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Advent of Code 2024

My solutions to the AoC 2024 challenges written in Civet.

Day 1: Historian Hysteria ⭐⭐

[left, right] := getLines(input).map toNumbers |> rotate |> .map .sort asc

log sum (x, i) => abs x - right[i]
log sum & * counter(right)[&]

Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports ⭐⭐

reports := input |> getLines |> .map toNumbers

function isSafe (report: number[])
  isAsc := report.1 - report.0 > 0
  for every i of [ - 1]
    (1 <= report[i + int isAsc] - report[i + int !isAsc] <= 3)
log len reports.filter isSafe
log len reports.filter (r) => r.some (_, i) => isSafe r.toSpliced i, 1

Day 3: Mull It Over ⭐⭐

mul := multiply
calc := (s: string) => sum s.match(/mul\(\d+,\d+\)/g)!map eval .

log calc input
log sum input.match(/(^|do\(\))[\s\S]*?($|don't\(\))/g)!map calc

Day 4: Ceres Search ⭐⭐

puzzle := getArray2d input
dirs := flatten for x of [-1..1]
  for y of [-1..1]
    for l of [1..3]
      [x * l, y * l]

log sum map2d puzzle, (y, x, char) =>
  return 0 unless char is 'X'
  sum &.map(puzzle[y + &.1]?[x + &.0]).join('') is 'MAS'

log sum map2d puzzle, (y, x, char) =>
  return 0 unless char is 'A'
  puzzle[y - 1]?[x - 1] + puzzle[y + 1]?[x + 1] is in ['MS', 'SM'] and
  puzzle[y - 1]?[x + 1] + puzzle[y + 1]?[x - 1] is in ['MS', 'SM']

Day 5: Print Queue ⭐⭐

[rules, updates] := input.split('\n\n').map(getLines).map .map toNumbers

sumMiddles := (arr: number[][]) => sum &[&.#/2 | 0]
isCorrect := (update: number[]) => for every i of [0...update.#-1]
  rules.some matches update[i..i+1]

log sumMiddles updates.filter isCorrect
log sumMiddles updates.filter(negate isCorrect).map .sort (a, b) =>
  -rules.some matches [b, a]

Day 6: Guard Gallivant ⭐⭐

board := getArray2d input
start := findInArray2d board, '^' |> as Point

simulate := (board: string[][], { x, y }: Point, dir = 0) =>
  visited := new Set [`${y}.${x}`]
  positions := new Set [`${y}.${x}.${dir}`]

    board[y - 1]?[x] is '#' ? dir = 1 : y-- if dir is 0
    board[y]?[x + 1] is '#' ? dir = 2 : x++ if dir is 1
    board[y + 1]?[x] is '#' ? dir = 3 : y++ if dir is 2
    board[y]?[x - 1] is '#' ? dir = 0 : x-- if dir is 3

    break with { visited, -loop } unless board[y]?[x]
    break with { visited, +loop } if positions.has `${y}.${x}.${dir}`

    visited.add `${y}.${x}`
    positions.add `${y}.${x}.${dir}`

{ visited } := simulate board, start

log visited.size
log for sum pos of visited
  tmp := set cloneDeep(board), pos, '#'
  simulate tmp, start |> .loop |> int

Day 7: Bridge Repair ⭐⭐

lines := getLines(input).map(toNumbers).map [&.0, &[1..]] as const

calc := (operators: string) => sum [test, values] =>
  test if for some perm of getPerms [...operators], values.#-1
    x .= values.0
    for op, i of perm
      x += values[i+1] if op is '+'
      x *= values[i+1] if op is '*'
      x = +`${x}${values[i+1]}` if op is '|'
    test is x

log calc '+*'
log calc '+*|'

Day 8: Resonant Collinearity ⭐⭐

city := getArray2d input
isInCity := (p: Point) => 0 <= p.x < city# and 0 <= p.y < city#
pairs := uniq input.replace /\n|\./g, ''
  |> .map findAllInArray2d city, .
  |> .flatMap getPerms(., 2).filter &.0 is not &.1

log len uniq pairs.flatMap [p1, p2] =>
  p := subVector p1, subVector p2, p1
  if isInCity p then [`${p.x},${p.y}`] else []

log len uniq pairs.flatMap [p1, p2] =>
  points := [addVector p1, subVector p2, p1]
    p := addVector points.-1, subVector p2, p1
    if isInCity p then points.push p else break `${&.x},${&.y}`

Day 9: Disk Fragmenter ⭐⭐

disk := map input, int
id .= 0
files: [string, string][] := []
blocks .= for join d, i of disk
  if i % 2
    '.'.repeat d  
    file := String.fromCodePoint(256 + id++).repeat d
    files.unshift [file, '.'.repeat file#]

compactBlocks := (blocks: string) =>
  while '.' is in blocks 
    last := blocks.-1
    blocks = blocks[..-2]
    blocks = blocks.replace '.', last unless last is '.'

compactFiles := (blocks: string) =>
  for [file, space] of files
    fileIndex := blocks.indexOf file
    spaceIndex := blocks.indexOf space
    if spaceIndex < fileIndex and spaceIndex > -1
      blocks = blocks[...spaceIndex] + file + blocks[spaceIndex + file#...fileIndex] + space + blocks[fileIndex + file#..]

checksum := (blocks: string) => sum for block, i of blocks
  block is '.' or i * (block.codePointAt(0)! - 256)

log checksum compactBlocks blocks
log checksum compactFiles blocks

Day 10: Hoof It ⭐⭐

grid := getArray2d input |> .map .map int
heads := findAllInArray2d grid, 0

function move ({ x, y }: Point): string[]
  return [`${x},${y}`] if grid[y][x] is 9
  adjacentCross grid, x, y
    .filter &.value is grid[y][x] + 1
    .flatMap move .

log sum (head) => len uniq move head
log sum (head) => len      move head

Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles ⭐⭐

stones .= toNumbers input

blink := memo (stone: number, blinks: number): number =>
  str := stone.toString()
  unless blinks-- then 1
  else if stone is 0 then blink 1, blinks 
  else if str# % 2 is 0 then blink(+str[...str#/2], blinks) + blink(+str[str#/2..], blinks)
  else blink stone * 2024, blinks

log sum map stones, blink ., 25
log sum map stones, blink ., 75

Day 12: Garden Groups ⭐⭐

garden := getArray2d input
visited := new Set<string>
type Edge = [Point, Point]

findRegion := ({x, y}: Point, type: string, edges: Edge[] = []): [number, number, string, Edge[]] => 
  perimeter .= 0
  area .= 1
  key := `${x},${y}`
  if visited.has(key) return [0, 0, type, edges] else visited.add key
  for p of adjacentCross garden, x, y
    if p.value is type
      [nextArea, nextPerimeter] := findRegion p, type, edges
      area += nextArea
      perimeter += nextPerimeter
      edges.push [{x, y}, p]
  [area, perimeter, type, edges]

calcSides := (edges: Edge[]) =>
  v := edges.filter &.0.x is &.1.x |> groupBy ., &.0.y + &.1.y * 2 |> values |> .map (a) => countAsc &.0.x
  h := edges.filter &.0.y is &.1.y |> groupBy ., &.0.x + &.1.x * 2 |> values |> .map (a) => countAsc &.0.y
  sum v ++ h

countAsc := (arr: number[]) =>
  sum for i of [0...arr.sort(asc)#]
    arr[i] + 1 is not arr[i + 1]

p1 .= 0
p2 .= 0
map2d garden, (x, y, value) =>
  [area, perimeter, _, edges ] := findRegion({x, y}, value)
  p1 += area * perimeter
  p2 += area * calcSides edges

log p1, p2

Day 13: Claw Contraption ⭐⭐

machines := chunk toNumbers(input), 6
tokens := ([a, b, c, d, e, f]: number[]) =>
  (d*e-c*f) / (a*d-c*b) * 3 + (a*f-b*e) / (a*d-c*b) |> & % 1 ? 0 : &

log sum tokens
log sum[..3] ++ &[-2..].map &+1e13).map tokens

Day 14: Restroom Redoubt ⭐⭐

start := chunk toNumbers(input), 4
getRobots := (t: number) => [x0, y0, vx, vy] =>
  . (x0 + vx * t) %% 101
  . (y0 + vy * t) %% 103

quadrants:= [0, 0, 0, 0]
getRobots(100).forEach [x, y] =>
  quadrants.0++ if x < 50 and y < 51
  quadrants.1++ if x < 50 and y > 51
  quadrants.2++ if x > 50 and y < 51
  quadrants.3++ if x > 50 and y > 51

log product quadrants

for t of [0...10000]
  robots := getRobots t
  for y of [0...103]
    line := '.'.repeat(101).split ''
    robotsInLine := robots.filter(&.1 is y).map &.0
    for x of [0..101]
      line[x] = '#' if x is in robotsInLine 
    throw t if '###########' is in line.join ''

Day 15: Warehouse Woes ⭐⭐

data := input.split '\n\n'
moves := data.1.replaceAll '\n', ''
grid1 := getArray2d data.0
grid2 := getLines(data.0).map (line) =>
  line.replaceAll('#','##').replaceAll('.','..').replaceAll('O','[]').replace('@', '@.').split ''

getNextPoint := (p: Point, move: string) =>
  switch move
    '>' then x: p.x + 1, y: p.y
    '<' then x: p.x - 1, y: p.y
    '^' then x: p.x, y: p.y - 1
    else x: p.x, y: p.y + 1

nextP1 := (p: Point, move: string) =>
  n := getNextPoint(p, move)
  return false if grid1[n.y]![n.x] is '#'
  if grid1[n.y]![n.x] is '.' or grid1[n.y]![n.x] is 'O' and nextP1 n, move
    grid1[n.y]![n.x] = grid1[p.y]![p.x]
    grid1[p.y]![p.x] = '.'
    return true

nextP2 := (p: Point, move: string) =>
  n := getNextPoint(p, move)
  return false if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is '#'
  if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is '.' or move is in '><' and nextP2 n, move
    grid2[n.y]![n.x] = grid2[p.y]![p.x]
    grid2[p.y]![p.x] = '.'
    return true

  return false if move is not in '^v' or not canMove(n, move)

  dy := move is 'v' ? 1 : -1
  if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is '[' and canMove({ x: n.x + 1, y: n.y }, move)
      nextP2 n, move
      nextP2 { y: n.y, x: n.x + 1}, move
      grid2[n.y]![n.x] = '@'
      grid2[n.y]![n.x + 1] = '.'
      grid2[n.y + dy]![n.x] = '['
      grid2[n.y + dy]![n.x + 1] = ']'
      grid2[p.y]![p.x] = '.'
      return true

  if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is ']' and canMove({ x: n.x - 1, y: n.y }, move)
      nextP2 n, move
      nextP2 { y: n.y, x: n.x - 1}, move
      grid2[n.y]![n.x] = '@'
      grid2[n.y]![n.x - 1] = '.'
      grid2[n.y + dy]![n.x] = ']'
      grid2[n.y + dy]![n.x - 1] = '['
      grid2[p.y]![p.x] = '.'
      return true

canMove := (p: Point, move: string) =>
  n := getNextPoint(p, move)
  return false if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is '#'
  return true if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is '.'
  return true if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is '[' and canMove(n, move) and canMove({ x: n.x + 1, y: n.y }, move)
  return true if grid2[n.y]![n.x] is ']' and canMove(n, move) and canMove({ x: n.x - 1, y: n.y }, move)
for move of moves
  nextP1 findInArray2d(grid1, '@')!, move
  nextP2 findInArray2d(grid2, '@')!, move

log for sum {x, y} of findAllInArray2d grid1, 'O'
  x + y * 100

log for sum {x, y} of findAllInArray2d grid2, '['
  x + y * 100

Day 16: Reindeer Maze ⭐⭐

Graph from graphology
Heap from heap
{ dijkstra } from graphology-library/shortest-path

maze := getArray2d input
start := findInArray2d(maze, 'S')!
end := findInArray2d(maze, 'E')!
graph := new Graph

directions := 
  . dx: 1, dy: 0
  . dx: 0, dy: 1
  . dx: -1, dy: 0
  . dx: 0, dy: -1

map2d maze, (x, y, value) =>
  return if value is '#'
  graph.addNode `${x},${y},${d}` for d of [0..3]

map2d maze, (x, y, value) =>
  return if value is '#'
  for d of [0..3]
    current := `${x},${y},${d}`
    nx := x + directions[d].dx
    ny := y + directions[d].dy

    graph.addEdge current, `${nx},${ny},${d}`, weight: 1 if maze[ny]![nx] is not '#'
    graph.addEdge current, `${x},${y},${(d-1) %% 4}`, weight: 1000
    graph.addEdge current, `${x},${y},${(d+1) %% 4}`, weight: 1000

calcCost := (nodes: string[]) => 
  for sum i of [0...nodes# - 1]
    nodes[i].split(',').-1 is nodes[i + 1].split(',').-1 ? 1 : 1000

minCost := min for i of [0..3]
  calcCost dijkstra.bidirectional(graph, `${start.x},${start.y},0`, `${end.x},${end.y},${i}`)!

type Distances = Record<string, { cost: number, prevNodes: string[] }>

function getDistances(graph: Graph, start: string)
  distances: Distances := {}

  graph.forEachNode (node) => distances[node] = cost: Infinity, prevNodes: []
  distances[start].cost = 0

  queue := new Heap<{ node: string, cost: number }> (a, b) => a.cost - b.cost
  queue.push { cost: 0, node: start }

  until queue.empty()
    current := queue.pop()!
    continue if distances[current.node].cost < current.cost

    graph.forEachOutEdge current.node, (_key, attrs, source, target) =>
      newCost := distances[source].cost + attrs.weight
      if newCost < distances[target].cost
        distances[target].cost = newCost
        distances[target].prevNodes = [source]
        queue.push { cost: newCost, node: target }
      else if newCost is distances[target].cost
        distances[target].prevNodes.push source

distances := getDistances graph, `${start.x},${start.y},0`

function recreatePaths(distances: Distances, start: string, end: string): string[][]
  return [[start]] if start is end
  paths: string[][] := []

  for node of distances[end].prevNodes
    subPaths := recreatePaths distances, start, node
    for subPath of subPaths
      paths.push subPath ++ [end]

  return paths

log minCost

  |> .flatMap (dir) => recreatePaths distances, `${start.x},${start.y},0`, `${end.x},${end.y},${dir}`
  |> .filter (path) => calcCost(path) is minCost
  |> flatten
  |> .map .replace /,\d*$/, ''
  |> new Set
  |> .size
  |> log

Day 17: Chronospatial Computer ⭐⭐

[A, B, C, ...program] .= toNumbers(input).map BigInt

function execute(A: bigint, B: bigint, C: bigint, program: bigint[])
  output: bigint[] := []
  index .= 0
  combo := (x: bigint) => [0n, 1n, 2n, 3n, A, B, C][Number(x)]

  run := (opcode: bigint, operand: bigint) => switch opcode
    0n then A = A / 2n ** combo(operand)
    1n then B ^= operand
    2n then B = combo(operand) % 8n
    3n then index = A is 0n ? index + 2 : Number(operand)
    4n then B ^= C
    5n then output.push combo(operand) % 8n
    6n then B = A / 2n ** combo(operand)
    7n then C = A / 2n ** combo(operand)

  while index < program#
    opcode := program[index]
    operand := program[index + 1]
    run opcode, operand
    index += 2 unless opcode is 3n


log execute(A, B, C, program).join()

vals .= [0n]
for opcode of program.toReversed()
  vals = vals.flatMap (prev) =>
    [0n, 1n, 2n, 3n, 4n, 5n, 6n, 7n]
      .map prev * 8n + &
      .filter (A) => execute(A, 0n, 0n, program).0 is opcode

log min vals

Day 18: RAM Run ⭐⭐

Graph from graphology
{ dijkstra } from graphology-library/shortest-path

bytes := chunk toNumbers(input), 2

function findExit(bytes: number[][])
  graph := new Graph
  ram := for y of [0..70]
    for x of [0..70]
      bytes.find(&.0 is x and &.1 is y) ? '#' : '.'

  map2d ram, (x, y) =>
    return if ram[y][x] is '#'
    graph.addNode `${x},${y}`

  map2d ram, (x, y) =>
    return if ram[y][x] is '#'
    for p of adjacentCross ram, x, y
      graph.addEdge `${x},${y}`, `${p.x},${p.y}` if p.value is '.'

  dijkstra.bidirectional graph, '0,0', `70,70`

log findExit(bytes[0...1024])# - 1

i .= 1024
while findExit bytes[0..++i]
log bytes[i].join()

Day 19: Linen Layout ⭐⭐

[data, _, ...designs] := getLines input
towels := data.split ', '

possibilities := memo (design: string): number =>
  matches := towels.filter design.startsWith .
  return int design# is 0 if matches# is 0
  sum (match) => possibilities design[match#..]

log sum !!&
log sum

Day 20: Race Condition ⭐⭐

Graph from graphology
{ dijkstra } from graphology-library/shortest-path

grid := getArray2d input
start := findInArray2d(grid, 'S')!
end := findInArray2d(grid, 'E')!
graph := new Graph

map2d grid, (x, y, value) =>
  return if value is '#'
  graph.addNode `${x},${y}`

map2d grid, (x, y, value) =>
  return if value is '#'
  for p of adjacentCross grid, x, y
    continue if grid[p.y]?[p.x] is '#'
    graph.addEdge `${x},${y}`, p.str

path := dijkstra.bidirectional(graph, start.str, end.str).map toNumbers

function possibleCheats(max: number)
  flatten for [x, y], i of path
    for [cx, cy], j of path[i+1..]
      manhattan {x, y}, {x: cx, y: cy} |> & <= max ? j - & + 1 : 0

log len possibleCheats(2).filter & >= 100
log len possibleCheats(20).filter & >= 100

Day 23: LAN Party ⭐⭐

findCliques from @seregpie/bron-kerbosch
{ UndirectedGraph } from graphology

connections := getLines(input).map .split('-') as [string, string]
computers .= uniq flatten connections
graph := new UndirectedGraph (pc) => graph.addNode pc [a, b] => graph.addEdge a, b

triples := uniq computers.flatMap (pc) => 
  neighbors := graph.mapNeighbors(pc, &)
  triples: string[] := []
  for i of [0...neighbors#-1]
    for j of [i+1...neighbors#]
      if graph.hasEdge neighbors[i], neighbors[j]
        triples.push [neighbors[i], neighbors[j], pc].sort().join ','

log len triples.filter & is like /t[a-z]/

cliques := findCliques(connections).sort (a, b) => b.# - a.#

log cliques.0.sort().join ','