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473 lines (412 loc) · 16.5 KB

File metadata and controls

473 lines (412 loc) · 16.5 KB


# Find an HTML article based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the article sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose article is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_article(args)
    find_element('article', args)

  alias_method :article, :find_article

  # Find an HTML aside based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the aside sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose aside is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_aside(args)
    find_element('aside', args)

  alias_method :aside, :find_aside

  # Find an HTML footer based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the footer sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose footer is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_footer(args)
    find_element('footer', args)

  alias_method :footer, :find_footer

  # Find an HTML form based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the form sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose form is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_form(args)
    find_element('form', args)

  alias_method :form, :find_form

  # Find an HTML img based on the src and/or alt values.
  # @param options [Hash] Must pass a hash containing the src and/or alt of the image sought. You may pass a Regexp with src; however, this should be done sparingly, as CapybaraExtensions::Locators#image_locator will find and iterate over all images in the current scope.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element
  def find_image(options = {})
    raise "Must pass a hash containing 'src' or 'alt'" unless options.is_a?(Hash) && (options.has_key?(:src) || options.has_key?(:alt))
    find(:xpath, "//img#{image_locator(options)}")

  # Find an HTML header based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the header sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose header is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_header(args)
    find_element('header', args)

  alias_method :header, :find_header

  # Find an HTML li based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the li sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose li is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_list_item(args)
    find_element('li', args)

  alias_method :list_item, :find_list_item

  # Find an HTML nav based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the nav sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose nav is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_navigation(args)
    find_element('nav', args)

  alias_method :navigation, :find_navigation

  # Find an HTML ol based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the ol sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose ol is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_ordered_list(args)
    find_element('ol', args)

  alias_method :ordered_list, :find_ordered_list

  # Find an HTML p based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the p sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose p is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_paragraph(args)
    find_element('p', args)

  alias_method :paragraph, :find_paragraph

  # Find an HTML tr based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the tr sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose tr is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_row(args)
    find_element('tr', args)

  alias_method :row, :find_row

  # Find an HTML section based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the section sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose section is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_section(args)
    find_element('section', args)

  alias_method :section, :find_section

  # Find an HTML table based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the table sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose table is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_table(args)
    if String === args
      find_element('table', args)
      row = find_row(args)
      row.find(:xpath, 'ancestor::table')

  alias_method :table, :find_table

  # Find an HTML ul based on the given arguments.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the ul sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose ul is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def find_unordered_list(args)
    find_element('ul', args)

  alias_method :unordered_list, :find_unordered_list

  # Find the first HTML article on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first article within your current scope.
  # @param args [String] text contained within the article sought.
  # @param args [Object] the object whose article is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_article(args=nil)
    first_element('article', args)

  # Find the first HTML aside on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first aside within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the aside sought; if passed an object, the object whose aside is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_aside(args=nil)
    first_element('aside', args)

  # Find the first HTML footer on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first footer within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the footer sought; if passed an object, the object whose footer is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_footer(args=nil)
    first_element('footer', args)

  # Find the first HTML form on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first form within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the form sought; if passed an object, the object whose form is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_form(args=nil)
    first_element('form', args)

  # Find the first HTML header on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first header within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the header sought; if passed an object, the object whose header is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_header(args=nil)
    first_element('header', args)

  # Find the first HTML nav on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first nav within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the nav sought; if passed an object, the object whose nav is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_navigation(args=nil)
    first_element('nav', args)

  # Find the first HTML ol on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first ol within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the ol sought; if passed an object, the object whose ol is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_ordered_list(args=nil)
    first_element('ol', args)

  # Find the first HTML p on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first p within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the p sought; if passed an object, the object whose p is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_paragraph(args=nil)
    first_element('p', args)

  # Find the first HTML tr on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first tr within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the tr sought; if passed an object, the object whose tr is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_row(args=nil)
    first_element('tr', args)

  # Find the first HTML section on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first section within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the section sought; if passed an object, the object whose section is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_section(args=nil)
    first_element('section', args)

  # Find the first HTML table on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first table within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the table sought; if passed an object, the object whose table is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_table(args=nil)
    first_element('table', args)

  # Find the first HTML ul on the page matching the given arguments. If no arguments are supplied, it will find the first unordered list within your current scope.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string, the text contained within the ul sought; if passed an object, the object whose ul is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_unordered_list(args=nil)
    first_element('ul', args)

  # When scoped to an ol or ul, find the first HTML li on the page matching the given arguments.
  # @param number [Integer] the nth li element sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def list_item_number(number)
    find_element_by_number('li', number)

  # When scoped to a table, find the first HTML tr on the page matching the given arguments. If passed a negative number, it will find the first tr from the bottom of the table (so row_number(-1) finds the last row in the table).
  # @param number [Integer] the nth tr element sought
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def row_number(number)
    find_element_by_number('tr', number)


  # Find an element matching the given arguments
  # @param tag [String] the HTML tag for the element
  # @param args [String] the text used to find the element
  # @param args [Object] the object used to find the element. Designed to work with the `content_tag_for` method in Rails, which creates an HTML element with the class and id parameters that relate to the specified Active Record object.
  def find_element(tag, args)
    if String === args
      find(tag, text: args)
      klass = args.class.to_s.downcase
      find("#{tag}##{klass}_#{}", "#{tag}.#{klass}")

  # Find an element by it's nth occurrence
  # @param element [String] the HTML tag for the element
  def find_element_by_number(tag, number)
    elements = all(tag)
    number = number.to_i
    element_number = number < 0 ? ((elements.length + 1) + number) : number
    elements[element_number - 1]

  # Find the first element on the page matching the given arguments.
  # @param args [String, Object] if passed a string as args, returns the text contained within the element sought; if passed an object, returns the object whose element is sought.
  # @return [Capybara::Element] the found element.
  def first_element(tag, args=nil)
    if args && String === args
      first(tag, text: args)
    elsif args
      klass = args.class.to_s.downcase
      first("#{tag}##{klass}_#{}", "#{tag}.#{klass}")


# Builds a locator via the given src or alt.
  # @param options[Hash] must pass a hash containing src and/or alt to match against.
  # @return [String] string formatted for finding an attribute with xpath.
  def image_locator(options)
    locator =

    if options[:src]
      if Regexp === options[:src] && image = _find_image_with_regex(options[:src])
      else options[:src]
        locator.concat "[@src='#{options[:src]}']"

    locator.concat "[@alt='#{options[:alt]}']" if options[:alt]

  # Builds a locator via the given name and content.
  # @params name[String] the name of the meta tag sought.
  # @params content [String] the content of the meta tag sought.
  # @return [String] string formatted for finding a meta tag with xpath.
  def meta_tag_locator(name, content)
    locator =
    locator.concat "[@name='#{name}']"
    locator.concat "[@content='#{content}']"


  def _find_image_with_regex(src)
    all_images = all('img')
    all_images.each do |image|
      if image.native.attributes['src'].value.match(src).nil?
        return nil
        return image.native.attributes['src'].value


# Checks that the current node has an image with the given src or alt.
  # @param options [Hash] must pass a hash containing src and/or alt to match against. You may pass a Regexp with src.
  # @return [Boolean] true if the image matches.
  def has_image?(options = {})
    raise "Must pass a hash containing 'src' or 'alt'" unless options.is_a?(Hash) && (options.has_key?(:src) || options.has_key?(:alt))
    has_selector?(:xpath, "//img#{image_locator(options)}")

  # Checks that the current node does not have an image with the given src or alt.
  # @param options [Hash] must pass a hash containing src and/or alt to match against.
  # @return [Boolean] true if the image does not match.
  def has_no_image?(options = {})
    raise "Must pass a hash with 'alt' or 'src'" unless options.is_a?(Hash) and (options.has_key?(:alt) or options.has_key?(:src))
    has_no_selector?(:xpath, "//img#{image_locator(options)}")

  # Checks that the value of a field matches a given value. Typically, you'll want to scope this to a form.
  # @param locator [String] the label, name, or id of the field.
  # @param text [String] the text to match against the field value.
  # @return [Boolean] true if the field value matches.
  def has_field_value?(locator, text)
    if find_field(locator).value == text
      raise Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, "expected to find field #{locator} with a value of #{text}."

  # Checks that the value of a field does not match a given value. Typically, you'll want to scope this to a form.
  # @param locator [String] the label, name, or id of the field.
  # @param text [String] the text to match against the field value.
  # @return [Boolean] true if the field value does not match.
  def has_no_field_value?(locator, text)
    if find_field(locator).value != text
      raise Capybara::ExpectationNotMet, "expected to not find field #{locator} with a value of #{text}."

  # Checks the that the content of a meta tag matches a given value.
  # @param name [String] the name attribute of the meta tag.
  # @param content [String] the value of the content attribute to match against.
  # @return [Boolean] true if the meta tag content matches the name.
  def has_meta_tag?(name, content)
    has_selector?(:xpath, "/html/head/meta#{meta_tag_locator(name, content)}", visible: false)

  # Checks the that the content of a meta tag does not match a given value.
  # @param name [String] the name attribute of the meta tag.
  # @param content [String] the value of the content attribute to match against.
  # @return [Boolean] true if the meta tag content does not match the name.
  def has_no_meta_tag?(name, content)
    has_no_selector?(:xpath, "/html/head/meta#{meta_tag_locator(name, content)}", visible: false)