- About This Book
- Core Concepts
- Component Rendering
- The Query and Mutation Language
- Walking the UI Graph
- Initial Application State
- Handling Mutations
- Server Construction
- Full-Stack Operations
- Advanced Om-based Parsing
- UI Routing
- Bootstrap Helpers
- Forms
- Server-side Rendering
- Networking
- Websockets
- Internationalization
- Devcards
- Support Viewer
- Code Splitting (modules)
- Performance
- Testing
This book is meant to serve as a guide for Fulcro developers that have already gone through the Developer’s Guide tutorial and understand the core principles of Fulcro. This book is organized by topic, and is not in order or importance. It gives a greater level of detail on each topic and assumes you have at least a passing knowledge of all of the core concepts and topics.
The first chapter does go over the core concepts to aid the reader in additional clarifications about the model and design critical to Fulcro.
Many of the most interesting and compelling features of Fulcro are directly or indirectly enabled (or made simple) by the use of persistent data structures that are a first-class citizen of the language.
In imperative programming languages like Java and Javascript you have no idea what a function or method might do to your program state:
Person p = new Person();
// did p just change??? Did I just cause a race condition???
This leads to all sorts of subtle bugs and is arguable the source of many problems
in software today. What if Person
couldn’t change and you instead had to copy
instead if you wanted to modify?
Person p = new Person();
Person q = p.fumble();
// p is definitely unchanged, but q could be different
Now you can reason about what will happen. The other thread will see p
exactly as
it was when you (locally) reasoned about it. Furthermore, q
cannot be affected
because if p
is truly "read-only" then I still know what it is when I use it to
derive q
(the other thread can’t modify it either).
In order to derive these benefits, you need to either write objects that enforce this behavior (which is highly inconvenient and hard to make efficient in imperative langauges), or use a programming language that supplies the ability to do so as a first-class feature.
Another benefit is that persistent data structures can do structural sharing. Basically the new version of a map, vector, list, or set can use references to point to any parts of the old version that are still the same in the new version. This means, for example, that adding an element to the head of a list that had 1,000,000 entries (where only one is being changed) is still a constant time operation!
Here are some of the features in Fulcro that result from using persistent data structures:
A Time-travel UI history viewer that consumes little space.
Extremely efficient detection of data changes that affect the UI (can be ref compare instead of data compare)
Really effective "Pure Rendering"
Fulcro uses Facebook’s React to accomplish updates to the browser DOM. React, in concept, is really simple:
Render is a function you make that generates a data structure known as the VDOM (a lightweight virtual DOM)
On The first "frame", the real DOM is made to match this data structure.
On every subsequent frame, render is used to make a new VDOM. React compares the prior VDOM (which is cached) to the new one, and then applies the changes to the DOM.
The cool realization the creators of React had was that the DOM operations that are slow and heavy, but there are efficient ways to figure out what needs to be changed via the VDOM without you having to write a bunch of controller logic.
Now, because React lives in a mutable space (Javascript), it allows all sorts of things that can embed "rendering logic" within a component. This sounds like a good idea to our OOP brains, but consider this:
What if you could have a complete snapshot of the state of your application, pass that to a function, and have the screen just "look right". Like writing a 2D game: you just redraw the screen based on the new "state of the world". All of the sudden your mind shifts away from "bit twiddling" to thinking more about the representation of your model with minimal data!
That is what we mean by "pure rendering".
/-------\ /-------\ /-------\ /-------\ | state |-->| state |-->| state |-->| state | \-------/ \-------/ \-------/ \-------/ | | | | |render |render |render |render | |(diff) |(diff) |(diff) v v v v /-------\ /-------\ /-------\ /-------\ | DOM | | DOM | | DOM | | DOM | \-------/ \-------/ \-------/ \-------/
Here’s an example to whet your appetite: Nested check-boxes. In imperative programming each checkbox has it’s own state, and when we want a "check all" we end up writing nightmares of logic to make sure the thing works right because we’re having to store a mutable value into an object that then does the rendering. Then we play with it and find out we forgot to handle that event where some sub-box gets unchecked to fire an event to ensure to uncheck the "select all"…oh wait, but when I do that it accidentally fires the event from "check all" which unchecks everything and then goes into an infinite loop!
What a mess! Maybe you eventually figure out something that’s tractable, but that extra bit of state in the "check all" is definitely the source of bugs.
Here’s what you do in pure rendering with immutable data:
Each sub-item checkbox is a simple data structure with a :checked?
key that has a boolean
value. You use that to directly tell the checkbox what it’s state should be
(and React enforces that…making it impossible for the UI to draw it any
(def state {:items [{:id :a :checked? true} {:id :b :checked? false} ...]})
For a "state of the world", these are read-only. (you have to make a "new
state of the world" to change one). When you render, the state of the
check-all is just the conjunction of it’s children’s :checked?
(let [all-checked (every? :checked? (get state :items)]
(dom/input #js {:checked all-checked}))
The check-all button would have no application state at all, and React will force it to the correct state based on the calculated value. When the sub-items change, a new "state of the world" is generated with the altered item:
(def next-state (assoc-in state [:items 0 :checked?] false))
and the entire UI is re-rendered (React makes this fast using the VDOM diff), the "check all" checkbox will just be right!
If the "check all" button is pressed, then the logic is similarly very simple: change the state for the subitems to checked if any were unchecked, or set them all to unchecked if they were all checked:
(def next-state-2
(let [all-checked? (every? :checked? (get state :items))
c (not all-checked?)
old-items (get state :items)
new-items (mapv #(assoc % :checked? c) old-items)]
(assoc state :items new-items)))
and again you get to pretend you’re rendering an entire new frame on the screen!
You’ll be continually surprised at how simple your logic gets in the UI once you adjust to this way of thinking about the problem.
Data-driven concepts were pioneered in web development by Facebook’s GraphQL and Netflix’s Falcor. The idea is quite powerful, and eliminates huge amounts of complexity is your network communication and application development.
The basic idea is this: Your UI, which might have various versions (mobile, web, tablet) all have different but related data needs. The prevalent way of talking to our servers is to use REST, but REST itself isn’t a very good query or update language. It creates a lot of complexity that we have to deal with in order to do the simplest things. In the small, it is "easy". In the large, it isn’t the best fit.
Data-driven applications basically use a more detailed protocol that allows the client UIs to specify what they need, and also typically includes a "mutation on the wire" notation that allows the client to abstractly say what it needs the server to do.
So, instead of /person/3
you can instead say "I need person 3, but only their
name, age, and billing info. But in the billing info, I only need to know their
billing zip code".
Notice that this abstract expression (which of course has a syntax we’re not showing you yet) is "walking a graph". This is why Facebook calls their language "GraphQL".
You can imagine that the person and billing info might be stored in two tables of a database, with a to-one relationship, and our query is basically asking to query this little sub-graph:
[person: age? name?]--->[billing info: zip?]
Modifications are done in a similar, abstract way. We model them as if they were "function calls on the wire". Like RPC/RMI:
'(change-person {:id 3 :age 44})
but instead of actually calling the function, we encode this list as a data structure (it is a list containing a symbol and a map: the power of Clojure!) and then process that data locally (in the back-end of the UI) and optionally also transmit it as data over the wire for server processing!
The client-side of Fulcro keeps all relevant data in a simple graph database, which is referenced by a single top-level atom. The database itself is a persistent map.
The database should be thought of as a root-level node (the top-level map itsef), and tables that can hold data relevant to any particular component or entity in your program (component or entity nodes).
+-------------------+ | prop 42 | | | | table { ID val | | ... } | | table { ID val | | ... } | | | +-------------------+
The tables are also simple maps, with a naming convention and well-defined structure. The name of the table is typically namespaced with the "kind" of thing you’re storing, and has a name that indicates the way it is indexed:
{ :person/by-id { 4 { :id 4 :person/name "Joe" }}}
; ^ ^ ^ ^
; kind indexed id entity value itself
Items are joined together into a graph using a tuple of the table name and the key of
an entity. For example, the item above is known as [:person/by-id 4]
. Notice that this
tuple is also exactly the vector you’d need it an operation that would pull data from that
entity or modify it:
(update-in state-db [:person/by-id 4] assoc :person/age 33)
(get-in state-db [:person/by-id 4])
These tuples are known as idents. Idents can be used anywhere one node in the graph needs to point to another. If the idents (which are vectors) appear in a vector, then you are creating a to-many relation:
{ :person/by-id
{ 1 {:id 1 :person/name "Joe"
:person/spouse [:person/by-id 4] (1)
:person/children [ [:person/by-id 2] [:person/by-id 3] ] } (2)
2 { :id 2 :person/name "Julie" }
3 { :id 3 :person/name "Billy" }
4 { :id 4 :person/name "Heather"
:person/spouse [:person/by-id 1]}} (3)
A to-one relation to Joe’s spouse (Heather)
A to-many relation to Joe’s kids
A to-relation back to Joe from Heather
Notice in the example above that Joe and Heather point at each other. This creates a loop in the graph. This is perfectly legal. Graphs can contain loops. The table in the example contains 4 nodes.
The client database treats the root node as a special set of non-table properties in the top of the database map. Thus, an entire state database with root node properties might look like this:
{ :people [ [:person/by-id 1] [:person/by-id 2] (1)
[:person/by-id 3] [:person/by-id 4] ]
:person/by-id (2)
{ 1 {:id 1 :person/name "Joe"
:person/spouse [:person/by-id 4]
:person/children [ [:person/by-id 2] [:person/by-id 3] ] }
2 { :id 2 :person/name "Julie" }
3 { :id 3 :person/name "Billy" }
4 { :id 4 :person/name "Heather"
:person/spouse [:person/by-id 1]}}
A root property called
that points to all of the people nodes -
The people table that contains the people nodes.
The above data structure can now be thought of as a graph database looking like this:
root [:person/by-id 1] <----+ +-----------+ +-----------------+ | | | | id 1 | | | people |-+--->| name "Joe" | | | | | +----spouse | | | | | | | children ---------+------+ +-----------+ | | +------------------ | | | | | | +-+->[:person/by-id 2] | | | +-----------------+ | | | | id 2 | | | | | name "Julie | | | | | spouse ---------------+ | | +------------------ | | | +--> [:person/by-id 3] <--------+ | +-----------------+ | | | id 3 | | | | name "Billie" | | | | | | | +-----------------+ | | | +--> [:person/by-id 4] <--------+ +-----------------+ | id 4 | | name "Heather" | | | +-----------------+
This makes for a very compact representation of a graph with an arbitrary number of nodes and edges. All nodes but the special "root node" live in tables. The root node itself is special because it is the storage location for both root properties and for the tables themselves.
Since the root node and the tables containing other nodes are merged together into the same overall map it is generally important that you use care when storing things so as not to accidentally collide on a name. Larger programs should adopt the convention to namespace all keywords. |
The graph database on the client is the most central and key concept to understand in Fulcro. Remember that we are doing pure rendering. This means that the UI is simply a function transforming this graph database into the the UI.
There are two primary things to write in Fulcro: the UI and the mutations. The UI pulls data from this database and displays it. The mutations evolve this database to a new version. Every interaction that changes the UI should be thought of as a data manipulation. You’re making a new state of the world that your pure renderer turns into DOM.
The graph format of the database means that your data manipulation, the main dynamic thing in the entire application, is simplified down to updating properties/nodes, which themselves live at the top of the state atom or are only 2-3 levels deep:
; change the root list of people, and modify the name and age of person 2
(swap! state (fn [s]
(-> s
(assoc :people [[:people/by-id 1] [:people/by-id 2]])
(assoc-in [:people/by-id 2 :person/name] "George")
(assoc-in [:people/by-id 2 :person/age] 33))))
For the most part the UI takes care of itself. Clojure has very good functions for manipulating maps and vectors, so even when your data structures get more complex you task is still about as simple as it can be.
To avoid collisions in your database, the following naming conventions are recommended for use in the Fulcro client-side graph database:
UI-only Properties |
Tables |
Root properties |
Targeted Loads |
Loads temporarily place their results in root. Targeting relocates them. If you’ve followed the other naming conventions, then these can elide a namespace if that facilitates server interactions. |
Node properties |
The core of DOM rendering is taken care of by simple factory functions that generate the core VDOM elements. These stand-ins are ultimately what React uses to generate, diff, and update the real DOM.
So, there are functions for every possible HTML5 element. These are in the
namespace, and take a Javascript map for attributes (this gives
optimal performance, since React wants to consume Javascript data):
(dom/div #js { :className "some-class" }
(dom/ul nil
(dom/li ...)))
Remember that this (nested) call of functions results in a representation of what you’d like to end up on the screen.
The next level of abstraction you can use to render things is simply a function. Combining more complex bits of UI into a function is a great way to group re-usable nested DOM:
(defn my-header []
(dom/div #js { :className "some-class" }
(dom/ul nil
(dom/li ...))))
The defui
macro generates a React component. It is 100% compatible with the React ecosystem. The macro is intended
to look a bit like a class declaration, and borrows generation notation style from defrecord
. There is no
minimum required list of methods (e.g. you don’t even have to define render
). This latter fact is useful
for cases where you want a component for server queries and database normalization, but not for rendering.
is aware of the following React-centric methods, which you can override:
(defui MyComponent
(initLocalState [this] ...)
(shouldComponentUpdate [this next-props next-state] ...)
(componentWillReceiveProps [this next-props] ...)
(componentWillUpdate [this next-props next-state] ...)
(componentDidUpdate [this prev-props prev-state] ...)
(componentWillMount [this] ...)
(componentDidMount [this] ...)
(componentWillUnmount [this] ...)
(render [this] ...))
See React Lifecycle Examples for some specific examples, and the React documentation for a complete description of each of these.
Fulcro does override shouldComponentUpdate to short-circuit renders of a component whose props have not changed. You
generally do not want to change this to make it render more frequently; however, when using Fulcro with
libraries like D3 that want to "own" the portion of the DOM they render you may need to make it so that
React never updates the component once mounted (by returning false always). The Developer’s Guide shows an example
of this in the UI section.
supports implementations of protocols in a static
context. It basically
means that you’d like the methods you’re defining to go on the class (instead of instance), but conform to the
given protocol. There is no Java analogue for this, but in Javascript the classes themselves are open.
Since there is no JVM equivalent of implementing static methods, a hack is used internally where the
protocol methods are placed in metadata on the resulting symbol. This is the reason functions like
get-initial-state exist. Calling the protocol (e.g. initial-state ) in Javascript will work, but if you
try that when doing server-side rendering on the JVM, it will blow up.
There are two core protocols for supporting a component’s data in the graph database. They work in tandem to find data in the database for the component, and also to take data (e.g. from a server response or initial state) and normalize it into the database.
Both of these protocols must be declared static. The reason for this is initial normalization and query: The system has to be able to ask components about their ident and query generation in order to turn a tree of data into a normalized database.
Tree of Data --> Component-based Query/Ident --> Normalized Data Normalized Data --> Component Query --> Tree of UI Data
Queries must be composed towards the root component (so you end up with a UI query that can pull the entire tree of data for the UI).
(defui ListItem
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:db/id :item/label])
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] [:list-item/by-id (:db/id props)])
(defui List
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:db/id {:list/items (om/get-query ListItem)}])
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] [:list/by-id (:db/id props)])
;; queries compose up to root
Even though the method itself is declared statically, there are some interesting things about the query
Once mounted, a component can have a dynamic query. This means calling
(om/get-query this)
will return either the static query, or whatever has been set on that component via(om/set-query! ...)
. -
accessor method not only helps with server-side invocation, it annotates the query with metadata that includes the component info. This is what makes normalization work.
Some rules about the query itself:
A query must not be stolen from another component (even if it seems more DRY):
(defui PersonView1 static om/IQuery (query [this] (om/get-query PersonView2)) ;; WRONG!!!!
This is wrong because the query will end up annotated with
's metadata. Never use the return value ofget-query
as the return value for your ownquery
. -
The query will be structured with joins to follow the UI tree. In this manner the render and query follow form. If you query for some subcomponent’s data, then you should pass that data to that component’s factory function for rendering.
The ident of a component is often needed in mutations, since you’re always manipulating the graph. To avoid typos, it is generally recommended that you write a function like this:
(defn person-ident [id-or-props]
(if (map? id-or-props)
[:person/by-id (:db/id id-or-props)]
[:person/by-id id-or-props]))
and use that in both your component’s ident implementation and all of your mutations:
(defui Person
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] (person-ident props)))
(defmutation change-name [{:keys [id name]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(let [name-path (conj (person-ident id) :person/name)]
(swap! state assoc-in name-path name))))
The function om/tree-db
is the workhorse that turns an incoming tree of data into normalized data (which can then
be merged into the overall database).
Imagine an incoming tree of data:
{ :people [ {:db/id 1 :person/name "Joe" ...} {:db/id 2 ...} ... ] }
and the query:
[{:people (om/get-query Person)}]
which expands to:
[{:people [:db/id :person/name]}]
^ metadata {:component Person}
recursively walks the data structure and query:
At the root, it sees
as a root key and property. It remembers it will be writing:people
to the root. -
It examines the value of
and finds it to be a vector of maps. This indicates a to-one relationship. -
It examines the metadata on the subquery of
and discovers that the entries are represented by the componentPerson
For each map in the vector, it calls the
function ofPerson
(which it found in the metadata) to get a database location. It then places the "person" values into the result viaassoc-in
on the ident. -
It replaces the entries in the vector with the idents.
If the metadata was missing then it would assume the person data did not need normalization. This is why it is critical to compose queries correctly. The query and tree of data must have a parallel structure, as should the UI. This actually makes it relatively easy to cross-check your work. In general, you can glance at a component for problems as described in the comments below:
(defui Component
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] (component-ident props)) ; most components should have an ident. Must be static.
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:prop {:join (om/get-query JoinComponent)}]) ;children are composed via a join. Static.
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [prop join]} (om/props this)] ; The destructuring and query match. You won't get data you don't ask for.
(ui-join-component join) ; The joined component's data is passed to it for rendering.
A common question is "why can’t this be generated for me, since it has such a predictable structure?" The answer
is that it could probably be made shorter for many cases, but overall generality of syntax would be lost. For example
assume you invented something like (defcomponent X :prop :join JoinComponent (render [prop join] (ui-join-component join))) . You
could probably make a macro that could parse that successfully and turn it into the correct thing, but it gets more
complicated when you also want to support react lifecycle, ident, etc. You are always free to invent such macros, but
for clarity we currently supply just the most general version.
The process described above is how most data interactions occur. At startup the InitialAppState
supplies data that
exactly matches the tree of the UI. This gives your UI some initial state to render. The normalization mechanism
described above is exaclty what happens to that initial tree when it is detected by Fulcro at startup.
Network interactions send a UI-based query (which remember is annotated with the components). The query is remembered and when a response tree of data is received (which must match the tree structure of the query), the normalization process is applied and the resulting normalized data is merged with the database.
If using websockets, it is the same thing: A server push gives you a tree of data. You could hand-normalize that data,
but actually if you know the structure of the incoming data you can easily generate a client-side query (using
) that can be used in conjunction with om/tree->db
to normalize that incoming data.
Mutations can do the same thing. If a new instance of some entity is being generated by the UI as a tree of data, then the query for that UI component can be used to turn it into normalized data that can be merged into the state within the mutation.
Some useful functions to know about:
- A utility function for merging new instances of a (possibly recursive) entity state into the normalized database. Usable from within mutations. -
- A utility function for merging out-of-band (e.g. push notification) data into your application. Includes ident integration options, and honors the Fulcro merge clobbering algorithm (if the query doesn’t ask for it, then merge doesn’t affect it). Also queues rendering for affected components (derived from integration of idents). Generally not used within mutations (usemerge-component
instead). -
- General utility for normalizing data via a query and chunk of data. -
- A utility for adding an ident into existing to-one and to-many relations in your database. Can be used within mutations. -
- An implementation of merge that is recursive
Factories are how you generate React elements (the virtual DOM nodes) from your React classes. You
make a new factory using om.next/factory
(def ui-component (om/factory MyComponent {:keyfn f :validator v :instrument? true}))
There are 3 supported options to a factory:
A function from |
A function from props to boolean. If it returns false then an assertion will be thrown at runtime. |
A boolean. If true, it indicates that Om Next’s instrumentation should be enabled on the component.
Instrumentation is a function you can install on the reconciler that wraps component |
In Fulcro documentation we generally adopt the naming convention for UI factories to be prefixed with ui-
. This
is because you often want to name joins the same thing as a component: e.g. your query might be
[{:child (om/get-query Child)}]
, and then when you destructure in render: (let [{:keys [child]} (om/props this) ...
you have local data in the symbol child
. If your UI factor was also called child
this would cause annoying name
collisions. Prefixing the factories with ui-
makes it very clear what is data, and what will generate UI.
Properties are always passed to a component factory as the first argument. The properties can be accessed
from within render
by calling om.next/props
on the parameter passed to render
(typically named this
to remind you that it is a reference to the instance itself).
In components with queries there is a strong correlation between the query (which must join the child’s query), props (from which you must extract the child’s props), and calling of the child’s factory (to which you must pass the child’s data).
If you are using components that do not have queries, then you may pass whatever properties you deem useful.
Details about additional aspects of rendering are in the sections that follow.
It is possible that your logic and state will be much simpler if your UI components derive some values at render time. A prime example of this is the state of a "check all" button. The state of such a button is dependent on other components in the UI, and it is not a separate value. Thus, your UI should compute it and not store it else it could easily become out of sync and lead to more complex logic.
(defn item-checked? [item] (:checked? item))
(defui Checkboxes
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [{:items (om/get-query CheckboxItem)}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [items]} (om/props this)
all-checked? (every item-checked? items)]
(dom/div nil
"All: " (dom/input #js {:checked all-checked? ...})
(dom/ul nil ...))))
General Guidelines for Derived Values
You should consider computing a derived value when: - The known data from the props already gives you sufficient information to calculate the value. - The computation is relatively light.
Some examples where UI computation are effective, light, or even necessary:
Rendering an internationalized value. (e.g.
) -
Rendering a check-all button
Rendering "row numbering" or other decorations like row highlighting
There are some trade-offs, but most significantly you generally do not want to compute things like the order/pagination of a list of items. The logic and overhead in sorting and pagination often needs caching, and there are clear and easy "events" (user clicking on sort-by-name) that make it clear when to call the mutation to update the database. You still have to store the selected sort order, and you have to have idents pointing to the list of items. It is possible for your "selected sort order" and list to become out of sync, but the trade-offs of sorting in the UI are typically high, particularly when pagination is involved and large amounts of data would have to be fed to the UI.
Many reusable components will need to tell their parent about some event. For example, a list item generally wants to tell the parent when the user has clicked on the "remote" button for that item. The item itself cannot be truly composable if it has to know details of the parent. But a parent must always know the details of a child (it rendered it, didn’t it?). As such, manipulations that affect the content of a parent should be communicated to that parent for processing. The mechanism for this is identical to what you’d do in stock React: callbacks from the child.
The one major difference is how you pass the callback to a component.
The query and data feed mechanisms that supply props to a component are capable of refreshing a child without refreshing a parent. This UI optimization can pull the props directly from the database using the query, and re-feed them to the child.
But this mechanism knows nothing about callbacks, because they are not (and should not be) stored in the client database. Such a targeted refresh of a component cannot pass callbacks through the props because the parent is where that is coded, but the parent may not be involved in the refresh!
So, any value (function or otherwise) that is generated on-the-fly by the parent must be passed via
. This tells the data feed system how to reconstruct the complete data should it do a targeted update.
(defui Child
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:y])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [y]} (om/props this)
onDelete (om/get-computed this :onDelete)]
(defui Parent
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:x {:child (om/get-query Child)}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [x child]} (om/props this)
onDelete (fn [id] (om/transact! ...))
child-props-with-callbacks (om/computed child {:onDelete onDelete})]
(ui-child child-props-with-callbacks))))
Not understanding this can cause a lot of head scratching: The initial render will always work perfectly, because the parent is involved. All events will be processed, and you’ll thing everything is fine; however, if you have passed a callback incorrectly it will mysteriously stop working after a (possibly unnoticeable) refresh. This means you’ll "test it" and say it is OK, only to discover you have a bug that shows up during heavier use. |
A very common pattern in React is to define a number of custom components that are intended to work in a nested fashion. So,
instead of just passing props
to a factory, you might also want to pass other React elements. This is fully supported
in Fulcro, but can cause confusion when you first try to mix it with the data-driven aspect of the system.
Fulcro includes a few functions that are helpful when designing React components that are intended to be nested as direct children within a single render:
(om.next/children this)
Returns the React children of |
(fulcro.client.util/react-instance? Component instance)
Returns true if the given element is an instance of the given component ( |
(fulcro.client.util/first-node Component child-seq)
Returns the first of a sequence of elements that has the given component class. |
So, say you wanted to create the following kind of rendering scheme:
(defui Panel ...)
(def ui-panel (om/factory Panel)
(defui PanelHeader ...)
(def ui-panel-header (om/factory PanelHeader)
(defui PanelBody ...)
(def ui-panel-body (om/factory PanelBody)
(ui-panel {}
(ui-panel-header {} "Some Heading Text")
(ui-panel-body {}
(dom/div nil "Some sub-DOM")))
The your render
for Panel
will need to find the header and body children:
(defui Panel
(render [this]
(let [children (om/children this)
header (util/first-node PanelHeader children)
body (util/first-node PanelBody children)]
(when header
(dom/h4 nil header))
(when body
(dom/div nil body)))))
Basically, the child or children can simply be dropped into the place where they should be rendered.
At first this seems a little mind-bending, because you are in fact nesting components in the UI, but the query nesting need only mimic the stateful portion of the UI tree. This means there is ample opportunity to use React children in a way that looks incorrect from what you’ve learned so far. On deeper inspection it turns out it is alignment with the rules, but it takes a minute on first exposure.
Take the Bootstrap collapse component. It needs state of its own in order to know when it is collapsed, and we’d like that to be part of the application database so that the support history viewer can show the correct thing. However, the children of the collapse cannot be known in advance when writing the collapse reusable library component.
The solution is simple once you see it: Query for the collapse component’s state and the child state in the common parent component, then do the UI nesting in that component. Technically the component that is "laying out" the UI (the ultimate parent) is in charge of both obtaining and rendering the data. The fact that the UI child ends up nested in a query sibling is perfectly fine.
The collapse component itself is only concerned with the fact that it is open/closed, and that it has children that should be shown/hidden. The actual DOM elements of those children are immaterial, and can be assembled by the parent:
(defui ^:once CollapseExample
static fc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [c p] {:collapse-1 (fc/get-initial-state b/Collapse {:id 1 :start-open false})})
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [{:collapse-1 (om/get-query b/Collapse)}
{:child (om/get-query SomeChild)}])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [collapse-1 child]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div nil
(b/button {:onClick (fn [] (om/transact! this `[(b/toggle-collapse {:id 1})]))} "Toggle")
(b/ui-collapse collapse-1
(ui-child child))))))
Form inputs in React can take two possible approaches: controlled and uncontrolled. The browser normally maintains the value state of inputs for you as mutable data; however, this breaks our overall model of pure rendering! The advantage is UI interaction speed: If your UI gets rather large, it is possible that UI updates on keystrokes in form inputs may be too slow. This is the same sort of trade-off that we talked about when covering component local state for rendering speed with more graphical components.
If you’re using UI routers to split up your UI, then you’re also getting the speed benefits of not running anything but the current active screen’s query. This should, in fact, be fast enough to do on every keystroke (in fact, you’ll see warnings in your browser console if this gets slower than 60 FPS).
So, in general it is recommended that you use controlled inputs and retain the benefits of pure rendering: no embedded state, your UI exactly represents your data representation, concrete devcards support for UI prototyping, and full support viewer support.
Most inputs become controlled when you set their :value
property. The table below lists the mechanism whereby
a form input is completely controlled by React:
Input type | Attribute | Notes |
input |
:value |
(not checkboxes or radio) |
checkbox |
:checked |
radio |
:checked |
(only one in a group should be checked) |
textarea |
:value |
select |
:value |
Instead of marking an option selected. Match |
React will consider nil to mean you want an uncontrolled component. This can result in
a warning about converting uncontrolled to controlled components. In order to prevent this warning you should make
sure that :checked is always a boolean, and that other inputs have a valid :value (e.g. an empty string). The
select input can be given an "extra" option that stands for "not selected yet" so that you can start its value
at something valid.
See React Forms for more details.
There are some common use-cases that can only be solved by working directly with the React Lifecycle methods.
Some topics you should be familiar with in React to accomplish many of these things are:
Component references: A mechanism that allows you access to the real DOM of the component once it’s on-screen.
Component-local state: A stateful mechanism where mutable data is stored on the component instance.
General DOM manipulation. The Google Closure library has your JQuery equivalents, should you need them.
Focus is a stateful browser mechanism, and React cannot force the rendering of "focus". As such, when you need
to deal with UI focus it generally involves some interpretation, and possibly component local state. One way
of dealing with deciding when to focus is to look at a component’s prior vs. next properties. This can be
done in componentDidUpdate
. For example, say you have an item that renders as a string, but when clicked
turns into an input field. You’d certainly want to focus that, and place the cursor at the end of the
existing data (or highlight it all).
If your component had a property called editing?
that you made true to indicate it should render as an input
instead of just a value, then you could write your focus logic based on the transition of your component’s props
from :editing?
false to :editing?
(defui ClickToEditField
(componentDidUpdate [this prev-props _]
(when (and (not (:editing? prev-props)) (:editing? (om/props this)))
(let [input-field (js/ReactDOM.findDOMNode (.. this -refs -edit_field))
input-field-length (.. input-field -value -length)]
(.focus input-field)
(.setSelectionRange input-field input-field-length input-field-length))))
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [value editing?]} (om/props this)]
(if editing?
(dom/span #js {:onClick #(m/toggle! this :editing?) } value)
(dom/input #js {:value value :ref "edit_field"})))))
React documentation encourages a more functional form of ref (you supply a function instead of a string).
This example could also cache that in component local state like this:
(defui ClickToEditField
(componentDidUpdate [this prev-props _]
(when (and (not (:editing? prev-props)) (:editing? (om/props this)))
(let [input-field (om/get-state! this :input)
input-field-length (.. input-field -value -length)]
(.focus input-field)
(.setSelectionRange input-field input-field-length input-field-length))))
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [value editing?]} (om/props this)]
(if editing?
(dom/span #js {:onClick #(m/toggle! this :editing?) } value)
(dom/input #js {:value value :ref (fn [r] (om/set-state! this {:input r}))})))))
Libraries like D3 are great for dynamic visualizations, but they need full control of the portion of the DOM that they create and manipulate.
In general this means that your render
method should be called once
(and only once) to install the base DOM onto which the other library
will control.
For example, let’s say we wanted to use D3 to render things. We’d first write a function that would take the real DOM node and the incoming props:
(defn db-render [DOM-NODE props] ...)
This function should do everything necessary to render the sub-dom (and update it if the props change).
Then the general layout is:
(defui D3Thing
; make sure renders into the sub-dom on first mount
(componentDidMount [this] (d3-render (dom/node this) (om/props this)))
; Never let React re-call render (which would wipe out the stateful DOM underneath)
(shouldComponentUpdate [this next-props next-state] false)
; On prop changes, ask the library to re-render the sub-DOM
(componentWillReceiveProps [this props] (d3-render (dom/node this) props))
(render [this]
(dom/svg #js {:style #js {:backgroundColor "rgb(240,240,240)"}
:width 200 :height 200
:viewBox "0 0 1000 1000"})))
In this example we’re assuming you want to keep control of the DOM. For speed, you will generally want to use component local state (Transactions are fine for data-driven interactions, but can easily take 10ms+ which isn’t good for high-speed graphical interactions).
You’ll also typically use React refs to grab the actual low-level canvas.
A running example of this is the component-local-state
demo in the Demos. The primary scheme is
to store the reference to the canvas DOM along with the rapidly changing data in the component local state.
Rendering for each event (e.g. mouse move in this case) can then be accomplished without triggering the
low-level query mechanisms. This gives you lightning fast interactive performance that should be equivalent
to the same kind of "stateful" rendering in Javascript.
(defn render-hover-and-marker [props state]
(let [canvas (:canvas state)]
; render stuff on the canvas
(defn hover-marker
"Updates the hover location of a proposed marker using canvas coordinates. Hover location is stored in component
local state (meaning that a low-level app database query will not run to do the render that responds to this change)"
[child evt]
(om/update-state! child assoc :coords (event->dom-coords evt (om/get-state child :canvas)))
(render-hover-and-marker (om/props child) (om/get-state child)))
(defui ^:once Child
static InitialAppState
(initial-state [cls _] {:id 0 :size 50 :marker [0.5 0.5]})
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:id :size :marker])
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] [:child/by-id (:id props)])
(initLocalState [this] {:coords [-50 -50]})
; Remember that this "render" just renders the DOM (e.g. the canvas DOM element). The graphical rendering within the canvas is done during event handling.
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [size]} (om/props this)]
(dom/canvas #js {:onMouseMove (fn [evt] (hover-marker this evt))
; This is a pure React mechanism for getting the underlying DOM element.
; Note: when the DOM element changes this fn gets called with nil (to help you manage memory leaks), then the new element
:ref (fn [r]
(when r
(om/update-state! this assoc :canvas r)
(render-hover-and-marker (om/props this) (om/get-state this))))}))))
Before reading this chapter you should make sure you’ve read The Graph Database Chapter. It details the low-level format of the application state, and talks about general manipulation strategies and functions that are referenced in this chapter.
In Fulcro all data is pulled from the database using a notation that is a subset of Datomic’s pull query syntax. Since the query is a graph walk, it must start at some specific spot. Usually, this is the root node of your database. Thus, a complete query from the Root UI component will be a graph query that can start at the root node.
However, you’ll note that any query fragment is implied to be relative to where we are in the walk of the graph
database. This is important to understand: no component’s query can just be grabbed and run against the database
as-is. Then again, if you know the ident
of a component, then you can start at that table entry in the database
and go from there.
The mutation language is a data representation of the abstract actions you’d like to take on the data model. It is intended to be network agnostic: The UI need not be aware that a given mutation does local-only modifications and/or remote operations against any number of remote servers. As such, the mutations, like queries, are simply data. Data that can be interpreted by local logic, or data that can be sent over the wire to be interpreted by a server.
Queries can either be a vector or a map of vectors. The former is a regular component query, and the latter is known as a union query. Union queries are useful when you’re walking a graph edge and the target could be one of many different kinds of nodes, so you’re not sure which query to use until you actually are walking the graph.
The simplest thing to query are properties "right here" in the graph. Such a query is represented by a simple keyword.
[:a :b]
would ask for the properties known as :a
and :b
at the "current node" in the graph traversal.
A join is similar to a property query, in that the linkage is stored at the given keyword, but the linkage walks to another node in the graph. The notation is to create a map with a single key (the local property at the current node) and whose single value is the query for the remainder of the graph walk:
[{:children (om/get-query Child)}]
The query itself cannot specify that this is a to-one or to-many join. The data in the database graph itself determines this when the query is being run. Basically, if walking the join property leads to a vector of links, it is to-many. If it leads to a single link, then it is to-one. Of course, rendering the data is going to have the same concern, so the arity of the relation more strongly affects the rendering code.
Joins should always use get-query
to get the next component in the graph. This annotates the sub-query
with the proper metadata so that normalization can work correctly.
Unions cannot stand alone. They are meant to select one of many possible alternate queries when the link in the graph is reached. Unions are always used in tandem with a join, and can therefore not be used on root-level components. The union query itself is a map of options:
(defui PersonPlaceOrThingUnion
static om/IQuery
(query [this] {:person (om/get-query Person) :place (om/get-query Place) :thing (om/get-query Thing)}))
and such a query must be joined in by a parent component. Therefore, you’ll always end up with something like this:
(defui Parent
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [{:person-place-or-thing (om/get-query PersonPlaceOrThingUnion)}]))
Union queries take a little getting used to because there are a number of rules to follow when using them in order for everything to work correctly (normalization, queries, and rendering).
Here is what a graph database might look like for the above query assuming we started at Parent
{ :peron-place-or-thing [:place 3]
:place { 3 { :id 3 :location "New York" }}}
The query would start at the root. When it saw the join it would detect a union. The union would be resolved
by looking at the first component of the ident in the database (in this case [:place 3]
). That keyword
would be used to select the query to follow next (in this example, Place
A to-many linkage works just as well:
{ :peron-place-or-thing [[:person 1] [:place 3]]
:person { 1 { :id 1 :name "Julie" }}
:place { 3 { :id 3 :location "New York" }}}
and now you have a mixed to-many relationship where the correct sub-query will be used for each item in turn.
Normalization of unions requires that the union component itself have an ident function that can properly generate idents for all of the possible kinds of things that could be found. Often this means that you’ll need to encode some kind of type indicator in the data itself.
Say you had this incoming tree of data:
{:person-place-or-thing [ {:id 1 :name "Joe"} {:id 3 :location "New York"} ]}
In order to normalize this correctly we need to end up with the correct person and place idents. The resulting ident function might look like this:
(defui PersonPlaceOrThingUnion
static om/Ident
(ident [this props]
(contains? props :name) [:person (:id props)]
(contains? props :location) [:place (:id props)]
:else [:thing (:id props)])))
Often it is easier to just include a :type
field so that ident
can look up both the type and id.
Rendering the correct thing in the UI of the union component has the same concern: you must detect what
kind of data (among the options) that you actually receive, and pass that on to the correct child factory (e.g.
, ui-place
, or ui-thing
Mutations are also just data, as we mentioned earlier. However, they are intended to look like single- argument function calls where the single argument is a map of parameters:
The main concern is that this expression, in normal Clojure, will be evaluated because it contains a raw list.
In order to keep it data, one must quote expressions with mutations. Of course you may use syntax quoting
or literal quoting. Usually we recommend namespacing your mutations (with defmutation
) and then using
syntax quoting to get reasonably short expressions:
(ns app.mutations)
(defmutation do-something [params] ...)
(ns app.ui
(:require [app.mutations :as am]))
(om/transact! this `[(am/do-something {})])
The syntax quoting always ensures everything is fully-qualified, so this results in the raw symbol within
the transact!
: app.mutations/do-something
. When using IDEs like Cursive this allows you to enable support
for code navigation to the definition of mutations.
The parameter map on mutations is optional.
Most of the query elements also support a parameter map. In Fulcro these are mainly useful when sending a query to the server, and it is rare you will write such a query "by hand". However, for completeness you should know what these look like. Basically, you just surround the property or join with parentheses, and add a map as parameters. This is just like mutations, except instead of a symbol as the first element of the list it is either a keyword (prop) or a map (join).
Thus a property can be parameterized:
[(:prop {:x 1})]
This would cause, for example, a server’s query processing to see {:x 1}
in the params
when handling the read
for :prop
A join is similarly parameterized:
[({:child (om/get-query Child)} {:x 1})]
with the same kind of effect.
The plain list has the same requirement as for mutations: quoting. Generally syntax quoting is again the best choice, since you’ll often need unquoting. For example, the join example above would actually be written in code as: |
(query [this] `[({:child ~(om/get-query Child)} {:x 1})])
to avoid trying to use the map as a function for execution, yet allowing the nested get-query
to run and embed
the proper subquery.
Idents are valid in queries as a plain prop or a join. When used as a plain prop you will end up with the ident
as a key in the props
, and the complete (still-normalized) table entry as a value:
[ [:person/by-id 1] ]
results in something like this in props:
{ [:person/by-id 1] {:id 1 :person/spouse [:person/by-id 1]} }
This is not typically what you want because you’d typically want it to follow the graph links.
Instead, idents
are normally queried with a join:
[{[:person/by-id 1] (om/get-query Person)}]
which has the effect of "re-rooting" the graph walk at that node, and continuing from there. You still get the ident in the props, but now spouse would resolve to a map of real properties.
There are times when you want to start "back at the root" node. This is useful for pulling data that has a singleton representation in the root node itself. For example, the current UI locale or currently logged-in user. There is a special notation for this the looks like an ident without an ID:
[ [:ui/locale '_] ]
This component query would result in :ui/locale
in your props (not an ident) with a value that came from the
overall root node of the database. Of course, denormalization just requires you use a join:
[ {[:current-user '_] (om/get-query Person)} ]
would pull :current-user
into the component’s props with a continued walk of the graph (e.g. person’s spouse would
be populated).
Link queries require that the component doing the query have a database node, even if empty. The database
query engine will not try to run the query of a component that has no data presence in the graph. Remember: the
query and database are walked together. If it runs out of data, it stops. So, if you had a component
asking for only :current-user via a link, but that component itself did not exist in the database then you
will never get to the link query at all. The fix is simple: include an empty map where that component’s state
should be.
Om Next can convert any expression in the query/mutation language into an AST (abstract syntax tree) and vice
versa. This lends itself to doing complex parsing of the query (typically on the server). The functions
of interest are om.next/query->ast
and ast->query
There are many uses for this. One such use might be to convert the graph expression into another form. For
example, say you wanted to run an Om query against and SQL database. You could write an algorithm that translates
the AST into a series of SQL queries to build the desired result. The AST is always available as one
of the parameters in the mutation/query env
on the client and server.
Another use for the AST is in mutations targeted at a remote: it turns out you can morph a mutation before sending it to the server.
The most common use of the AST is probably adding parameters that the UI is unaware need to be sent to
a remote. When processing a mutation with defmutation
(or just the raw defmethod) you will receive
the AST of the mutation in the env
. It is legal to return any valid AST from the remote side of a
mutation. This has the effect of changing what will be sent to the server:
(defmutation do-thing [params]
(action [env] ...)
(remote [{:keys [ast]}] ast)) ; same effect as `true`
(defmutation do-thing [params]
(action [env] ...)
(remote [{:keys [ast]}] (om/query->ast `[(do-other-thing)])) ; completely change what gets sent to `remote`
(defmutation do-thing [params]
(action [env] ...)
(remote [{:keys [ast]}] (assoc ast :params {:y 3}))) ; change the parameters
Build up a root-level query, add joins, show the walking. Show how unions affect the returned data. |
When starting any application one thing has to be done before just about anything else: Establish a starting state. In Fulcro this just means generating a client-side application database (normalized). Other parts of this guide have talked about the Graph Database. You can well imagine that hand-coding one of these for a large application’s starting state could be kind of a pain. Actually, coding it is less of a pain than maintaining it as you refactor and evolve your UI!
However, the system already knows how to normalize a tree of data, and your UI is the tree you’re interested in. So, Fulcro encourages you to co-locate initial application state with the components that need the state and compose it towards the root, just like you do for queries. This gives some nice results:
Your initial application state is reasoned about local to each component, just like the queries.
Refactoring the UI just means local recomposition of queries and initial state locally to that part of the UI.
Fulcro understands unions (you can only initialize one branch of a to-one relation), and can scan for and initialize alternate branches.
To add initial state, follow these steps:
For each component that should appear initially: add the InitialAppState protocol
Compose the components in (1) all the way to your root.
That’s it! Fulcro will automatically detect initial state on the root, and use it for the application!
Pulling the initial state from a component should be done with fulcro.core/get-initial-state . Calling a static
protocol cannot work on the server, so this helper method makes server-side rendering possible for your components.
(defui Child
static fulcro.core/InitialAppState
(initial-state [cls params] { :x 1 }) ; set :x to 1 for this component's state
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:x]) ; query for :x
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] ...) ; how to normalize
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [x]} (om/props this)] ; pull x from props
(defui Parent
static fulcro.core/InitialAppState
(initial-state [cls params] { :y 2 :child (fc/get-initial-state Child {}) }) ; set y, and compose in child's state
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:y {:child (om/get-query Child)}]) ; query for :y and compose child's query
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] ...) ; how to normalize
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [y child]} (om/props this)] ; pull y and child from props
Notice the nice symmetry here. The initial state is (usually) a map that represents (recursively) the entity and
it’s children. The query is a vector that lists the "scalar" props, and joins as maps. So, in Child
we have
initial state for :x
and a query for :x
. In the parent we have a query for the property :y
and a join to
the child, and initial state for the scalar value of :y
and the composed initial state of the Child
. Render has
the same thing: the things you pull out of props will be the things for which you queried. Thus, all three essentially
list the same things, but in slightly different forms.
The one "extra" feature that initial state support does for you is to initialized alternate branches of components that have a union query. Remember that a to-one relation from a union could be to any number of alternates.
Take this union query: {:person (om/get-query Person) :place (om/get-query Place)}
It means "if you find an ident in the graph pointing to a :person
, then query for the person. If you find one
for :place
, then query for a place. The problem is: if it is a to-one relation then only one can be there at a
{ :person-or-place [:person 2]
:person {2 {:id 2 ...}}}
If you look at a proposed initial state, it will make the problem more clear:
(defui Person
static fc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [c {:keys [id name]}] {:id id :name name :type :person})
(defui PersonPlaceUnion
static fc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [c p] (fc/get-initial-state Person {:id 1 :name "Joe"}))
static om/IQuery
(query [this] {:person (om/get-query Person) :place (om/get-query Place)})
(defui Parent
static fc/InitialAppState
(initial-state [c p] {:person-or-place (fc/get-initial-state PersonPlaceUnion)})
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [{:person-or-place (om/get-query PersonPlaceUnion)}]))
This would result in a person in the initial state, but not a place.
Fulcro solves this at startup in the following manner: It pulls the query from root, and walks it. If it finds
a union component, then for each branch it sees if that component (via the query metadata) has initial state. If
it does, it places it in app state. This does not, of course, join it to anything in the graph since it isn’t the
"default branch" that was explicitly listed (in PersonPlaceUnion
's InitialAppState
This behavior is critical when using unions to handle UI routing, which is in turn essential for good application performance.
If you remember from the diagram about pure rendering, then you’ll also note that this step generates the first state in that progression. Rendering that state results in the UI.
Now, an additional note is that this model also results in a really useful property: You can take the initial state, run it though the implementation of one or more mutations, and end up with any other state. This means you can "initialize" your application in any state, which is useful for things like testing and server-side rendering.
In fact, writing tests against the state model and mutation implementations is a great way to unit test your application without needing to involve the UI itself!
Mutations are triggered using om.next/transact!
. The meaning of this function is to
"run a sequence of operations that can have both local and remote side-effects". The
mutation expression itself is just data, and must be quoted since it uses plain
Mutations are known by their symbol and are dispatched to the internal multimethod
. To handle a mutation you can do two basic things: use defmethod
to add a mutation support, or use the macro defmutation
. The macro is recommended for most cases
because it namespaces the mutation, prevents some common errors, and works better with IDEs.
There are multiple passes on a mutation: one local, and one for each possible remote. It is
technically the job of the mutation handler to return a lambda for the local pass, and a boolean (or AST)
for each remote. Returning nil
from any pass means to not do anything for that concern.
For example, say you have three remotes: one for normal API, one that hits a REST API, and one for file uploads. Each would have a name, and each pass of the mutation handling would be interested in knowing what you’d like to do for the local or remote.
The mutation environment (env
in the examples) contains a target that is set to a remote’s name when
the mutation is being asked for details about how to handle the mutation with respect to that remote.
For each pass the mutation is supposed to return a map whose key is :action
or the name of the remote, and
whose value is the thing to do (a lambda for :action
, and AST or true/false for remotes).
somewhere in the UI -
The internals call your mutation with
set to nil inenv
. You return a map with an:action
key whose value is the function to run. -
The internals call your mutation once for each remote, with
set. You return a map with that remote’s keyword as the key, and either a boolean or AST as the remote action. (true means send the AST for the expression sent in (1) to the remote)
Typically the multipass nature is ignored by the mutation itself, and it just returns a map containing all of the possible things that should be done. This looks like:
(defmethod fulcro.client.mutations/mutate `mutation-symbol [{:keys [state ast target] :as env} k params]
{:action (fn [] ...)
:rest-api true ; trigger this remotely on the rest API AND the normal one.
:remote true })
Since the action is just data, it doesn’t matter that we "generate" it for the multiple passes. Same for
the remotes. Note that the example above uses syntax quoting on the symbol, which will add the current
namespace to it. In any case, the symbol is just that: a symbol (data) that acts as the dispatch
key for the multimethod. If you use a plain quote ('
) then you should still namespace the symbol.
Some common possible mistakes are:
You side-effect. Since your mutation will be called at least two times, this is a bad idea.
You assume that the remote expression "sees" the old state (e.g. you might build an AST based on what is in app state). The local action is usually run before the remote passes, meaning that state has already changed.
You could forget to return a map with the correct keys (usually if you made mistake 1).
There is no guaranteed order to evaluation. Therefore if you need a value from state as it was seen when the mutation was triggered: send it as a parameter to the mutation. That way the call has closed over the old value.
is a macro that writes the multimethod for you. It looks like this:
(defmutation mutation-symbol
(action [{:keys [state] :as env}]
(swap! state ...))
(rest-api [env] true)
(remote [env] true))
Thus it ends up looking more like a function definition. IDE’s like Cursive can be told how to resolve
the macro (as defn
in this case) and will then let you read the docstrings and navigate from the
use in transact. This makes development a lot easier.
Another advantage is that the symbol is placed into the namespace in which it is declared (not interned, just given the namespace…it is still just symbol data). Syntax quoting can expand these, which means you get a very nice tool experience at usage site:
(ns app
(:require [app.mutations :as am]))
(om/transact! this `[(am/mutation-symbol {})]) ; am gets expanded to app.mutations
The final advantage is it is harder to accidentally side-effect. The action
section of defmutation
will wrap the logic in a lambda, meaning that it can read as-if you’re side-effecting, but in fact
will do the right thing.
In general these advantages mean you should generally use the macro to define mutations, but it is good to be aware that underneath is just a multimethod.
Mutations really are aimed at being functions on your application state. Components have nice clean abstractions, and you will often benefit from writing low-level functions that represent the general operations on a component. As you move towards higher-level abstractions you’ll want to compose those lower-level functions. As such, it pays to think a little about how this will look over time.
If you write the actual logic of a mutation into a defmutation
, then composition is difficult because the
model does not encourage recursive calls to transact!
. This will either lead to code duplication or other bad
To maximize code reuse, local reasoning, and general readability it pays to think about your mutations in the following manner:
A mutation is a function that changes the state of the application:
state -> mutation -> state'
Within a mutation, you are essentially doing operations to a graph, which means you have operations that work on some node in the graph:
node -> op -> node'
. These operations may modifiy a scalar or an edge to another node.
You can run a node-specific operation with:
(swap! state update-in node-ident op args)
For example, say you want to implement a mutation that adds a person to another person’s friend list. The data
representation of a person is: {:db/id 1 :person/name "Nancy" :person/friends []}
The ident
function can be coded into a top-level function and used by the defui
and a person-centric function:
(defn person-ident [id-or-props]
(if (map? id-or-props)
(person-ident (:db/id id-or-props))
[:person/by-id id-or-props]))
(defui Person
static om/Ident
(ident [this props] (person-ident props))
and our desired operation on the general state of a person can also be written as a simple function (add an ident to the :person/friends field):
(defn add-friend-impl
[person target-person-id]
(update person :person/friends (fnil conj []) (person-ident target-person-id)))
Note, in particular, that we always choose to put the item to be updated as the first argument so that functions
like update
are easier to use with it.
Now (add-friend-impl {:db/id 1 :person/name "Nancy"} 33)
results in
{:db/id 1, :person/name "Nancy", :person/friends [[:person/by-id 33]]}
You can write a mutation to support this operation within Fulcro:
(defmutation add-friend [{:keys [source-person-id target-id]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(swap! state update-in (person-ident source-person-id)
add-friend-impl target-id)))
You could even take it a step further with a little more sugar by defining a helper that can turn a node-specific op into a db-level operation (again note that the thing being updated is the first argument):
(defn update-person [state-map person-id person-fn & args]
(apply update-in state-map (person-ident person-id) person-fn args))
(defmutation add-friend [{:keys [source-person-id target-id]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(swap! state update-person source-person-id add-friend-impl target-id)))
Once you have your general operations written as basic functions on either the entire state (like update-person
) or
targeted to nodes (like add-friend-impl
), then it becomes much easier to create mutations that compose together the
necessary graph database operations to accomplish any higher-level task.
For example, the fulcro.client.routing/update-routing-links
function takes a state map, and changes all of the routers
in the application state to show that particular screen. So, say you wanted add-friend to also
take you to the screen that shows the details of that particular person. The top-level abstract mutation in the UI
might still be called add-friend
, but the internals now two things to do.
Having all of these functions on the graph database allows you to write this in a very nice form as a sequence of operations on the state map itself through threading:
(defmutation add-friend
"Locally add a friend, and show them. Full stack operation.
[{:keys [source-id target-id]}]
(action [{:keys [state]}]
(swap! state
(fn [s]
(-> s
(r/update-routing-links {:handler :show-friend :route-params {:person-id target-id}})
(update-person source-id add-friend-impl target-id)))))
(remote [env] true)
and your mutations become a thing of beauty!
Of course, this can also be overkill. It is true that it is often handy to be able to compose many db operations together
into one abstract mutation, but don’t forget that more that one mutation can be triggered by a single call
to transact!
. You’ll want to balance your mutations just like you do any other library of code: so that
reuse and clarity are maximized.
(om/transact! this `[(route-to {:handler :show-friend :route-params {:person-id ~target-id}})
(add-friend {:source-person-id ~my-id :target-id ~target-id})])
As a reminder: the section on normalization mentioned a number of helper functions that are useful when working on the graph database. Some of these can be very handy within mutation implementations.
Fulcro comes with a default remote, named :remote
, that by default talks to the origin server at /api
. All of this
is configurable when you create your fulcro client application. In fact, any number of remotes can be created and
installed on your client, each with a unique name. See the section on networking for more details on
adding remotes to your client.
Mutations are already plain data, so Fulcro can pass them over the network as-is when the client invokes them. All you need to do to indicate that a given mutation should affect a given remote is add that remote to the mutation:
(defmutation add-friend [params]
(action ...) ; optimistic update of client state
(remote [env] true)) ; send the mutation to the remote known as :remote
; or using the multimethod directly:
(defmethod m/mutate `add-friend [env k params]
{:action (fn [] ...)
:remote true})
It is sometimes desirable to alter the mutation that came from the UI before sending it to the remote. For example,
you might want to add a parameter like a global security token so that you don’t have to worry about security at the
UI transact!
The env
passed to the mutation contains an ast
. This is the abstract syntax tree of the mutation (e.g. the symbol
name and params). You may return this instead of true
from the remote side of the mutation, and Fulcro will
send the specific representation of that AST on the network. This means if you change the AST, you’ll change
what the remote sees.
So, for example, to add an api-token to the parameters, you would do something like this:
(defmutation add-friend [params]
(action [env] ...)
(remote [{:keys [ast]}]
(update ast :params assoc :api-token @global-api-token)))
The state is available in remote , but the action will run first. This means that you should not
expect the "old" values in state when computing anything for the remote because the optimistic
update of the action will have already been applied! If you need to rely on data as it existed at the time of
transact! then you must pass it as a parameter to the mutation so that the original data is closed over for the
duration of the mutation processing.
Mutations generally need not expose their full-stack nature to the UI. For
example a next-page
mutation might trigger a load for the next page of
data or simply swap in some already cached data. The UI need not be
aware of the logic of this distinction (though typically the UI will
want to include loading markers, so it is common for there to be some
kind of knowledge about lazy loading).
Instead of coding complex "do I need to load that?" logic in the UI (where it most certainly does not belong) one should instead write mutations that abstract it into a nice concept.
Fulcro handles loads by placing load markers into a special place in the application database. Whenever a remote operation is triggered, the networking layer will check this queue and process it.
The fulcro.client.data-detch/load
function simply runs a transact!
that does both (adds the load to the queue and triggers remote processing).
If you’d like to compose one or more loads into a mutation, there are helper
functions that will help you do just that: df/load-action
and df/remote-load
The basic pattern is:
(defmutation next-page [params]
(action [{:keys [state] :as env}]
(swap! state ...) ; local optimistic db updates
(df/load-action env :prop Component {:remote :remote}) ; same basic args as `load`, except state atom instead of `this`
(df/load-action env :other Other) {:remote :other-remote}) ; as many as you need...
(remote [env]
(df/remote-load env))) ; notifies back-end that there is some loading to do
The remote-load call need only be done for any one of the remotes you’re talking to. It merely tells the
back-end code to process remote requests (which will hit all remote queues). Thus, the parameters to the load-action
calls are where you actually specify which remote a given load should actually talk to.
The easy server is a fairly minimal server implementation that includes a simple Ring stack, component support, API query/mutation injections of server components, and resource and alternate route handling. It allows you to get going quickly, and is extensible; however, it is not as flexible as the modular server construction.
In general if all you’re using is a few components and the API, then the easy server is a great choice for getting started.
If you have more interesting requirements, then you may want to explore composing Fulcro’s back-end into your server with the modular components.
Note that The Developer’s Guide covers the easy and modular server, and has exercises. The Fulcro template comes with a modular server if you’re looking to play with live code.
See Developer’s Guide
See Developer’s Guide
See Developer’s Guide
See Developer’s Guide
See Developer’s Guide
The fulcro.server
namespace’s server’s primary contribution to your server is the API handling. Everything else is
pretty much up to you to construct. The general structure of your server will end up as shown in the following
You’ll write (or find as a library) each Module (API Handler). You’ll also construct whatever sort of network
pipeline (Web Server) and join that all together using the com.stuartsierra/component
library. The primary thing
the Fulcro code does for you in this diagram is composes the Modules together into a single middleware component
that you can inject and use in your own network stack (e.g. Ring).
The primary requirement is that the server/wrap-transit-params
and server/wrap-transit-response
be in front
of this compose API to ensure that the EDN can be encoded/decoded across the network.
See Developer’s Guide for more details.
The modular server uses the Stuart Sierra component library. This allows you to inject any component into any other.
The one place where there needs to be a bit of special support is in the API modules themselves. The modular server
support of API Modules will automatically merge the Module’s state with the parser environment. This means that
any components that are injected into the API module component will appear in the env
of the read/mutate methods
for that module.
The modular server allows you to install more than one API handler. Remember that the expression parser will invoke the API once for each "top-level" expression (root query key or mutation). The modular server composes modules together leveraging these facts in the following manner:
For each expression:
Try the modules in declared order
Use the first non-nil result
Thus, to ensure that your modules are composable you should ensure that your API’s "default" handler returns nil when it doesn’t recognize something.
This is not the default behavior for the built-in server mutation handling. If you plan to compose API handlers and you’re using the built-in server-read and server-mutation, you should install default handlers that return nil instead of throwing an error:
(defmethod server/server-mutate :default [env k p] nil)
(defmethod server/read-root :default [env k p] nil)
(defmethod server/read-entity :default [env type id p] nil)
Libraries that provide full-stack operations can simple provide an API module that has the same attributes. For example, say you wanted to create a Fulcro Image Library plug-in that came with server and client components. You could write the server-side as a module that handles just your reads and mutations, and allow your users to install it into the module chain.
Full stack operation is where Fulcro really shines. All of the primitives you’ve learned for the client application not only solve some real client-side issues, they also form the basis for the data-driven story of server interactions. You’ll see that full-stack operations very much mirror client local ones in a way that makes full-stack development a breeze.
To those of you with REST APIs. Fulcro can be made to work with REST, but you’re in for some work. The full stack data-driven architecture is often completely at odds with REST. You will end up writing a network layer on your client that translates graph queries to one or more REST calls, and then combines those results into a tree of response data that you can pass back up the chain. The UI is wonderfully protected from this nastiness, but when possible you will find the most leverage by writing the server to support the graph queries directly (consider your REST API a legacy thing that your new UI doesn’t want/need). If you have to access 3rd-party REST APIs, then you’re kind of stuck with making the interface layer. |
The first thing you should continue getting used to is the fact that everything works on your graph database concept of the client database. The connections within this graph have two possible realities: the graph that corresponds to your UI, and the graph that corresponds to the schema of your actual persistence engine (database).
Sub-portions of these graphs (the persistent parts) will very often match perfectly. For example, "a person has a phone number" is almost certainly modelled in the same sort of relational way in the UI and the database.
But we have all sorts of ways we’d like to view data. Perhaps we’d like to view "all the people who’ve ever had this phone number". That is something we can very simply represent with a UI graph, but may not be trivial to pull from our database.
In general, there are a few approaches to resolving our graph differences:
Use the query parser on the server to piece together data based on the graph of the query.
Ask the server for exactly what you want, using an invented well-known "root" keyword, and hand-code the database code to create the UI-centric view.
Ask the server for something it can easily provide with the persistence graph, and morph it on the client.
The first two have the advantage of making the client blissfully unaware of the server schema. It just asks for what it needs, and someone on the server programming team is stuck with satisfying the query. This is the down-side: the number of possible UI-centric queries could become quite large. Theoretically a parser solution makes this more tractable than a hand-coded variant, but in practice the parser is hard to make general in a way that allows UI developers to just run willy-nilly queries and get what they want.
In the example of "people who’ve had this phone number", the graph would be phone-number centric. Maybe
[:db/id :phone/number {:phone/historical-owners (om/get-query Person)}]
. There probably isn’t a graph edge in the
real database called :phone/historical-owners
. One could write parser code that understood this particular edge,
and did the logic. In this case, that really isn’t even that hard and may be a good choice. It is the central
suggested design of stock Om Next.
Fulcro gives you an easy-to-access additional option: morph something the server can easily provide (on the
real graph without custom code). Issuing
(load this :people Person {:params {:with-phone-number n} :post-mutation 'generate-historical-phone-view})
would allow
you to simply support an additional parameter on the graph walk of your normal schema to filter it down to people that have
had a specific phone number. Then the post-mutation is used to create the UI graph you’re looking for.
The main way of obtaining data from the server is a call to load
. By default, load
targets the loaded data to
the root of your graph, though it does normalize the result (so you typically just end up with an ident or list of
idents at the root key).
(load this :root-keyword Component)
is the most basic form of load. This will issue the server query
[{:root-keyword (om/get-query Component)}]
. It generates the query for you so that things are guaranteed to be
well-structured. In particular, post-mutations
are typically interested in just one sub-graph, and targeting loads
to alternate places in your graph is also made easier.
If you issue more than one load
in the same thread of execution (event handler, for example), then the loads
will be combined, when possible, into a single network interaction. In other words, network processing does not proceed
until you release the UI thread.
The vast majority of your loads will not belong at the root of your graph. Fortunatly, your database is normalized, so
all of your UI components are in top-level tables (at some ident path). The load
function includes an option that
allows you to take advantage of this convenient fact to place the resulting (normalized) graph result in some
field of some component. It’s as simple as:
(load this :root-keyword Component {:target [:table id :field]})
The actual operation of this load is to run the query, place the (normalized) result on the root node (temporarily at :root-keyword) and then move the resulting ident (or vector of idents) at that root-level key to the desired location.
Because the value does briefly appear on the root node, we recommend that you namespace the root keyword to avoid collisions with real root-node data. |
The general pure rendering model encourages you to put as much state as possible into your client database, including data that is of concern only to the UI. Server interactions pose a problem here: you don’t want to have to worry about UI-specific parts of the UI query being sent to the server on data-driver interactions.
Fulcro has you covered. If you have query elements that have nothing to do with server interaction, just use keywords
in the ui
namespace. Such keywords will be automatically omitted from the network query.
Unless you mark queries as parallel (an option to load
), Fulcro will serialize requests. Two different events that
queue mutations or loads will be processed in order. For example The user clicks on something and you trigger two loads. Those
two loads are combined and sent. The user clicks on something else and that handler queues two more loads. The latter two
loads will not start over the network until the first load sequence completes. This ensures that you don’t get out-of-order
server execution. This is a distributed system, so it is possible for a second request to hit a less congested server than
the first and get processed out of order. This kills your ability to reason about your program, so the default behavior in
Fulcro is to ensure that server interactions happen in the same order as on the client.
If you combine mutations and reads in the same event processing (before giving up the thread), then Fulcro also ensures that remote mutations go over the wire and complete before reads. The idea being that you don’t want to fetch data and then immediately make it stale through mutations. This additional detail is also aimed at preventing subtle classes of application bugs.
There is a potential for a data-driven app to create a new class of problem related to merging data. The normalization guarantees that the data for any number of views of the same thing are normalized to the same node in the graph.
Thus, your PersonListRow
view and PersonDetail
view might both normalize their data to [:person/by-id id]
. Let’s say
you have a quick list of people on the screen that is paginated and demand-loaded, where each row is a PersonListRow
with query [:db/id :person/name {:person/image (om/get-query Image)}]
. Now say that you can click on one of these
rows and a side-by-side view of that person’s PersonDetail
is shown, but the query for that is a whole bunch of
stuff: name, age, address, phone numbers, etc. A much larger query.
A naive merge could cause you all sorts of nightmares. For example, Refreshing the list rows would load only name and image, but if merge overwrote the entire table entry then the current detail view might suddenly empty out!
Fulcro provides you with an advanced merging algorithm that ensures these kinds of cases don’t easily occur. It does an intelligent merge with the following algorithm:
It is a detailed deep merge. Thus, the target table entry is not overwritten, but updated
If the query asks for a value but the result does not contain it, then that value is removed.
If the query didn’t ask for a value, then the existing value is untouched.
This reduces the problem to one of potential staleness. It is technically possible for an entity in the resulting database to be in a state that has never existed on the server because of such a partial update. This is considered to be a better result than the arbitrary UI madness that generalized data-driven overwrite would cause.
For example, in the example above, a query for a list row will update the name and image. All of the other details (if already loaded) would remain the same; however, it is possible that the server has run a mutation that also updated this person’s phone number. The detail part of the UI will be showing an updated name and image, but the old phone number. Technically this "state of Person" has never existed in the server’s timeline.
In practice this isn’t that big of a deal; however, if switching the UI to an edit mode it is generally a good practice to bring the entity being edited up-to-date with respect to the server to help prevent problems with your reasoning model.
React lifecycle and Load may not mix well. The UI lifecycle should really not be heavily tied to the
data lifecycle, other than to perhaps trigger a mutation that checks state and conditionally triggers loads. Different
scenarios in React can cause a subtree to unmount and remount, meaning that calls like componentDidMount
may fire when
you don’t expect them to.
Incremental loading is a first-class feature of Fulcro’s data-driven model. The load
primitive allows you to
prune parts of the query to prevent loading those bits. For example, say you have a Blog
with Comments
. You
probably want to load the blog by itself, and then load the comments later, but the comments are almost
certainly in the UI’s graph query. So (load app :blog Blog)
would ask the server for the blog, comments, etc.
The :without
option allows you to have the query trimmed so that certain branches are not sent to the server. So,
a call like (load app :blog Blob {:without #{:comments}})
will send the same query to the server, but any property
or join (anywhere in the query tree) that is named :comments
will not be included.
The elided data can later be loaded in the context of the component where it appears. For example:
(defui Blog
static om/IQuery
(query [this] [:db/id :blog/content {:comments (om/get-query Comment)}])
(render [this]
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(df/load-field this :comments)} "Comments")))
does the exact opposite: it finds the ident of the invoking component, and joins it to a query from Blog that contains
nothing but :comments
(e.g. [{[:blog/by-id 3] [{:comments (om/get-query Comment)}]}]
). This allows the server
to understand exactly which entity to start at (blog 3) and what sub-graph is needed.
The server-side processing defines two internal multimethods, and joins them together via a call to fulcro-parser
. You
can also write your own custom Om Next parser and use that instead. The latter is covered in some detail in the
Developer’s Guide, and in stock Om Next documentation.
All of the techniques you’d use in a parser can be easily applied using the fulcro-parser
, but the entry points are
slightly more well-defined.
Fulcro’s parser hooks queries that join on a simple keyword up to the fulcro.server/read-root
multimethod, and those
that join on idents (e.g. load-field
and refresh
) to fulcro.server/read-entity
. For convenience, two
macros give you a slightly easier way to write handlers for these.
Once you’re in a handler, the env will contain the parser (which dispatches ident-based joins to read-entity, and
keyword-based things to read-root ). You could also use an alternative hand-constructed parser to continue processing the graph if you
so desire.
Any load of the form (load this :keyword Component)
can be handled with:
(defquery-root :keyword
(value [env params]
Any load of the form (load this [:table/by-id 4] Component)
or (load-field this :field)
will trigger:
(defquery-entity :table/by-id
(value [env id params]
In both cases the env
will include things like an AST and parser for processing the remainder of the graph query.
The query syntax is a subset of Datomic Pull syntax. Typically your code on the server can simply find the root set of
entities in question (using the ident or implied entities of the keyword), and then run a pull
to get the result.
See the Fulcro Demos for an example of security-checking graph queries to prevent arbitrary graph walks of your database.
The fulcro-sql
library includes a function that mimics the Datomic pull
method against SQL databases. This allows you
to run real data-driven graph queries against your SQL database with a minimal description of the schema. This library
is young and may not support certain complex SQL schemas, but demonstrates the power of the model. The actual algorithm
to run the graph query against an SQL database takes about 250 lines of Clojure.
Server-side mutations, when using the fulcro-parser
look identical to the client-side ones. You can either
use defmethod
on fulcro.server/server-mutate
OR you can use a fulcro.server/defmutation
that looks
identical to the client.
(server/defmutation sample [params]
(action [env] ...))
The biggest difference is that the env
in this case is a server environment that you create through dependency injection
to include things like databases.
Creating things on the client involves the resolution of identity. A new thing on the client will turn into
a persistent thing on the server, and you cannot know in advance what ID(s) to give to those things. Temporary IDs
are the solution. The om/tempid
function generates a specially typed UUID that is transit-compatible, and can be
used in place of a real ID.
Server-side mutations that create things can simply return a map with a :tempids
key whose value is a map from
to realid
. Fulcro will take it from there:
All appearances of the tempid in application state will automatically be rewritten to the real ID
Any pending network requests that contain the tempid will be rewritten to use the new real ID
The only danger is using parallel network requests. If you use the (default) sequential processing of network interactions, then the fact that pending network requests are tempid remapped means that you don’t have to do anything special to keep track of the fact that a temporary ID appears in your client application state. Simply keep evolving your graph optimistically in response to user events, and let the full-stack interaction (however slow it may be) take care of the rest!
A distributed system with optimistic updates assumes a relatively robust network where unrecoverable errors are rare. The default networking of Fulcro assumes LAN quality. This isn’t always a true assumption, but let’s first talk about the kinds of errors we’ll see:
Communication (the operation would succeed, if we could just make the request)
If you’re seeing a security problem that isn’t a bug, then someone is attacking your servers. There is nothing to do in the UI. Hard fail at the server and move on with your life. Why write UI code for a case that should never be triggered by the UI.
If it is a true bug, then there isn’t much you can do about it either. It is a bug. It is random and affects things in ways you cannot possibly imagine. You didn’t even detect it (or you would have fixed it). So again: nothing you can reasonably code to help.
The final two, outage and communication, are technically something you can recover from. In both cases your biggest problem is figuring out how your client and server state might differ. Again, you’re in a distributed system. Did that mutation partially complete?
If your application can assume reasonably reliable networking, then your error handling can be a relatively small amount of code. Outages and network problems will be rare, and at worst you throw up a dialog that says you’ve had an unrecoverable error and the user hits reload on their browser. If this happens to users once or twice a year, it isn’t going to hurt you.
If your users are likely using your software from a phone on a subway, then you have a completely different issue.
Fortunately, Fulcro actually makes handling this case relatively easy as well. Here is what you can do:
Write a custom networking implementation for the client that detects the kind of error, and retries recoverable ones until they succeed. Possibly with exponential backoff. (If an infinite loop happens, the user will eventually hit reload.)
Make your server mutations idempotent, so that a client can safely re-apply one that fails.
The default fulcro networking does not do retries because without the idempotent guarantee it isn’t safe.
The optimistic updates of Fulcro and the in-order server execution means that "offline" operation is actually quite tractable. If programmed this way, your error handling becomes isolated almost entirely to the networking layer. Of course, if the user navigates to a screen that needs server data, they will just have to wait. Writing UI code that possibly has lifecycle timers to show progress updates will improve the overall feel, but the correctness will be there with a fairly small number of additions.
The optimistic update nature of Fulcro means that return values from mutations are rare. The client generates everything about a mutation, including the (temporary) ID of new entities. However, there are cases where a return value is desirable.
The problem is the fact that a return value doesn’t have a query! Remember, you need to normalize any data that comes from the server into the proper place in the app state. That is the model. A return value has "noplace to go" by default.
There are two ways of dealing with this:
If there is a server-based session: place the data in the session, and query for it after the mutation. Remember that mutations are always ordered before reads. So a mutation/load combo can server as a "call a function" and then "read the result".
Register a mutation merge function.
Option (1) should be pretty obvious by now, but option (2) is new. There is an option when creating a fulcro client
called mutation-merge
. You give it a function (typically a multimethod) of the form (fn [state-map mutation-symbol return-value-from-server] state-map')
Note that this is a state-map, not an atom. You must return the new state of the entire app (if you return nil, you’ll wipe out your
entire UI database). This allows you to use functions like merge
, tree->db
, and such to do whatever is necessary with the
return value with respect to application state.
See the Developer’s Guide for details on advanced parsing.
Fulcro allows you to augment the built-in query parser. It uses the exact same techniques discussed in the Developer’s Guide on advanced server query processing; and it is similar in that you must start at the root of the query (even though you may only want to augment something rather deep in the query tree).
This is a limitation of how queries are processed. Fulcro normally runs the query through db->tree
, which attempts to
fill the entire result. If you supply a :read-local
function during client construction, then your :read-local
get first shot at each element of the query that was submitted. Note that path optimization in Om could cause the
query to start at an ident. If your read-local
function returns nil
for an element, then the normal Fulcro
processing takes place on that sub-query. If your read-local
returns a value, then that is all the processing that
is done for that sub-tree. Thus, custom client parsing always requires you to process sub-trees of the query, not just
individual elements. Of course, you can use db->tree
at any time to "finish out" some subquery against real data.
This has the advantage of letting you dynamically fill queries without having to have a concrete representation of the graph in your database. This can be helpful if you have some rapidly changing data (e.g. updated by a web worker) and some views of that data that would otherwise be hard to keep up-to-date.
See the Developer’s Guide and the Fulcro Template.
See the Developer’s Guide.
See the Developer’s Guide.
See the Developer’s Guide and the Fulcro Template.
Give a single FulcroNetworking object to :networking
(which will be known as :remote
), or a map of keyword
remote names whose values are objects the implement FulcroNetworking.
The general philosophy of a Fulcro application is that optimistic updates are not even triggered on the client unless they expect to succeed on the server. In other words, you write the application in such a way that operations cannot be triggered from the UI unless you’re certain that a functioning server will execute them. A server should not throw an exception and trigger a need for network error handling unless there is a real, non-recoverable situation.
If this is true, then a functioning server does need to do sanity checking for security reasons, but in general you don’t need to give friendly errors when those checks fail: you should assume they are attempted hacks. Other serious problems are the similar: there is usually nothing you can do but throw an exception and let the user contact support. Exceptions to this rule certainly exist, but they are few and far between.
There are some cases where the server has to be involved in a validation interaction non-optimistically. Login is a great example of this. However, invalid credentials on login should not be treated as an error! It should be treated as a response to a question. "Can I log in with these credentials?". Yes or no. This is a query and response, not an error handling interaction. Thus, something like login can be handled with a query (to get the answer) and post-mutation (to update the screen with an error or change the route on response).
This philosophy eases the overhead in general application programming. You need not write a bunch of code in the UI that gives a nice friendly message for every kind of error that occurs. If an error occurs, you can pretty much assume it is either a bug, or a real outage. In both cases, there isn’t a lot you can do that will work "well" for the user. If it is a bug, then you really have no chance of predicting what will fix it, otherwise you would have already fixed the bug. If it’s an outage, again you have no way of knowing what has gone wrong. Is the user’s WiFi out of range? Did your database take a dump?
So, most error conditions can be treated as a problem that needs fairly radical recovery. Since you’re working with a distributed application the recovery from errors is a difficult task. There is no sugar-coating it. What in your client database is now corrupt or out-of-sync?
In general, it is recommended that full-stack error handling use the global error handler that is configured during the setup of your client application (you have to explicitly configure networking). This function can update application state to show some kind of top-level modal dialog that describes the problem, possibly allows the user to submit application history (for support viewer) to your servers, and then re-initializes the application in some way.
You can, of course, get pretty creative with the re-initialization. For example, say you write screens so that they will refresh their persistent data whenever it is older than some amount of time, and write it so all entities have a timestamp. You could walk the state and "expire" all of the timestamps, and then close the dialog. Your lifecycle methods on the components could be set up to check for the expiration, which in turn would trigger loads. If the server is really having problems then the worst case is that the dialog pops back up telling them there is still a problem.
The networking layer of Fulcro will, by default, place load markers at the target location for any data that is scheduled to be loaded or is currently loading. It also updates a global loading marker. This gives you ample opportunities to give the user feedback about network activity.
However, many applications have custom desires beyond showing a busy indicator in place of the data being loaded.
One common pattern is for the current data to stay in-place while the new data is loading, and for a busy marker (for that data, not for global network activity) to show in the UI. In this case what you want is a load marker for the data, but you don’t want it to appear at the target.
The best way to support this use-case is to target the data to a temporary location in the UI, where you want to show the load marker. Then use a post-mutation to re-target it when loading is done.
(df/load :person Person {:params {:id 1} :target [:panel :person-editor :temp/person]
:post-mutation `move-temp-to-editor})
where the PersonEditor
would need to query for :temp/person
(the load target) as well as :person-to-edit
(the field that represents the actual thing being edited). When :temp/person
has a load marker, show the busy indicator.
Clojurescript 1.9.854+ has expanded support for code splitting (older versions do too, but require a bit more code). The main things you need to do to accomplish code splitting are:
Make sure your main app doesn’t don’t accidentally refer to things in the module. Hard dependencies make it impossible to split the code.
Define a mechanism whereby your loaded code can find and install itself into the application.
Since you’re working with a data-driven application with components that have queries, this typically means that you’re going to have to have the newly loaded components somehow modify the main application’s query to tie them in. Also, since parents technically render children, you’re going to have to have an extensible mechanism for that as well.
To demonstrate one technique we’ll assume that what you load is a "section" of the application that can be routed to. The main application knows to provide the link, but it does not yet have the rendering factory, class, or query.
TODO: Add a dynamic query routing component to routing.cljc
TODO: multimethods for getting class by well-known name. Use keyword (which parent can know) as dispatch. Use dynamic query for that router.
Add modules
Of course this affects server-side rendering as well. If you want to pre-render a page that is normally loaded as a module then you must make sure it is loaded properly on the server. This is typically relatively simple, since you won’t need the module splitting or the loading code to do anything. Instead, you just need to make sure the namespace is required so that the multimethod has been installed. There is also the problem of the dynamic query: you don’t have component instances or a reconciler, so there is no place to set the query. Instead, you’ll have to use reader conditionals so that the query is statically complete when used on the server.
(defui RouterUnion
static om/IQuery
(query [this]
#?(:cljs {:main-screen (om/get-query Main)}
:clj {:main-screen (om/get-query Main) :other (om/get-query Other) ...}))
Fuclro and React behave in a very performant manner for most data-driven applications. There are ways, however, in which you can negatively affect performance.
This is by far the most common source of performance issues. Evaluating the UI query is relatively fast, but relative is the key word. The larger the query, the more work that has to be done to get the data for it. Remember that you compose all component queries to the root. If you do this with only joins and props, then your root query will ask for everything that your UI could ever show, on every frame! This will perform very badly.
The solution to this is to make use of UI routing to ensure that your query contains only the currently relevant things. There are a number of possible solutions for this, but the two most highly suggested are to use union or dynamic queries.
The fulcro.client.routing
namespace includes primitives for building your UI routes using Unions (the unions are written
for you). It has a number of features, including the ability to nicely integrate with HTML5 history events for full HTML5
routing in your application.
The dynamic query approach is detailed more in this article: https://anmonteiro.com/2016/02/routing-in-om-next-a-catalog-of-approaches/
It is also important to note that you need not normalize things that are really just big blobs of data that you don’t intend to mutate. An example of this is large reports where the data is read-only. You could write a big nested bunch of components, normalize all of the parts, and write a query that joins it all back together; however, that incurs a lot of overhead both in loading the data, and every time you render.
Instead, realize that a property query like [:report-data]
can pull any kind of (serializable, if you want
support viewer support) value from the
application state. You can put a js/Date there. You can put a map there. Anything. Furthermore, this query is super-fast
since it just pulls that big blob of data from app state and adds it to the result tree. Structural sharing makes that
In general Fulcro should be able to handle a reasonably high frame-rate. In fact, the design is meant to facilitate 60FPS rendering. Remember, however, that there are a number of stages in rendering, and each of them has an overhead. Large UIs can have negative performance impacts at both the query and DOM layers.
Since React does your rendering, it is best to understand how to best optimize it using their suggestions and documentation. Note
that Fulcro already ensures (through Om Next) that shouldComponentUpdate
is defined to a sane value that should prevent refresh of DOM that has
not changed in an efficient manner.
Some general tips to start with are:
Make sure your components have a stable react key. If the key changes, React will ignore the diff and redo the DOM. This is very slow. So, if you’ve generated keys using something like random numbers just to get warnings to go away, then you’re asking for trouble.
You’re generally better off changing classes than DOM structure. For example, having a
(when render? (dom/div ...))
will cause entire sections to be inserted and removed from the DOM. Using a class is much more efficient:(dom/div #js {:className (str "" (when-not render? " hidden"))} ...)
. -
Large DOM. React is pretty good with eliminating unnecessary changes, but that is still no reason to try to render a table with 1000’s of rows. Paginate.
Can’t mock inline, protocols, or macros
You’re always creating "partial mocks"