Releases: ArcanePlugins/LevelledMobs
3.1.8 b517
- fixed MythicMobs 5.0 compatibility
- using Essentials' /spawnmob command with player levelling will no longer relevel it after being spawned in
- setting player-levelling-relevel-min-time to 0 will cause it to never relevel
- player levelling will not check NPCs from Citizens plugin anymore
- player levelling now uses a more efficient algorithm to determine the closest player to a given mob (thanks @Hugo5551#4042 )
- player-levelling-mob-distance-squared in settings.yml is longer used and will be removed in a future build
3.1.7 b508
The following changes programmed by @stumper66:
- fixed mythic mobs internal name rule logic flow
- fixed mythic mobs internal names not working probably with mythic mobs 5.x
- entities denied by rule mythic mobs internal name was missing a debug entry, it is now DENIED_RULE_MYTHIC_MOBS_INTERNAL_NAME
- mob levelling denied due to a maxLevel: 0 rule will now return LevellableState DENIED_LEVEL_0 instead of DENIED_OTHER
- mobs being summoned or spawning near a player when player levelling is enabled should not get relevelled
- async-task-max-blocks-from-player in settings.yml is now utilized when mobs are spawned or summoned, rather than the previous hard-coded number of 50.
- fixed async-task-update-period being used for calculating player distance rather than async-task-max-blocks-from-player
v3.1.6 b506
@stumper66 renamed nametag-auto-update-task-period to async-task-update-period
@stumper66 added new setting async-task-max-blocks-from-player
@stumper66 made the async task now level unlevelled entities
@stumper66 added new command /lm rules force_all
@stumper66 added a check to prevent possible reanimation of a dead mob if it dies as the exact moment it gets relevels when using player levelling strategy
@stumper66 added a player levelling metric to bStats
@stumper66 fixed conditions --> custom-names rule not working properly
@stumper66 fixed settings being ignored if they more than 1 level deep. Includes kill-skip-conditions and perhaps others
@lokka30 significantly expanded the list of forced-unlevellable entity types. (forced-unlevellable mobs include armor stands, players, and so on.)
@lokka30 made it so even with the override argument, it is now impossible to summon levelled mobs if the specified entity type is forced-unlevellable.
3.1.4 b502
- fixed spam from a line of code we accidentally left in
3.1.3 b501
All changes by @stumper66:
- fixed the rule condition stop-processing not applying the applicable rule before stopping processing
- added EcoBosses compatibility, thanks to Auxilor for providing the code
- Improved settings.yml comments
- fixed issue when using LM spawners referencing a drop table, they would only drop items if the item was equipped
- fixed command /LM spawner info not showing CustomDropId
- added ability to run multiple commands within a single customCommand
- fixed entity-override-names not working with level tiers
- fixed issue when a wolf or other tamable animals gets tamed it gets levelled
- fixed issue when using player levelling and the player has 0 experience that it will cause mobs to get random levels
- changed use-player-max-level in player levelling to default of false
- fixed potential IllegalArgumentException when using player levelling and a player teleports to a different world
- fixed dangerous caves compatibility
- a mob being processed by LM can now have more than one external plugin defined (used by level-plugin rule in rules.yml)
- player-levelling will not be triggered by users in spectator mode
Build 490
See updates tab.
Build 475
@stumper66 made a bunch of fixes and improvements for you all!
- fix potential server crash with message "The server has not responded for 10 seconds!"
- fix potential call-stack when reloading LevelledMobs
- fixed rule chance logic
- updated to MicroLib 2.3.1 for spigot console color compatibility
- piglins and piglin_brutes are now correctly part of all_hostile_mobs custom group and works on 1.17 servers
- fixed settings migrator incorrectly migrating world list from LM 2.x upgrades
- command /lm info now correctly shows 1.17 as compatible
- changed LevelInterface to an actual interface
- /lm summon command now properly summons mobs in front of the player's direction they are facing
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Edit: Releases will now be posted here, instead of only in the SpigotMC resources page.