HTTPS (letsencrypt) for air service/loadbalancer
- can we use an ingress for the http part
- and can we expose 5432 using the loadbalancer
inject 'ID' into cloak deployment/container
fix the way we start the air, do not use a secret
- use configmaps for non-sensitive content
snippets contains the commands to create the secrets, make that a bash script
start_the_air.sh shell script is used to bring up the air, permission topic, we'll find a better solution
- can we run the container as deployer:deployer ==== > running version/ accessible worldwide ;)
==> cleanup phase / beautify
NOTE: config.json for air was updated to match the air-db service
❯ cat docker-compose/config/air/config.json [16:09:02] { "database": { "host": "air-db", "port": 7432, }}