diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 6dc2009..3f708e2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ [![Discord embed](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/739784741124833301/embed.png)](https://discord.gg/CDrcxzH) [![Build Status](https://ci.codemc.io/buildStatus/icon?job=AlexProgrammerDE%2FPistonChat)](https://ci.codemc.io/job/AlexProgrammerDE/job/PistonChat/) [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/AlexProgrammerDE/PistonChat)](https://github.com/AlexProgrammerDE/PistonChat/releases) -[![Crowdin](https://badges.crowdin.net/pistonchat/localized.svg)](https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat) **An advanced chat plugin for survival/anarchy servers.** diff --git a/translations/config-Thai.yml b/translations/config-Thai.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 656d9e6..0000000 --- a/translations/config-Thai.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-bs-BA.yml b/translations/config-bs-BA.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-bs-BA.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-cs-CZ.yml b/translations/config-cs-CZ.yml deleted file mode 100644 index abae874..0000000 --- a/translations/config-cs-CZ.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d ti zašeptal: %message%" - to: "&dZašeptal jsi hráči %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Napsat hráči &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Nyní ignorujete hráče &3%player%" -unignore: "&6Již neignorujete hráče &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanentně ignorujete hráče %player%. To je uloženo v &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6Již permanentně neignorujete hráče &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-cs.yml b/translations/config-cs.yml deleted file mode 100644 index bc2b775..0000000 --- a/translations/config-cs.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% ti zašeptal: %message%" - to: "&dZašeptal jsi hráči %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Napsat hráči &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Nyní ignorujete hráče &3%player%" -unignore: "&6Již neignorujete hráče &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanentně ignorujete hráče %player%. To je uloženo v &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6Již permanentně neignorujete hráče &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-de-DE.yml b/translations/config-de-DE.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-de-DE.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-de.yml b/translations/config-de.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 656d9e6..0000000 --- a/translations/config-de.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-en-AU.yml b/translations/config-en-AU.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f678435..0000000 --- a/translations/config-en-AU.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-en.yml b/translations/config-en.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 656d9e6..0000000 --- a/translations/config-en.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-es-ES.yml b/translations/config-es-ES.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-es-ES.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-es.yml b/translations/config-es.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 656d9e6..0000000 --- a/translations/config-es.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-hr-HR.yml b/translations/config-hr-HR.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-hr-HR.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-nl-NL.yml b/translations/config-nl-NL.yml deleted file mode 100644 index f678435..0000000 --- a/translations/config-nl-NL.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-nl.yml b/translations/config-nl.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 656d9e6..0000000 --- a/translations/config-nl.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-ru-RU.yml b/translations/config-ru-RU.yml deleted file mode 100644 index b9bb97f..0000000 --- a/translations/config-ru-RU.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d шепчет: %message%" - to: "&dВы шепчете %player%'у&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Сообщение от &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Теперь игнорирую &3%player%" -unignore: "&6Больше не игнорирую &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Навсегда игнорирую %player%&6. Это сохранилось в &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6Больше перманентно не игнорирую &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[консоль]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-sr-CS.yml b/translations/config-sr-CS.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-sr-CS.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-th-TH.yml b/translations/config-th-TH.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-th-TH.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-vi-VN.yml b/translations/config-vi-VN.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 46cc88e..0000000 --- a/translations/config-vi-VN.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -#This config is configured to be what 2b2t.org has. -whisper: - from: "&d%player%&d whispers: %message%" - to: "&dYou whisper to %player%&d: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Message &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Now ignoring &3%player%" -unignore: "&6No longer ignoring &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Permanently ignoring %player%&6. This is saved in &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6No longer permanently ignoring &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -console-name: "[console]" -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -only-hide-pms: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/config-vi.yml b/translations/config-vi.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 910c494..0000000 --- a/translations/config-vi.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -#To use these prefixes you need additionally the pistonchat. -#/ indicates disabled! -whisper: - from: "&d%player% nhắn bạn: %message%" - to: "&dBạn nhắn %player%: %message%" -hover-text: "&6Nhắn tin cho &3%player%" -ignore: "&6Đã làm ngơ &3%player%" -unignore: "&6Hủy làm ngơ &3%player%" -ignorehard: "&6Làm ngơ %player% vĩnh viễn. Thông tin lưu tại &4/ignorelist." -unignorehard: "&6Đã hủy làm ngơ &3%player%" -chatformat: "<%player%&r>" -strip-name-color: false -allow-pm-self: true -allow-pm-ignored: true -ignore-list-size: 9 -prefixes: - GREEN: ">" - BLUE: '/' - RED: '/' - AQUA: '/' - GOLD: '/' - YELLOW: '/' - GRAY: '/' - BLACK: '/' - DARK_GREEN: '/' - DARK_RED: '/' - DARK_GRAY: '/' - DARK_BLUE: '/' - DARK_AQUA: '/' - DARK_PURPLE: '/' - LIGHT_PURPLE: '/' - ITALIC: '/' - UNDERLINE: '/' - BOLD: '/' - STRIKETHROUGH: '/' diff --git a/translations/language-Thai.yml b/translations/language-Thai.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 307ae28..0000000 --- a/translations/language-Thai.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "%prefix%This player is not online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%No players ignored." -chaton: "%prefix%Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "%prefix%Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "%prefix%Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "%prefix%Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-bs-BA.yml b/translations/language-bs-BA.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 09ad2b3..0000000 --- a/translations/language-bs-BA.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." -chatisoff: "You have toggled off chat" diff --git a/translations/language-cs-CZ.yml b/translations/language-cs-CZ.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ef01f1b..0000000 --- a/translations/language-cs-CZ.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "Musíte být hráčem, abyste tohle mohli udělat." -notonline: "Tento hráč není online." -nooneignored: "Neignorujete žádné hráče." -chaton: "Zprávy chatu budou zobrazeny." -chatoff: "Zprávy chatu budou skryty." -pmson: "Soukromé zprávy budou skryty." -pmsoff: "Soukromé zprávy budou zobrazeny." -pmself: "Prosím neposílejte zprávy sami sobě." -chatisoff: "Vypnuli jste chat" diff --git a/translations/language-cs.yml b/translations/language-cs.yml deleted file mode 100644 index c2e1ec0..0000000 --- a/translations/language-cs.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%Musíte být hráčem, abyste tohle mohli udělat." -notonline: "%prefix%Tento hráč není online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%Neignorujete žádné hráče." -chaton: "%prefix%Zprávy chatu budou zobrazeny." -chatoff: "%prefix%Zprávy chatu budou skryty." -pmson: "%prefix%Soukromé zprávy budou skryty." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Soukromé zprávy budou zobrazeny." -pmself: "%prefix%Prosím neposílejte zprávy sami sobě." diff --git a/translations/language-de-DE.yml b/translations/language-de-DE.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 09ad2b3..0000000 --- a/translations/language-de-DE.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." -chatisoff: "You have toggled off chat" diff --git a/translations/language-de.yml b/translations/language-de.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 307ae28..0000000 --- a/translations/language-de.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "%prefix%This player is not online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%No players ignored." -chaton: "%prefix%Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "%prefix%Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "%prefix%Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "%prefix%Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-en-AU.yml b/translations/language-en-AU.yml deleted file mode 100644 index c5c77f2..0000000 --- a/translations/language-en-AU.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-en.yml b/translations/language-en.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 307ae28..0000000 --- a/translations/language-en.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "%prefix%This player is not online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%No players ignored." -chaton: "%prefix%Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "%prefix%Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "%prefix%Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "%prefix%Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-es-ES.yml b/translations/language-es-ES.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 09ad2b3..0000000 --- a/translations/language-es-ES.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." -chatisoff: "You have toggled off chat" diff --git a/translations/language-es.yml b/translations/language-es.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 307ae28..0000000 --- a/translations/language-es.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "%prefix%This player is not online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%No players ignored." -chaton: "%prefix%Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "%prefix%Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "%prefix%Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "%prefix%Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-hr-HR.yml b/translations/language-hr-HR.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 69f2bf7..0000000 --- a/translations/language-hr-HR.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "Trebaš biti igrač da bi mogao ovo napraviti." -notonline: "Ovaj igrač nije na mreži." -nooneignored: "Niti jedan igrač nije ignoriran." -chaton: "Poruke dopisivanja su prikazane." -chatoff: "Poruke dopisivanja su skrivene." -pmson: "Privatne poruke skrivene." -pmsoff: "Privatne poruke prikazane." -pmself: "Molim ne šaljite privatne poruke sebi." -chatisoff: "Ugasio si dopisivanje" diff --git a/translations/language-nl-NL.yml b/translations/language-nl-NL.yml deleted file mode 100644 index c5c77f2..0000000 --- a/translations/language-nl-NL.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-nl.yml b/translations/language-nl.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 307ae28..0000000 --- a/translations/language-nl.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "%prefix%This player is not online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%No players ignored." -chaton: "%prefix%Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "%prefix%Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "%prefix%Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "%prefix%Please do not pm yourself." diff --git a/translations/language-ru-RU.yml b/translations/language-ru-RU.yml deleted file mode 100644 index a8206c5..0000000 --- a/translations/language-ru-RU.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "Вы должны быть игроком, чтобы это сделать." -notonline: "Этот игрок не в сети." -nooneignored: "Нет игнорируемых игроков." -chaton: "Чат снова виден." -chatoff: "Чат скрыт." -pmson: "Личные сообщения скрыты." -pmsoff: "Личные сообщения снова видны." -pmself: "Пожалуйста, не пишите себе." -chatisoff: "Вы отключили чат" diff --git a/translations/language-sr-CS.yml b/translations/language-sr-CS.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 09ad2b3..0000000 --- a/translations/language-sr-CS.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." -chatisoff: "You have toggled off chat" diff --git a/translations/language-th-TH.yml b/translations/language-th-TH.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 09ad2b3..0000000 --- a/translations/language-th-TH.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." -chatisoff: "You have toggled off chat" diff --git a/translations/language-vi-VN.yml b/translations/language-vi-VN.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 09ad2b3..0000000 --- a/translations/language-vi-VN.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "You need to be a player to do this." -notonline: "This player is not online." -nooneignored: "No players ignored." -chaton: "Chat messages unhidden." -chatoff: "Chat messages hidden." -pmson: "Private messages hidden." -pmsoff: "Private messages unhidden." -pmself: "Please do not pm yourself." -chatisoff: "You have toggled off chat" diff --git a/translations/language-vi.yml b/translations/language-vi.yml deleted file mode 100644 index e7a45ca..0000000 --- a/translations/language-vi.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ ---- -#You can find pre translated languages on crowdin: -#https://crowdin.com/project/pistonchat -#The prefix can also be set to just "&6" -prefix: "[&2PistonChat&r] &6" -playeronly: "%prefix%Bạn phải là người chơi để sử dụng lệnh này." -notonline: "%prefix%người chơi này không online." -nooneignored: "%prefix%bạn chưa làm ngơ ai cả." -chaton: "%prefix%Chat đã được bật." -chatoff: "%prefix%Chat đã được ẩn." -pmson: "%prefix%Tin nhắn riêng đã được ẩn." -pmsoff: "%prefix%Tin nhắn riêng đã được bật." -pmself: "%prefix%Làm ơn đừng nhắn tin cho bản thân."