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Abász committed Dec 20, 2024
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# Custom BLE services

In addition to the standard profiles, three custom BLE profiles/services are available that provide additional data for clients that implements them (e.g. currently the official [WebGUI](

1. Extended Metrics Service (UUID: a72a5762-803b-421d-a759-f0314153da97)
2. Settings Service (UUID: 56892de1-7068-4b5a-acaa-473d97b02206)
3. Over-the-air update Service (UUID: ed249319-32c3-4e9f-83d7-7bb5aa5d5d4b)

## Extended Metrics Service

This Service currently contains three characteristics:

Extended Metrics (UUID: 808a0d51-efae-4f0c-b2e0-48bc180d65c3)

Uses Notify to broadcast the following metrics (which may be extended in the future) as an array of consecutive bytes (i.e. currently a total of 7 bytes, Little Endian):

- avgStrokePower (16bit short in Watts)
- recoveryDuration (16bit unsigned short in seconds with a resolution of 4096)
- driveDuration (16bit unsigned short in seconds with a resolution of 4096)
- dragFactor (8bit unsigned char)

New metrics are broadcasted on every stroke (after the drive ends) or at least 4 seconds (which ever happens earlier).

Handle Forces (UUID: 3d9c2760-cf91-41ee-87e9-fd99d5f129a4)

Uses Notify to broadcast the handle forces measured during the last drive phase. Full data is broadcasted once per stroke (after the drive ends) or at least 4 seconds (which ever happens earlier).

Considering that the number of measurements vary from stroke to stroke (since, among others, it depends on the number of impulses per rotation, the machine etc.) this characteristics may be chunked into consecutive notifies ("bursts") until all data is flushed. The chunk size (consequently the number of consecutive notifies within a burst) will depend on the MTU (max data size per broadcast) negotiated with the client (ESP32 supports 512 bytes, but for instance on android based on experience this is around 250).

The first byte in every Notify is the expected total number of chunks within the burst, the second is the current chunk number. Rest of the bytes in one Notify are 32bit floats in Little Endian. Every chunk can be parsed individually without data loss (i.e. the bytes of one float is never broken into two notifies, which prevents data loss on missed packages/notifies). Basically the last Notify within the burst is signaled by the fact that first two bytes of the data package are equal.

Below is an example of data where the MTU is 23 bytes (which practically means that 20 bytes would be available to transfer actual data). Considering the first two bytes are reserved, that leaves 18 bytes for the data, but since into that only 4 32bit float can be fitted basically a maximum of 4 floats per Notify can be sent.

Handle Forces values:
_[2.4188, 52.64054, 80.1877, 110.6412, 142.9242, 174.9786, 201.5447, 218.6083, 228.5825, 233.4143, 234.7116, 234.2218, 230.6765, 227.8172]_


1. [5,1,159,205,26,64,234,143,82,66,37,96,160,66,81,72,221,66]
2. [5,2,156,236,14,67,135,250,46,67,119,139,73,67,186,155,90,67]
3. [4,3,32,149,100,67,19,106,105,67,46,182,106,67,201,56,106,67]
4. [4,4,48,173,102,67,56,209,99,67]

The last Notify (4/4) has the data of only two floats while the rest has 4 each.

Delta Times (UUID: ae5d11ea-62f6-4789-b809-6fc93fee92b9)

Uses Notify to broadcast the measured delta times if enabled. This serves mostly calibration/debugging purposes as the recorded delta times can be replayed and test various settings efficiently. This feature is disabled by default (meaning that this characteristic may not be visible). It can be enabled by defining `ENABLE_BLUETOOTH_DELTA_TIME_LOGGING true`. After that the actual notification of the measured delta times can be turned on or off via OpCode 19.

The measured delta times are broadcasted once sufficient elements to fill the max negotiated MTU (minus 3 for the header i.e. when the max data capacity) is reached or if 1 second since the last broadcast has passed.

Basically if the negotiated MTU is 255 then 63 delta times can be broadcasted ((255 - 3)/4 - assuming that unsigned integer is 4bytes on the system like on the ESP32). Actual frequency will depend on the number of impulses and the speed of the flywheel since.

In practice once the system measured 63 delta time value it will send Notify (or if 1 second elapses since the last Notify) to the connected clients. Please note that in certain cases this could be rather resource intensive (e.g. when there are a lot of impulses per rotation), the client should support and negotiate a minimum MTU of 100 (ESP32 NimBle stack supports up to 512bytes). If the MTU is below 100, no Notify will be sent.

The data in the Notify are 32bit unsigned integers in Little Endian.

## Settings Service

This Service currently contains two characteristics:

Settings (UUID: 54e15528-73b5-4905-9481-89e5184a3364)

Uses Notify to broadcast and allow Read the current settings (which may be extended in the future) as an array of consecutive bytes. It notifies when a setting is changed.

Currently the Notify includes only one byte where every two bit represents the status of the logging related settings:

_Delta Time logging_ - whether to broadcast the measured delta times

DeltaTimeLoggingNotSupported = (0x00 << 0U);
DeltaTimeLoggingDisabled = (0x01 << 0U);
DeltaTimeLoggingEnabled = (0x02 << 0U);

_SD Card logging_ - whether logging to SD Card is enabled or not

LogToSdCardNotSupported = (0x00 << 2U);
LogToSdCardDisabled = (0x01 << 2U);
LogToSdCardEnabled = (0x02 << 2U);

_Log level setting_ - current log level for the monitor

LogLevelSilent = (0x00 << 4U);
LogLevelFatal = (0x01 << 4U);
LogLevelError = (0x02 << 4U);
LogLevelWarning = (0x03 << 4U);
LogLevelInfo = (0x04 << 4U);
LogLevelTrace = (0x05 << 4U);
LogLevelVerbose = (0x06 << 4U);

Settings Control Point (UUID: 51ba0a00-8853-477c-bf43-6a09c36aac9f)**

Uses Indicate and allow Write to change the settings. The structure corresponds to the standard BLE profile Control Point with the difference that custom OpCodes are used for each setting:

SetLogLevel = 17U,
ChangeBleService = 18U,
SetDeltaTimeLogging = 19U,
SetSdCardLogging = 20U,

The response to the Write is sent via Indicate and the structure follows the BLE Control Point standard (i.e. starts with the ResponseCode - 32 -, followed by the request OpCode, than the ResponseOpCode - e.g. 1 for success or 2 for an unsupported request OpCode).

Also a Notify is sent by the Settings characteristic including the new settings.

Please note that the new BLE service structure is currently experimental and the API may be subject to change in the future.

For an example of an implementation (in Javascript) please visit the [WebGUI page]((

## Over-the-Air updater

This service contains two characteristics:

Over-the-Air receive (RX) data (UUID: fbac1540-698b-40ff-a34e-f39e5b78d1cf)

The purpose of this characteristic is to receive the OTA commands as well as the binary data from the clients.

Over-the-Air transfer (TX) data (UUID: b31126a7-a29b-450a-b0c2-c0516f46b699)

The purpose of this characteristic is to send the responses (e.g. errors, data acknowledgement, confirmations, etc.) to the clients during the OTA process.

### OTA Protocol

The ESPRM OTA protocol is a two way binary message system where the clients can send commands and blob data (in unsigned char format):

enum class OtaRequestOpCodes : unsigned char
Begin = 0x00,
Package = 0x01,
End = 0x02,
Abort = 0x03,

and should receive certain responses on the progress:

enum class OtaResponseOpCodes : unsigned char
Ok = 0x00,
NotOk = 0x01,
IncorrectFormat = 0x02,
IncorrectFirmwareSize = 0x03,
ChecksumError = 0x04,
InternalStorageError = 0x0ó5,

All data transfers are in little endian format. Actual firmware data is transferred in a way (for improving transfer speed) that before writing the data to flash bytes are written to a buffer allocated on the heap, and once that is filled acknowledgement is sent to the client and flash is written.

This should mean that clients should wait for a response only when buffer is filled and should only proceed with writing on `Ok` response.

The maximum size of one full message is limited by the negotiated MTU. However the _per package payload_ (i.e. the bytes of the blob per message) is limited to MTU - 4 bytes (3bytes for BLE headers and one byte for the request OpCode). The buffer is currently 40 times the _per package payload_ (i.e. `(MTU - 4) * 40`), though these information are communicated as as part of the response message payload for the `Begin` command as buffer size could be changed.

#### Base case and happy path

1. The OTA process should be initiated by the client with the `Begin` command including the size of the new firmware in bytes as unsigned 32 bit int: `[0, 176, 113, 11, 0]` (corresponding to `Begin` with firmware size of 750,000 bytes)
2. ESPRM sends `Ok` response with the _per package payload_ size (MTU - 4) and the buffer size (_per package payload_ * 40) as two unsigned 32bit integer (i.e. 8 bytes) - [0, 250, 0, 0, 0, 16, 39, 0, 0] (corresponding to `Ok` with _per package payload_ of 250 bytes and buffer size of 10,000 bytes)
3. Client should send `Package` command with the payload (bytes of the firmware) until buffer is full and then it should wait for a response
4. Once buffer is full ESPRM will write the data to flash and once that is done send `Ok` response
5. Step 3 and 4 should be repeated until all bytes of the firmware file is transferred
6. Once all data is sent the client should send `End` command with the MD5 hash (calculated as a 128-bit cryptographic digest for all input bytes of the firmware file) as an unsigned char byte array.
7. ESPRM send `Ok` response code if install is successful and will restart

#### Special scenarios

The `Begin` command always resets the previous upload session and starts everything from scratch. This means that in case `Begin` command is sent again before completing the OTA process, the so far sent data is deleted and the whole process reset to the beginning.

Calling `End` before transferring all data will terminate the OTA process with an MD5 checksum error (assuming that the MD5 checksum is calculated based on all bytes of the firmware file). Invalid or defected firmware file should in general not brick the board as ESP has a fails safe in case new OTA partition is not bootable and reverts back to the last working partition.

Calling `Abort` will terminate and reset the current OTA process, without initiating a new one. Response is `Ok` when everything is reset.

#### Error codes

`Begin` command will produce an error when:

- the payload (firmware size) is not 32bit (i.e. not 4 bytes long) - response OpCode of `IncorrectFormat`
- firmware file is too big - response OpCode of `IncorrectFirmwareSize`
- device partition is mal formed (e.g. no OTA partition) - response OpCode of `InternalStorageError`
- unknown error occurred while initiating OTA updater - response OpCode of `NotOk`

`Package` command will produce an error when:

- OTA process has not been started with the `Begin` command - response OpCode of `NotOk`
- file is not a valid firmware file - response OpCode of `IncorrectFirmwareSize`
- device partition is mal formed (e.g. no OTA partition) - response OpCode of `ChecksumError`
- other error while writing data to flash - response OpCode of `InternalStorageError`

`End` command will produce an error when:

- OTA process has not been started with the `Begin` command - response OpCode of `NotOk`
- the payload (MD5 hash byte array) is not a valid MD5 hash (i.e. not 16 bytes long) - response OpCode of `IncorrectFormat`
- calculated MD5 hash based on received data does not match the received hash received as part of the `End` command - response OpCode of `ChecksumError`
- unknown error occurred while installing the new firmware - response OpCode of `NotOk`
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# Features

## Bluetooth interface

ESP Rowing Monitor provides several BLE interfaces (Bluetooth profiles) to get the data and metrics it measures.

It supports dual BLE connections, allowing simultaneous use of two clients, e.g. a smartwatch and the [WebGUI]( or other compatible apps (like Kinomap, EXR, etc.).

### Standard BLE profiles

ESP Rowing Monitor supports three standard BLE profiles that allows it to be connected to smart watches and 3rd party apps:

1. Cycling Speed and Cadence Sensor profile
2. Power Meter Sensor profile
3. Fitness Machine Rowing profile (currently experimental)

Switching between the profiles can be done through the WebGUI, via BLE Control Point using a specific OpCode (18). The implementation of these profiles complies with BLE standards, although the OpCode used is not standard. Alternatively all settings are settable through the [Settings Service profile](

All the standard BLE profiles are fully compliant with BLE standards, making them accessible by compatible devices such as smartwatches and other clients like Kinomap, EXR etc. They have been tested with Garmin smartwatches and EXR, including FR235, FR645, and FR255.

**To obtain accurate speed and distance data with the Cycling Speed and Cadence or Cycling Power Sensor mode, the wheel circumference must be set to 10mm when pairing the device with ESP Rowing Monitor.**

Please note that in order for Garmin watches to work with ESP Rowing Monitor, a cycling activity must be selected. Otherwise, due to limitations of Garmin, the watch will connect but will not use the sensor data for metrics.

Please note that the FTMS profile currently does not support the full range of options (e.g. device control) and metrics. The supported metrics in addition to stroke and stroke rate are:

- Total distance
- Pace
- Resistance level
- Power measurement;

### Custom BLE Services

In addition to the implemented standard profiles it exposes certain custom profiles for additional metrics (fully supported by the official [WebGUI]( These are:

1. Extended Metrics (metrics not included in the base profiles)
2. Handle Forces recorded during the last drive

Please see more details on their specifications and protocols under [Custom BLE Services](docs/

## Over-the-Air updates

Version 6 introduced over-the-air bluetooth update protocol. The protocol is implemented in the WebGUI so installation can be done from there. This makes updates much easier as the device may not need to be removed. As well as allows potential auto update feature in future.

More detailed on the specification of the protocol can be found [here](docs/

## Logging

ESP Rowing Monitor implements a logging mechanism with different log levels (e.g. silent, error, info, trace, verbose, etc.). These logs are sent via serial (UART0) only, so the ESP32 MCU should be connected via USB to view the logs. The log level (0-6) can be set via the BLE Control Point using OpCode 17.

Trace level logging is useful during the initial calibration process as it prints the delta times that can be used for replay. Further details can be found in the [Calibration](

It is possible to log deltaTimes (i.e. time between impulses) to an SD card (if connected and enabled). DeltaTimes are collected in a `vector` and written to SD card on every stroke (after the drive ends) or 4 seconds (which ever happens earlier). This incremental way of making deltaTimes available is to optimize performance.
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ As a first step the platformio.ini file needs the exact board name. There is a [

Once platformio.ini is set up, upload can be performed with the VSCode platformio extension or by running `platformio run -t upload` after connecting the board via USB.

## Over-the-Air update

Please see dedicated page [OTA page](

## Circuit

Basically any ESP32 development board can be used, but this project was developed and tested on the [Firebeetle 2 Dev Board](
Expand All @@ -21,14 +25,20 @@ Currently there are two specific boards that are set up and supported:

1. Firebeetle 2
2. ESP32 Devkit 1.0
3. Lolin S3 mini

The FireBeetle board takes advantage of its internal connection between the battery and the ADC pin to measure battery level without additional circuitry and the RGB LED that changes color based on the measured battery level as well as uses features such as a digital switch (using a transistor) for the hall sensor power so battery consumption in deepsleep is minimal. To wake the device up a wakeup interrupt is set to a separate pin (on my machine this is connected to a reed switch on the handle chain sprocket). These settings can be enabled in the board profile (please refer to the [Settings](docs/ page).

Also for the this board I designed a [3D printable box]( You can find some pictures of the setup below.
Also for the the Firebeetle2 and Lolin S3 mini board I designed a 3D printable box:
[Lolin S3 mini print in place case](

You can find some pictures of the setup below.

![Firebeetle box open](imgs/firebeetle-box-open.jpg)
![Firebeetle box closed](imgs/firebeetle-box-closed.jpg)
![Firebeetle box open blinking](imgs/firebeetle-box-open-blink.jpg)
![Lolin S3 Mini case](imgs/lolin-s3-mini-case.jpg)

### Generic Air Rower

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