Releases: AdevintaSpain/Barista
Releases · AdevintaSpain/Barista
- Hint and error assertions (#236)
- Added setTimeOnPicker function that populates the hour and minute on a time picker (#237)
- Added clearText function for EditTexts (#238)
- Make public ActivityTestRule from BaristaRule (#215)
- Fix ListInteractions failure handling (#240)
- Improve assertion tests and errors (#242)
Seekbar, ProgressBar, GridView, Keyboard, Text color, Backgrounds, Partial text... and more!
- Fixes wrong error handling on assertDisplayed (#192)
- Adding interactions for SeekBar views (#182)
- Update readme look and feel (#191)
- Add keyboard interactions (#185)
- Fix the "not" section of the text color asserts (#190)
- Add with text color (#179)
- Create (#189)
- Added support for GridView interactions (#188)
- Add assert not displayed with text (again) (#186)
- Add assertContains matcher (#170)
- Assert that a given View has a background, any background or no background (#174)
- BaristaSpinnerInteractions converted to kotlin (#180)
- Update readme (#177)
Scroll to a text resource... is back!
Don't know why, on Barista 2.0 we removed that feature. But you still need it, isn't it? So, he's back, like Terminator, but being a method of the Barista public API. #176
Yeeey! Check out the migration guide!
- Improve error handling on magic methods (#134)
- Change click to clickOn (#144)
- Changed package structure (#143)
- Add pull to refresh without id (#150)
- Add focus assertions (#148)
- Merge RecyclerView and ListView actions into ListActions (#146)
- Create FlakyTestRule independent from ActivityTestRule (#160)
- Rename and remove some APIs (#161)
- Add assertText to check a given text is shown in a given view (#157)
- Rename Barista Actions to Interactions (#162)
- Split assertion classes (#171)
Scroll to a text resource
Previously, you scrolled to Views by its id or by a "hardcoded text"
Let's start the scroll party to R.string.something! #167