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oTTo Cheatsheet

This is intended to be a cheat sheet and hint guide for functionality and storage of code snippets for reuse across projects.

All of these are freely available through a bit of research. I strongly recommend you research any snippet before using it so that you know what it does!

This is ever growing as useful things are found - feel free to add to this if you have something interesting/useful/fun to add to this list of functions and usage 😬

Code snippets


These are useful functions and snippets of code in Ruby


Puts a newline in the console output - surprisingly useful for debugging

puts "\n"

Converts string to json

data = data_source.to_json

Split array separated by ',' (can be reused for any separating character)

X = <values>.split(',')

Join array separated by ',' (can be reused for any separating character)

X = <values>.join(',')

Delete character from string

X = <values>.delete('[]')

Write to a new file in current directory - useful for storing data for use later but not within global constant'tmp.rb', 'w') do |f|
      puts 'data stored in tmp file

Delete tmp files created if they exist

File.delete('<tmp.rb>') if File.exist?('<tmp.rb>')
# Send a particular key event
page.<element>.send_keys :space

# Click an element to a particular pixel point in XY coordinates
page.<element>.click(x: 1, y: 1)

# Get CSS value for a specified style from the page under test

# Presents integer or float as a percent of a second integer or float
# Loop through input value until condition is met with built in cyclical timeout
    n = 0
    until <condition>
      n += 1
      # 2000 Represents the number of rotations through code to avoid getting stuck in never ending loop. Configurable as needed.
      break if n == 2000

Returns the corresponding value found in a hash table

def hash_function(input)
    hash = {
      'input_value1' => 'hash_value_1',
      'input_value2' => 'hash_value_2',
      'input_value3' => 'hash_value_3',


Use NetHTTP to get JSON Auth bearer token (check location of token with API documentation)

uri = URI.parse(<sign_in_api>)
    request =
    request.content_type = 'application/json'
    request.body = JSON.dump(
      Email: <username>,
      Password: <password>
    req_options = {
      use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https'
    response =
      Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port, req_options) do |http|
    token = JSON.parse(response.body)['AuthToken']['Token']


Parse array sourced from API endpoint

Basic usage to get a value

response = RestClient.get(<api_endpoint>)
    value_ = JSON.parse(response.body)['<Value>']
    puts value

Basic usage to get a value several nested values deep

response = RestClient.get(<api_endpoint>)
    nested_value_ = JSON.parse(response.body)['<Value>'][<entry_number>]['<Nested_Value>']
    puts nested_value_

Usage to cycle through API response values and get a value based on specified criteria, otherwise pick one at random from first 10 entries

response = RestClient.get(<api_endpoint>)
    body = JSON.parse(response.body)['<array_values>']
    wanted_value_from_array_entries = body[rand(9)]['<wanted_value>']
    (0..9).each do |i|
      next unless body[i]['<criteria_option_1>'] == false && rb_live[i]['<criteria_option_2>'] == '<value>'

      wanted_value_from_array_entries = rb_live[i]['wanted_value']
      puts wanted_value_from_array_entries

Ruby matchers

# equal
expect(<value_a>).to eq(<value_b>)
expect(<value_a>) == <value_b>

# not equal
expect(<value_a>) != <value_b>

# greater than
expect(<value_a>) >= <value_b>

# less than
expect(<value_a>) <= <value_b>

# 00:00:00 timecode matching
expect(<timecode>).to match(/([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]):[0-5][0-9]$/)

# Value to be within range
expect(<value_a>).to be_within(<tolerance>).of(<expected_value>)