diff --git a/lib/api/community/item.ml b/lib/api/community/item.ml
index e69de29..e37865b 100644
--- a/lib/api/community/item.ml
+++ b/lib/api/community/item.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+open Lwt.Syntax
+let get_inventory ?(profile_ids = []) game domain send =
+  match profile_ids with
+  | [] -> Lwt.fail_with "Profile IDs list cannot be empty"
+  | _ids ->
+    let base_url =
+      Uri.make ~scheme:"https" ~host:domain ~path:"/community/achievement/getInventoryByProfileIDs" ()
+    in
+    let url =
+      Uri.with_query' base_url [ "title", Data.Game.to_str game; "profileids", Data.Query.encode_lst_i profile_ids ]
+    in
+    let* json = send url in
+    (match json with
+     | Some j ->
+       let model = Models.Response.Community.Inventory.from_json j in
+       Lwt.return @@ Some model
+     | None -> Lwt.return None)
diff --git a/lib/index.mld b/lib/index.mld
index d36045f..7b5cb1c 100644
--- a/lib/index.mld
+++ b/lib/index.mld
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ let () =
     let client = Client.create domain game in
-At this point your client can be used to make requests through the use of the {!module:Relic_sdk.Api} modules. The API is segmented into two modules:
+At this point your client can be used to make requests through the use of the {!module:Relic_sdk.Api} modules.
 let* achievements = Client.get Api.Community.Achievement.get_available client in
+The API is segmented into two modules:
 {2 Community}
 Community endpoints are open to the general public and do not require any authentication credentials. The following modules are exposed:
diff --git a/lib/models/response/community/inventory.ml b/lib/models/response/community/inventory.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7baf6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/response/community/inventory.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+type t =
+  { result : Stub.Response.t
+  ; item_instances_by_profile_id : (string * Stub.Inventory.t list) list
+  }
+let to_json r =
+  `Assoc
+    [ "result", Stub.Response.to_json r.result
+    ; ( "itemInstancesByProfileID"
+      , `List
+          (List.map
+             (fun (profile_id, items) -> `Assoc [ profile_id, `List (List.map Stub.Inventory.to_json items) ])
+             r.item_instances_by_profile_id) )
+    ]
+let from_json json =
+  let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
+  { result = json |> member "result" |> Stub.Response.from_json
+  ; item_instances_by_profile_id =
+      json
+      |> member "itemInstancesByProfileID"
+      |> to_list
+      |> List.map (fun json ->
+        match json with
+        | `Assoc [ (profile_id, `List items) ] -> profile_id, List.map Stub.Inventory.from_json items
+        | _ -> failwith "JSON structure mismatch")
+  }
diff --git a/lib/models/stub/inventory.ml b/lib/models/stub/inventory.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcf9231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/models/stub/inventory.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+type t =
+  { id : int
+  ; entityversion : int
+  ; itemdefinition_id : int
+  ; profile_id : int
+  ; durability : int
+  ; durabilitytype : int
+  ; metadata : string
+  ; creationdate : int
+  ; itemlocation_locationid : int
+  ; itemtrade_id : int
+  ; permissionflags : int
+  ; maxchargesperitem : int
+  }
+let to_json i =
+  `Assoc
+    [ "id", `Int i.id
+    ; "entityversion", `Int i.entityversion
+    ; "itemdefinition_id", `Int i.itemdefinition_id
+    ; "profile_id", `Int i.profile_id
+    ; "durability", `Int i.durability
+    ; "durabilitytype", `Int i.durabilitytype
+    ; "metadata", `String i.metadata
+    ; "creationdate", `Int i.creationdate
+    ; "itemlocation_locationid", `Int i.itemlocation_locationid
+    ; "itemtrade_id", `Int i.itemtrade_id
+    ; "permissionflags", `Int i.permissionflags
+    ; "maxchargesperitem", `Int i.maxchargesperitem
+    ]
+let from_json json =
+  let open Yojson.Basic.Util in
+  { id = json |> member "id" |> to_int
+  ; entityversion = json |> member "entityversion" |> to_int
+  ; itemdefinition_id = json |> member "itemdefinition_id" |> to_int
+  ; profile_id = json |> member "profile_id" |> to_int
+  ; durability = json |> member "durability" |> to_int
+  ; durabilitytype = json |> member "durabilitytype" |> to_int
+  ; metadata = json |> member "metadata" |> to_string
+  ; creationdate = json |> member "creationdate" |> to_int
+  ; itemlocation_locationid = json |> member "itemlocation_locationid" |> to_int
+  ; itemtrade_id = json |> member "itemtrade_id" |> to_int
+  ; permissionflags = json |> member "permissionflags" |> to_int
+  ; maxchargesperitem = json |> member "maxchargesperitem" |> to_int
+  }
diff --git a/lib/models/stub/inventory_metadata.ml b/lib/models/stub/inventory_metadata.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/tests/unit/res/getInventoryByProfileIDs.json b/tests/unit/res/getInventoryByProfileIDs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de8893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/res/getInventoryByProfileIDs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+  "result": {
+    "code": 0,
+    "message": "SUCCESS"
+  },
+  "itemInstancesByProfileID": [
+    {
+      "\"196240\"": [
+        {
+          "id": 60757,
+          "entityversion": 4,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 451923,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"sigil_pos\":{\"val\":\"001_centre_large_single\"}}}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 4,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 3,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 1261739493,
+          "entityversion": 7,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 454688,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "",
+          "creationdate": 1699988311,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 2,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60758,
+          "entityversion": 2,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 451960,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 5,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 3,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 333168196,
+          "entityversion": 5,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 453145,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"is_new\":{\"val\":\"0\"}}}",
+          "creationdate": 1651697316,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 5,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 789328289,
+          "entityversion": 1,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 453186,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{}",
+          "creationdate": 1681644640,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 5,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 3,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60759,
+          "entityversion": 247,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 452595,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 10182420,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 3,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 3,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 333152484,
+          "entityversion": 5,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 452432,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"is_new\":{\"val\":\"0\"}}}",
+          "creationdate": 1651695281,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 3,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60770,
+          "entityversion": 2,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 451952,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"eslot\":\"2\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 19,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60784,
+          "entityversion": 2,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 452534,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"eslot\":\"10\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 19,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60793,
+          "entityversion": 2,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 452547,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"eslot\":\"4\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 19,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60807,
+          "entityversion": 4,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 452486,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"eslot\":\"8\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 19,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 60810,
+          "entityversion": 2,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 452553,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"eslot\":\"6\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1634470265,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 19,
+          "maxchargesperitem": 2147483647
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 234628989,
+          "entityversion": 5,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 451939,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"is_new\":{\"val\":\"0\"}},\"eslot\":\"3\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1639776723,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 334039191,
+          "entityversion": 5,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 453329,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"is_new\":{\"val\":\"0\"}},\"eslot\":\"5\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1651859675,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 341369934,
+          "entityversion": 6,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 453439,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 2,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"is_new\":{\"val\":\"0\"}},\"eslot\":\"7\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1653498648,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        },
+        {
+          "id": 342281892,
+          "entityversion": 5,
+          "itemdefinition_id": 453442,
+          "profile_id": 196240,
+          "durability": 1,
+          "durabilitytype": 0,
+          "metadata": "{\"att\":{\"is_new\":{\"val\":\"0\"}},\"eslot\":\"1\"}",
+          "creationdate": 1653680895,
+          "itemlocation_locationid": 60757,
+          "itemtrade_id": -1,
+          "permissionflags": 51,
+          "maxchargesperitem": -1
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
diff --git a/tests/unit/test.ml b/tests/unit/test.ml
index 3f86386..2972852 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test.ml
+++ b/tests/unit/test.ml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ let () =
   @@ Alcotest_lwt.run
        "Relic SDK"
-       [ ( "api"
+       [ ( "Community API"
          , [ Alcotest_lwt.test_case "/community/advertisement/findAdvertisements" `Quick (fun _ () ->
                Test_cases.Api.test_get_advertisements ())
            ; Alcotest_lwt.test_case "/community/news/getNews" `Quick (fun _ () -> Test_cases.Api.test_get_news ())
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ let () =
                Test_cases.Api.test_get_leaderboards ())
            ; Alcotest_lwt.test_case "/community/leaderboard/GetAvatarStatForProfile" `Quick (fun _ () ->
                Test_cases.Api.test_get_avatar_stat ())
-           ; Alcotest_lwt.test_case "/community/leaderboard/getLeaderBoard2.json" `Quick (fun _ () ->
+           ; Alcotest_lwt.test_case "/community/leaderboard/getLeaderBoard2" `Quick (fun _ () ->
                Test_cases.Api.test_get_leaderboard2 ())
+           ; Alcotest_lwt.test_case "/community/leaderboard/getInventoryByProfileIDs" `Quick (fun _ () ->
+               Test_cases.Api.test_get_inventory ())
            ; Alcotest_lwt.test_case "invalid json" `Quick (fun _ () -> Test_cases.Api.test_invalid ())
            ] )
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_cases/api.ml b/tests/unit/test_cases/api.ml
index 6b6f1d2..3117733 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_cases/api.ml
+++ b/tests/unit/test_cases/api.ml
@@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ let test_get_leaderboard2 () =
   | None -> Lwt.fail_with "Expected Some but got None"
+let test_get_inventory () =
+  let requester = Mock.Json_file.create_requester "getInventoryByProfileIDs.json" in
+  let client = Client.create "aoe-api.worldsedgelink.com" Data.Game.Age4 in
+  let endpoint = Api.Community.Item.get_inventory ~profile_ids:[ 1 ] in
+  Client.get endpoint client ~requester
+  >>= function
+  | Some r -> Lwt.return @@ Alcotest.(check string) "Response was success" "SUCCESS" r.result.message
+  | None -> Lwt.fail_with "Expected Some but got None"
 let test_invalid () =
   let endpoints = [ Api.Community.News.get ] in
   Lwt_list.iter_s (fun endpoint -> Util.request_with_file_throw endpoint) endpoints