diff --git a/AboutUs.html b/AboutUs.html index 26e15af5ee8..55596b9dd0d 100644 --- a/AboutUs.html +++ b/AboutUs.html @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ [portfolio]

Lau Xiang Yu

[github] [portfolio]

Swaminathan Viswa

[github] [portfolio]

Javier Tan Meng Wee

[github] -[portfolio]


diff --git a/AboutUs.page-vue-render.js b/AboutUs.page-vue-render.js index 3a175fdad15..bb59cf7ee36 100644 --- a/AboutUs.page-vue-render.js +++ b/AboutUs.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h1',{attrs:{"id":"about-us"}},[_v("About Us"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#about-us","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("We are a team based in the "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg"}},[_v("School of Computing, National University of Singapore")]),_v(".")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("You can reach us at the email "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("e1249111[at]u.nus.edu")])]),_v(" "),_c('h2',{attrs:{"id":"project-team"}},[_v("Project team"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#project-team","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"toh-jia-han"}},[_v("Toh Jia Han"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#toh-jia-han","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/images/tohjh.png","width":"200px"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"http://github.com/tohjh"}},[_v("github")]),_v("]\n["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/team/tohjh.html"}},[_v("portfolio")]),_v("]")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Role: Developer")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Responsibilities: Deliverables and deadline")])]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"wen-rui"}},[_v("Wen Rui"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#wen-rui","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/images/currynia.png","width":"200px"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"http://github.com/currynia"}},[_v("github")]),_v("]\n["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/team/currynia.html"}},[_v("portfolio")]),_v("]")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Role: Code quality")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Responsibilities: Looks after code quality, ensures adherence to coding standards, etc.")])]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"lau-xiang-yu"}},[_v("Lau Xiang Yu"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#lau-xiang-yu","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/images/dessnowy.png","width":"200px"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"http://github.com/DesSnowy"}},[_v("github")]),_v("]\n["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/team/dessnowy.html"}},[_v("portfolio")]),_v("]")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Role: Developer")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Responsibilities: Integration")])]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"swaminathan-viswa"}},[_v("Swaminathan Viswa"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#swaminathan-viswa","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/images/swaminathanviswa.png","width":"200px"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"http://github.com/SwaminathanViswa"}},[_v("github")]),_v("]\n["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/team/swaminathanviswa.html"}},[_v("portfolio")]),_v("]")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Role: Developer")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Responsibilities: Responsible for quality of project documentations")])]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"javier-tan-meng-wee"}},[_v("Javier Tan Meng Wee"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#javier-tan-meng-wee","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/images/incogdino.png","width":"200px"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"http://github.com/incogdino"}},[_v("github")]),_v("]\n["),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/team/incogdino.html"}},[_v("portfolio")]),_v("]")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Role: Testing")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Responsibilities: Ensures the testing of the project is done properly and on time.")])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Configuration.html b/Configuration.html index 1d51bbbd1e6..eb029d6fe60 100644 --- a/Configuration.html +++ b/Configuration.html @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

Configuration guide

Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g user preferences file location, logging level) through the configuration file (default: config.json).


Configuration guide

Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g user preferences file location, logging level) through the configuration file (default: config.json).

diff --git a/Configuration.page-vue-render.js b/Configuration.page-vue-render.js index a56a9f52aea..751ee5f88ed 100644 --- a/Configuration.page-vue-render.js +++ b/Configuration.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h1',{attrs:{"id":"configuration-guide"}},[_v("Configuration guide"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#configuration-guide","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g user preferences file location, logging level) through the configuration file (default: "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("config.json")]),_v(").")])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DevOps.html b/DevOps.html index 98e1ffefdd5..c969c30d773 100644 --- a/DevOps.html +++ b/DevOps.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Search

DevOps guide

Build automation

This project uses Gradle for build automation and dependency management. You are recommended to read this Gradle Tutorial from the se-edu/guides.

Given below are how to use Gradle for some important project tasks.

Continuous integration (CI)

This project uses GitHub Actions for CI. The project comes with the necessary GitHub Actions configurations files (in the .github/workflows folder). No further setting up required.

Code coverage

As part of CI, this project uses Codecov to generate coverage reports. When CI runs, it will generate code coverage data (based on the tests run by CI) and upload that data to the CodeCov website, which in turn can provide you more info about the coverage of your tests.

However, because Codecov is known to run into intermittent problems (e.g., report upload fails) due to issues on the Codecov service side, the CI is configured to pass even if the Codecov task failed. Therefore, developers are advised to check the code coverage levels periodically and take corrective actions if the coverage level falls below desired levels.

To enable Codecov for forks of this project, follow the steps given in this se-edu guide.

Repository-wide checks

In addition to running Gradle checks, CI includes some repository-wide checks. Unlike the Gradle checks which only cover files used in the build process, these repository-wide checks cover all files in the repository. They check for repository rules which are hard to enforce on development machines such as line ending requirements.

These checks are implemented as POSIX shell scripts, and thus can only be run on POSIX-compliant operating systems such as macOS and Linux. To run all checks locally on these operating systems, execute the following in the repository root directory:


Any warnings or errors will be printed out to the console.

If adding new checks:

Making a release

Here are the steps to create a new release.

  1. Update the version number in MainApp.java.
  2. Generate a fat JAR file using Gradle (i.e., gradlew shadowJar).
  3. Tag the repo with the version number. e.g. v0.1
  4. Create a new release using GitHub. Upload the JAR file you created.
+e.g. ./gradlew shadowJar.

  • run: Builds and runs the application.
    runShadow: Builds the application as a fat JAR, and then runs it.

  • checkstyleMain: Runs the code style check for the main code base.
    checkstyleTest: Runs the code style check for the test code base.

  • test: Runs all tests.

  • Continuous integration (CI)

    This project uses GitHub Actions for CI. The project comes with the necessary GitHub Actions configurations files (in the .github/workflows folder). No further setting up required.

    Code coverage

    As part of CI, this project uses Codecov to generate coverage reports. When CI runs, it will generate code coverage data (based on the tests run by CI) and upload that data to the CodeCov website, which in turn can provide you more info about the coverage of your tests.

    However, because Codecov is known to run into intermittent problems (e.g., report upload fails) due to issues on the Codecov service side, the CI is configured to pass even if the Codecov task failed. Therefore, developers are advised to check the code coverage levels periodically and take corrective actions if the coverage level falls below desired levels.

    To enable Codecov for forks of this project, follow the steps given in this se-edu guide.

    Repository-wide checks

    In addition to running Gradle checks, CI includes some repository-wide checks. Unlike the Gradle checks which only cover files used in the build process, these repository-wide checks cover all files in the repository. They check for repository rules which are hard to enforce on development machines such as line ending requirements.

    These checks are implemented as POSIX shell scripts, and thus can only be run on POSIX-compliant operating systems such as macOS and Linux. To run all checks locally on these operating systems, execute the following in the repository root directory:


    Any warnings or errors will be printed out to the console.

    If adding new checks:

    Making a release

    Here are the steps to create a new release.

    1. Update the version number in MainApp.java.
    2. Generate a fat JAR file using Gradle (i.e., gradlew shadowJar).
    3. Tag the repo with the version number. e.g. v0.1
    4. Create a new release using GitHub. Upload the JAR file you created.
    diff --git a/DevOps.page-vue-render.js b/DevOps.page-vue-render.js index 1368090c6de..04cc458638a 100644 --- a/DevOps.page-vue-render.js +++ b/DevOps.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h1',{attrs:{"id":"devops-guide"}},[_v("DevOps guide"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#devops-guide","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('div',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"page-nav-print d-none d-print-block"}}),_v(" "),_c('h2',{attrs:{"id":"build-automation"}},[_v("Build automation"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#build-automation","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This project uses Gradle for "),_c('strong',[_v("build automation and dependency management")]),_v(". "),_c('strong',[_v("You are recommended to read "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://se-education.org/guides/tutorials/gradle.html"}},[_v("this Gradle Tutorial from the se-edu/guides")])]),_v(".")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are how to use Gradle for some important project tasks.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("clean")])]),_v(": Deletes the files created during the previous build tasks (e.g. files in the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("build")]),_v(" folder)."),_c('br'),_v("\ne.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("./gradlew clean")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("shadowJar")])]),_v(": Uses the ShadowJar plugin to creat a fat JAR file in the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("build/lib")]),_v(" folder, "),_c('em',[_v("if the current file is outdated")]),_v("."),_c('br'),_v("\ne.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("./gradlew shadowJar")]),_v(".")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("run")])]),_v(": Builds and runs the application."),_c('br'),_v(" "),_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("runShadow")])]),_v(": Builds the application as a fat JAR, and then runs it.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("checkstyleMain")])]),_v(": Runs the code style check for the main code base."),_c('br'),_v(" "),_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("checkstyleTest")])]),_v(": Runs the code style check for the test code base.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("test")])]),_v(": Runs all tests.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("./gradlew test")]),_v(" — Runs all tests")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("./gradlew clean test")]),_v(" — Cleans the project and runs tests")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_c('h2',{attrs:{"id":"continuous-integration-ci"}},[_v("Continuous integration (CI)"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#continuous-integration-ci","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This project uses GitHub Actions for CI. The project comes with the necessary GitHub Actions configurations files (in the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v(".github/workflows")]),_v(" folder). No further setting up required.")]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"code-coverage"}},[_v("Code coverage"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#code-coverage","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("As part of CI, this project uses Codecov to generate coverage reports. When CI runs, it will generate code coverage data (based on the tests run by CI) and upload that data to the CodeCov website, which in turn can provide you more info about the coverage of your tests.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("However, because Codecov is known to run into intermittent problems (e.g., report upload fails) due to issues on the Codecov service side, the CI is configured to pass even if the Codecov task failed. Therefore, developers are advised to check the code coverage levels periodically and take corrective actions if the coverage level falls below desired levels.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("To enable Codecov for forks of this project, follow the steps given in "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://se-education.org/guides/tutorials/codecov.html"}},[_v("this se-edu guide")]),_v(".")]),_v(" "),_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"repository-wide-checks"}},[_v("Repository-wide checks"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#repository-wide-checks","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("In addition to running Gradle checks, CI includes some repository-wide checks. Unlike the Gradle checks which only cover files used in the build process, these repository-wide checks cover all files in the repository. They check for repository rules which are hard to enforce on development machines such as line ending requirements.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("These checks are implemented as POSIX shell scripts, and thus can only be run on POSIX-compliant operating systems such as macOS and Linux. To run all checks locally on these operating systems, execute the following in the repository root directory:")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("./config/travis/run-checks.sh")])]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Any warnings or errors will be printed out to the console.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("If adding new checks:")])]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_v("Checks are implemented as executable "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("check-*")]),_v(" scripts within the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v(".github")]),_v(" directory. The "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("run-checks.sh")]),_v(" script will automatically pick up and run files named as such. That is, you can add more such files if you need and the CI will do the rest.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_v("Check scripts should print out errors in the format "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("SEVERITY:FILENAME:LINE: MESSAGE")])]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("SEVERITY is either ERROR or WARN.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("FILENAME is the path to the file relative to the current directory.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("LINE is the line of the file where the error occurred and MESSAGE is the message explaining the error.")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_v("Check scripts must exit with a non-zero exit code if any errors occur.")])])]),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_c('h2',{attrs:{"id":"making-a-release"}},[_v("Making a release"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#making-a-release","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Here are the steps to create a new release.")]),_v(" "),_c('ol',[_c('li',[_v("Update the version number in "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level3/tree/master/src/main/java/seedu/address/MainApp.java"}},[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("MainApp.java")])]),_v(".")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Generate a fat JAR file using Gradle (i.e., "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("gradlew shadowJar")]),_v(").")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Tag the repo with the version number. e.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v0.1")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://help.github.com/articles/creating-releases/"}},[_v("Create a new release using GitHub")]),_v(". Upload the JAR file you created.")])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/DeveloperGuide.html b/DeveloperGuide.html index 98d0e377b07..80eb93aa4a2 100644 --- a/DeveloperGuide.html +++ b/DeveloperGuide.html @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Search

    KonTActs Developer Guide


    Setting up, getting started

    Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



    The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

    Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

    Main components of the architecture

    Main (consisting of classes Main and MainApp) is in charge of the app launch and shut down.

    The bulk of the app's work is done by the following four components:

    Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

    How the architecture components interact with each other

    The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete n/John.

    Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

    For example, the Logic component defines its API in the Logic.java interface and implements its functionality using the LogicManager.java class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component's being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

    The sections below give more details of each component.

    UI component

    The API of this component is specified in Ui.java

    Structure of the UI Component

    The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, PersonListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

    The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

    The UI component,

    Logic component

    API : Logic.java

    Here's a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

    The sequence diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component, taking execute("delete n/John") API call as an example.

    Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `delete 1` Command

    Note: The lifeline for DeleteCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline continues till the end of diagram.

    How the Logic component works:

    1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, it is passed to an AddressBookParser object which in turn creates a parser that matches the command (e.g., DeleteCommandParser) and uses it to parse the command.
    2. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., DeleteCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
    3. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to delete a person).
      -Note that although this is shown as a single step in the diagram above (for simplicity), in the code it can take several interactions (between the command object and the Model) to achieve.
    4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

    Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

    How the parsing works:

    Model component

    API : Model.java

    The Model component,

    Note: An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below. It has a Tag list in the AddressBook, which Person references. This allows AddressBook to only require one Tag object per unique tag, instead of each Person needing their own Tag objects.

    Storage component

    API : Storage.java

    The Storage component,

    Common classes

    Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.address.commons package.


    This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

    Add contacts


    The add command allows user to add students' contact into KonTActs.

    The Sequence Diagram below shows how the logic component handles the user input.

    Note: While the diagram shows the lifeline of objects even after their deletion, this is a limitattion of plantUML.


    1. The user inputs "add n/John tele/@John g/Johnny e/John@test.com". (Not shown in diagram)
    2. The LogicManager object will be called to execute the input.
    3. The AddressBookParser will identify the type of command is AddCommand, before creating a AddCommandParser to parse the details.
    4. The AddCommandParser will parse the USER_DETAILS before creating a AddCommand.
    5. The new AddCommand will be returned to LogicManager.
    6. The LogicManager will then calls exectute on AddCommand while providing the model.
    7. This causes the AddCommand to call the addPerson method of model, adding the person to the model.
    8. A CommandResult object is subsequently created which indicates the success of AddCommand.

    Example Usage

    1. User inputs the command "add n/Tom tele/@Tom g/Tommy e/Tom@test.com".
    2. KonTActs will create a contact of Tom with the given details before adding it to the contact list.
    3. The contact is then displayed in the UI, along with a success message.


    Example Usage

    1. User inputs the command "mark n/John Doe w/1".
    2. KonTActs will set the week 1 attendance for John Doe to be true.
    3. The update is then displayed in the UI, along with a success message.

    Command History implementation

    API : CommandHistory.java

    The CommandHistory is used by KonTActs to allow users to navigate and retrieve previous inputted commands. It follows a singleton pattern where only a single instance can be created.

    When a user enters a command,

    1. If an existing CommandHistory instance already exists, then the command will be added to it
    2. Else, a new CommandHistory instance will be instantiated and the command will be added to it

    This is illustrated in the activity diagram below:

    When a user retrieves a command that was previously executed using or ,

    If both conditions are satisfied, the ArrayList is accessed with the index and the command string (that was previously entered) will be returned and displayed on the command box of the GUI.

    A visual representation is shown below of how a typical user might use the CommandHistory,

    Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

    Appendix: Requirements

    Product scope

    Target user profile:

    Value proposition: manage contacts faster than a typical mouse/GUI driven app

    User stories

    Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

    Priority As a/an …​ I want to …​ So that …​
    * * * CS2030S TA store student's github username I can easily reference them when grading assignments.
    * * * user add the student's contact number I can easily reference them when I need to contact my students.
    * * * CS2030S TA add the contact details of other TAs I can quickly reach out for help or collaboration.
    * * * CS2030S TA add contact details of professors I can easily reach them for guidance or to pass on important information.
    * * * CS2030S TA delete contacts easily I dont clutter the list with unwanted contacts.
    * * * CS2030S TA store the grades and progress of my students I can keep track of which of my students need more guidance and follow up.
    * * * CS2030S TA store student's telegram username I can easily reference them and contact them when needed to.
    * * * CS2030S TA see the student's MC or reasoning when they do not turn up for lessons I can create make up lessons / check up on them.
    * * CS2030S TA have a function to hide the details of students that I do not need I can only the the information that I want to see.
    * * CS2030S TA view the last modification date of student contact details I can confirm the accuracy and recency of the information stored.
    * * CS2030S TA create contacts with optional fields I can resepct the privacy of my students.
    * CS2030S TA search for a student’s GitHub username I can quickly access their repository for grading and feedback.
    * potential user see the application populated with sample data I can see how the app looks like when it is in use.
    * CS2030S TA put the contacts into different tabs I can easily navigate between different types of contacts.
    * CS2030S TA use the command line interface to search for contacts I can integrate the tool smoothly into my existing workflow.
    * CS2030S TA search for the contact details of professors/ other TAs I can quickly contact them for help if needed.
    * CS2030S TA find my students house in time I can offer them help in times of crisis.
    * CS2030S TA organise the contact of my students I can view the details of each student with greater ease.
    * CS2030S TA import student contact information from a file I can easily transfer data between devices.
    * CS2030S TA export student contact information to a file I can backup or share contact details with other TAs or professors if needed.
    * CS2030S TA flag specific students for follow-up I can easily identify students who may need additional support or guidance.
    * CS2030S TA choose to sort my students I can group students based on their proficiency.
    * CS2030S TA filter the contact details that is shown I can easily find the information of a particular group.
    * CS2030S TA filter contacts based on a certain criteria I can access a specific subset of students that I want.
    * CS2030S TA tag students with custom labels I can categorize students based on their progress or needs.
    * CS2030S TA use the command line to access my students work have their work and contact and tags all tied together in one smooth workflow.
    * experienced user create shortcuts for commands that I use frequently I can access the frequently used information quickly.
    * new user use a help function to check what this app offers I can easily have the details of the commands to use in my fingertips.
    * CS2030S TA create automatic flags to indicate if a student's work is marked I can monitor grading deadlines so that I can stay on top of my responsibilities without missing any critical dates.

    Use cases

    (For all use cases below, the System is the KonTActs and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

    Use case: UC01 - Add contacts


    1. User chooses to add a contact, providing the information that is required.

    2. KonTActs adds the new contact and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC02 - Delete contacts


    1. The contact that the user wants to delete exists.


    1. User chooses to delete a contact.

    2. KonTActs deletes the contact and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC03 - Add grades of students


    1. The student that the user wants to add grades exists.
    2. The assignment that the user wants to add a grade to exists.


    1. User chooses to add grades for a student, providing the assignment details and grade.

    2. KonTActs updates the grade of the student and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC04 - List contacts


    1. User chooses to view the entire contact list.

    2. KonTActs displays the full list of contacts.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC05 - Edit contacts


    1. User chooses to edit a contact’s detail, providing the updated details.

    2. KonTActs updates the details of the contact and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC06 - Filter Contact List


    1. User chooses to filter the contact list, providing the filter criteria.

    2. KonTActs filters the contact list and displays the filtered list.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC07 - Export contacts


    1. User must have permission to write to the provided path.

    2. User must have enough storage to store the output file.


    1. User chooses to export the contact list, providing the file path.

    2. KonTActs exports the contact list in CSV format and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC08 - Request for help


    1. User inputs help command.

    2. KonTActs shows a help page.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC09 - Tag students with custom labels


    1. The student that the user wants to tag is in KonTActs.


    1. User chooses to tag a student.

    2. KonTActs requests for details of the student alongside the tag to label the student.

    3. User enters the requested details.

    4. KonTActs tags the student with the suggested label.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC10 - Import contacts from CSV file


    1. The file is in CSV format and ends with .csv.
    2. The file contains valid data of at least 1 person.
    3. The header of the file is in the required sequence.
    4. Current user have permissions to access and read the file.


    1. User chooses to import the contact list, providing the desired file path.

    2. KonTActs imports the contact list from the specified file path and indicates successful import.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC11 - Sort Contact List


    1. User chooses to sort the contact list, providing the sort criteria.

    2. KonTActs sorts the contact list and displays the sorted list.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC12 - Open student's GitHub page


    1. The user have set permissions to allow browser to be opened from external applications.


    1. User chooses to open the Github page of a student.

    2. KonTActs opens the Github page on the user's default browser.

      Use case ends.


    Non-Functional Requirements

    1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 17 or above installed.
    2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 persons without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
    3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be +Note that although this is shown as a single step in the diagram above (for simplicity), in the code it can take several interactions (between the command object and the Model) to achieve.
    4. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is returned back from Logic.

    Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

    How the parsing works:

    Model component

    API : Model.java

    The Model component,

    Note: An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below. It has a Tag list in the AddressBook, which Person references. This allows AddressBook to only require one Tag object per unique tag, instead of each Person needing their own Tag objects.

    Storage component

    API : Storage.java

    The Storage component,

    Common classes

    Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.address.commons package.


    This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

    Add contacts


    The add command allows user to add students' contact into KonTActs.

    The Sequence Diagram below shows how the logic component handles the user input.

    Note: While the diagram shows the lifeline of objects even after their deletion, this is a limitattion of plantUML.


    1. The user inputs "add n/John tele/@John g/Johnny e/John@test.com". (Not shown in diagram)
    2. The LogicManager object will be called to execute the input.
    3. The AddressBookParser will identify the type of command is AddCommand, before creating a AddCommandParser to parse the details.
    4. The AddCommandParser will parse the USER_DETAILS before creating a AddCommand.
    5. The new AddCommand will be returned to LogicManager.
    6. The LogicManager will then calls exectute on AddCommand while providing the model.
    7. This causes the AddCommand to call the addPerson method of model, adding the person to the model.
    8. A CommandResult object is subsequently created which indicates the success of AddCommand.

    Example Usage

    1. User inputs the command "add n/Tom tele/@Tom g/Tommy e/Tom@test.com".
    2. KonTActs will create a contact of Tom with the given details before adding it to the contact list.
    3. The contact is then displayed in the UI, along with a success message.

    Add Grade implementation


    1. AddGradeCommand.java
    2. AddGradeCommandParser.java

    The addGrade command is used by KonTActs to add an assignment and grade to a contact. +The added assignments and grades uses HashMap to store the assignments and grades in each person object.

    This is illustrated in the activity diagram below:


    Example Usage

    1. User inputs the command "mark n/John Doe w/1".
    2. KonTActs will set the week 1 attendance for John Doe to be true.
    3. The update is then displayed in the UI, along with a success message.

    Command History implementation

    API : CommandHistory.java

    The CommandHistory is used by KonTActs to allow users to navigate and retrieve previous inputted commands. It follows a singleton pattern where only a single instance can be created.

    When a user enters a command,

    1. If an existing CommandHistory instance already exists, then the command will be added to it
    2. Else, a new CommandHistory instance will be instantiated and the command will be added to it

    This is illustrated in the activity diagram below:

    When a user retrieves a command that was previously executed using or ,

    If both conditions are satisfied, the ArrayList is accessed with the index and the command string (that was previously entered) will be returned and displayed on the command box of the GUI.

    A visual representation is shown below of how a typical user might use the CommandHistory,

    Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

    Appendix: Requirements

    Product scope

    Target user profile:

    Value proposition: manage contacts faster than a typical mouse/GUI driven app

    User stories

    Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

    Priority As a/an …​ I want to …​ So that …​
    * * * CS2030S TA store student's github username I can easily reference them when grading assignments.
    * * * user add the student's contact number I can easily reference them when I need to contact my students.
    * * * CS2030S TA add the contact details of other TAs I can quickly reach out for help or collaboration.
    * * * CS2030S TA add contact details of professors I can easily reach them for guidance or to pass on important information.
    * * * CS2030S TA delete contacts easily I dont clutter the list with unwanted contacts.
    * * * CS2030S TA store the grades and progress of my students I can keep track of which of my students need more guidance and follow up.
    * * * CS2030S TA store student's telegram username I can easily reference them and contact them when needed to.
    * * * CS2030S TA see the student's MC or reasoning when they do not turn up for lessons I can create make up lessons / check up on them.
    * * CS2030S TA have a function to hide the details of students that I do not need I can only the the information that I want to see.
    * * CS2030S TA view the last modification date of student contact details I can confirm the accuracy and recency of the information stored.
    * * CS2030S TA create contacts with optional fields I can resepct the privacy of my students.
    * CS2030S TA search for a student’s GitHub username I can quickly access their repository for grading and feedback.
    * potential user see the application populated with sample data I can see how the app looks like when it is in use.
    * CS2030S TA put the contacts into different tabs I can easily navigate between different types of contacts.
    * CS2030S TA use the command line interface to search for contacts I can integrate the tool smoothly into my existing workflow.
    * CS2030S TA search for the contact details of professors/ other TAs I can quickly contact them for help if needed.
    * CS2030S TA find my students house in time I can offer them help in times of crisis.
    * CS2030S TA organise the contact of my students I can view the details of each student with greater ease.
    * CS2030S TA import student contact information from a file I can easily transfer data between devices.
    * CS2030S TA export student contact information to a file I can backup or share contact details with other TAs or professors if needed.
    * CS2030S TA flag specific students for follow-up I can easily identify students who may need additional support or guidance.
    * CS2030S TA choose to sort my students I can group students based on their proficiency.
    * CS2030S TA filter the contact details that is shown I can easily find the information of a particular group.
    * CS2030S TA filter contacts based on a certain criteria I can access a specific subset of students that I want.
    * CS2030S TA tag students with custom labels I can categorize students based on their progress or needs.
    * CS2030S TA use the command line to access my students work have their work and contact and tags all tied together in one smooth workflow.
    * experienced user create shortcuts for commands that I use frequently I can access the frequently used information quickly.
    * new user use a help function to check what this app offers I can easily have the details of the commands to use in my fingertips.
    * CS2030S TA create automatic flags to indicate if a student's work is marked I can monitor grading deadlines so that I can stay on top of my responsibilities without missing any critical dates.

    Use cases

    (For all use cases below, the System is the KonTActs and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

    Use case: UC01 - Add contacts


    1. User chooses to add a contact, providing the information that is required.

    2. KonTActs adds the new contact and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC02 - Delete contacts


    1. The contact that the user wants to delete exists.


    1. User chooses to delete a contact.

    2. KonTActs deletes the contact and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC03 - Add grades of students


    1. The student that the user wants to add grades exists.
    2. The assignment that the user wants to add a grade to exists.


    1. User chooses to add grades for a student, providing the assignment details and grade.

    2. KonTActs updates the grade of the student and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC04 - List contacts


    1. User chooses to view the entire contact list.

    2. KonTActs displays the full list of contacts.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC05 - Edit contacts


    1. User chooses to edit a contact’s detail, providing the updated details.

    2. KonTActs updates the details of the contact and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC06 - Filter Contact List


    1. User chooses to filter the contact list, providing the filter criteria.

    2. KonTActs filters the contact list and displays the filtered list.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC07 - Export contacts


    1. User must have permission to write to the provided path.

    2. User must have enough storage to store the output file.


    1. User chooses to export the contact list, providing the file path.

    2. KonTActs exports the contact list in CSV format and indicates success.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC08 - Request for help


    1. User inputs help command.

    2. KonTActs shows a help page.

      Use case ends.

    Use case: UC09 - Tag students with custom labels


    1. The student that the user wants to tag is in KonTActs.


    1. User chooses to tag a student.

    2. KonTActs requests for details of the student alongside the tag to label the student.

    3. User enters the requested details.

    4. KonTActs tags the student with the suggested label.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC10 - Import contacts from CSV file


    1. The file is in CSV format and ends with .csv.
    2. The file contains valid data of at least 1 person.
    3. The header of the file is in the required sequence.
    4. Current user have permissions to access and read the file.


    1. User chooses to import the contact list, providing the desired file path.

    2. KonTActs imports the contact list from the specified file path and indicates successful import.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC11 - Sort Contact List


    1. User chooses to sort the contact list, providing the sort criteria.

    2. KonTActs sorts the contact list and displays the sorted list.

      Use case ends.


    Use case: UC12 - Open student's GitHub page


    1. The user have set permissions to allow browser to be opened from external applications.


    1. User chooses to open the Github page of a student.

    2. KonTActs opens the Github page on the user's default browser.

      Use case ends.


    Non-Functional Requirements

    1. Should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 17 or above installed.
    2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 persons without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.
    3. A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.
    4. Commands should be easy to remember.
    5. Ui should be easy to navigate and intuitive.
    6. KonTActs should be easy to use for new users.
    7. The system should work on both 32 bit and 64 bit environments.
    8. Contact details are securely stored.
    9. The application should have an uptime of at least 99.9% to ensure constant availability for users.
    10. The application should automatically save data after every change to avoid data loss in case of a crash.
    11. There should be proper documentation for the code and application usage to assist developers in future updates.
    12. Error messages should be descriptive, providing users with clear guidance on how to resolve the issue.
    13. Searching for or filtering contacts should take less than 5 seconds.
    14. Stored contacts are persisted between sessions.


    Appendix: Planned Enhancements

    Team member count: 5

    1. Implement commands to add/edit assignment details: Currently, one has to edit the kontacts.json file manually to add or remove assignment details. This could be an issue as the information keyed in may be incorrect. We are planning to create commands which can add/edit assignment details (such as assignment name Ex04 and its respective maxGrade fields) to the assignment.json file. This is to make the adding/editing of new assignments easier and prevent wrong information being entered.
    2. Include validation for Telegram ID: Currently, KonTActs does not check for the Telegram ID's length despite it not being a valid username in Telegram. In future updates, we are planning to provide proper Telegram ID validation to prevent users from inputting usernames that are not accepted by Telegram.
    3. Add flexibility to attendance: Currently, the maximum number of weeks that can be inputted is 14 since there are 14 weeks in a semester (from week 0 to week 13). However, it is possible that the user would want to use it for a different amount of weeks such as during special terms. Thus, we plan on incorporating commands to edit the start or end week of the attendance.
    4. Improve UI of Result Display box: Currently, the Result Display only shows three lines of message to the user. However, some of the details require more than three lines to be seen. We plan to improve the UI such that users are able to adjust the size of the Result Display box to display more information.
    5. Improve scroll-ability of application: Currently, when there is a long tag, and the View Window is closed, the scroll of the application does not work. Although there is a workaround to it, it is not efficient and prevents fast usage. So, we plan on editing the View Window and the Main Window to make it more user-friendly.

    Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

    Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

    Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

    Launch and shutdown

    1. Initial launch

      1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

      2. Double-click the jar file Expected: Shows the GUI with a set of sample contacts. The window size may not be optimum.

    2. Saving window preferences

      1. Resize the window to an optimum size. Move the window to a different location. Close the window.

      2. Re-launch the app by double-clicking the jar file.
        Expected: The most recent window size and location is retained.

    Deleting a person

    1. Deleting a person while all persons are being shown

      1. Prerequisites: List all persons using the list command. Multiple persons in the list.

      2. Test case: delete name/John Doe
        @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ Expected: A help window is shown with link to documentation.

    Exiting application

    1. Test case: exit Expected: Application exits after command.

    Saving data

    1. Dealing with missing files

      1. Test case: Remove .json from data.
        Expected: A sample list of KonTActs will be loaded.

      2. Test case: Add an invalid value to kontacts.json. e.g. "email":1
        -Expected: No contacts will be loaded.

    +Expected: No contacts will be loaded.

    diff --git a/DeveloperGuide.page-vue-render.js b/DeveloperGuide.page-vue-render.js index 8d923ac087c..2c53186dfde 100644 --- a/DeveloperGuide.page-vue-render.js +++ b/DeveloperGuide.page-vue-render.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ var pageVueRenderFn = function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":""}},[_c('navbar',{attrs:{"type":"dark"},scopedSlots:_u([{key:"brand",fn:function(){return [_c('a',{staticClass:"navbar-brand",attrs:{"href":"/tp/index.html","title":"Home"}},[_v("KonTActs")])]},proxy:true},{key:"right",fn:function(){return [_c('li',[_c('form',{staticClass:"navbar-form"},[_c('searchbar',{attrs:{"data":searchData,"placeholder":"Search","on-hit":searchCallback,"menu-align-right":""}})],1)])]},proxy:true}])},[_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{staticClass:"nav-link",attrs:{"href":"/tp/index.html"}},[_v("Home")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{staticClass:"nav-link",attrs:{"href":"/tp/UserGuide.html"}},[_v("User Guide")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{staticClass:"nav-link",attrs:{"href":"/tp/DeveloperGuide.html"}},[_v("Developer Guide")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{staticClass:"nav-link",attrs:{"href":"/tp/AboutUs.html"}},[_v("About Us")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{staticClass:"nav-link",attrs:{"href":"https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level3","target":"_blank"}},[_c('span',[_c('span',{staticClass:"fab fa-github",attrs:{"aria-hidden":"true"}})])])])])],1),_v(" "),_c('div',{attrs:{"id":"flex-body"}},[_c('overlay-source',{attrs:{"id":"site-nav","tag-name":"nav","to":"site-nav"}},[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-top"},[_c('div',{staticClass:"fw-bold mb-2",staticStyle:{"font-size":"1.25rem"}},[_v("Site Map")])]),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticClass:"nav-component slim-scroll"},[_c('site-nav',[_c('overlay-source',{staticClass:"site-nav-list site-nav-list-root",attrs:{"tag-name":"ul","to":"mb-site-nav"}},[_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-0",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/index.html"}},[_v("Home")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-0",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/UserGuide.html"}},[_v("User Guide")]),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-dropdown-btn-container"},[_c('i',{staticClass:"site-nav-dropdown-btn-icon site-nav-rotate-icon",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this.parentNode.parentNode, false); event.stopPropagation();"}},[_c('span',{staticClass:"glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down",attrs:{"aria-hidden":"true"}})])])]),_c('ul',{staticClass:"site-nav-dropdown-container site-nav-dropdown-container-open site-nav-list"},[_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/UserGuide.html#quick-start"}},[_v("Quick Start")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/UserGuide.html#summary-of-commands"}},[_v("Command Summary")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/UserGuide.html#features"}},[_v("Features")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/UserGuide.html#faq"}},[_v("FAQ")])])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-0",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/DeveloperGuide.html"}},[_v("Developer Guide")]),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-dropdown-btn-container"},[_c('i',{staticClass:"site-nav-dropdown-btn-icon 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"),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/DeveloperGuide.html#implementation"}},[_v("Implementation")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/DeveloperGuide.html#documentation-logging-testing-configuration-dev-ops"}},[_v("Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item site-nav-list-item-1",attrs:{"onclick":"handleSiteNavClick(this)"}},[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/DeveloperGuide.html#appendix-requirements"}},[_v("Appendix: Requirements")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('div',{staticClass:"site-nav-default-list-item 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no-lang"}},[_v("DeleteCommandParser")]),_v(" should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline continues till the end of diagram.")])]),_v(" "),_m(32),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(33),_v(" "),_m(34),_v(" "),_m(35),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/ParserClasses.png","width":"600"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("How the parsing works:")]),_v(" "),_m(36),_v(" "),_m(37),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(38),_v(" "),_m(39),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/ModelClassDiagram.png","width":"450"}}),_v(" "),_m(40),_v(" "),_m(41),_v(" "),_c('box',{attrs:{"type":"info","seamless":""}},[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Note:")]),_v(" An alternative (arguably, a more OOP) model is given below. It has a "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Tag")]),_v(" list in the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("AddressBook")]),_v(", which "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Person")]),_v(" references. This allows "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("AddressBook")]),_v(" to only require one "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Tag")]),_v(" object per unique tag, instead of each "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Person")]),_v(" needing their own "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Tag")]),_v(" objects."),_c('br')]),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/BetterModelClassDiagram.png","width":"450"}})],1),_v(" "),_m(42),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(43),_v(" "),_m(44),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/StorageClassDiagram.png","width":"550"}}),_v(" "),_m(45),_v(" "),_m(46),_v(" "),_m(47),_v(" "),_m(48),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_m(49),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.")]),_v(" "),_m(50),_v(" "),_m(51),_v(" "),_m(52),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("The Sequence Diagram below shows how the logic component handles the user input.")]),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/AddSequenceDiagram.puml","width":"550"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Note: While the diagram shows the lifeline of objects even after their deletion, this is a limitattion of plantUML.")]),_v(" "),_m(53),_v(" "),_m(54),_v(" "),_m(55),_v(" "),_m(56),_v(" "),_m(57),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/MarkCommandActivityDiagram.png","width":"750"}}),_v(" "),_m(58),_v(" "),_m(59),_v(" "),_m(60),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_m(61),_v(" "),_m(62),_v(" "),_m(63),_v(" "),_m(64),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("When a user enters a command,")]),_v(" "),_m(65),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This is illustrated in the activity diagram below:")]),_v(" "),_c('center',[_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/commandHistoryActivityDiagram.png","width":"450"}})],1),_v(" "),_m(66),_v(" "),_m(67),_v(" "),_m(68),_v(" "),_m(69),_v(" 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5")]),_v(" "),_m(169),_v(" "),_m(170),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are instructions to test the app manually.")]),_v(" "),_c('box',{attrs:{"type":"info","seamless":""}},[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Note:")]),_v(" These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on;\ntesters are expected to do more "),_c('em',[_v("exploratory")]),_v(" testing.")])]),_v(" "),_m(171),_v(" "),_m(172),_v(" "),_m(173),_v(" "),_m(174),_v(" "),_m(175),_v(" "),_m(176),_v(" "),_m(177),_v(" "),_m(178),_v(" "),_m(179),_v(" "),_m(180),_v(" "),_m(181),_v(" "),_m(182),_v(" "),_m(183),_v(" "),_m(184),_v(" "),_m(185),_v(" "),_m(186),_v(" "),_m(187),_v(" "),_m(188),_v(" "),_m(189),_v(" "),_m(190),_v(" "),_m(191),_v(" "),_m(192),_v(" "),_m(193),_v(" "),_m(194),_v(" "),_m(195),_v(" "),_m(196),_v(" "),_m(197),_v(" "),_m(198),_v(" "),_m(199),_v(" "),_m(200),_v(" "),_m(201),_v(" "),_m(202),_v(" "),_m(203),_v(" "),_m(204),_v(" "),_m(205),_v(" "),_m(206),_v(" "),_m(207),_v(" "),_m(208),_v(" "),_m(209),_v(" 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It has a "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Tag")]),_v(" list in the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("AddressBook")]),_v(", which "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Person")]),_v(" references. This allows "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("AddressBook")]),_v(" to only require one "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Tag")]),_v(" object per unique tag, instead of each "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Person")]),_v(" needing their own "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Tag")]),_v(" objects."),_c('br')]),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/BetterModelClassDiagram.png","width":"450"}})],1),_v(" "),_m(42),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(43),_v(" "),_m(44),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/StorageClassDiagram.png","width":"550"}}),_v(" "),_m(45),_v(" "),_m(46),_v(" "),_m(47),_v(" "),_m(48),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_m(49),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.")]),_v(" "),_m(50),_v(" "),_m(51),_v(" "),_m(52),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("The Sequence Diagram below shows how the logic component handles the user input.")]),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/AddSequenceDiagram.puml","width":"550"}}),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Note: While the diagram shows the lifeline of objects even after their deletion, this is a limitattion of plantUML.")]),_v(" "),_m(53),_v(" "),_m(54),_v(" "),_m(55),_v(" "),_m(56),_v(" "),_m(57),_v(" "),_m(58),_v(" "),_m(59),_v(" "),_m(60),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This is illustrated in the activity diagram below:")]),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.png","width":"450"}}),_v(" "),_m(61),_v(" "),_m(62),_v(" "),_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/MarkCommandActivityDiagram.png","width":"750"}}),_v(" "),_m(63),_v(" "),_m(64),_v(" "),_m(65),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_m(66),_v(" "),_m(67),_v(" "),_m(68),_v(" "),_m(69),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("When a user enters a command,")]),_v(" "),_m(70),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("This is illustrated in the activity diagram below:")]),_v(" "),_c('center',[_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/commandHistoryActivityDiagram.png","width":"450"}})],1),_v(" "),_m(71),_v(" "),_m(72),_v(" "),_m(73),_v(" "),_m(74),_v(" "),_c('center',[_c('pic',{attrs:{"src":"/tp/diagrams/commandHistoryUserInteractionActivityDiagram.png","width":"700"}})],1),_v(" "),_m(75),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(76),_v(" "),_m(77),_v(" "),_c('hr'),_v(" "),_m(78),_v(" "),_m(79),_v(" "),_m(80),_v(" "),_m(81),_v(" "),_m(82),_v(" "),_m(83),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(84),_v(" "),_m(85),_v(" "),_m(86),_m(87),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(88),_v(" "),_m(89),_v(" "),_m(90),_v(" "),_m(91),_v(" "),_m(92),_v(" "),_m(93),_v(" "),_m(94),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(95),_v(" "),_c('div',{staticStyle:{"page-break-after":"always"}}),_v(" "),_c('br'),_v(" "),_m(96),_v(" 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"),_m(202),_v(" "),_m(203),_v(" "),_m(204),_v(" "),_m(205),_v(" "),_m(206),_v(" "),_m(207),_v(" "),_m(208),_v(" "),_m(209),_v(" "),_m(210),_v(" "),_m(211),_v(" "),_m(212),_v(" "),_m(213),_v(" "),_m(214),_v(" "),_m(215),_v(" "),_c('hr')],1),_v(" "),_c('overlay-source',{attrs:{"id":"page-nav","tag-name":"nav","to":"page-nav"}},[_c('div',{staticClass:"nav-component slim-scroll"},[_c('overlay-source',{staticClass:"nav nav-pills flex-column my-0 small no-flex-wrap",attrs:{"id":"mb-page-nav","tag-name":"nav","to":"mb-page-nav"}},[_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#kontacts-developer-guide"}},[_v("KonTActs Developer Guide‎")]),_v(" "),_c('nav',{staticClass:"nav nav-pills flex-column my-0 nested no-flex-wrap"},[_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#acknowledgements"}},[_v("Acknowledgements‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#setting-up-getting-started"}},[_v("Setting up, getting started‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#design"}},[_v("Design‎")]),_v(" "),_c('nav',{staticClass:"nav nav-pills flex-column my-0 nested no-flex-wrap"},[_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#architecture"}},[_v("Architecture‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#ui-component"}},[_v("UI component‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#logic-component"}},[_v("Logic component‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#model-component"}},[_v("Model component‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#storage-component"}},[_v("Storage component‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#common-classes"}},[_v("Common classes‎")])]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#implementation"}},[_v("Implementation‎")]),_v(" "),_c('nav',{staticClass:"nav nav-pills flex-column my-0 nested no-flex-wrap"},[_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#add-contacts"}},[_v("Add contacts‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#add-grade-implementation"}},[_v("Add Grade implementation‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#markcommand"}},[_v("MarkCommand‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#command-history-implementation"}},[_v("Command History implementation‎")])]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#documentation-logging-testing-configuration-dev-ops"}},[_v("Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#appendix-requirements"}},[_v("Appendix: Requirements‎")]),_v(" "),_c('nav',{staticClass:"nav nav-pills flex-column my-0 nested no-flex-wrap"},[_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#product-scope"}},[_v("Product scope‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#user-stories"}},[_v("User stories‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#use-cases"}},[_v("Use cases‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#non-functional-requirements"}},[_v("Non-Functional Requirements‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#glossary"}},[_v("Glossary‎")])]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#appendix-planned-enhancements"}},[_v("Appendix: Planned Enhancements‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#appendix-instructions-for-manual-testing"}},[_v("Appendix: Instructions for manual testing‎")]),_v(" "),_c('nav',{staticClass:"nav nav-pills flex-column my-0 nested no-flex-wrap"},[_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#launch-and-shutdown"}},[_v("Launch and shutdown‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#deleting-a-person"}},[_v("Deleting a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#adding-a-person"}},[_v("Adding a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#editing-a-contact"}},[_v("Editing a contact‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#adding-grade-to-a-person"}},[_v("Adding grade to a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#removing-grade-from-a-person"}},[_v("Removing grade from a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#marking-attendance-of-a-person"}},[_v("Marking attendance of a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#unmarking-attendance-of-a-person"}},[_v("Unmarking attendance of a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#import-csv"}},[_v("Import CSV‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#export-csv"}},[_v("Export CSV‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#filtering-for-list-of-persons"}},[_v("Filtering for list of persons‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#sorting-list-of-persons"}},[_v("Sorting list of persons‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#finding-persons"}},[_v("Finding persons‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#viewing-a-person"}},[_v("Viewing a person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#launching-github-page-of-person"}},[_v("Launching Github page of person‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#listing-contacts"}},[_v("Listing contacts‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#clearing-contacts"}},[_v("Clearing contacts‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#viewing-help"}},[_v("Viewing help‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#exiting-application"}},[_v("Exiting application‎")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"nav-link py-1","href":"#saving-data"}},[_v("Saving data‎")])])])])],1)]),_v(" "),_c('scroll-top-button')],1),_v(" "),_m(216)])} }; var pageVueStaticRenderFns = [function anonymous( ) { @@ -176,6 +176,21 @@ with(this){return _c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Example Usage")])])} with(this){return _c('ol',[_c('li',[_v("User inputs the command \"add n/Tom tele/@Tom g/Tommy e/Tom@test.com\".")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("KonTActs will create a contact of Tom with the given details before adding it to the contact list.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("The contact is then displayed in the UI, along with a success message.")])])} },function anonymous( ) { +with(this){return _c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"add-grade-implementation"}},[_v("Add Grade implementation"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#add-grade-implementation","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})])} +},function anonymous( +) { +with(this){return _c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Logic")]),_v(":")])} +},function anonymous( +) { +with(this){return _c('ol',[_c('li',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("AddGradeCommand.java")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("AddGradeCommandParser.java")])])])} +},function anonymous( +) { +with(this){return _c('p',[_v("The "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("addGrade")]),_v(" command is used by KonTActs to add an assignment and grade to a contact.\nThe added assignments and grades uses "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("HashMap")]),_v(" to store the assignments and grades in each person object.")])} +},function anonymous( +) { +with(this){return _c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("addGrade checks whether the assignment exists in the database, if the score is valid and if the person exists in the contacts.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("If the conditions are satisfied, the assignment is added to the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("HashMap")]),_v(" in the person object which stores all the added assignments of that person.")])])} +},function anonymous( +) { with(this){return _c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"markcommand"}},[_v("MarkCommand"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#markcommand","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})])} },function anonymous( ) { @@ -638,6 +653,6 @@ with(this){return _c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"saving-data"}},[_v("Saving data"),_c('a' with(this){return _c('ol',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_v("Dealing with missing files")]),_v(" "),_c('ol',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_v("Test case: Remove "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v(".json")]),_v(" from "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("data")]),_v(". "),_c('br'),_v("\nExpected: A sample list of KonTActs will be loaded.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_v("Test case: Add an invalid value to "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("kontacts.json")]),_v(". e.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("\"email\":1")]),_c('br'),_v("\nExpected: No contacts will be loaded.")])])])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Documentation.html b/Documentation.html index 2b9d9441e06..e85f430fc14 100644 --- a/Documentation.html +++ b/Documentation.html @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

    Documentation Guide

    Style guidance:

    Converting to PDF


    Documentation Guide

    Style guidance:

    Converting to PDF

    diff --git a/Documentation.page-vue-render.js b/Documentation.page-vue-render.js index a4a67602dd1..0d34015c0bf 100644 --- a/Documentation.page-vue-render.js +++ b/Documentation.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h1',{attrs:{"id":"documentation-guide"}},[_v("Documentation Guide"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#documentation-guide","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("We use "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_c('strong',[_v("MarkBind")])]),_v(" to manage documentation.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("The "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("docs/")]),_v(" folder contains the source files for the documentation website.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("To learn how set it up and maintain the project website, follow the guide "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://se-education.org/guides/tutorials/markbind-forked-sites.html"}},[_v("[se-edu/guides] Working with Forked MarkBind sites")]),_v(" for project documentation.")])]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Style guidance:")])]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Follow the "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://developers.google.com/style"}},[_c('strong',[_c('em',[_v("Google developer documentation style guide")])])]),_v(".")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Also relevant is the "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/markdown.html"}},[_c('em',[_v("se-edu/guides "),_c('strong',[_v("Markdown coding standard")])])]),_v(".")])]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Converting to PDF")])]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("See the guide "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://se-education.org/guides/tutorials/savingPdf.html"}},[_c('em',[_v("se-edu/guides "),_c('strong',[_v("Saving web documents as PDF files")])])]),_v(".")])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Logging.html b/Logging.html index 2895b5baafe..0da200ecded 100644 --- a/Logging.html +++ b/Logging.html @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

    Logging guide

    • We are using java.util.logging package for logging.
    • The LogsCenter class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.
    • The Logger for a class can be obtained using LogsCenter.getLogger(Class) which will log messages according to the specified logging level.
    • Log messages are output through the console and to a .log file.
    • The output logging level can be controlled using the logLevel setting in the configuration file (See the Configuration guide section).
    • When choosing a level for a log message, follow the conventions given in [se-edu/guides] Java: Logging conventions.

    Logging guide

    diff --git a/Logging.page-vue-render.js b/Logging.page-vue-render.js index 5b66394a23e..a95233b3078 100644 --- a/Logging.page-vue-render.js +++ b/Logging.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h1',{attrs:{"id":"logging-guide"}},[_v("Logging guide"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#logging-guide","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("We are using "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("java.util.logging")]),_v(" package for logging.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("The "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("LogsCenter")]),_v(" class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("The "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Logger")]),_v(" for a class can be obtained using "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("LogsCenter.getLogger(Class)")]),_v(" which will log messages according to the specified logging level.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Log messages are output through the console and to a "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v(".log")]),_v(" file.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("The output logging level can be controlled using the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("logLevel")]),_v(" setting in the configuration file (See the "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/Configuration.html"}},[_v("Configuration guide")]),_v(" section).")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('strong',[_v("When choosing a level for a log message")]),_v(", follow the conventions given in "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/logging.html"}},[_c('em',[_v("[se-edu/guides] Java: Logging conventions")])]),_v(".")])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/SettingUp.html b/SettingUp.html index bfcaa3a2fe8..7ade2ac9bff 100644 --- a/SettingUp.html +++ b/SettingUp.html @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  • Verify the setup:
    1. Run the seedu.address.Main and try a few commands.
    2. Run the tests to ensure they all pass.

  • Before writing code

    1. Configure the coding style

      If using IDEA, follow the guide [se-edu/guides] IDEA: Configuring the code style to set up IDEA's coding style to match ours.

      Tip: Optionally, you can follow the guide [se-edu/guides] Using Checkstyle to find how to use the CheckStyle within IDEA e.g., to report problems as you write code.

    2. Set up CI

      This project comes with a GitHub Actions config files (in .github/workflows folder). When GitHub detects those files, it will run the CI for your project automatically at each push to the master branch or to any PR. No set up required.

    3. Learn the design

      When you are ready to start coding, we recommend that you get some sense of the overall design by reading about KonTActs’s architecture.

    4. Do the tutorials -These tutorials will help you get acquainted with the codebase.

    +These tutorials will help you get acquainted with the codebase.

    diff --git a/SettingUp.page-vue-render.js b/SettingUp.page-vue-render.js index dd572c59238..6a4e9915d89 100644 --- a/SettingUp.page-vue-render.js +++ b/SettingUp.page-vue-render.js @@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ with(this){return _c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Learn the design")])]),_v(" with(this){return _c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Do the tutorials")]),_v("\nThese tutorials will help you get acquainted with the codebase.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/tutorials/TracingCode.html"}},[_v("Tracing code")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/tutorials/AddRemark.html"}},[_v("Adding a new command")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"/tp/tutorials/RemovingFields.html"}},[_v("Removing fields")])])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Testing.html b/Testing.html index dc9ab1764af..78f54631ccf 100644 --- a/Testing.html +++ b/Testing.html @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ test class, or a test and choose Run 'ABC'
  • Method 2: Using Gradle
  • Link: Read this Gradle Tutorial from the se-edu/guides to learn more about using Gradle.

    Types of tests

    This project has three types of tests:

    1. Unit tests targeting the lowest level methods/classes.
      e.g. seedu.address.commons.StringUtilTest
    2. Integration tests that are checking the integration of multiple code units (those code units are assumed to be working).
      e.g. seedu.address.storage.StorageManagerTest
    3. Hybrids of unit and integration tests. These test are checking multiple code units as well as how the are connected together.
      -e.g. seedu.address.logic.LogicManagerTest
    +e.g. seedu.address.logic.LogicManagerTest diff --git a/Testing.page-vue-render.js b/Testing.page-vue-render.js index f653657bd48..633d9fa26ad 100644 --- a/Testing.page-vue-render.js +++ b/Testing.page-vue-render.js @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ with(this){return _c('h2',{attrs:{"id":"types-of-tests"}},[_v("Types of tests"), with(this){return _c('ol',[_c('li',[_c('em',[_v("Unit tests")]),_v(" targeting the lowest level methods/classes."),_c('br'),_v("\ne.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("seedu.address.commons.StringUtilTest")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('em',[_v("Integration tests")]),_v(" that are checking the integration of multiple code units (those code units are assumed to be working)."),_c('br'),_v("\ne.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("seedu.address.storage.StorageManagerTest")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Hybrids of unit and integration tests. These test are checking multiple code units as well as how the are connected together."),_c('br'),_v("\ne.g. "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("seedu.address.logic.LogicManagerTest")])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/UserGuide.html b/UserGuide.html index f2e1a01159f..d200a1f517a 100644 --- a/UserGuide.html +++ b/UserGuide.html @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@

    FAQF1) again, the original Help Window will remain minimized, and no new Help Window will appear. The remedy is to manually restore the minimized Help Window.
  • When using excel to edit telegram username, typing "@" will trigger the command function which will output a "Function is not valid" error. The remedy is to prefix the telegram username with an apostrophe ' to escape from the -command function. For example: typing '@james.
  • excel known issue
    1. Certain fields such as email are not displayed on the list view, and can only be seen via view. This is intended so that the list view does not become cluttered with too much information.
    2. Names that contains the / characters will cause konTActs to show an error message although a person can legally have / in their legal name such as Kumar S/O Mahesh. This is a limitation within konTActs as it uses the / charcter internally. The solution for this is to totally omit the / altogether. In this case, the name may be added as Kumar SO Mahesh or Kumar son of Mahesh depending on your preference.
    3. When closing the View Window, you will not be able to scroll if the mouse hovers over the area previously occupied by the View Window. To fix this, move the mouse to the left side of the window before scrolling.
    4. If you are using a small window and have a person with a long tag, their attendance record will not wrap around, and the last few weeks may not be visible. To see the remaining attendance, increase the window width.

    +command function. For example: typing '@james.
    excel known issue
    1. Certain fields such as email are not displayed on the list view, and can only be seen via view. This is intended so that the list view does not become cluttered with too much information.
    2. Names that contains the / characters will cause konTActs to show an error message although a person can legally have / in their legal name such as Kumar S/O Mahesh. This is a limitation within konTActs as it uses the / charcter internally. The solution for this is to totally omit the / altogether. In this case, the name may be added as Kumar SO Mahesh or Kumar son of Mahesh depending on your preference.
    3. When closing the View Window, you will not be able to scroll if the mouse hovers over the area previously occupied by the View Window. To fix this, move the mouse to the left side of the window before scrolling.
    4. If you are using a small window and have a person with a long tag, their attendance record will not wrap around, and the last few weeks may not be visible. To see the remaining attendance, increase the window width.

    diff --git a/UserGuide.page-vue-render.js b/UserGuide.page-vue-render.js index 1812b40ad73..a767e9a66cc 100644 --- a/UserGuide.page-vue-render.js +++ b/UserGuide.page-vue-render.js @@ -221,6 +221,6 @@ with(this){return _c('ol',[_c('li',[_c('strong',[_v("When using multiple screens with(this){return _c('ol',{attrs:{"start":"4"}},[_c('li',[_c('strong',[_v("Certain fields such as email are not displayed on the list view")]),_v(", and can only be seen via "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("view")]),_v(". This is intended so that the list view does not become cluttered with too much information.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('strong',[_v("Names that contains the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("/")]),_v(" characters will cause konTActs to show an error message")]),_v(" although a person can legally have "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("/")]),_v(" in their legal name such as "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Kumar S/O Mahesh")]),_v(". This is a limitation within konTActs as it uses the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("/")]),_v(" charcter internally. The solution for this is to totally omit the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("/")]),_v(" altogether. In this case, the name may be added as "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Kumar SO Mahesh")]),_v(" or "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("Kumar son of Mahesh")]),_v(" depending on your preference.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('strong',[_v("When closing the View Window")]),_v(", you will not be able to scroll if the mouse hovers over the area previously occupied by the View Window. To fix this, move the mouse to the left side of the window before scrolling.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('strong',[_v("If you are using a small window")]),_v(" and have a person with a long tag, their attendance record will not wrap around, and the last few weeks may not be visible. To see the remaining attendance, increase the window width.")])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.png b/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..aff86e306ed Binary files /dev/null and b/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.png differ diff --git a/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.puml b/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.puml new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3226e1a1a0c --- /dev/null +++ b/diagrams/AddGradeImpl.puml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +@startuml +start +:User executes addGrade command with assignment name, score and name of person; +if () then ([AssignmentExists and ScoreValid and PersonExists]) + :Specified assignment and score is added to specified person; +else ([else]) +:addGrade command returns an error to the user; +endif +stop +@enduml diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 2d95f4a8295..20a77610272 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@



    Java CI codecov


    KonTActs is a desktop application for CS2030 teaching assistants to manage your students', fellow TAs', and professors' contact details. While it has a GUI, most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface).


    This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.

    [Powered by MarkBind 5.5.3, generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]



    Java CI codecov


    KonTActs is a desktop application for CS2030 teaching assistants to manage your students', fellow TAs', and professors' contact details. While it has a GUI, most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface).


    This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.

    diff --git a/index.page-vue-render.js b/index.page-vue-render.js index e4e61175740..f4585bb1814 100644 --- a/index.page-vue-render.js +++ b/index.page-vue-render.js @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ with(this){return _c('p',[_v("This project is based on the AddressBook-Level3 pr with(this){return _c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Libraries used: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://openjfx.io/"}},[_v("JavaFX")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson"}},[_v("Jackson")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://github.com/junit-team/junit5"}},[_v("JUnit5")])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/siteData.json b/siteData.json index e1ccc8f717c..da78d03244e 100644 --- a/siteData.json +++ b/siteData.json @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ "common-classes": "Common classes", "implementation": "Implementation", "add-contacts": "Add contacts", + "add-grade-implementation": "Add Grade implementation", "markcommand": "MarkCommand", "command-history-implementation": "Command History implementation", "documentation-logging-testing-configuration-dev-ops": "Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops", diff --git a/team/currynia.html b/team/currynia.html index 61fdadbcd27..54283940b9a 100644 --- a/team/currynia.html +++ b/team/currynia.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Search

    Project: AddressBook Level 3

    AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

    Given below are my contributions to the project.

    • New Feature: Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.

      • What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.
      • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.
      • Credits: {mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}
    • New Feature: Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.

    • Code contributed: RepoSense link

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.3 - v1.5rc (3 releases) on GitHub
    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests #33, #34)
      • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests #36, #38)
    • Documentation:

      • User Guide:
        • Added documentation for the features delete and find #72
        • Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features clear, exit: #74
      • Developer Guide: -
        • Added implementation details of the delete feature.
    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #12, #32, #19, #42
      • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)
      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: 1, 2, 3)
      • Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates (1, 2)
    • Tools:

      • Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project (#42)
      • Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo
    • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • Community:

  • Tools:

  • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • diff --git a/team/currynia.page-vue-render.js b/team/currynia.page-vue-render.js index 562ac10d792..196e9edddbf 100644 --- a/team/currynia.page-vue-render.js +++ b/team/currynia.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"project-addressbook-level-3"}},[_v("Project: AddressBook Level 3"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#project-addressbook-level-3","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are my contributions to the project.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Credits: "),_c('em',[_v("{mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Code contributed")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("RepoSense link")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Project management")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Managed releases "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.3")]),_v(" - "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.5rc")]),_v(" (3 releases) on GitHub")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Enhancements to existing features")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#33")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#34")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#36")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#38")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Documentation")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("User Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added documentation for the features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" and "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("find")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#72")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("clear")]),_v(", "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("exit")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#74")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Developer Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added implementation details of the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" feature.")])])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Community")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#12")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#32")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#19")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Contributed to forum discussions (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("4")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Tools")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('em',[_v("{you can add/remove categories in the list above}")])])])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/team/dessnowy.html b/team/dessnowy.html index 272a318ea4a..6d0ecd3b925 100644 --- a/team/dessnowy.html +++ b/team/dessnowy.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Search

    Project: AddressBook Level 3

    AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

    Given below are my contributions to the project.

    • New Feature: Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.

      • What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.
      • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.
      • Credits: {mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}
    • New Feature: Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.

    • Code contributed: RepoSense link

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.3 - v1.5rc (3 releases) on GitHub
    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests #33, #34)
      • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests #36, #38)
    • Documentation:

      • User Guide:
        • Added documentation for the features delete and find #72
        • Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features clear, exit: #74
      • Developer Guide: -
        • Added implementation details of the delete feature.
    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #12, #32, #19, #42
      • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)
      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: 1, 2, 3)
      • Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates (1, 2)
    • Tools:

      • Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project (#42)
      • Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo
    • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • Community:

  • Tools:

  • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • diff --git a/team/dessnowy.page-vue-render.js b/team/dessnowy.page-vue-render.js index 562ac10d792..196e9edddbf 100644 --- a/team/dessnowy.page-vue-render.js +++ b/team/dessnowy.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"project-addressbook-level-3"}},[_v("Project: AddressBook Level 3"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#project-addressbook-level-3","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are my contributions to the project.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Credits: "),_c('em',[_v("{mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Code contributed")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("RepoSense link")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Project management")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Managed releases "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.3")]),_v(" - "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.5rc")]),_v(" (3 releases) on GitHub")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Enhancements to existing features")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#33")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#34")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#36")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#38")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Documentation")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("User Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added documentation for the features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" and "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("find")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#72")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("clear")]),_v(", "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("exit")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#74")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Developer Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added implementation details of the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" feature.")])])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Community")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#12")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#32")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#19")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Contributed to forum discussions (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("4")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Tools")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('em',[_v("{you can add/remove categories in the list above}")])])])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/team/incogdino.html b/team/incogdino.html index c9be31fbb33..28c5102b781 100644 --- a/team/incogdino.html +++ b/team/incogdino.html @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

    Project: AddressBook Level 3

    AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

    Given below are my contributions to the project.

    [Powered by MarkBind 5.5.3, generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]

    Project: AddressBook Level 3

    AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

    Given below are my contributions to the project.

    diff --git a/team/incogdino.page-vue-render.js b/team/incogdino.page-vue-render.js index 2f84bfc9d9a..b34c1e91d63 100644 --- a/team/incogdino.page-vue-render.js +++ b/team/incogdino.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"project-addressbook-level-3"}},[_v("Project: AddressBook Level 3"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#project-addressbook-level-3","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are my contributions to the project.")])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/team/swaminathanviswa.html b/team/swaminathanviswa.html index efb35dece04..6a32a01f078 100644 --- a/team/swaminathanviswa.html +++ b/team/swaminathanviswa.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Search

    Project: AddressBook Level 3

    AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

    Given below are my contributions to the project.

    • New Feature: Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.

      • What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.
      • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.
      • Credits: {mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}
    • New Feature: Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.

    • Code contributed: RepoSense link

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.3 - v1.5rc (3 releases) on GitHub
    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests #33, #34)
      • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests #36, #38)
    • Documentation:

      • User Guide:
        • Added documentation for the features delete and find #72
        • Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features clear, exit: #74
      • Developer Guide: -
        • Added implementation details of the delete feature.
    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #12, #32, #19, #42
      • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)
      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: 1, 2, 3)
      • Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates (1, 2)
    • Tools:

      • Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project (#42)
      • Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo
    • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • Community:

  • Tools:

  • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • diff --git a/team/swaminathanviswa.page-vue-render.js b/team/swaminathanviswa.page-vue-render.js index 562ac10d792..196e9edddbf 100644 --- a/team/swaminathanviswa.page-vue-render.js +++ b/team/swaminathanviswa.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"project-addressbook-level-3"}},[_v("Project: AddressBook Level 3"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#project-addressbook-level-3","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are my contributions to the project.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Credits: "),_c('em',[_v("{mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Code contributed")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("RepoSense link")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Project management")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Managed releases "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.3")]),_v(" - "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.5rc")]),_v(" (3 releases) on GitHub")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Enhancements to existing features")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#33")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#34")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#36")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#38")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Documentation")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("User Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added documentation for the features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" and "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("find")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#72")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("clear")]),_v(", "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("exit")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#74")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Developer Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added implementation details of the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" feature.")])])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Community")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#12")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#32")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#19")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Contributed to forum discussions (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("4")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Tools")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('em',[_v("{you can add/remove categories in the list above}")])])])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/team/tohjh.html b/team/tohjh.html index 1b88037a709..8e6c7e5168c 100644 --- a/team/tohjh.html +++ b/team/tohjh.html @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Search

    Project: AddressBook Level 3

    AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

    Given below are my contributions to the project.

    • New Feature: Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.

      • What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.
      • Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.
      • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.
      • Credits: {mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}
    • New Feature: Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.

    • Code contributed: RepoSense link

    • Project management:

      • Managed releases v1.3 - v1.5rc (3 releases) on GitHub
    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests #33, #34)
      • Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests #36, #38)
    • Documentation:

      • User Guide:
        • Added documentation for the features delete and find #72
        • Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features clear, exit: #74
      • Developer Guide: -
        • Added implementation details of the delete feature.
    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #12, #32, #19, #42
      • Contributed to forum discussions (examples: 1, 2, 3, 4)
      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: 1, 2, 3)
      • Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates (1, 2)
    • Tools:

      • Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project (#42)
      • Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo
    • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • Community:

  • Tools:

  • {you can add/remove categories in the list above}

  • diff --git a/team/tohjh.page-vue-render.js b/team/tohjh.page-vue-render.js index 562ac10d792..196e9edddbf 100644 --- a/team/tohjh.page-vue-render.js +++ b/team/tohjh.page-vue-render.js @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"app"}},[_c('header',{attrs:{"sticky":"" with(this){return _c('div',{attrs:{"id":"content-wrapper"}},[_c('h3',{attrs:{"id":"project-addressbook-level-3"}},[_v("Project: AddressBook Level 3"),_c('a',{staticClass:"fa fa-anchor",attrs:{"href":"#project-addressbook-level-3","onclick":"event.stopPropagation()"}})]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("AddressBook - Level 3 is a desktop address book application used for teaching Software Engineering principles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.")]),_v(" "),_c('p',[_v("Given below are my contributions to the project.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added the ability to undo/redo previous commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("What it does: allows the user to undo all previous commands one at a time. Preceding undo commands can be reversed by using the redo command.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Justification: This feature improves the product significantly because a user can make mistakes in commands and the app should provide a convenient way to rectify them.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and commands to be added in future. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required changes to existing commands.")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Credits: "),_c('em',[_v("{mention here if you reused any code/ideas from elsewhere or if a third-party library is heavily used in the feature so that a reader can make a more accurate judgement of how much effort went into the feature}")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("New Feature")]),_v(": Added a history command that allows the user to navigate to previous commands using up/down keys.")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Code contributed")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("RepoSense link")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Project management")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Managed releases "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.3")]),_v(" - "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("v1.5rc")]),_v(" (3 releases) on GitHub")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Enhancements to existing features")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Updated the GUI color scheme (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#33")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#34")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Wrote additional tests for existing features to increase coverage from 88% to 92% (Pull requests "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#36")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#38")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Documentation")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("User Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added documentation for the features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" and "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("find")]),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#72")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("clear")]),_v(", "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("exit")]),_v(": "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#74")])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Developer Guide:\n"),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Added implementation details of the "),_c('code',{pre:true,attrs:{"class":"hljs inline no-lang"}},[_v("delete")]),_v(" feature.")])])])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Community")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#12")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#32")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#19")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Contributed to forum discussions (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("4")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class (examples: "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("3")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Some parts of the history feature I added was adopted by several other class mates ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("1")]),_v(", "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("2")]),_v(")")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('strong',[_v("Tools")]),_v(":")]),_v(" "),_c('ul',[_c('li',[_v("Integrated a third party library (Natty) to the project ("),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":""}},[_v("#42")]),_v(")")]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_v("Integrated a new Github plugin (CircleCI) to the team repo")])])]),_v(" "),_c('li',[_c('p',[_c('em',[_v("{you can add/remove categories in the list above}")])])])])])} },function anonymous( ) { -with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:47:15 GMT+8]")])])])} +with(this){return _c('footer',[_c('div',{staticClass:"text-center"},[_c('small',[_v("["),_c('span',[_c('strong',[_v("Powered by")])]),_v(" "),_c('img',{attrs:{"src":"https://markbind.org/favicon.ico","width":"30"}}),_v(" "),_c('a',{attrs:{"href":"https://markbind.org/"}},[_v("MarkBind 5.5.3")]),_v(", generated on Tue, 12 Nov 2024, 13:50:41 GMT+8]")])])])} }]; \ No newline at end of file