Releases: Athou/commafeed
Releases · Athou/commafeed
CommaFeed 2.4.0
- users were not able to change password or delete account
- fix api key generation
- feed entries can now be sorted alphabetically
- fix facebook sharing
- fix header layout on iOS
- postgresql driver update (fix for postgres 9.6)
- various internationalization fixes
- minor security fixes
CommaFeed 2.3.0
- dropwizard upgrade 0.9.1
- feed enclosures are hidden if they already displayed in the content
- fix youtube favicons
- various internationalization fixes
CommaFeed 2.2.0
- fix youtube and instagram favicon fetching
- mark as read filter was lost when a feed was rearranged with drag&drop
- feed entry categories are now displayed if available
- various performance and dependencies upgrades
- java8 is now required