FE v1.0 API is aimed to extend functionality and usage exposed by the cuDNN C backend API. Both C++ and python APIs are provided, and both have functional parity.
For a general introduction to FE, please start with README.md.
The steps involved in building and running a cudnn graph are as follows:
- Create a cudnn graph and specify the global properties. The global properties like compute precision and input/output data type help infer properties that are not explicitly mentioned.
- Create and add the input tensors.
- Create and add the operation nodes. The outputs of these operation are of tensor type and can be sequentially used as inputs to the next node.
- Validate the operation graph. This step makes sure the graph is well built and does not have hanging tensors or node.
- Build the cudnn operation graph. This step lowers the graph into cudnn dialect.
- Create the execution plan, based on the heuristics type of your choice.
- [Optional] Check support of the operation graph.
- [Optional] Filter out the plans by your custom criteria (Optional).
- Build (one or all) the execution plans.
- [Optional] Run autotuning on the filter plan (Optional).
- Execute the graph with the relevant data pointers.
FE v1.0 API follows a functional style of building a graph. Operations take in input tensors and return output tensors. This also allows composition of operations.
Purpose | C++ API | Python API |
Create tensor | tensor | tensor |
Convolution Fprop | conv_fprop Conv_fprop_attributes |
conv_fprop |
Convolution Dgrad | conv_dgrad Conv_dgrad_attributes |
conv_dgrad |
Convolution Wgrad | conv_wgrad Conv_wgrad_attributes |
conv_wgrad |
Matrix Multiplication | matmul Matmul_attributes |
matmul |
Pointwise Operations | pointwise Pointwise_attributes |
- add - bias - rqsrt - sub - mul - scale - relu - elu - gelu - cmp_gt |
Batch Normalization | batchnorm Batchnorm_attributes |
batchnorm |
Batch Norm bprop | batchnorm_backward Batchnorm_backward_attributes |
batchnorm_backward |
Generate stats of output | genstats Genstats_attributes |
genstats |
BN Finalize of stats | bn_finalize BN_finalize_attributes |
bn_finalize |
Dbn weight | dbn_weight DBN_weight_attributes |
dbn_weight |
Scale dot product attention | sdpa SDPA_attributes |
sdpa |
Scale dot product attention backward | sdpa_backward SDPA_backward_attributes |
sdpa_backward |
Instantiate an object of class cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph
which will house tensors and operations.
Optional graph level attributes can be set on the object:
cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph& set_io_data_type(cudnn_frontend::DataType_t)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph& set_intermediate_data_type(cudnn_frontend::DataType_t)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph& set_compute_data_type(cudnn_frontend::DataType_t)
These attributes are meant to used as default in case they are not provided for constituent tensors and operations.
Users create input tensors to provide to operations within a graph. To add tensors in a graph, use:
std::shared_ptr<cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes> cudnn_frontend::graph::tensor(cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes)
As the API returns a shared pointer, both the user and FE graph are owners of the tensor.
Tensor attributes is a lighweight structure with setters for each attribute.
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_data_type(cudnn_frontend::DataType_t)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_dim(std::vector<int64_t>&)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_stride(std::vector<int64_t>&)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_is_virtual(bool)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_is_pass_by_value(bool)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_reordering_type(cudnn_frontend::TensorReordering_t)
cudnn_frontend::graph::Tensor_attributes& set_name(std::string&)
Operations take in mandatory input tensor via positional arguments. Optional input tensors are provided using corresponding setters in operation attributes.
Operations return an ordered array of output tensors. Any optional outputs if not present will have their shared pointers pointing to std::nullptr
Please looks at operations section for more details.
Validate API ensures API usage is sound, checks against dangling tensors, etc. Internally, any unspecified properties like dimensions, strides, etc are inferred.
cudnn_frontend::error_t cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph::validate()
This method creates cudnn backend descriptors for all constituents of the graph.
cudnn_frontend::error_t cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph::build_operation_graph(cudnnHandle_t handle)
This method internally queries the heuristics for engine configs for the given heuristics modes.
cudnn_frontend::error_t cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph::get_execution_plans(std::vector<heur_mode_t>)
This method returns the number of execution plans returned by cudnn heuristics. Each plan gets an index from 0 to #plans-1, with 0 having top priority.
cudnn_frontend::Graph::get_execution_plan_count() const;
This method guarantees that executing the graph using plans queried will succeed.
cudnn_frontend::error_t cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph::check_support(cudnnHandle_t h);
This function builds execution plans queired with `create_execution_plan(...)`` API.
There are two flavours of this API:
Use this method to build execution plans according to a policy. Suitable when trusting cudnn heuristics to return nest suitable execition plan with top priority.
cudnnHandle_t const &handle,
cudnn_frontend::BuildPlanPolicy_t const policy,
bool const do_multithreaded_builds
Use this method to build individual plan indicies. Main usecase is to parallely build execution plans when autotuning.
Plan index to be used here can be queried with get_execution_plan_count(...)
cudnnHandle_t const &handle,
int64_t plan_index
Users can filter out plans against numerical, behavioral notes, or plans that do not provide desired functional correctness.
cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph& cudnn_frontend::graph::Plans::deselect_numeric_notes(std::vector<cudnn_frontend::NumericalNote_t> const&);
cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph& cudnn_frontend::graph::Plans::deselect_behavior_notes(std::vector<cudnn_frontend::BehaviorNote_t> const&);
cudnn_frontend::graph::Graph& cudnn_frontend::graph::Plans::deselect_workspace_greater_than(int64_t const workspace);
Autotuning provides a way to execute different execution plans for a given graph and measure their relative performance under run time conditions. This generally helps validate and improve upon the results provided by the heuristics. Please refer to samples
Executing graph requires device pointers to all input output tensors and a user alloaction device workspace pointer.
Two flavours of execute exists, corresponding to `build_plans(...)`` API.
This API already has a candidate execution plan set. Candidate execution plan get internally set either:
- if build_policy_t::HEURISTIC_CHOICE is used, or
- as the last plan built that got built.
cudnnHandle_t handle,
std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>, void *> var_pack,
void* workspace
execute API also takes a plan index to target a specific plan. This may be used when autotuning, in conjuction with build_plan_at_index(...)
cudnnHandle_t handle,
std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<Tensor>, void *> var_pack,
void* workspace,
int64_t plan_index
Get workspace to execute the current selected execution plan.
Can also take in a plan index to query workspace for. This may be used when autotuning, in conjuction with build_plan_at_index(...)
int64_t get_workspace_size() const
int64_t get_workspace_size_plan_index(int64_t plan_index) const
Get workspace to run autotune on all plans.
get_autotune_workspace_size() const
C++ API returns a error object which has a error code and error message.
Python API throws an exception with similar error message to be handled in python API.
Samples are meant to illustrate FE v1.0 API usage to users.
contains samples that use C++ API.samples/python
contains samples that use python API.
Python samples are jupyter notebooks with step by step guide on using FE v1 API.
Please look at docs/operations for APIs of different operation types.