019

find reminder 3

find reminder 4

3.6.5. Listing all reminders : list_reminder

List all reminders.
Format: list_reminder

  • Reminders are automatically sorted by Start DATE with the most upcoming being on top.

3.6.6. Reminder Window

The Reminder Window will pop up when Tutoraid is first loaded up.
It will list all the Reminders at hand.


3.7. Earnings

3.7.1. Add Earnings: add_earnings

Adds Earnings to the list of earnings.
Format: add_earnings d/DATE type/TYPE c/CLASSID amt/AMOUNT


  • add_earnings d/19/09/2019 type/lab c/CS2103T amt/50.70

  • Only tutorials/ tut / lab / consultations / c / sectionals / s / preparation_time / p arguments are allowed for TYPE.

  • DATE format must be done in DD/MM/YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY format and has a lower limit of Year 1600.

  • AMOUNT has a max value of 999 999.99 and should not contain commas.

3.7.2. Update Earnings: update_earnings

Update Earnings in the list of earnings by adding one of the parameters at least.
Format: update_earnings INDEX d/DATE c/CLASSID amt/AMOUNT type/TYPE


  • update_earnings 2 d/14/04/2020 type/lab

Not allowed to update earnings claim status through update_earnings method. Only can use claim_earnings method.

3.7.3. Delete Earnings: delete_earnings

Delete Earnings in the list of earnings.
Format: delete_earnings INDEX


  • delete_earnings 2

3.7.4. Total Earnings: total_earnings

Gives the user the total earnings earned by the user.
Format: total_earnings


  • total_earnings

3.7.5. Find Earnings: find_earnings

Find Earnings in the list of earnings.
Format: find_earnings keywords …​


  • find_earnings CS2103T

If more than one keyword is used, do not add commas between each keyword. Partial matching is allowed as well for this command. find_earnings a will match with apple, for example.

3.7.6. Claim Earnings: claim_earnings

Changes the user the earnings status in the list of earnings.
Format: claim_earnings INDEX c/CLASSID

Figure 4. Claim Earnings Example


  • claim_earnings 2 claim/rejected

Only approved/rejected/processing/pending submission statuses are allowed. Only one status is allowed at a time.

3.7.7. Auto Add Weekly Earnings: weekly_earnings

Automates the additon of earnings.
Format: weekly_earnings INDEX count/NUMBER_OF_WEEKS

Figure 5. Weekly Earnings Example


  • weekly_earnings 2 count/2

  • weekly_earnings 3 count/13

  • Only numbers in the range of 0 - 13 (inclusive) are valid.

  • This auto add will only occur on the day itself by invoking auto command.

  • It is not allowed to add earnings 2 weeks prior and expect the application to add the earnings twice. It will only add on the day itself.

  • Using this command assumes that all attributes of the indexed earnings are the same for future earnings other than the date.

  • Recommended Usage: If you have a day with several tutorials and labs that repeat every week, you can use weekly_earnings command to add them into a list. Once inside the list, for the next few weeks, depending on your Count, you can easily add them by invoking the auto command.

3.7.8. Adds Weekly Earnings: auto

Adds all the earnings that were invoked by weekly_earnings.
Format: auto


  • auto

  • It must be invoked on the day itself for it to work.

  • If user has missed a day, the earnings will not be added. For example, if an earnings has a date of 02/02/2019, and the auto command is invoked on the day of 10/02/2019 instead of 09/02/2019, the earnings will not be added.

  • Suggested to invoked everyday.

3.8. Notes

3.8.1. Add Note: addnote

Adds Note to the list of notes.
Format: addnote c/MODULE_CODE type/CLASS_TYPE note/NOTE_CONTENT

Figure 6. Add Note Example


  • addnote c/CS2103T type/lab note/Check for project submission date

Only tutorials/ tut / lab / consultations / c / sectionals / s arguments are allowed for TYPE.

3.8.2. Edit Note: editnote

To provide a great flexibility, editing of the notes is allowed.

Update any Note in the list of notes.

Figure 7. Edit Note Example


  • editnote 1 c/CS2103T

  • editnote 2 type/lab

  • editnote 3 note/check for meeting time

  • editnote 1 c/CS2103 type/tut note/update project content

3.8.3. Delete Note: deletenote / deletebutton

Let’s say that if you would like to delete the note from the list there are two option available.

Option 1: Delete Note in the list of notes.
Format: deletenote INDEX

Option 2: Delete Note with DeleteButton.

Figure 8. Delete Button Example


  • deletenote 1

  • press the x delete button to delete the desire notes.

3.8.4. Find Note: findnote

In order to find the desire note, finding with keyword such as the module_code, class_type or note_content is allow.

Delete Note in the list of notes.
Format: findnote KEYWORD

Figure 9. Find Note Example


  • findnote CS2103T

3.8.5. Listing all note : listnote

To view the list of note. Type listnote to view the full list of note.

List all note.
Format: listnote

Figure 10. List Note Example

3.9. Student List

3.9.1. Add a student: 'add'

Adds a student to TutorAid. Format: add n/NAME c/CLASSID

You can add multiple students at a time by separating their names with a single ','.
Please also note that you can’t add students with the exact same name in the same class. e.g. You can add "Tom" in CS2030 and CS2040 but not 2 "Tom"s in CS2030. If there are students with the same first name in the class, please add their last name as well.


  • add n/Caesar,James,Todd c/CS2030

3.9.2. Delete a student: 'delete'

Deletes a student from TutorAid. Format: delete INDEX


  • delete 1 (deletes the first student.)

3.9.3. Find a student: 'find'

Find a student matching the supplied name. Format: find NAME


  • find Tom

3.9.4. List all students in a class: 'list_class'

Lists all students in supplied class name. Format: list_class CLASSID


  • list_class CS2030

3.9.5. Mark attendance of students: 'mark_attendance'

Marks attendance of students currently displayed. Format: mark_attendance INDEXES

mark_attendance increases attendance of all selected students by exactly 1.


  • mark_attendance 1,2,3

3.9.6. Mark participation of students: 'mark_participation'

Marks participation of students currently displayed. Format: mark_participation INDEXES

mark_participation increases participation of all selected students by exactly 1.


  • mark_participation 1,2,3

3.9.7. Assign students to a class: 'assign_class'

Assigns a class to a student or a group of students. Format: assign_class INDEXES c/CLASSID


  • assign_class 1,2,3 c/CS2030

3.9.8. Edit a student: 'edit'

To edits a Student’s fields. Format: edit INDEX n/NAME pic/PICTURE r/RESULT att/ATTENDANCE part/PARTICIPATION c/CLASS

User does not have to edit all fields of a Student. He can just edit whatever needs to be changed (see example). As such, result of a student can be assigned using this command. e.g. edit 1 r/79


  • edit 1 r/20 att/10 part/10 c/CS2030

3.9.9. List students: 'list'

To list all students in TutorAid. Format: list

list command does not take any arguments.

3.9.10. Add a picture to a student: 'set_pic'

To add a picture to a student. Format: set_pic INDEX pic/FILENAME

The picture specified must be in either .jpg, .png or .bmp format. It must also be located in the same directory as TutorAid.


  • set_pic 2 pic/Tom.jpg

3.9.11. Reminders Feature Improvements [Coming in v2.0]

Improvements on Reminders Feature such as increased integration with Tasks. To include real time notifications on upcoming Reminders. Add categories of Reminders eg. urgent, important.

Reminders to be more flexible such as allowing deletion of reminders associated with certain task.


  • reminder_cat cat/Important (Categorizes reminder as important)

3.9.12. View serial absentees with defined threshold: 'absentees' [Coming in v2.0]

To display list of all students who have not met the set threshold in terms of attendance. Format: absentees THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE

Calculation will be done from start of semester to the current date.


  • absentees 50 (Gives a list of students whose attendance fall below 50%)

3.9.13. Check on status of student: 'check_status' [Coming in v2.0]

To check on status of students currently displayed in the list by sending them an e-mail enquiring on their status. Format: check_status

To be used in conjunction with absentees. A preset generic email will be sent by TutorAid to the student’s school email account.

3.9.14. Upload a picture of the student: 'upload_pic' [Coming in v2.0]

To launch a separate window where the user can either choose an image file on his computer or take a picture with his webcam. The picture will be assigned to the indicated student and be displayed in TutorAid. Format: upload_pic INDEX

Replaces current picture, if any.


  • upload_pic 1

3.10. Learn wrong commands as custom commands

To help map the command you entered wrongly into TutorAid to the command you originally intended to execute.

Example: Let’s say you frequently use the add command but can never remember it and always type in plus instead. This feature helps you map plus to add so you no longer need to remember the add command.

To learn the wrong command plus as add:

  1. You want to do an add command but carelessly type in plus instead and accidentally hit Enter to try and execute the wrong command.

  2. Oh no! TutorAid does not know what plus means! You realise you’ve entered an unknown command. Thankfully, TutorAid offers to help you learn plus. You should type in add now since it’s what you actually intended to do. Hit Enter!

    You can also choose to discard the wrong command at this stage and carry on with normal operations if you do not want to map plus to add. Just type cancel to go back to normal mode. Please also note that you can only type command words such as add or find at this stage. Typing full commands like add n/Caesar c/CS2101 results in an error.
  3. The result box tells you that plus has now been mapped to add.

  4. Let’s test our new command by trying to add a student named John in our CS2101 class. Type in plus n/John c/CS2101 and hit Enter.

  5. You should see that the command is successful and a new student called John in CS2101 has been added!


3.10.1. Delete a custom command: 'deleteCustomCommand'

To delete a custom command you previously added. Format: deleteCustomCommand CUSTOMCOMMAND

Example: Let’s try to delete the plus command you learned as add previously.

  1. Type in deleteCustomCommand plus and hit Enter.

  2. The result box informs you that they’ve deleted the custom command plus.

  3. You should no longer be able to use plus as add.

    You can’t use deleteCustomCommand to delete basic commands like add, delete, list etc. You can only delete custom commands you added.

3.11. Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from the address book.
Format: clear

3.12. Undoing previous command : undo

Restores the Tutor Aid to the state before the previous undoable command was executed.
Format: undo


Undoable commands: those commands that modify the Tutor Aid’s content (add, delete, edit …​).


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

undo 1 undo 2 undo 3 undo 4

  • list_task
    The undo command fails as there are no undoable commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    edit_task 1 mark/N
    undo (reverses the edit_task 1 mark/N command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)

3.13. Redoing the previously undone command : redo

Reverses the most recent undo command.
Format: redo


  • delete 1
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)

undo 1 redo 2 redo 3 redo 4

  • delete 1
    The redo command fails as there are no undo commands executed previously.

  • delete 1
    edit_task 1 mark/N
    undo (reverses the edit_task 1 mark/N command)
    undo (reverses the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the delete 1 command)
    redo (reapplies the edit_task 1 mark/N command)

3.14. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

3.15. Saving the data

Tutoraid data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

3.16. Logout : logout

Logs out of the account.
Format: logout

3.17. Encrypting data files [coming in v2.0]

As of the current implementation, hashing is implemented in the account password. With this encryption, malicious user will not be able to view the content despite they have the access to the computer. However, we plan to provide a better encryption with SHA256 for our password hashing and AES128 for all the data save in the TutorAid as soon as v1.5 to provide a better security protection.

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Address Book folder.

5. Command Summary

  • Help : help

  • Log :
    login user/USERNAME pass/PASSWORD
    register user/USERNAME pass/PASSWORD

  • Tab :
    change_tab tab/TAB_DESTINATION

  • Task:
    add_task c/MODULE mark/STATUS tt/TASK_TIME…​
    edit_task INDEX [mark/STATUS] [tt/TASK_TIME]
    delete_task 1
    find_task_by_module MODULE …​
    find_task_by_date DATE

  • Reminder :
    add_reminder rd/DESCRIPTION rt/REMINDER_TIME…​
    delete_reminder 1
    find_reminder_by_description DESCRIPTION …​
    find_reminder_by_date DATE …​

  • Earnings :
    add_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID amt/AMOUNT
    update_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID amt/AMOUNT type/TYPE
    delete_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID
    find_earnings k/KEYWORD …​
    claim_earnings d/DATE c/CLASSID
    filter_earnings VARIABLE

  • Note :
    deletenote INDEX
    findnote KEYWORD

  • Student List :
    add n/NAME c/CLASSID
    delete INDEX
    find NAME
    set_pic INDEX pic/FILENAME
    assign_class INDEXES c/CLASSID
    list_class CLASSID
    mark_attendance INDEXES
    mark_participation INDEXES

  • Undo : undo

  • Redo : redo

  • Clear : clear

  • Exit : exit