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Configuration Report
Configuration report provides information about Controller Settings and Application configuration for all Application types.
It also shows differences between various configuration entities as compared against either an empty APM Application or one of the APM Applications in the Controller.
Configuration report is produced when:
- Metadata is extracted via Input.DetectedEntities=
- Configuration is extracted via Input.Configuration=
- Report is requested via Output.Configuration=
Configuration report has the following file name:
Report\Configuration.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.xlsx
For example:
The data for the report is in the following files:
- Report\CFG\controller.settings.csv
- Report\CFG\templates.email.csv
- Report\CFG\templates.http.csv
All Application Types:
- Report\CFGAPP\actions.csv
- Report\CFGAPP\application.config.healthrules.csv
- Report\CFGAPP\healthrules.csv
- Report\CFGAPP\policies.csv
- Report\CFGAPP\policy.to.action.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\application.config.apm.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\agent.properties.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\backend.rules.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\btdiscovery.rules.2.0.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\btdiscovery.rules.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\btentry.rules.2.0.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\btentry.rules.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\btentry.scopes.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\bts.configuration.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\callgraphs.configuration.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\customexit.rules.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\datacollectors.http.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\datacollectors.midc.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\devmode.nodes.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\infopoints.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\sep.rules.csv
- Report\CFGAPM\tiers.configuration.csv
- Report\CMPR\configuration.differences.csv
- Report\CFGDB\application.config.db.csv
- Report\CFGDB\collectordefinitions.csv
- Report\CFGDB\custommetrics.csv
- Report\CFGMOBILE\application.config.mobile.csv
- Report\CFGMOBILE\networkrules.csv
- Report\CFGWEB\application.config.web.csv
- Report\CFGWEB\pagerules.csv
- Report\CFGWEB\syntheticjobs.csv
This sheet describes the parameters of the extraction and reporting job that produced this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
UserName | String | User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller |
Application | String | Name of Application that was queried |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller |
ApplicationType | String | Type of the Application |
This sheet provides quick access to the contents of this report and provides at-a-glance number of rows in each of the sheet's tables.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Sheet Name | String | Name of the sheet in the report |
Num Entities | Integer | Number of Entities in that sheet |
Link | Hyperlink | Link to the sheet in the report |
This sheet provides information about Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
Version | String | Version of the Controller |
VersionDetail | String | Full version string of the Controller |
NumApps | Integer | Number of All Applications registered in the Controller |
NumAPMApps | Integer | Number of APM Applications registered in the Controller |
NumWEBApps | Integer | Number of WEB Applications registered in the Controller |
NumMOBILEApps | Integer | Number of MOBILE Applications registered in the Controller |
NumIOTApps | Integer | Number of IoT Applications registered in the Controller |
NumSIMApps | Integer | Number of SIM Applications registered in the Controller |
NumBIQApps | Integer | Number of BIQ Applications registered in the Controller |
NumDBApps | Integer | Number of DB Applications registered in the Controller |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller |
This sheet lists all Applications of any Type in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application |
Description | String | Description of Application, if set |
Type | String | Type of the Application |
Types | Array | Types of Application in this application. Most commonly seen are APM and WEB grouped together |
CreatedBy | String | Who created this Application |
CreatedOn | DateTime | When the Application was created, local time |
CreatedOnUtc | DateTime | When the Application was created, UTC time |
UpdatedBy | String | Who updated this Application last |
UpdatedOn | DateTime | When the Application was updated, local time |
UpdatedOnUtc | DateTime | When the Application was updated, UTC time |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller |
ParentApplicationID | Integer | ID of Parent Application. Used by MOBILE Applications |
This sheet provides Controller settings information in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
Name | String | Name of Controller Setting | |
Value | Various | Y | Value of Controller Setting |
Description | String | Y | Description of Controller Setting |
Scope | String | Y | Not sure what this is |
Updateable | Boolean | Y | Not sure what this is |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller |
This sheet provides Email Alerts for All Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
Name | String | Name of the template | |
OneEmailPerEvent | Boolean | Whether event generates one email or many | |
EventLimit | Integer | Limit of number of events generated | |
To | String | Email To | |
CC | String | Email CC | |
BCC | String | Email BCC | |
TestTo | String | Test Email TO | |
TestCC | String | Test Email CC | |
TestBCC | String | Test Email BCC | |
TestLogLevel | String | Test Log Level | |
Headers | Array | List of headers | |
Subject | String | Email Subject | |
TextBody | String | Email body in text | |
HTMLBody | String | Email body in HTML | |
IncludeHTMLBody | Boolean | Should email be in HTML | |
Properties | Array | Name/value pairs of custom properties | |
TestProperties | Array | Name/value pairs of custom properties for test | |
EventTypes | Array | List of event types this is assigned to | |
TemplateID | Integer | ID of Email Alert Template |
This sheet provides HTTP Alerts for All Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
Name | String | Name of the template | |
Method | String | HTTP Method (GET, POST, etc) | |
Scheme | String | HTTP Scheme (HTTP or HTTPS) | |
Host | String | HTTP host of target destination | |
Port | Number | HTTP port of target destination | |
Path | String | HTTP path of target destination | |
Query | String | HTTP query of target destination | |
AuthType | String | Type of HTTP authentication (NONE, BASIC) | |
AuthUsername | String | Username to authenticate with | |
AuthPassword | String | Password to authenticate with | |
Headers | Array | List of HTTP headers to send | |
ContentType | String | HTTP Content type to send | |
FormData | Array | List of HTTP Form parameters to send | |
Payload | String | Payload of the request | |
ConnectTimeout | Integer | Timeout of request connection | |
SocketTimeout | Integer | Timeout of request socket | |
ResponseAny | Array | List of accepted response content types and statuses | |
ResponseNone | Array | List of accepted response content types and statuses | |
TemplateID | Integer | ID of HTTP Alert Template |
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
Type | String | Type of the Application | |
NumHealthRules | Integer | Number of Health rules in Application | |
NumPolicies | Integer | Number of Policies in Application | |
NumActions | Integer | Number of Actions in Application | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | Integer | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Health Rule information in all Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
RuleName | String | Name of the rule | |
Description | String | Y | Description of the rule |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is the rule enabled |
IsDefault | Boolean | Y | Is the rule considered default |
IsAlwaysEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is the rule always enabled |
Schedule | String | Y | Schedule of the rule execution, if IsAlwaysEnabled is not true |
DurationOfEvalPeriod | Integer | Y | Duration of evaluation period |
WaitTimeAfterViolation | Integer | Y | How long to wait until reevaluation |
HRRuleType | String | Y | Type of the entity this rule targets |
AffectsEntityType | String | Y | Type of the entities this rule affects |
AffectsEntityMatchCriteria | String | Y | Entity match criteria for entities this rule affects |
AffectsEntityMatchType | String | Y | Entity match criteria evaluation operator |
AffectsEntityMatchPattern | String | Y | Entity match criteria evaluation pattern |
AffectsEntityMatchIsInverse | String | Y | Is Entity match criteria considered a NOT |
CriticalEntityConditionType | String | Y | Type of condition evaluation. Either AND or OR |
CriticalNumConditions | String | Y | Number of conditions |
CriticalAggregateType | String | Y | Type of aggregation for the Entities |
WarningEntityConditionType | String | Y | Type of condition evaluation. Either AND or OR |
WarningNumConditions | String | Y | Number of conditions |
WarningAggregateType | String | Y | Type of aggregation for the Entities |
Crit1Name | String | Y | Name of the condition |
Crit1MetricFunction | String | Y | Type of the metric value (VALUE, COUNT, etc) |
Crit1MetricName | String | Y | Metric being evaluated |
Crit1Type | String | Y | Type of comparison |
Crit1Operator | String | Y | Operator of comparison |
Crit1Value | String | Y | Value of comparison |
Crit1Expression | String | Y | Expression used to compare, if used |
Crit1BaselineUsed | String | Y | Which baseline is used for comparison |
Crit1TriggerOnNoData | String | Y | Should this condition trigger on no data |
Crit1MetricExpressionConfig | String | Y | Raw value of this condition in XML |
AffectedEntitiesRawValue | String | Y | Raw value of the Affected entities of this health rule in XML |
CriticalConditionRawValue | String | Y | Raw value of the Critical Condition entities of this health rule in XML |
WarningConditionRawValue | String | Y | Raw value of the Warning Condition of this health rule in XML |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
HealthRuleID | Integer | ID of Health Rule in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller | |
HealthRuleLink | URL | Link to Health Rules in Application in Controller |
The section for Crit1 is repeated 5 times for Critical and 5 times for Warning.
If your health rule has more than 5 criteria, they are going to be in the CriticalConditionRawValue and WarningConditionRawValue
This sheet uses data in 9.Health Rules sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides count of Health Rules, grouping them by their Rule Type and Rule Name.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
HRRuleType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
RuleName | |||
RuleName (Count) | |||
IsDefault | |||
IsEnabled | |||
IsAlwaysEnabled |
Here is an example showing non-default Health Rules in multiple Applications:
Here is an example showing all non-default, enabled Health Rules in 3 Controllers:
This sheet provides Alert and Respond Policies for all Applications of all types in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
PolicyName | String | Name of the Policy | |
PolicyType | String | Type of the Policy | |
NumActions | Integer | Number of Actions that use this Policy | |
Actions | String | List of Actions that use this policy, semicolon-delimited | |
Duration | Integer | Duration of Policy in minutes. Not exactly sure what that is | |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Is Policy enabled | |
IsBatchActionsPerMinute | Boolean | Should Policy-triggered Actions be executed in single batch per minute | |
CreatedBy | String | Who created this Policy | |
ModifiedBy | String | Who modified this Policy last | |
RequestExperiences | Array | List of User Experience levels this Policy applies to | |
CustomEventFilters | Array | List of Custom Events this Policy applies to | |
MissingEntities | Array | Not sure what this is | |
FilterProperties | String | Custom filter on the properties. Not sure what this is | |
MaxRows | Integer | Not sure what this is. | |
ApplicationIDs | Array | List of Applications that this Policy applies to | |
BTIDs | Array | List of Business Transactions that this Policy applies to | |
TierIDs | Array | List of Tiers that this Policy applies to | |
NodeIDs | Array | List of Nodes that this Policy applies to | |
ErrorIDs | Array | List of Errors that this Policy applies to | |
NumHRs | Integer | Number of Health Rules that this Policy applies to | |
HRIDs | Array | List of Health Rules that this Policy applies to | |
HRNames | String | List of Health Rules that this Policy applies to, semicolon-delimited | |
HRVStartedWarning | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Started Warning checked | |
HRVStartedCritical | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Started Critical checked | |
HRVWarningToCritical | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Warning to Critical checked | |
HRVCriticalToWarning | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Critical to Warning checked | |
HRVContinuesCritical | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Continues Critical checked | |
HRVContinuesWarning | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Continues Warning checked | |
HRVEndedCritical | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Ended Critical checked | |
HRVEndedWarning | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Ended Warning checked | |
HRVCanceledCritical | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Cancelled Critical checked | |
HRVCanceledWarning | Boolean | Is Health Rule Violation Cancelled Warning checked | |
RequestSlow | Boolean | Is Slow Requests Slow checked | |
RequestVerySlow | Boolean | Is Slow Requests Very Slow checked | |
RequestStall | Boolean | Is Slow Requests Stall checked | |
AllError | Boolean | Is Errors checked | |
AppCrash | Boolean | Is Server Crashes JVM Crash checked | |
AppCrashCLR | Boolean | Is Server Crashes CLR Crash checked | |
AppRestart | Boolean | Is Application Changes App Server Restart checked | |
EventFilterRawValue | String | Raw value of the Event Filter object | |
EntityFiltersRawValue | String | Raw value of Entity Filter object | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
PolicyID | Integer | ID of Policy in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | Integer | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 10.Policies sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides list of all Policies in Application and their associated Actions by type of the Policy.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
PolicyType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
PolicyName | |||
Actions | |||
PolicyID (Count) | |||
IsEnabled | |||
IsBatchActionsPerMinute | |||
NumActions | |||
NumHRs |
Here is an example showing all Enabled Policies in two APM Applications:
This sheet provides Alert and Respond Actions for all Applications of all types in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
ActionName | String | Name of the Action | |
Description | String | Description of the Action | |
Priority | Integer | Priority of the Action | |
IsAdjudicate | Boolean | Is approval of this action required | |
AdjudicatorEmail | String | Email of the person who should approve this action | |
ScriptPath | String | Path to script to execute if ActionType=SCRIPT_ACTION | |
LogPaths | String | Path to log for script output if ActionType=SCRIPT_ACTION | |
ScriptOutputPaths | String | Path to script output if ActionType=SCRIPT_ACTION | |
CollectScriptOutputs | Boolean | Should script outputs be collected | |
TimeoutMinutes | Number | Timeout for script running | |
To | String | Email To | |
CC | String | Email CC | |
BCC | String | Email BCC | |
Subject | String | Email Subject | |
CustomProperties | String | Custom properties to pass into custom action | |
ActionTemplate | String | Chosen HTTP or EMAIL action template | |
TemplateID | Integer | HTTP or Email Action Template ID | |
CustomType | String | Type of the Custom Action if ActionType=CUSTOM_ACTION | |
NumSamples | Integer | Number of thread samples if ActionType=THREAD_DUMP_ACTION | |
SampleInterval | Integer | Sample interval if ActionType=THREAD_DUMP_ACTION | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ActionID | String | ID of Action in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | Integer | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 11.Actions sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides list of all Actions in in Application and their associated destinations by Action Type.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
ActionType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
ActionName | |||
To | |||
ActionID (Count) | |||
Priority |
Here is an example showing list of Actions in Application:
This sheet provides mapping between Alert and Respond Policies and their assigned actions for all Applications of all types in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
PolicyName | String | Name of the Policy | |
PolicyType | String | Type of the Policy | |
ActionName | String | Name of the Action | |
ActionType | String | Type of the Action | |
PolicyID | String | ID of Policy in Controller | |
ActionID | String | ID of Action in Controller |
This sheet provides Application Configuration information about all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
ApplicationDescription | StringDescription of Application | ||
NumBTDiscoveryRules | Integer | Y | Number of BT Discovery Rules (6. BT Discovery Rules) |
NumBTEntryRules | Integer | Y | Number of BT Entry Rules (7. BT Entry Rules) |
NumBTExcludeRules | Integer | Y | Number of BT Entry Exclude Rules (7. BT Entry Rules) |
NumBackendRules | Integer | Y | Number of Backend Discovery Rules (8.Backend Discovery Rules) |
NumInfoPointRules | Integer | Y | Number of Information Point Rules (14.Information Points) |
NumAgentProps | Integer | Y | Number of Agent Properties (13.Agent Properties) |
NumHealthRules | Integer | Y | Number of Health Rules (10.Health Rules) |
NumErrorRules | Integer | Y | Number of Error Rules |
NumHTTPDCVariablesCollected | Integer | Y | Number of HTTP Data Collector variables collected (16.HTTP DCs) |
NumMIDCVariablesCollected | Integer | Y | Number of Method Invocation Data Collector variables collected (15.MIDCs) |
NumHTTPDCs | Integer | Y | Number of HTTP Data Collector settings (16.HTTP DCs) |
NumMIDCs | Integer | Y | Number of Method Invocation Data Collector settings (15.MIDCs) |
NumBaselines | Integer | Y | Number of Baselines |
NumMDSScopes | Integer | Y | Number of MDS scopes (not implemented yet) |
NumMDSRules | Integer | Y | Number of MDS rules (not implemented yet) |
NumTiers | Integer | Y | Number of detected Tiers with configuration settings (11.Tier Settings) |
NumBTs | Integer | Y | Number of detected Business Transactions with configuration settings (12.BT Settings) |
IsMDSEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is MDS enabled at the application |
IsHREngineEnabled | Boolean | Y | Are health rules enabled in this application |
IsDeveloperModeEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is Developer mode on |
IsBTLockdownEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is BT Lockdown mode on |
IsAsyncSupported | Boolean | Y | Not sure what this is |
SnapshotEvalInterval | Integer | Y | Not sure what this is |
SnapshotQuietTime | Integer | Y | Not sure what this is |
BTSLAConfig | String | Y | Not sure where those are defined in the UI |
BTSnapshotCollectionConfig | String | Y | Diagnostic session settings for user BTs |
BTRequestThresholdConfig | String | Y | Slow transaction thresholds for user BTs |
BTBackgroundSnapshotCollectionConfig | String | Y | Diagnostic session settings for background BTs |
BTBackgroundRequestThresholdConfig | String | Y | Slow transaction thresholds for background BTs |
EUMConfigExclude | String | Y | EUM excludes |
EUMConfigMobilePage | String | Y | EUM mobile page rules |
EUMConfigMobileAgent | String | Y | EUM mobile agent rules |
AnalyticsConfig | String | Y | Analytics configuration. Not sure where it is defined |
WorkflowsConfig | String | Y | Workflows configuration. Not sure where it is defined |
TasksConfig | String | Y | Tasks configuration. Not sure where it is defined |
BTGroupsConfig | String | Y | Business Transaction groups configuration |
MetricBaselinesConfig | String | Y | Metric baseline definitions |
ErrorAgentConfig | String | Y | Error configuration rules |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Business Transaction Discovery rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier, if overridden | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
EntryPointType | String | Type of entry point | |
NamingConfigType | String | Y | Configuration naming strategy |
IsMonitoringEnabled | Bool | Y | Is transaction monitoring enabled |
DiscoveryType | String | Y | Type of discovery type |
IsDiscoveryEnabled | Bool | Y | Is automatic transaction naming enabled |
RuleRawValue | String | Y | Raw value of the rule in XML |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Business Transaction Discovery rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier, if overridden | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
EntryPointType | String | Y | Type of entry point |
RuleName | String | Y | Name of the rule |
Priority | Integer | Y | Priority of the rule |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is the rule enabled |
IsBackground | Boolean | Y | Is transaction considered background task |
IsExcluded | Boolean | Y | Is the rule excluded. Not clear when this is ever set |
IsExclusion | Boolean | Y | Is the rule considered an exclusion rule |
MatchClass | String | Y | Class to match and rules to match it with |
MatchMethod | String | Y | Method to match and rules to match it with |
MatchURI | String | Y | URI to match and rules to match it with |
Parameters | String | Y | Parameters to match and rules to match them with |
SplitConfig | String | Y | Transaction splitting configuration |
RuleRawValue | String | Raw value of rule in XML | |
NumDetectedBTs | Integer | Number of Business Transactions detected by this rule | |
DetectedBTs | String | List of Business Transactions detected by this rule | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 7.BT Entry Rules sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of BT Entry Rules by Entry Point Type, groups them by their Agent Type and Tier Name.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
EntryPointType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
AgentType | |||
TierName | |||
RuleName | |||
RuleName (Count) | |||
IsExclusion | |||
IsEnabled |
Here is an example showing variety of rules for various APM agent types:
This sheet uses data in 7.BT Entry Rules sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides shows which rule is registered in which Application(s) an in which Controller(s), and provides count of rules in each and number of detected Business Transactions
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
AgentType | |||
EntryPointType | |||
TierName | |||
RuleName | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
RuleName (Count) | |||
NumDetectedBTs (Count) | |||
IsExclusion | |||
IsEnabled |
Here is an example of report showing single rule registered in 3 controllers, 116 Applications, and various detected Business Transactions:
Here is an example of detail showing the rule registered in multiple Applications:
This sheet provides Business Transaction Scopes information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
ScopeName | String | Name of Scope | |
ScopeType | String | Type of Scope (All or some Tiers) | |
Description | String | Y | Description of Scope |
Version | Integer | Y | Version of Scope |
IncludedTiers | Integer | Y | List of Tiers that this Scope targets |
NumTiers | Integer | Y | Number of Tiers that this Scope targets |
IncludedRules | String | Y | List of BT Rules that this Scope is assigned to |
NumRules | Integer | Y | Number of BT Rules that this Scope is assigned to |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Business Transaction Discovery 2.0 rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
EntryPointType | String | Type of entry point | |
RuleName | String | Name of BT Rule | |
Description | String | Y | Description of BT Rule |
Version | Integer | Y | Version of BT Rule |
ScopeName | String | Name of Scope this BT Rule is assigned to | |
Priority | Integer | Y | Priority of this BT Rule. Seems to be always 0 for default settings |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is this BT Rule enabled |
NamingConfigType | String | Y | Configuration naming strategy |
IsMonitoringEnabled | Bool | Y | Is transaction monitoring enabled |
IsDiscoveryEnabled | Bool | Y | Is automatic transaction naming enabled |
HTTPAutoDiscovery | String | Y | Raw value of the rule in JSON |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Business Transaction Entry 2.0 rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
EntryPointType | String | Type of entry point | |
RuleName | String | Name of BT Rule | |
Description | String | Y | Description of BT Rule |
Version | Integer | Y | Version of BT Rule |
ScopeName | String | Y | Name of Scope this BT Rule is assigned to |
Priority | Integer | Y | Priority of this BT Rule |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is the rule enabled |
IsBackground | Boolean | Y | Is transaction considered background task |
IsExclusion | Boolean | Y | Is the rule considered an exclusion rule |
MatchConditions | String | Y | Match conditions in JSON format |
Actions | String | Y | Actions in JSON format |
Properties | String | Y | Properties in JSON format |
NumDetectedBTs | Integer | Number of Business Transactions detected by this rule | |
DetectedBTs | String | List of Business Transactions detected by this rule | |
RuleRawValue | String | Raw value of rule in XML | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 10.BT Entry Rules 2.0 sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of BT Entry by Entry Point Type, groups them by their Agent Type and Tier Name.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
EntryPointType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
AgentType | |||
ScopeName | |||
RuleName | |||
RuleName (Count) | |||
IsExclusion | |||
IsEnabled |
Here is an example showing variety of rules for various APM agent types:
This sheet uses data in 10.BT Entry Rules 2.0 sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides shows which rule is registered in which Application(s) an in which Controller(s), and provides count of rules in each and number of detected Business Transactions
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
AgentType | |||
EntryPointType | |||
ScopeName | |||
RuleName | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
RuleName (Count) | |||
NumDetectedBTs (Count) | |||
IsExclusion | |||
IsEnabled |
Here is an example of report showing some rule under the Default Scope registered in 2 controllers and 2 Applications, and various detected Business Transactions:
Here is an example of detail showing the rule that is unassigned to a Scope:
This sheet provides Backend Discovery rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier, if overridden | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
ExitType | String | Type of exit point | |
RuleName | String | Name of the rule | |
Priority | Integer | Y | Priority of the rule |
IsCorrelationSupported | Boolean | Y | Is correlation supported for this exit |
IsCorrelationEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is correlation enabled for this exit |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is the rule enabled |
IdentityOptions | String | Y | Identity options for finding backends |
DiscoveryConditions | String | Y | Discovery conditions for matching backends |
RuleRawValue | String | Raw value of rule in XML | |
NumDetectedBackends | String | Number of Backends detected by this rule | |
DetectedBackends | String | List of Backends detected by this rule | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 11.Backend Discovery Rules sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of Backend Discovery by Exit Type, groups them by their Agent Type and Tier Name.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
ExitType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
AgentType | |||
TierName | |||
RuleName | |||
RuleName (Count) | |||
IsEnabled |
Here is an example showing variety of non-default rules set by the agent types:
Here is an example showing variety of non-default rules set by the agent types for 3 Controllers:
This sheet provides Custom Exit rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier, if overridden | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
ExitType | String | Type of exit point | |
RuleName | String | Name of the rule | |
MatchClass | String | Y | Class to match |
MatchMethod | String | Y | Method to match |
MatchType | String | Y | Type of the match |
MatchParameterTypes | String | Y | Parameters for the overloaded methods |
IsApplyToAllBTs | Bool | Y | Not exactly sure where this is set |
DataCollectorsConfig | String | Y | Configuration of data collectors for the exit point |
InfoPointsConfig | String | Y | Configuration of custom metrics for the exit point |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 12.Custom Exit Rules sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of Custom Exit rules by Exit Type, groups them by their Agent Type and Tier Name.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
ExitType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
AgentType | |||
TierName | |||
RuleName | |||
RuleName (Count) |
Here is an example showing couple of custom POCO rules set in an Application:
This sheet provides Tier Settings information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier | |
TierType | String | Type of Tier | |
NumBTs | Integer | Number of Business Transactions in Tier | |
NumBTTypes | Integer | Number of types of Business Transactions in Tier | |
IsDynamicScalingEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is dynamic scaling enabled. No idea where this is set |
MemoryConfig | String | Y | Raw value of memory configuration for this Tier. No idea where this is set |
CacheConfig | String | Y | Raw value of cache configuration for this Tier. No idea where this is set |
CustomCacheConfig | String | Y | Raw value of custom cache configuration for this Tier. No idea where this is set |
TierID | Integer | ID | of Tier in Controller |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Business Transaction Settings information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier | |
BTName | StringBusiness Transaction name | ||
BTType | StringBusiness Transaction type | ||
IsExcluded | Boolean | Y | Is this Business Transaction excluded |
IsBackground | Boolean | Y | Is this Business Transaction background |
IsEUMEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is EUM injection enabled for this Business Transaction |
IsEUMPossible | Boolean | Y | Is EUM injection possible for this Business Transaction |
IsAnalyticsEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is this Business Transaction enabled for Analytics |
NumAssignedMIDCs | StringNumber of assigned Data Collectors | ||
AssignedMIDCs | String | List of assigned Data Collectors | |
BTSLAConfig | String | Y | Not sure where those are defined in the UI |
BTSnapshotCollectionConfig | String | Y | Diagnostic session settings for this user BTs |
BTRequestThresholdConfig | String | Y | Slow transaction thresholds for this user BTs |
BTBackgroundSnapshotCollectionConfig | String | Y | Diagnostic session settings for this background BTs |
BTBackgroundRequestThresholdConfig | String | Y | Slow transaction thresholds for this background BTs |
TierID | Integer | ID of Tier in Controller | |
BTID | Integer | ID of Business Transaction in Controller | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Agent Property information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier, if overridden | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM Agent | |
PropertyName | String | Y | Name of Agent Property |
PropertyType | String | Y | Data type of Agent Property (INTEGER, FLOATING_POINT, STRING, BOOLEAN) |
Description | String | Y | Description of Agent Property |
IsDefault | Boolean | Y | Is the current value default |
StringValue | String | Y | Value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=STRING and PropertyType=FLOATING_POINT |
IntegerValue | Integer | Y | Value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=INTEGER |
BooleanValue | Boolean | Y | Value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=BOOLEAN |
StringDefaultValue | String | Y | Default value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=STRING |
StringMaxLength | String | Y | Maximum string length of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=STRING |
StringAllowedValues | String | Y | Not sure where it is set |
IntegerDefaultValue | Integer | Y | Default value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=INTEGER |
IntegerMinValue | Integer | Y | Minimum integer value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=INTEGER |
IntegerMaxValue | Integer | Y | Maximum integer value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=INTEGER |
BooleanDefaultValue | Boolean | Y | Default value of the Agent Property, when PropertyType=BOOLEAN |
IsRequired | Boolean | Y | Is this property required. Not sure where it is set |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet uses data in 16.Agent Properties sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides view into Agent Properties, grouping them by their Tier Name and Agent Type.
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
PropertyType | |||
Controller | |||
ApplicationName | |||
AgentType | |||
TierName | |||
PropertyName | |||
PropertyName (Count) | |||
IsDefault |
Here is an example showing non-default Agent Properties in multiple Applications and/or Tiers:
This sheet provides Information Point rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
AgentType | String | Type of Agent | |
RuleName | String | Name of Rule | |
MatchClass | String | Y | Class to match |
MatchMethod | String | Y | Method to Match |
MatchType | String | Y | Type of the match |
MatchParameterTypes | String | Y | Parameters for the overloaded methods |
MatchCondition | String | Y | Match conditions |
InfoPointsConfig | String | Y | Information Point metric definition |
RuleRawValue | String | Raw rule configuration in XML | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Method Invocation Data Collector rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
CollectorName | String | Name of the rule | |
MatchClass | String | Y | Class to match |
MatchMethod | String | Y | Method to match |
MatchType | String | Y | Type of the match |
MatchParameterTypes | String | Y | Parameters for the overloaded methods |
DataGathererName | String | Y | Display name of the Data Collector to capture |
DataGathererPosition | String | Y | Position of the variable if DataGathererType=POSITION_GATHERER_TYPE |
DataGathererTransform | String | Y | Type of getter chain to run on the variable |
DataGathererGetter | String | Y | Getter chain to run on the variable |
IsAssignedToNewBTs | Boolean | Y | Is this Data Collector assigned to newly registered Business Transactions |
IsAPM | Boolean | Y | Is this Data Collector used by APM Agents |
IsAnalytics | Boolean | Y | Is this Data Collector used by Analytics Agents |
IsAssignedToBTs | Boolean | Is this Data Collector actually assigned to the Business Transactions | |
NumAssignedBTs | Integer | Number of assigned Business Transactions | |
AssignedBTs | String | List of of assigned Business Transactions | |
RuleRawValue | String | Raw rule configuration in XML | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides HTTP Data Collector rules information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
CollectorName | String | Name of the rule | |
DataGathererName | String | Y | Display name of the HTTP Data Collector to capture |
DataGathererValue | String | Y | Name of the HTTP Data Collector to capture |
IsURLEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is URL gathered |
IsSessionIDEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is Session ID gathered |
IsUserPrincipalEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is user info gathered |
IsAssignedToNewBTs | Boolean | Y | Is this Data Collector assigned to newly registered Business Transactions |
IsAPM | Boolean | Y | Is this Data Collector used by APM Agents |
IsAnalytics | Boolean | Y | Is this Data Collector used by Analytics Agents |
IsAssignedToBTs | BooleanIs this Data Collector actually assigned to the Business Transactions | ||
NumAssignedBTs | Integer | Number of assigned Business Transactions | |
AssignedBTs | String | List of of assigned Business Transactions | |
RuleRawValue | String | Raw rule configuration in XML | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Call Graph Settings information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM Agent | |
SamplingRate | Integer | Y | Call stack sampling rate in milliseconds |
IncludePackages | String | Y | List of packages included from call stack sampling |
NumIncludePackages | Integer | Y | Number of packages included from call stack sampling |
ExcludePackages | String | Y | List of packages excluded from call stack sampling |
NumExcludePackages | Integer | Y | Number of packages excluded from call stack sampling |
MinSQLDuration | Integer | Y | Minimum duration of SQL statements in milliseconds |
IsRawSQLEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is Raw SQL capture enabled |
IsHotSpotEnabled | Boolean | Y | Is Hot Spot collection enabled |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Service Endpoint information in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier, if overridden | |
AgentType | String | Type of APM agent | |
RuleName | String | Y | Name of the rule |
EntryPointType | String | Y | Type of entry point |
NamingConfigType | String | Y | Configuration naming strategy |
IsMonitoringEnabled | Bool | Y | Is transaction monitoring enabled |
DiscoveryType | String | Y | Type of discovery type |
IsDiscoveryEnabled | Bool | Y | Is automatic transaction naming enabled |
IsOverride | Bool | Y | Is override. Not sure what this is |
RuleRawValue | String | Y | Raw value of the rule in XML |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides list of Nodes that are in Developer Mode in all APM Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
TierName | String | Name of Tier | |
TierID | String | ID of Tier | |
NodeName | String | Name of Node | |
NodeID | String | ID of Node | |
BTName | String | Name of Business Transaction | |
BTID | String | ID of Business Transaction |
This sheet provides Application Configuration information about all DB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
NumCollectorDefinitions | Integer | Number of DB Collector Definitions in Controller | |
NumCustomMetrics | String | Number of DB Custom Metrics in Controller | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides information about all Collector Definitions in all DB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
CollectorName | String | Name of Collector | |
CollectorType | String | Type of Collector | |
CollectorStatus | String | Status of Collector | |
AgentName | String | Name of Database Agent that is assigned to serve this Collector | |
Host | String | Hostname of the database server | |
Port | Integer | Port of the database server | |
UserName | String | User name of the user used to access the database server | |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Is this Collector enabled | |
IsLoggingEnabled | Boolean | Is logging enabled on this Collector | |
DatabaseName | String | Not sure what this is for | |
FailoverPartner | String | Not sure what this is for | |
SID | String | SID or Service Name to use to connect | |
CustomConnectionString | String | Custom database connection string specified for Collector | |
UseWindowsAuth | Boolean | Use Windows Authentication to connect to database. SQL Server only | |
ConnectAsSysDBA | Boolean | Connect as SysDBA user. Oracle only | |
UseServiceName | Boolean | Use Service Name to connect. Oracle only (?) | |
UseSSL | Boolean | Use SSL connectivity to OS (?) | |
IsEnterpriseDB | Boolean | Not sure what this means | |
IsOSMonitoringEnabled | Boolean | Is OS Monitoring enabled | |
UseLocalWMI | Boolean | Use Local WMI to collect OS hardware information. Windows only | |
HostOS | String | Host Operating System | |
HostDomain | String | Host Domain | |
HostUserName | String | Username for Host OS monitoring | |
UseCertificateAuth | Boolean | Use certificate authentication for OS harware monitoring | |
SSHPort | Integer | Port for SSH login for OS monitoring | |
DBInstanceID | Integer | Not sure what this is for | |
Region | String | Not sure what this is | |
RemoveLiterals | Boolean | Not sure what this is | |
IsLDAPEnabled | Boolean | Not sure what this is | |
CreatedBy | String | Who created this Collector | |
CreatedOn | DateTime | When was this Collector created | |
ModifiedBy | String | Who last modified this Collector | |
ModifiedOn | DateTime | When was this Collector last modified | |
ConfigID | Integer | ID of Collector Definition | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides information about all Database Custom Metrics in all DB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
CollectorName | String | Name of Collector | |
CollectorType | String | Type of Collector | |
MetricName | String | Name of Custom Metric | |
Frequency | Integer | Frequency of execution of the query for this Custom Metric | |
Query | String | SQL query to execute to produce this Custom Metric | |
SQLClauseType | String | Type of SQL clause DML: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE; DDL: CREATE, ALTER, DROP; Security: GRANT, REVOKE; Stored Procedures: PROCCALL | |
SQLJoinType | String | Join types: INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL, SELF, CROSS | |
SQLGroupBy | Boolean | Whether GROUP BY clause is present | |
SQLHaving | Boolean | Whether HAVING clause is present | |
SQLOrderBy | Boolean | Whether ORDER BY clause is present | |
SQLUnion | Boolean | Whether UNION clause is present | |
SQLWhere | Boolean | Whether WHERE clause is present | |
IsEvent | Boolean | Not sure what this is | |
ConfigID | Integer | ID of Collector Definition | |
MetricID | String | ID of this Custom Metric | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Application Configuration information about all WEB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
ApplicationDescription | String | Description of Application | |
ApplicationKey | String | Application Key | |
NumPageRulesInclude | Integer | Number of Include Page Rules | |
NumPageRulesExclude | Integer | Number of Exclude Page Rules | |
NumVirtPageRulesInclude | Integer | Number of Include Virtual Page Rules | |
NumVirtPageRulesExclude | Integer | Number of Exclude Virtual Page Rules | |
NumAJAXRulesInclude | Integer | Number of Include AJAX Rules | |
NumAJAXRulesExclude | Integer | Number of Exclude AJAX Rules | |
NumSyntheticJobs | Integer | Number of Synthetic Jobs | |
AgentHTTP | String | Where to load agent from, HTTP | |
AgentHTTPS | String | Where to load agent from, HTTPS | |
GeoHTTP | String | Custom geo server, HTTP | |
GeoHTTPS | String | Custom geo server, HTTPS | |
BeaconHTTP | String | Where to send EUM beacons, HTTP | |
BeaconHTTPS | String | Where to send EUM beacons, HTTPS | |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Is this EUM Application enabled | |
IsXsccEnabled | Boolean | Is Cross-site scripting enabled | |
HostOption | String | Is the agent hosted by AppDynamics or elsewhere | |
AgentCode | String | Code for adding agent to the web pages | |
IsJSErrorEnabled | Boolean | Is JavaScript error reporting enabled | |
IsAJAXErrorEnabled | Boolean | Is AJAX call error reporting enabled | |
IgnoreJSErrors | Array | List of JavaScript errors to be ignored | |
IgnorePageNames | Array | List of Page Names to be ignored | |
IgnoreURLs | Array | List of URLs to be ignored | |
SlowThresholdType | String | Type of Slow Page Threshold | |
SlowThreshold | Integer | What is considered Slow | |
VerySlowThresholdType | String | Type of Very Slow Page Threshold | |
VerySlowThreshold | String | What is considered Very Slow | |
StallThresholdType | String | Type of Stall Page Threshold | |
StallThreshold | String | What is considered Stall | |
Percentiles | String | List of enabled percentiles for page performance | |
SessionTimeout | Integer | Session timeout setting | |
IsIPDisplayed | Boolean | Is IP Address captured and displayed | |
EnableSlowSnapshots | Boolean | Should Slow Snapshots be enabled | |
EnablePeriodicSnapshots | Boolean | Should Periodic Snapshots be enabled | |
EnableErrorSnapshots | Boolean | Should Error Snapshots be enabled | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides information about all Web and Virtual, AJAX Request and IFrame Rules in all WEB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
RuleName | String | Name of the Rule | |
DetectionType | String | Type of the rule (INCLUDE, EXCLUDE) | |
EntityCategory | String | Type of entity targeted by rule (Ajax, AjaxEventsSvc, Pages&IFrames, VirtualPage) | |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Is rule enabled | |
IsDefault | Boolean | Is rule default | |
Priority | Integer | Rule priority | |
MatchURL | String | URL match | |
MatchIPAddress | String | IP address match | |
MatchMobileApp | String | Mobile Application name match. Not sure how it works | |
MatchUserAgent | String | User Agent string match | |
MatchUserAgentType | String | User Agent Type match | |
NamingType | String | Type of naming option chosen | |
AnchorType | String | Type of anchor naming option chosen | |
UrlSegments | Object | URL segments to use in naming | |
AnchorSegments | Object | Anchor segments to use in naming | |
RegexGroups | String | Regex groups to use in naming | |
QueryStrings | String | Querystrings to use in naming | |
DomainNameType | String | Type of the Domain name to use in naming | |
UseProtocol | Boolean | Use Protocol in naming | |
UseDomain | Boolean | Use Domain in naming | |
UseURL | Boolean | Use URL in naming | |
UseHTTP | Boolean | Use scheme in naming | |
UseRegex | Boolean | Use Regular Expression in naming | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides information about all Web Synthetic Jobs in all WEB Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
JobName | String | Name of the Synthetic Job | |
JobType | String | Type of the Synthetic Job | |
IsUserEnabled | Boolean | Is User mode enabled | |
IsSystemEnabled | Boolean | Is System mode enabled. Not sure what this is | |
FailOnError | Boolean | Should this job fail on error | |
IsPrivateAgent | Boolean | Is Privately hosted agent used | |
Rate | Integer | Frequency of execution | |
RateUnit | String | Unit of frequency of execution | |
Days | Array | List of days to execute Synthetic Job | |
Browsers | Array | List of browsers to use to execute Synthetic Job | |
Locations | Array | List of locations to use to execute Synthetic Job | |
NumLocations | Integer | Number of Locations to execute Synthetic Job | |
ScheduleMode | String | Type of schedule (NONE, ROUND_ROBIN_LOCATIONS) | |
URL | String | URL to call, if job type is NONE | |
Script | String | Script to execute, if job type is not NONE | |
Network | Object | Settings for network speed for Synthetic Job | |
Config | Object | Additional settings for Synthetic Job | |
PerfCriteria | Object | Performance criteria evaluation for Synthetic Job | |
CreatedOn | String | When was Synthetic Job Created, Local | |
CreatedOnUtc | String | When was Synthetic Job Updated, Local | |
UpdatedOn | String | When was Synthetic Job Updated, Local | |
UpdatedOnUtc | String | When was Synthetic Job Updated, UTC | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
JobID | String | ID of the Synthetic Job in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides Application Configuration information about all MOBILE Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
ApplicationDescription | String | Description of Application | |
ApplicationKey | String | Application Key | |
NumNetworkRulesInclude | Integer | Number of Network Request Include rules | |
NumNetworkRulesExclude | Integer | Number of Network Request Exclude rules | |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Is this EUM Application enabled | |
SlowThresholdType | String | Type of Slow Page Threshold | |
SlowThreshold | Integer | What is considered Slow | |
VerySlowThresholdType | String | Type of Very Slow Page Threshold | |
VerySlowThreshold | String | What is considered Very Slow | |
StallThresholdType | String | Type of Stall Page Threshold | |
StallThreshold | String | What is considered Stall | |
Percentiles | String | List of enabled percentiles for page performance | |
SessionTimeout | Integer | Session timeout setting | |
CrashThreshold | Integer | Number of crashes to serve as some sort of thresholds | |
IsIPDisplayed | Boolean | Is IP Address captured and displayed | |
EnableScreenshot | Boolean | Enable taking of screenshots | |
AutoScreenshot | Boolean | Enable taking of screenshots. Not sure what this means | |
UseCellular | Boolean | Should cellular data be used for reporting | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet provides information about all Mobile Network Request Rules in all MOBILE Applications in all Controllers covered by this report.
Column | Data Type | Compared | Purpose |
Controller | URL | Controller that was queried | |
ApplicationName | String | Name of Application | |
RuleName | String | Name of the Rule | |
DetectionType | String | Type of the rule (INCLUDE, EXCLUDE) | |
IsEnabled | Boolean | Is rule enabled | |
IsDefault | Boolean | Is rule default | |
Priority | Integer | Rule priority | |
MatchURL | String | URL match | |
MatchIPAddress | String | IP address match | |
MatchMobileApp | String | Mobile Application name match. Not sure how it works | |
MatchUserAgent | String | User Agent string match | |
MatchUserAgentType | String | User Agent Type match | |
NamingType | String | Type of naming option chosen | |
AnchorType | String | Type of anchor naming option chosen | |
UrlSegments | Object | URL segments to use in naming | |
AnchorSegments | Object | Anchor segments to use in naming | |
RegexGroups | String | Regex groups to use in naming | |
QueryStrings | String | Querystrings to use in naming | |
DomainNameType | String | Type of the Domain name to use in naming | |
UseProtocol | Boolean | Use Protocol in naming | |
UseDomain | Boolean | Use Domain in naming | |
UseURL | Boolean | Use URL in naming | |
UseHTTP | Boolean | Use scheme in naming | |
UseRegex | Boolean | Use Regular Expression in naming | |
ApplicationID | Integer | ID of Application in Controller | |
ControllerLink | URL | Link to Controller | |
ApplicationLink | URL | Link to Application in Controller |
This sheet shows differences between all configuration rules, including missing and extra values.
Record with Difference=DIFFERENT
means that the rule was present in both Applications being compared, and its value in Property is different.
Both values are shown in ReferenceValue and DifferenceValue.
Record with Difference=MISSING
means that the rule was present in Application being compared to (ReferenceApp) but not in Application being compared (DifferenceApp).
Short rule representation in Application being compared to (ReferenceApp) is shown in ReferenceValue.
Record with Difference=EXTRA
means that the rule was not present in Application being compared to (ReferenceApp) but was present in Application being compared (DifferenceApp).
Short rule representation in Application being compared to (DifferenceApp) is shown in DifferenceValue.
Column | Data Type | Purpose |
EntityName | String | Name of configuration rule being compared |
RuleType | String | Type of configuration rule |
RuleSubType | String | Subtype of configuration rule |
TierName | String | Name of Tier that this rule applies to, if present |
ReferenceConroller | URL | Name of Controller in which the reference Application is in |
ReferenceApp | String | Name of reference Application that is being compared to |
DifferenceController | Integer | Name of Controller in which the Application that is being compared is in |
DifferenceApp | String | Name of Application that is being compared |
Difference | String | Type of difference, either DIFFERENT, MISSING or EXTRA |
Property | String | Name of the property that is different, missing or extra |
ReferenceValue | String | Value of property in reference Application that is being compared to |
DifferenceValue | String | Value of property in Application that is being compared |
This sheet uses data in 100.Config Differences sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.
Default configuration provides breakdown of Rules by Type summarized by difference type in all Controllers and Applications
Columns | Rows | Values | Filters |
DifferenceController | |||
DifferenceApp | |||
Difference | |||
RuleType | |||
RuleSubType | |||
TierName | |||
EntityName | |||
Property | |||
EntityName (Count) |
Here is an example of all differences between two Applications shown in Pivot form:
Here is an example of all DIFFERENT differences between two Applications in tabular form:
- Home
- Getting Started Walkthrough
- Run
Excel Reports
- Detected APM Entities
- Detected SIM Entities
- Detected DB Entities
- Detected WEB Entities
- Detected MOBILE Entities
- Detected BIQ Entities
- Entity Metrics
- Entity Metric Graphs
- Registered APM Metrics
- Entity Flowmaps
- Configuration
- Events and Health Rule Violations
- Entity Details
- Snapshots
- Snapshot Method Calls
- Individual Snapshot
- Users and Permissions
- Dashboards
- Health Check
- PowerBI Reports
- Tableau Reports
- Browser Reports