🪨📄✂ Rock Paper Scissors Game :-
A fun Rock-Paper-Scissors game built in Python where you can challenge the computer and test your luck!
📚 Description
This Python program allows you to play the classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game against a computer. The program utilizes ASCII art to display your choices and provides results after each round. You can play multiple rounds, track your score, and determine the overall winner!
🚀 Features
Play against the computer. ASCII art representations for Rock, Paper, and Scissors. Support for multiple rounds with score tracking. Replay option after every game. User-friendly interface in the terminal
🎮 How to Play
Run the program in your terminal.
Choose your move:
0 for Rock
1 for Paper
2 for Scissors
The computer will randomly choose its move.
The result (Win/Lose/Tie) will be displayed.
After the set number of rounds, the final score will be shown.
📝 Game Rules :-
Rock beats Scissors Scissors beats Paper Paper beats Rock If both players choose the same option, it’s a Tie
🧠 Example Gameplay :- Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!
How many rounds would you like to play? 3
--- New Round --- What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper, or 2 for Scissors: 0
Your choice: _______ ---' _) () () () ---.()
Computer's choice: _______ ---' ) ______) _______) _______) ---.)
You lose!
--- New Round --- What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper, or 2 for Scissors: 1
Your choice: _______ ---' ) ______) _______) _______) ---.)
Computer's choice: _______ ---' _) () () () ---.()
You win!