dynamically imports the firebase/remote-config
library on demand, provides convenience observables, pipes, and a promisified version of the Firebase Remote Config SDK (firebase.remoteConfig.RemoteConfig
class AngularFireRemoteConfigModule { }
interface ConfigTemplate {[key:string]: string|number|boolean}
type Parameter extends remoteConfig.Value {
key: string,
fetchTimeMillis: number
class AngularFireRemoteConfig {
changes: Observable<Parameter>;
parameters: Observable<Parameter[]>;
numbers: Observable<{[key:string]: number|undefined}> & {[key:string]: Observable<number>};
booleans: Observable<{[key:string]: boolean|undefined}> & {[key:string]: Observable<boolean>};
strings: Observable<{[key:string]: string|undefined}> & {[key:string]: Observable<string|undefined>};
// from firebase.remoteConfig() proxy:
activate: () => Promise<boolean>;
ensureInitialized: () => Promise<void>;
fetch: () => Promise<void>;
fetchAndActivate: () => Promise<boolean>;
getAll: () => Promise<{[key:string]: remoteConfig.Value}>;
getBoolean: (key:string) => Promise<boolean>;
getNumber: (key:string) => Promise<number>;
getString: (key:string) => Promise<string>;
getValue: (key:string) => Promise<remoteConfig.Value>;
setLogLevel: (logLevel: remoteConfig.LogLevel) => Promise<void>;
settings: Promise<remoteConfig.Settings>;
defaultConfig: Promise<{[key: string]: string | number | boolean}>;
fetchTimeMillis: Promise<number>;
lastFetchStatus: Promise<remoteConfig.FetchStatus>;
// Pipes for working with .changes and .parameters
filterRemote: () => MonoTypeOperatorFunction<Parameter | Parameter[]>
filterFresh: (interval: number) => MonoTypeOperatorFunction<Parameter | Parameter[]>
budget: <T>(interval: number) => MonoTypeOperatorFunction<T>
// scanToObject is for use with .changes
scanToObject: () => OperatorFunction<Parameter, {[key: string]: string|undefined}>
// mapToObject is the same behavior are scanToObject but for use with .parameters,
mapToObject: () => OperatorFunction<Parameter[], {[key: string]: string|undefined}>
SETTINGS = InjectionToken<remoteConfig.Settings>;
DEFAULTS = InjectionToken<ConfigTemplate>;
Using the SETTINGS
DI Token (default: {}) will allow you to configure Firebase Remote Config.
Providing DEFAULTS ({[key: string]: string | number | boolean})
has AngularFireRemoteConfig
emit the provided defaults first, which allows you to count on Remote Config when the user is offline or in environments that the Remote Config service does not handle (i.e, Server Side Rendering).
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: DEFAULT_CONFIG, useValue: { enableAwesome: true } },
useFactory: () => isDevMode() ? { minimumFetchIntervalMillis: 10_000 } : {}
export class AppModule { }
constructor(remoteConfig: AngularFireRemoteConfig) {
filterFresh(172_800_000), // ensure we have values from at least 48 hours ago
// scanToObject when used this way is similar to defaults
// but most importantly smart-casts remote config values and adds type safety
enableAwesome: true,
titleBackgroundColor: 'blue',
titleFontSize: 12
// all remote config values cast as strings
remoteConfig.booleans.subscribe(...); // as booleans
remoteConfig.numbers.subscribe(...); // as numbers
// convenience for observing a single string
remoteConfig.booleans.enableAwesome.subscribe(...); // boolean
remoteConfig.numbers.titleBackgroundColor.subscribe(...); // number
// however those may emit more than once as the remote config cache fires and gets fresh values from the server
// you can filter it out of .changes for more control:
filter(param => param.key === 'titleBackgroundColor'),
map(param => param.asString())
// budget at most 800ms and return the freshest value possible in that time
// our budget pipe is similar to timeout but won't error or abort the pending server fetch (it won't emit it, if the deadline is exceeded, but it will have been fetched so can use the freshest values on next subscription)
// just like .changes, but scanned as into an array
remoteConfig.parameters.subscribe(all => ...);
// or make promisified firebase().remoteConfig() calls direct off AngularFireRemoteConfig
// using our proxy
remoteConfig.getAll().then(all => ...);
remoteConfig.lastFetchStatus.then(status => ...);