What is the short form of Politecnico di Torino?
What is 'CLA' in Politecnico di Torino?
Where is Sala C in Politecnico di Torino?
What does the acronym CLUT stands for?
What is the name of Aula Magna?
What is the name of the street where the old entrance of Politecnico is?
What is the name of the street where the new entrance of Politecnico is?
How much does it cost the cheapest coffee at the vending machines?
What is the number of the bus which connects Porta Nuova to Politecnico?
What is the name of the park where the other location of Politecnico is?
What is the letter of the new rooms in front of Residenza Borsellino?
Name two famous cafes bar in Politecnico.
In which year was Politecnico di Torino founded?
How many students are currently enrolled in Politecnico di Torino?
Who is the current Headmaster?
What does CFU mean?
How many CFUs are required to get a Bachelor's Degree?
How many hours does a CFU correspond to?
Where you can print copies in Politecnico di Torino?
In which language is held the first Computer Science course in Politecnico di Torino?