This is a project done completely with React JS in the Coderhouse course.
In order to run the program you must ...
With npm i or npm install you will be able to install all the necessary dependencies to make the application work.
With npm start, you can start the application, in general, it will open only after a few minutes, if not, entering [http: // localhost: 3000], you will see the result.
With control + C, you can end the execution of the program.
The programming languages I used were:
- Html
- Css / Sass
- JavaScript
- React JS
- Node JS (For server execution)
The database used is:
- Firebase
Add an .env with the firebase data to make the app work.
- REACT_APP_APP_ID=1:1982301298:web:e572ff92ce82d1ee79fc67
- / -> ItemListContainer -> is the main router.
- / category /: categoryId -> ItemListContainer -> is the router for specific product categories.
- / item /: paramId -> ItemDetailContainer -> is the product detail router.
- / cart -> CartContainer -> is the shopping cart router.
- / checkout -> CheckoutContainer -> is the checkout router.
- / dashboard -> DashboardContainer -> is the dashboard router.
The data they have when you add it to the cart, is an object of {item, count};
- Item -> is the product object that was added to the cart.
- Count -> is the number of products that were added to the cart.
The data that an order has are:
- buyer -> is an object with the data of the user who made the order.
- items -> is an object of {item, count};
- total -> the total price purchased.
The ItemListContainer contains a list of all the products found in the product.
The ItemDetailContainer contains the details of a specific product, which is received by ID through the useParams
of React Router.
The cartViewContainer contains a list of all the products that are in the shopping cart that the user chose.
The checkoutContainer contains a form with restrictions to register the user's data and thus add it to the database.
The DashboardContainer contains a list of all the products that the user bought through their email.
Alejo Tomás Clifton Goldney, University Programming Technician, 21 years old.