Uses the Telegram Bot (Webhooks) integration to send notifications and allow 'chat' with the house. Can send plan text requests or /commands.
Following commands are available:
- /help - lists commands available
- /status - shows status of house (alarm, doors, devices left on, cars etc.)
- /alarm - Shows alarm status and offers keyboard to arm alarm (various modes)
- /camera - send stills from CCTV cameras
- /hottub - shows status of hottub and offers keyboard to manage temp changes / schedule changes etc.
- /jyggy - status and keybaord to control of charging on our Tesla Model S
- /paddy - status and keybaord to control of charging on our Renault Zoe
Following Free Text requests are available:
- help
- status
- alarm "disarm alarm", "alarm arm", " alarm arm night", "alarm home" etc.
- paddy
- jyggy
- picture / camera
- video
- hottub "hot tub 09:00", "hot tub 38c", "set tub to 38c for 16:00"
Following command callbacks are executed by in-line keyboards:
- /remove_keyboard
- /paddy_refresh
- /paddy_
- /jyggy_refresh
- /jyggy_
- /arm_away /arm_home /arm_night /disarm
- /30m /1h /3h - defer a message for a time
- /tub_sched_on|off
- /tub_set_time
- /tub_time_08 etc.
- /tub_set_temp
- /tub_temp_38 etc.
- /video