OpenTranslator is an open‑source, multi‑agent translation framework designed to autonomously translate websites, documents, PDFs, and more between any source and target languages—with an initial focus on Bengali. Our unique agent‑based design decomposes complex translation tasks into specialized sub‑agents that collaborate to ensure context‑preserving and high‑quality output.
participant U as User
participant O as Organizer Agent
participant S as Source Collector
participant E as Executor Agent
participant V as Validator Agent
participant ED as Editor Agent
U->>O: Submit Translation Task
activate O
O->>O: Analyze & Segment Document
par Parallel Process
O->>S: Request Resources
activate S
S->>S: Collect Domain Resources
S-->>E: Send Context & Glossaries
deactivate S
O->>E: Send Segments
activate E
loop For Each Segment
E->>E: Translate Segment
E->>V: Submit Translation
activate V
V->>V: Validate Quality
alt Translation Meets Quality
V->>ED: Send for Polishing
activate ED
else Needs Improvement
V-->>E: Return for Revision
deactivate V
deactivate E
ED->>ED: Post-process & Merge
ED-->>U: Return Final Translation
deactivate ED
deactivate O
flowchart TB
subgraph User["User Interface"]
UI[Web Interface]
CLI[Command Line]
subgraph Core["Core System"]
direction TB
Orchestrator["Central Orchestrator"]
subgraph Agents["Translation Agents"]
direction TB
OA["Organizer Agent"]
SCA["Source Collector Agent"]
EA["Executor Agent"]
VA["Validator Agent"]
EDA["Editor Agent"]
subgraph Resources["Resource Management"]
TM["Translation Memory"]
Glossary["Domain Glossaries"]
Cache["Context Cache"]
subgraph Models["Translation Models"]
LLM["Language Models"]
CustomModels["Fine-tuned Models"]
subgraph Storage["Storage Layer"]
DB[(Translation DB)]
FileStore["File Storage"]
User --> Orchestrator
Orchestrator --> Agents
Agents --> Resources
Agents --> Models
Resources --> Storage
Models --> Storage
The OpenTranslator system is composed of five primary agents. Each agent specializes in a key part of the translation pipeline and communicates through a central orchestrator that coordinates their interactions.
- Role:
- Receives the user's task request (e.g., "Translate the book Great Expectations to Bengali").
- Analyzes the document to determine structure, context, and segmentation strategy.
- Responsibilities:
- Task Analysis: Parse the user's input to determine task parameters (source/target language, style guidelines, domain constraints).
- Segmentation: Divide large documents or web pages into manageable segments while preserving context boundaries.
- Interaction:
- Sends segmented text along with task parameters to the Translator Executor Agent.
- Informs the Source Collector Agent about the context and any domain-specific needs (e.g., glossary lookups).
- Role:
- Collects supporting resources to enhance translation quality.
- Responsibilities:
- Resource Gathering: Retrieve domain-specific glossaries, translation memories, bilingual corpora, or user-provided references.
- Context Augmentation: Append relevant reference materials to each text segment to guide the translation.
- Interaction:
- Shares the collected resources with the Translator Executor and Validator Agents to improve accuracy and consistency.
- Role:
- Performs the core translation.
- Responsibilities:
- Translation Execution: Use state‑of‑the‑art language models (e.g., a fine‑tuned GPT‑4 variant for Bengali) to translate each segment.
- Context Management: Maintain a shared memory of previous segments to ensure terminology and style consistency.
- Interaction:
- Receives segmented text and reference context from the Organizer and Source Collector Agents.
- Forwards translated segments to the Validator Agent for quality checking.
- Role:
- Assesses translation quality and consistency.
- Responsibilities:
- Quality Evaluation: Apply automated evaluation metrics (such as BLEU score, back‑translation checks, or custom validation rules) to determine if a segment meets quality thresholds.
- Error Flagging: Mark segments that need revision or re‑translation.
- Interaction:
- Returns flagged segments to the Executor Agent for re‑processing or sends them to the Editor Agent for refinement.
- Provides feedback to the Organizer Agent for potential re‑segmentation if contextual issues are found.
- Role:
- Post‑processes and refines translations.
- Responsibilities:
- Polishing: Correct minor grammatical errors, adjust style and tone, and merge segmented translations into a cohesive final document.
- User Interaction: Offer an interactive chat interface for human-in‑the‑loop corrections when needed.
- Interaction:
- Combines validated segments into the final output.
- Notifies the user if manual intervention is recommended.
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone
cd Open-Translator
pip install -r requirements.txt
export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_key_here
from opentranslator import TranslationCrew
crew = TranslationCrew()
result = crew.crew().kickoff(inputs={
"source_language": "en",
"target_language": "bn",
"domain": "literary",
"document_path": "my_document.pdf"
python --task "Translate the book 'Great Expectations' into Bengali" --src-lang en --tgt-lang bn --apikey YOUR_API_KEY
python \
--task "Translate the technical document" \
--src-lang en \
--tgt-lang bn \
--input-file docs/manual.pdf \
--output-dir output/translations \
--domain technical \
For interactive use or to adjust agent parameters, please refer to our User Guide.
Literary Translation:
A user wants to translate a classic novel into Bengali. The Organizer segments the book by chapters, the Source Collector retrieves literary glossaries and past translations, and the Executor translates each chapter. The Validator ensures narrative consistency, while the Editor smooths out stylistic issues, producing a coherent translation suitable for publication. -
Financial or Consensus Documents:
For sensitive reports or legal documents, the agents can be configured with stricter validation rules. The Organizer breaks down the document, the Source Collector fetches domain-specific terminology and regulations, and the Executor performs a precise translation. The Validator applies rigorous quality checks and, if necessary, flags parts for human review via the Editor, ensuring an accurate and compliant translation.
We welcome community contributions to enhance agent behaviors, improve quality metrics, and add support for additional languages. Please see Contributing Guidelines for more details.
OpenTranslator is released under the MIT License.
Inspired by innovative multi‑agent frameworks such as MetaGPT and AutoGen, OpenTranslator aims to democratize high‑quality translation—leaving no language behind.