- a0c3411: feat: add environment configuration and improve commit linting
- bc3d175: refactor: all routes merged, housekeeping
- 76d7e39: chore: cd code modified
- 76d7e39: style: certificate section mobile view fix
- b143601: refactor: migrated from nodmailer + gmail -> nuxt-nodemailer + mailtrap
- b143601: chore: github action android workflow added
- 22c7f60: chore: workflows updated
- aa7c3df: fix: jobs output fixed
- 51446f6: migrate: pkg-manager npm -> pnpm
- 339a302: chore: premade sitemap.xml removed, google tag manager removed, icons updated, pkgs updated
- 9375129: feat: tauri added
- ccaa4e7: refactor: certificate section splide added
- 4f60d29: chore: new project unascii added
- a09aa21: refactor: serve static files
- 1e3f27b: feat: google ads tag added
- bd3a48a: fix: dynamic file load caching fixed
- 5bda9ba: chore: nuxt 4 migrate file structure
- fba19ba: feat: docker volume mounting added
- 5d48903: chore: components renamed, styling fixed, and nuxt/scripts module added
- 7163a52: refactor: api cached for 1 hour
- 56585ba: refactor: serverside component and lazy loading component added
- 50ee4ef: fix: ProjectCard Pagination Fixed
- e325cd1: chore: pkgs updated and housekeeping
- da6c8e1: refactor: moved gtag from config to env
- 8e677b8: fix: contact form stagnation fixed
- 4672b80: fix: deploy script updated, some housekeeping
- b9b10e6: fix: try button glitch fixed, some housekeeping
- 2746875: fix: pwa caching issue fixed, ci/cd pipeline updated
- 527488d: ci/cd: deploy script updated for docker
- 33ed767: refactor: vue-email upgraded and housekeeping
- 87194ad: fix: project api invalid date fixed
- 88d0d52: fix: repo not found handling added
- 908584f: refactor: nuxt-splide added instead of using vue-splide as plugin
- 908584f: refactor: used datefns insted of vueuse for date
- 908584f: refactor: used confbox instead of yaml
- 908584f: chore: formatted and linted
- 908584f: chore: eslint added
- 908584f: chore: pritter added
- bc2521e: fix: resolve vue-email by recreating package-lock.json
- e5e91a2: chore: pkgs updated and distro upgrade
- ddbaa57: fix: contact email sending functionality fixed
- 0db5326: seo: h tag issue fixed, images more optimised
- 68ab4a2: feat: added PWA custom install prompt
- 18e6edc: fix: contact me button not visible, NuxtImg use
- d18ea09: feat: new company added
- 6eb617e: feat: added new certificate
- 3154b86: chore: pkgs updated
- 7b4348c: feat: added arrows in project section
- da03fba: feat: project gallary carousel added
- 828c866: feat: added techstack badge
- 64fe3a0: fix: deploy job in gh actions
- d50bc6e: fix: deploy script fixed
- e52464a: feat: orykit added, deploy script updated
- c1214b4: refactor: changed supabasedb to notiondb
- f733aa6: style: fixed timeline colormode
- be59ae3: style: made timeline responsive
- 0fa9d5f: chore: assets updated
- d36607d: revert: NuxtImg -> img tag
- 8f90e71: refactor: img replaced with NuxtImg
- c31f5d8: style: maskable icons add in pwa
- 23f8b57: feat: app shortcut added, aratrik's portfolio added
- 1a44972: chore: added 30 days of react certificate
- 1cadaee: refactor: seo improved
- fe7f2d2: refactor: added detailed website title and description
- 55e9488: feat: CTA button added
- 353fff6: first major release
- ea74df9: feat: added monalisa's portfolio
- dad5c7f: feat: vue-email added
- 494d5a2: feat: pwa added
- a194882: feat: github repo btn added, images optimized, portfolio project added
- 9ac42bf: feat: certificate card responsiveness added
- a4891a5: chores: optimized images
- 1fdcb3b: feat: colorMode toggle button added
- 10aaf65: feat: certificate section added
- d5acfa1: refactor: added file parsing on /experience
- dcafb44: feat: redesigned contact section & added new project and hackathon
- 7843903: timeline complete
- 1848979: refactor: NuxtImg Added, packages updated
- 356b4b8: fix: hackathon card light mode
- 4ac3cc7: fix: Biosense Project Preview Images is not showing
- 356b4b8: fix: hackathon section alignment
- 46f408a: hackathon section added
- 3a50825: fixed: supabase /login error, ci/cd pipeline