This is a little script written in bash for downloading files from a ftp server, it uses wget to download the files.
NOTE: this is a little learning script for understanding bash and some little commands. I'm not an expert!
- jq (it comes pre-installed in a lot of distros)
Before to modify the the config file (config.json
) make sure to read the guide to modify it
git clone
cd stolen-ftp
nano config.json
chmod +x
- The script download a file or a folder on the remote server secified in the config file
- Save the output in a folder formatted as
in the download path - Run a python script to check and delete the oldest folders (only the time formatted)
You can run this script manually or you can automate it
If you would to run it manually
./ -c [config path]
Or you can override the -c option ad the script will find the config file in the same direcotry.
This will get all the options from the config file, save the backup in a folder with the current date formatted as % d-% m-% Y
, then run the script which find all the folders formatted as first and delete the oldest, based on the keep_backup
option in your configuration
This is the default config file.
"config": {
"url": "stuff",
"username": "stuff",
"password": "super_secure_password",
"dw_path": "the/pat/to/your/folder",
"ftp_path": "path/to/download/on/your/server",
"keep_backup": 4
=> This is the url of the ftp serverusername
=> Username for authentication to the serverpassword
=> This is the password for the authenticationdw_path
=> This is the path where the downloaded file are being storedftp_path
=> This is the path of the folder or file on the remote serverkeep_backup
=> This number indicates how many backup folders are maintained, the script automatically delete the oldest folders
To automate the script you can use cron, by adding this line in the /etc/crontab
0 5 * * 1,6 pi /usr/bin/bash [path to the file] -c [path to the config file]
This line will run the script at the 5 AM on Monday and Saturday of every week
For help with cron schedule check out this site;
- Super fast, (thanks wget)
- Run a script that only detects the folder saved with a date format and deletes the oldest
- Log download time in a csv file, for performance logging (just for fun)
- All the logs are flushed into a log file (valid for a day)
- Add the log path to te config
- Better csv file logging
- Create log file for each backup day
- Automatically delete old logs