ioBroker IoT Framework (based on NodeMCU / ESP8266)
Working with IoT sensors and actors in ioBroker often needs a lot of development and testing. Every improvement needs a staging environment as well to keep the productive data untouched. I’ve started to setup a more or less universal dev environment for IoT devices like NodeMCU or Arduino. It enables a convenient and easy way to switch between dev and prod without uploading a new image to the device.
With the 3rd generation of the Framework I started to include modules for hardware sensors like the BME280 to make them reusable in further projects.
With the 5th generation of the Framework was completely restructured because the long code became more and more unhandy. All generic and hardware specific sensors functions are moved the extension file AEX_iobroker_IoT_Framework.ino.
Be sure to have this file in the same folder like the primary .ino file. Opening the primary .ino file in Arduino editor should load the extension automatically.
- Highly precise indoor air sensor (HTP, CO2 and IAQ)
- Outdoor partical matter sensor (to be documented)
- Highly precise weather monitoring (HTP and rain) (to be documented)
- Wind speed and direction monitoring
- Water tank monitoring (to be revised in spring CY21)
- Garden sprinkler valve and soil moisture monitoring (to be revised in spring CY21)
If your sketch use wind direction sensor (or RS485 in general), you have to change the serial output for debug and runtime information (Serial.print and Serial.println) to serial1.
5.3.2: UART Update
- Major improvements and bugfixes for the UART communication: CRC check, remove zero bytes etc.
- Softwareserial replaced with hardware serial
- changed wind speed data transfer (for de-noising)
- minor fixes and improvements
5.2.0: sensor update
- added SPS30
- added Wind speed and direction sensor (including software serial)
- minor bugfixes and improvements
5.0.0: initial V5 release
- BME280 (based on the Adafruit_BME280_Library version 2.1.2 )
- BME680 (based on the BoschSensortec Arduino library for BSEC 1.6.1480)
- SCD30 (based on the SparkFun SCD30 Arduino library release 9)
- SPS30 (based on the Sensirion embedded SPS library 3.1.0)
- WindSensor
The Bosch BSEC library uses precompiled libraries. See the appendix for some changes to the ESP8266 plattform.txt file.
- Software
- Arduino IDE 1.8.13 (Windows)
- ESP8266 hardware package 2.7.4
- Adafruit_BME280_Library version 2.1.2
- BSEC-Arduino-library 1.6.1480
- SparkFun_SCD30_Arduino_Library release 9
- Sensirion embedded SPS library 3.1.0
- ESPSoftwareSerial library 6.10.0
- Hardware
- NodeMCU Lolin V3 (ESP8266MOD 12-F)
- NodeMCU D1 Mini (ESP8266MOD 12-F)
- GY-BME280
- CJMCU-680 BME680
- Sensirion SCD30
- Sensirion SPS30
- 5 V MAX485 / RS485 Modul TTL to RS-485 MCU
- FT232 UART to USB Adapter
- You need a running Arduino IDE and at least basic knowledge how it works.
- You also need a running ioBroker instance and a little more than basic knowledge on that stuff.
- You need a REST API in your ioBroker setup
- You need to secure the REST API (for example, expose the required data only and hide any confidential and secret stuff)
- You need a userdata section in your ioBroker objects
- You should know how to work with IoT devices and electronics
- Create a folder in your Arduino library folder
- Copy the primary sketch (e.g. DEV_5.0.ino) and the extension file (AEX_iobroker_IoT_Framework.ino) into the folder
- Open the primary sketch (e.g. DEV_5.0.ino)
- Optional: install required libraries into your Arduino IDE
- Create (import) the datapoints in iobroker
- 0_userdata.0.IoT-Devices.DEV.json (generic device configuration and monitoring)
- 0_userdata.0.IoT-Dev.DEV.json (specific device configuration and data)
- Set values for datapoints (see iobroker datapoints)
//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ enable sensor specific functions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#define AEX_iobroker_IoT_Framework //generic functions DO NOT CHANGE
// uncomment required sections
//#define BME280_active
//#define BME680_active
//#define SCD30_active
//#define WindSensor_active
The sensor specific functions are disabled (commented) by default.
Do not enable these function until required. Additional code is required as well. You can find examples in my other projects.
// device settings - change settings to match your requirements
const char* ssid = "<ssid>"; // Wifi SSID
const char* password = "<password>"; //Wifi password
String SensorID = "DEV"; //predefinded sensor ID, DEV by default to prevent overwriting productive data
int interval = 10; // waiting time for the first masurement and fallback on error reading interval from iobroker
bool DevMode = true; //enable DEV mode on boot (do not change)
bool debug = true; //debug to serial monitor
bool led = true; //enable external status LED on boot
bool sensor_active = false; // dectivate sensor(s) on boot (do not change)
- Enter proper Wifi information
- The
is part of the URL's and important for the the iobroker communications Interval
defines the delay between two data transmissions / measurements. This value is used initially after boot. The interval dynamically updates from iobroker- The
switch prevents the device from sending data into your productive datapoints. It is enabled by default and can be overwritten dynamically from iobroker debug
enables a more detailed serial outputled
enables the onboard led (status)- The
switch disables the loading of hardware specific code on startup. This is very useful to test a sketch on the bread board without the connected hardware. It is disabled by default and gets dynamically enabled from the iobrocker during boot, as long as nothing else is configured.
* build base URL's
* Change IP/FQND and path to match your environment
String baseURL_DEVICE_GET = "" + SensorID + ".";
String baseURL_DEVICE_SET = "" + SensorID + ".";
The base url's, one for read and one to write data, are pointing to your iobroker datapoints in the devices section. The SensorID will be added to complete the path.
The default path for the devices root folder is: 0_userdata.0.IoT-Devices
. When the path is changed, it has to be changed in the sketch as well.
It is mandatory to setup the following datapoints prior the first device boot:
If true, the baseURL's for the IoT-Dev section are used to prevent overwriting your production data. Also see generic device section. -
Controls the status LED. Also see generic device section. -
Controls the hardware sensors. Also see generic device section. -
Easy to understand name for the sensor. Not used in the code. -
points to the IoT-Dev datapoints in iobroker (e.g. 0_userdata.0.IoT-Dev.DEV)-
points to the IoT-Dev datapoints in iobroker (e.g. 0_userdata.0.IoT-Dev.DEV)-
points to the IoT datapoints in iobroker (e.g. 0_userdata.0.IoT.Weather)-
points to the IoT datapoints in iobroker (e.g. 0_userdata.0.IoT.Weather)-
These datapoints are for output only:
Last info/error message from the deviceMAC
HW wifi mac address of the deviceRSSI
Last wifi RSSI information from the deviceReset
Depending on the DevMode
, the device reads config and writes data into different datapoint sections:
- Development root folder:
- Production root folder:
It is recommended to keep the datapoints in both sections identical to avoid errors when changing the DevMode
. The values can be different. In the basic template only one datapoint is mandatory:
Defines the delay between two data transmissions / measurements. Also see generic device section.
These datapoints are for output only:
Sensor device ID
The full documentation can be found in the particular project on github.
Indoor Air Sensor - input:
[false] Triggers a reset (EraseEEPROM) of the BME680 sensor when true. Flips back to false when the reset was doneSCD30_autoCal
[true] Enables the SCD30 ASCePaperDisplay_active
[false] Enables the ePaper display. Do not set to true unless a display is attachedLastUpdate
LastUpdate string for the ePaper display
Indoor Air Sensor - output:
Timestamp for the last eraseEEPROM eventBME680_loadState
Timestamp for the last loadState eventBME680_updateStatet
Timestamp for the last updateState eventSensorID
Sensor device IDtemp, humi, airp
Temperature in °C, humidity in % and ambient air pressure in mbar (BME280)iaqS, iaqD
IAQ index static, IAQ index dynamic (BME680)iaSA, iaDA
IAQ accuracy static, IAQ accuracy dynamic (BME680)VOCe
VOC equivalent, in mg/m³ (BME680)co2
CO2 concentration in ppm (SCD30)
Wind Sensor - input:
The voltage per step of the A/D converter for the windspeed sensor. Due to the line resistance it might be necessary to adjust these values individually. A good point to start is 0.03 V.
Wind Sensor - output:
Array of wind direction valuesWindSpeedArray
Array of wind speed valuescrcErrors
CRC errors during the last intervalrxTimeOuts
RX timeouts (missed frames) during the last interval
- Connect Wifi
- Get Wifi State
- Get the dynamic configuration from iobroker (generic devices section)
- Build specific device URL's (based on the dynamic configuration)
- Send devices IP address
- Send device ID
- Send information about the last restart / reset
- Optional: run's setup for active sensors
The main loop has a frequency of 1 Hz and blinks the status led with 0,5 Hz (when enabled). Every n-th tick, defined by the Interval
, the following sequence will proceed:
- Loop (1Hz)
- Interval reached
- Get Wifi State (try reconnect first, then reset if not connected)
- Send devices IP address
- Get the dynamic configuration from iobroker (generic devices section)
- Build specific device URL's (based on the dynamic configuration)
- Get the new interval (specific device section)
- Interval not reached
- LED Blink
Depending on the requirements and the used sensors, the loop can be look completely different (e.g BME680). However, the recommended positions for additional treads are:
Get data from sensor / serial output02
Send date to iobroker, run sensor setup (if required)03
Optional, serial output counter04
Can be used for "real time" task that must run more frequently then in the 1 Hz loop (not implemented in this example)
The Bosch BSEC library uses precompiled libraries. You need to make some changes to the ESP8266 plattform.txt file to allow and include precompiled libraries:
find the plattform.txt file for your hardware package. The default path on a Windows PC should be for example:
Add the line "compiler.libraries.ldflags=" (block starts at line #82):
# These can be overridden in platform.local.txt compiler.c.extra_flags= compiler.c.elf.extra_flags= compiler.S.extra_flags= compiler.cpp.extra_flags= compiler.objcopy.eep.extra_flags= compiler.elf2hex.extra_flags= #### added for BSEC compiler.libraries.ldflags=
Change the line "Combine gc-sections, archives, and objects" (starts at line #113) and add "{compiler.libraries.ldflags}" directive at the suggested position:
## Combine gc-sections, archives, and objects # recipe.c.combine.pattern="{compiler.path}{compiler.c.elf.cmd}" {build.exception_flags} -Wl,-Map "-Wl,{build.path}/{build.project_name}.map" {compiler.c.elf.flags} {compiler.c.elf.extra_flags} -o "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.elf" -Wl,--start-group {object_files} "{archive_file_path}" {compiler.c.elf.libs} -Wl,--end-group "-L{build.path}" #### changed for BSEC recipe.c.combine.pattern="{compiler.path}{compiler.c.elf.cmd}" {build.exception_flags} -Wl,-Map "-Wl,{build.path}/{build.project_name}.map" {compiler.c.elf.flags} {compiler.c.elf.extra_flags} -o "{build.path}/{build.project_name}.elf" -Wl,--start-group {object_files} "{archive_file_path}" {compiler.c.elf.libs} {compiler.libraries.ldflags} -Wl,--end-group "-L{build.path}"