This description needs reworking as a local webserver is supported now!
This oAuthV2 flow process does work if you are allowed to use Apps or localhost websites for receiving the code grant type instead of a public https website.
It supports the response_type=code
based flow, which should be fine for the most common cases.
The process guids you to the login page of the service you want to receiver an authentication token for. After this it
will be redirected to an app url that this module created beforehand like myNewApp:\\putinherewhateveryouwant
After receiving the code at this app, it will be exchanged with an oAuth token. Sometimes you also get a refresh token.
Both is saved in a local json file, encrypted, if you want to.
This module also supports you in creating a scheduled task in Windows for refreshing. But you have to setup the schedule afterwards.
Sometimes tokens are only for 1 hour, sometimes for 30 days.
Be aware, that you can close your browser window when the whole process is done.
# First install this module
Install-Module PSOAuth -verbose
# Install dependencies for this module
# Move to the directory where you want everything to be saved
# The logfile will be created in this directory
# Create a token
Request-OAuthApp -SaveSeparateTokenFile
# Do an api call to refresh the token
# ...
# Refresh the token
Request-TokenRefresh -SettingsFile "xyz"
This uses the response type
and grant=basic -
The second call uses grant_type = "authorization_code"
Create automated task for refresh
Create specific functions to ask for token ttl and so forth -> or maybe use aptecopsframework with prebuilt integrations for that
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
ClientId | ssCNo32SNf | Default and certified CleverReach App for Apteco |
ClientSecret | Please ask Apteco | |
AuthUrl | | |
TokenUrl | | |
Protocol | apttoken | The app that will be called to gather the code/token |
Scope | This can be left empty |
import-module PSOAuth -Verbose
$oauthParam = [Hashtable]@{
"ClientId" = "ssCNo32SNf"
"ClientSecret" = "" # ask for this at Apteco, if you don't have your own app
"AuthUrl" = ""
"TokenUrl" = ""
"SaveSeparateTokenFile" = $true
Request-OAuthLocalhost @oauthParam
import-module PSOAuth -Verbose
$oauthParam = [Hashtable]@{
"ClientId" = "ssCNo32SNf"
"ClientSecret" = "" # ask for this at Apteco, if you don't have your own app
"AuthUrl" = ""
"TokenUrl" = ""
"SaveSeparateTokenFile" = $true
Request-OAuthApp @oauthParam -Verbose
Request your token with an api call At moment CleverReach tokens have a ttl of 30 days
# Read settings file
$settings = Get-Content -Path ".\settings.json" -Encoding utf8 -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99
# Build your header
$header = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $( $settings.accesstoken )"
# Exchange token
$validateParameters = [Hashtable]@{
Uri = ""
Method = "Get"
Headers = $header
Verbose = $true
ContentType = "application/json"
$newToken = Invoke-RestMethod @validateParameters
# Log
Write-Verbose -message "Got new token valid for $( $newToken.expires_in ) seconds and scope '$( $newToken.scope )'" -Verbose
# Exchange file
Request-TokenRefresh -SettingsFile $settingsFile -NewAccessToken $newToken.access_token
You can save this as a script, if it helps. And create a scheduled task for it.
Create a connected app beforehand
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
ClientId | ClientID of your Salesforce Connected App | |
ClientSecret | ClientSecret of your Salesforce Connected App | |
AuthUrl | | |
TokenUrl | | |
Protocol | sftoken | The app that will be called to gather the code/token |
Scope | This can be left empty |
At moment Salesforce tokens have a ttl of 1 hour, so you better create a task for refreshment
Please have a look at the path to your json file, and replace your client_id and client_secret
# Read settings file
$settingsFile = ".\settings.json"
$settings = Get-Content -Path $settingsFile -Encoding utf8 -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 99
# Exchange token
$validateParameters = [Hashtable]@{
Method = "POST"
Uri = ""
Body = [Hashtable]@{
"client_id" = "3MVG9I5UQ_0k_hTkyC7dvZDoWszDfra.IGCBVnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"client_secret" = "1DBF58393544Exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"grant_type" = "refresh_token"
"refresh_token" = $settings.refreshtoken
Verbose = $true
$newToken = Invoke-RestMethod @validateParameters
# Log
Write-Log -message "Got new token valid for $( $newToken.expires_in ) seconds and scope '$( $newToken.scope )'"
# Exchange file
Request-TokenRefresh -SettingsFile $settingsFile -NewAccessToken $newToken.access_token
If you have encrypted your tokens, use ( Get-SecuretoPlaintext $settings.refreshtoken )
instead of $settings.refreshtoken
Create your app through the Azure Portal following these instructions:
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
ClientId | Please use your Application ID (Client) of your created app |
ClientSecret | Please use your Secret of your created app, this will only be shown once |
AuthUrl |{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize | Please replace your {tenantID} before using it |
TokenUrl |{tenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token | Please replace your {tenantID} before using it |
RedirectURL | http://localhost:43902 | This is the url for redirection, please take this from your app |
Scope | https://{orgID} offline_access | Please replace your {orgID} from your dynamics URL |
- CleverReach
- Hubspot Private App
- Salesforce SalesCloud Connected App
- Microsoft Azure App
Since CleverReach changed the expiry date of the tokens from three years to 30 days, we have implemented a way of automatic token creation and exchange.
There are two ways of using it:
- On the app server in a specific place called by a Windows Scheduled Task in a regular rhythm
- During the Data Build called as a preload or postload action where the file will be automatically deployed to the app server
Open the script cleverreach__00__create_settings.ps1
and have a look at the following parts
If you want to receive notifications about a refreshed or failed token, put this to $true
or $false
"sendMailOnCheck" = $true
"sendMailOnSuccess" = $true
"sendMailOnFailure" = $true
Change the default receiver email address for receiving those notifications
"notificationReceiver" = "[email protected]"
If the notifications should be send, make sure to configure the mail settings
"mail" = @{
smptServer = ""
port = 587
from = "[email protected]"
username = "[email protected]"
password = $smtpPassEncrypted
Then you execute that settings creation script. It does not need administrator rights.
NOTE: The script will ask you about the path to store the token. It needs to be accessible to the app server or needs to be put in the system folder so Designer can put the file into the deployment
- Change the script as described above
- Execute the script
first and you will be asked a few things and your smtp password - if you don't want to use the email notifications just leave it blank or enter some random string - This will save a
file and a token file likecr.token
in the same folder (as default setting) - The script will ask you to create a scheduled task automatically that will check and exchange (if needed) the token on a daily schedule. It should look like here in the screenshots
- Change the script as described above
- Execute the script
first and you will be asked a few things and your smtp password - if you don't want to use the email notifications just leave it blank or enter some random string - This will save a
file and a token file likecr.token
in the same folder (as default setting). But for this method please make sure to change the path to the system folder likeD:\Apteco\Build\Holidays\cr.token
so it will be automatically deployed to the server - In Designer create a preload or postload action like this:
- The log is configured to send the log entries to a separate text file AND the Designer log (you can see an example here that the token exchange failed):
Add the new parameter Access Token Path
and change it to the local path where the token is saved
This setting is now possible from Orbit Campaign Channel Editor, too (2021-10-27).
Add the new parameter ACCESSTOKENPATH
and change it to the local path where the token is saved
Send-MailMessage : Das Remotezertifikat ist laut Validierungsverfahren ungültig
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
When generating the settings.json file, set deactivateServerCertificateValidation
to $true
(Default $false
Unable to relay recipient in non-accepted domain
Check your mailserver, looks like the (external) recipient is not allowed by the current settings