The boat
plugin has multiple goals:
Open API Generator based on All configuration options as defined on openapi-generator-maven-plugin can be applied here too.
Boat maven plugin uses slightly modified templates for html, java and webclient that help generate specs and clients that work best in a Backbase projects.
All inputSpec parameters for this goal may additionally be configured as an artifact. See Example inputMavenArtifact parameter or integration tests for examples.
Same with generate
but with opinionated defaults for Spring
... is the same as:
... explicit configOptions
override default ones, e.g. in sample below containerDefaultToNull
overrides default (i.e. false
) with true
Same with generate
but with opinionated defaults for Rest Template Client
Same with generate
but with opinionated defaults for Web Client
Merges any components using allOf references.
Calculates a Change log for APIs.
Removes deprecated elements in an OpenAPI spec.
Validates OpenAPI specs.
Configuration can point to a specific file, or a directory. When a directory is specified all files with a .yaml
extension are validated. failOnWarning
specifies whether to fail the build when validation violations are found,
otherwise, warnings are written to the log for everyone to ignore.
API lint which provides checks for compliance with many of Backbase's API standards
Available parameters:
failOnWarning (Default: false)
Set this to true to fail in case a warning is found.
List of rules ids which will be ignored.
Required: true
Input spec directory or file.
Optionaly inputMavenArtifact parameter can be used instead to configure an artifact input.
Input spec artifact
output (Default: ${}/boat-lint-reports)
Output directory for lint reports.
showIgnoredRules (Default: false)
Set this to true to show the list of ignored rules..
writeLintReport (Default: true)
Set this to true to generate lint report.
To see details and an example of inputMavenArtifact: Example inputMavenArtifact parameter
To see details about this goal:
mvn help:describe -DgroupId=com.backbase.oss -DartifactId=boat-maven-plugin -Dgoal=lint -Ddetail`
Bundles a spec by resolving external references.
Configuration can point to a single in- and output file, or to in- and output directories. When directories are
specified, all files specified by the includes
parameter are bundled.
Available parameters:
input (Default: ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources)
Required: true
Path to a directory or a file to indicate the input Open API files to bundle.
includes (Default: **/openapi.yaml, **/*api*.yaml)
Required: false
List of file patterns to include to bundle.
output (Default: ${}/openapi)
Required: true
Output directory for the bundled OpenAPI specs.
flattenOutput (Default: false)
Required: false
Flatten the output directory structure, i.e. the bundle API specs are directly put into the output folder, even if the respective `input` files are located within a subdirectory in the `input`.
Required: false
Optional parameter, to override the bundled spec version.
versionFileName (Default: false)
Required: false
Optional parameter to include the version in the bundled spec file name.
removeExtensions (Default: "")
Required: false
Optional parameter to remove extensions from the bundled spec.
Examples in json
files are parsed to objects.
For more information, run
mvn help:describe -Dplugin=com.backbase.oss:boat-maven-plugin -Dgoal=bundle -Ddetail
Configuration example
<!-- Showing defaults - do not configure defaults! -->
<!-- The input directory -->
<!-- The output directory -->
<!-- Whether to fail the build on errors -->
<!-- Override the default server entry -->
<!-- Add additional properties ('additions') element to specified types -->
<!-- Adding 'x-java-type' extension when json schema includes 'javaType' (default false) -->
<!-- Convert request and response body examples to yaml (default true) -->
mvn boat:generate
Or hook up to your build process by adding executions
Upload specs (one of more) to Boat-Bay.
Available parameters:
artifactId (Default: ${project.artifactId})
User property: artifactId
Project ArtifactId in Boat-Bay. Defaults to ${project.artifactId}
User property: boat.bay.password
Defines the password of the username which can access the Boat-Bay upload
API. Required if boat-bay APIs are protected.
Required: true
User property: boat.bay.url
Boat-Bay domain. eg.
User property: boat.bay.username
Defines the username which can access Boat-Bay upload API. Required if
boat-bay APIs are protected.
failOnBoatBayErrorResponse (Default: false)
User property: failOnBoatBayErrorResponse
Fail the build if boatbay server returns an error
failOnBreakingChange (Default: false)
User property: failOnBreakingChange
Fail the build for breaking changes in specs
failOnLintViolation (Default: false)
User property: failOnLintViolation
Fail the build if the spec has lint violation (Violation with
groupId (Default: ${project.groupId})
User property: groupId
Project GroupId in Boat-Bay. Defaults to ${project.groupId}
Required: true
User property: portalKey
Project portal Identifier in Boat-Bay.
radioOutput (Default:
Output directory for boat-radio report.
Required: true
User property: sourceKey
Project source identifier in Boat-Bay.
Required: true
User property: specs
Array of spec to be uploaded. Spec fields:
key : Spec Key in Boat-Bay. Defaults to filename.lastIndexOf('-'). For
example - By default my-service-api-v3.1.4.yaml would be evaluated to
name : Spec Name in Boat-Bay. Defaults to filename.
inputSpec : Location of the OpenAPI spec, as URL or local file glob
pattern. If the input is a local file, the value of this property is
considered a glob pattern that must resolve to a unique file. The glob
pattern allows to express the input specification in a version neutral
way. For instance, if the actual file is my-service-api-v3.1.4.yaml the
expression could be my-service-api-v*.yaml.
version (Default: ${project.version})
User property: version
Project Version in Boat-Bay. Defaults to ${project.version}
Configuration example:
Apply transformers to an existing specification.
Available parameters:
Required: true
User property: boat.transform.inputs
A list of input specifications.
File name mappers used to generate the output file name, instances of
The following mappers can be used without needing to specify the FQCN of
the implementation.
The parameter defaults to
Additional options passed to transformers.
output (Default: ${})
User property: boat.transform.output
Target directory of the transformed specifications.
Required: true
The list of transformers to be applied to each input specification.
User property: boat.transform.serverId
Retrieves authorization from Maven's settings.xml.
Alias: codegen.skip
User property: boat.transform.skip
Whether to skip the execution of this goal.
Configuration example
Required: true
Input artifacts groupId
Required: true
Input artifacts artifactId
Required: true
Input artifacts version
Required: true
Input artifacts classifier (must be api)
Required: true
Input artifacts type (must be zip)
Required: true
directory or file in artifact to be processed by goal
This parameter is available as a replacement for the inputSpec parameter in goals generate and lint.
It downloads a copy of the artifact if it is not already present, and uses a specified spec (or directory of specs) from the artifact as the inputSpec for the goal.
More examples can be found in integration tests.