- Added the option to open a file in new browser tab
- Make Properties title text selectable
- Added a function to refresh file/directory metadata using the USS path
- Added a right click Download file feature
- Added a right click Upload file feature, NOTE: BINARY is still unsupported
- Added a quick search that filters opened files, folders, and datasets (Alt + P)
- Added refresh button to right click folder menu & file menu
- Added refresh buttons for USS/Dataset views
- Added cut, copy, and paste functionality to USS files.
- onPathChanged emitter now fires from MVS as well
- Removed unused & dead code.
- Add rename functionality to USS browser
- Add right click menu to tag files and folders with a popup modal to choose the encoding to tag (autofills to current tag)
- Added modals, available via right click, to change ownership & permission information of files & folders.
- Some CSS has been refactored.
- Node-sass has been updated to support Node 12.
- Allow users of this component to invoke its modals by using the spawnModal input with a javascript object containing the property 'type' equal to the type of modal to open, and 'data' equal to the FileNode object to be handled
- Bugfix: Clicking on a migrated dataset would result in sending PDS contents in the form of the dataset contents, rather than displaying the PDS as a folder of PDS members. Now, clicking on a migrated dataset will either display its contents or show PDS members, depending on whether or not the dataset is or is not a PDS.
- Security: Update dependencies to more recent minor versions to reduce quantity of npm audit warnings.