A new cms that will be as robust as WordPress, with a fraction of the code
- PHP shells/stubs
- JavaScript (Typescript?) page layout generation
- Static HTML pages with dynamic inputs (similar to Gatsby, Netlify, etc.)
- Two-server architecture: one to render the layout and one to generate optimized, static HTML for the front-end. Can this be done on a single server?
Create database (Mongo or Maria?) -- MariaDB to start
Create a secure database connection
Create Homepage
Create Admin dashboard page
Create permissions for these roles:
- User/Subscriber
- Contributor/Author
- Editor
- Admin (CMS only)
Create User dashboard
Create Contributor dashboard
Create Editor dashboard
Create Basic Content Editing Page
CRUD Content
- Set allowed file types
- Include fields for author info (eventualy autofill this info)
- Author First Name
- Author Last Name
- Author Title
- Author Publish Date
- Author Update