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60 lines (56 loc) · 2.52 KB

Net(1).exe Query Statistics

Query Information


This query can be used to list the statistics of the entities that have been queried in the last x days. The x is determined by the StartTime parameter. Only the (local)group and user query types are included in this query. This query can be used to list the user/groups that are often queried or to list rare discovery activities.


Defender XDR

let StartTime = 30d;
| where Timestamp > startofday(ago(StartTime))
| where FileName in ("net.exe", "net1.exe")
| extend NetActionType = case(ProcessCommandLine has "accounts", "ACCOUNTS",
    ProcessCommandLine has "group", "GROUP",
    ProcessCommandLine has "user", "USER",
    ProcessCommandLine has "localgroup", "LOCALGROUP",
| where NetActionType != "Other"
| where isnotempty(AccountUpn)
| extend ExtractedParameters = split(ProcessCommandLine, " ")
| mv-apply QueriedEntity = ExtractedParameters on (
    where not(QueriedEntity has_any ("net", "net1", "user", "group", @"/do", @"/domain", @"/dom"))
    | project QueriedEntity
| where isnotempty(QueriedEntity)
| extend QueriedEntity = tolower(QueriedEntity)
| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by ReportId
| summarize TotalQueries = count() by QueriedEntity, NetActionType
| sort by TotalQueries


let StartTime = 30d;
| where TimeGenerated > startofday(ago(StartTime))
| where FileName in ("net.exe", "net1.exe")
| extend NetActionType = case(ProcessCommandLine has "accounts", "ACCOUNTS",
    ProcessCommandLine has "group", "GROUP",
    ProcessCommandLine has "user", "USER",
    ProcessCommandLine has "localgroup", "LOCALGROUP",
| where NetActionType != "Other"
| where isnotempty(AccountUpn)
| extend ExtractedParameters = split(ProcessCommandLine, " ")
| mv-apply QueriedEntity = ExtractedParameters on (
    where not(QueriedEntity has_any ("net", "net1", "user", "group", @"/do", @"/domain", @"/dom"))
    | project QueriedEntity
| where isnotempty(QueriedEntity)
| extend QueriedEntity = tolower(QueriedEntity)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ReportId
| summarize TotalQueries = count() by QueriedEntity, NetActionType
| sort by TotalQueries