boot : 1.Add read chip harware version function,new hw version support 48M DLL
2.Initial AON register after wakeup process or software reset
flash : Add flash lock moudle to realize flash lock/unlock
pwrmgr : 1.Bugfixed AON register abnormal,use rom interface
2.LDO low current bit set zero when CFG_SRAM_RETENTION_LOW_CURRENT_LDO_ENABLE is not define
3.Reset all common peripheral interrupt priority to IRQ_PRIO_HAL after wakeup
fs : 1.Add CRC verify
2.Supports fs ID caching, enabling fast indexing of fs read and write operations
3.Support fs dual backup operation, which can retrieve old data in case of current file CRC error
spi : 1.Bugfixed multi-bytes transmit error
2.Add Data Frame Size(DFS) select function
uart : Bugfixed uart busy when set baudrate
pwm : Bugfixed pwm dead zone Settings and complementary interface Settings
bsp_button : Use bsp button driver(SW) instead of kscan(HW)
mesh: :
EM_timer : 1.Bugfixed op EM_stop_timer when this timer expire
2.Add sensor/time/scheduler model(client/server)
profiles : 1.Add latest phy_plus_phy profiles, aka 2.4G proprietary protocol, support smart_RF/smart_nRF with Autoack or not
2.Add encryption upgrade for slb
example : Remove tasksArr and tasksCnt from XIP to SRAM
ble_mesh : 1.mesh_gateway: Add PB-GATT provision function
2.Redefine cli command buffer length
3.Add mesh gcc demo
4.mesh_lpn: Bugfixed lpn receive message before poll fsn error
ble_peripheral : 1.When enter dtm mode,watchdog clock is disabled
2.SbpSmart_nRF project uses the lastest common phy_plus_phy profiles in components//profiles
ble_multi : 1.Add sbm AT demo(CLI)
2.Add scan_duration with random values
3.Bugfixed multi schedule abnormal stop
peripheral : Use macro definitions to distinguish adc demos,No longer mixed together
ppsp_demo : Add ppsp demo
ota_dongle : Add ota dongle demo
PhyPlusPhy : Smart_nrf project uses the lastest common phy_plus_phy profiles in components//profiles
rf.lib : 1.Bugfixed fake connection
2.Add txdataQLen to limit notify or write_cmd
3.Optimize ll malloc linkbuf
4.Fix phyrsp &phyupdate issue in same conn_event
5.Adjust directadv delay
6.Adjust slave rx window for crcok
ble_host.lib : Optimize the transmission of received message(patch filter)
mesh_lib : 1.Bugfixed mesh stack of ltrn/trn
2.Add mesh nodeid and networkid beacon scan procedure
3.Add mesh patch,support mesh node and mesh gateway
bb_rom_sym_m0 : Update some symbol tables
ota_flash : use dma interface in flash write api(default)
flash : 1.improve spif read/write speed
2.optimze flash lock api
pwrmgr : add rc32k clock tracking init and clear calibration flag
gpio : add param check in gpio driver
mesh: : 1.add mesh config data back-up function(read&write)
2.change mesh limit dir for user config
3.Bugfixed cbtimer stop in margin case
4.Bugfixed blebrr state error in scan/adv mode
ble_mesh : 1.add fast provision
2.add mesh frined/lpn project
3.add mesh multi connect project
ble_peripheral : 1.add extBlePeripheral project
2.add sbpMultiConn project
3.add gcc demo
4.add sbpSmart_nRF project
5.add sbpSmartRF project
ble_central : 1.add extBLECentral project
2.add sbcMultiConn project
ble_multi : 1.modify the ADV schedule logic
2.add slave multi timer list
3.Bugfixed some node free multiple times
peripheral : 1.resource adc driver in adc demo(interrupt,polling,compare and adc voice)
2.add iic demo
rf.lib : 1.optimized 16M tracking function
2.add xiprestore advscan concurrent
4.add extadv function
5.add secscan active scan feature
6.adjust adv interval no 20ms limit
7.use the OSAL memory heap to apply for link buffer dynamically
8.add smart_nrf function
ble_host.lib : 1.single and multiple connections use the same lib
mesh_lib : 1.Bugfixed mesh stack
2.optimze mesh relay&transmit count
ota_flash : update ota_flash.c/slb.c to support fast slb boot
flash : add flash api to get flash id
pwrmgr : 1.add _wdt_init in wakuep_init1
2.add osal_idle_task in hal_pwrmgr_init when wdt enabled
3.watchdog_config for wtd rest cyc config and enable wdt
4.feed wdt in osal_idle_task
mesh: : support to add proxy filter list api
ble_mesh : bugfix blebrr queue full (bleMemAllocError status process)
ble_peripheral : simpleBleperipheral procedure optimize
update system clock to DBL 32M
rf.lib : 1.optimize sleep wakeup procedure,add wakeupinit tracking for 32M DBL
2.fix large slaveLatency issue
3.fix 2M PHY extpreamble issue
4.fix secondscan & secondinit CSA2 issue
mesh_lib : 1,update ltrn replay cache process when replay cache is full
2,bugfix SAR Context Allocation fail
ppsp : bugfix ppsp data format bug
ota_flash : 1,fix ota hardfault bug(100% progress)
2,update slb service
flash : add spif lock in flash.c
i2c : 1.disable i2c clock when deinit
2.enable i2c clock when i2c address update
mesh: : 1.set em timer handle to default value
2.bugfix get subscription list error
3.bugfix stop timer failed when event id can't find
4.add debug information for queue full
5.rename phyplus model to vendor model
ble_mesh : 1.bugfix mesh switch proxy beacon failed
2.add 2M mode
rf.lib : 1.add load MAC Address from chip Madd function
2.update wakeupinit tracking,optimize sleep wakeup procedure
3.add ll adv control patch to master
4.update rf driver
mesh_lib : 1.improve provision ratio
2.separate gatt and adv bearear re-transmit time
3.set ms_provisioner_addr to unassigned at reset case
bb_rom_sym_m0 : 1.delete more common rom symbol
2.add llConnTerminate0 symbol
adc : optimize adc attenuation mode correction algorithm
pwrmgr : add rf timer irq prio restore
spi : optimize spi slvae config
clock : optimize WaitMs(use WaitRTCCount)
bsp_button : add bsp_button code,it is a key process middleware which use gpio or kscan
ota_flash : add crc check when in single no fct mode
flash : add load MAC from chipmaddr
gapbondmgr : set gapBondMgr_TaskID default value to INVALID_TASK_ID
ble_multi : 1.update multi-role scheduler
2.max support 5 link(2 slave and 3 master) DLE , MTU , SMP
ble_mesh : 1.add ali genie mesh project(include 3KeySwitch,curtain...)
2.change scatter_load for ota
3.improve provision ratio
4.fix proxy timing bug(GAP_DeviceDiscoveryRequest Retry)
5.fix mesh light provision failed bug when not use easybonding
6.delete sm task
ble_peripheral :
bleUart_AT : 1.move cliface into source dir, comment out pwrmgr.o file in scatter file
2.simpleBleperipheral:fix scanrsp data bit
OTA : add ota security boot and slb ota
rf.lib : 1.update rf driver
2.add fastadv
3.optimize sleep wakeup procedure
4.update wakeupinit tracking
mesh_lib : 1.fix mesh reset cannot restart bug(provsioner and device)
2.unuse friend/lpn function
4.change mesh config address(max 4K bytes)
5.change nvs init funtion(can choose flash address)
ble_host : 1.MTU SIZE marcro define default 247
2.ATT/GATT API change uint8 to uint16
ble_host_multi5 : for ble_multi example
bb_rom_sym_m0 : 1.delete more common rom symbol
2.add g_llAdvMode symbol
adc : update adc_Lambda for adc value calc
flash : 1.add cache reset in HAL_CACHE_ENTER/EXIT_BYPASS_SECTION
2.add cache bypass in hal_flash_erase_sector/block64/all
i2c : fix scl/sda fmux error in i2c_common.c
kscan : support low power sleep wakeup
log : add LOG_DUMP_BYTE
pwrmgr : multi-io wakeup in standy mode
2.turn on CLK_COM , modifed the DEF_CLKG_CONFIG_1
spi : fix dma usage issue
spiflash : add spiflash bus busy check in spifflash_sector_erase/32KB/64KB
uart : fix dma usage issue
add mesh components
osal_snv : config USE_FS=1 by default, clear NO_FS osal_svn api
gapbondmgr : support unlimit GAP_BONDING number by config
ble_central : add simpleBleCentral demo
ble_mesh : 1.add aliGenie_mesh_light
2.add aliGenie_mesh_multi
3.add mesh_gateway
4.add mesh_light
5.add mesh_switch
ble_peripheral : add bleUart_AT
rf.lib : 1.update rf driver
2.optimize sleep wakeup time
3.add TRNG api(rf_phy_driver.h)
rf_mst.lib : for simpleBleCentral demo and ble mesh example
bb_rom_sym_m0 : add more common rom symbol
jump_table : add _hard_fault handle for debug
1. pwrmgr: add hal_pwrmgr_enter_standby api
2. dtm: support 125K/500K, ext dtm api
3. flash: add fix hal_cache_tag_flush bug and add spif_config in hal_cache_init->hw_spif_cache_init
4. flash: add SPIF polling interval config in hw_spif_cache_config
5. hiddev: updated for mobile phone compatibility