Releases: ArsMasiuk/qvge
QVGE 0.5.0
changed project directory structure
globally renamed: CConnection -> CEdge etc.
some menu texts corrected & tooltips added
added basic support of node ports
added buttons to change attribute's name & type
color schemes menu moved into Edit
added "Factor Nodes" dialog
added zoom/fit to selection
added custom columns to the Topology editor
added "Search" feature
fixed issue with document change notification when a new document is created
fixed issue with putting empty states into the undo/redo stack after editing
of complex attributes (color, font etc) -
fixed generation of the default ids for nodes/edges
fixed opening of documents with unicode names
fixed writing non-latin symbols to GEXF files as well as description & version number (#33)
fixed writing graph attributes to GEXF files
fixed storing of default class attributes
QVGE 0.4.3 (beta)
A bugfix release:
- item tooltips visually improved
- fixed issue with moving the mouse over the Mini Navigator when invoked by the corner button
- fixed issue with restoring of scene interactive state after panning
- fixed a crash when leaving property editor after changing a value
- fixed editing of string and numerical values after typing next character
- fixed a couple of editing & display issues of double values
QVGE 0.4.2 (beta)
QVGE 0.4.2 (beta)
added new color scheme (Sunny Spring)
added common editor modes to simplify the editing
default node & edge properties set to UI when new scene is attached
auto-assign of currently selected node & edge properties to the newly created items
more tool- & status tips displayed
some common operations made more intuitive (clone items with pressed Ctrl etc.)
fixed issue with dragging items over their labels
(Linux) fixed issue with default IO directory
(FreeBSD) fixed restoring of maximized windows (Qt issue)