diff --git a/Locales/deDE.lua b/Locales/deDE.lua index 726a534..276967e 100644 --- a/Locales/deDE.lua +++ b/Locales/deDE.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "Flaggen" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) hat die Fahne erobert!" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "eingenommen!" ---L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- todo: muss Schmied Regzar bzw. Murgot Tiefenschmied Gossip-Option sein! L.droppedTrigger = "fallen lassen!" L.capturedTheTrigger = "errungen!" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +--L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- todo: muss Schmied Regzar bzw. Murgot Tiefenschmied Gossip-Option sein! -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + L.hordeGate = "Hordentor" L.allianceGate = "Allianztor" L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" diff --git a/Locales/enUS.lua b/Locales/enUS.lua index 420683e..bfd117f 100644 --- a/Locales/enUS.lua +++ b/Locales/enUS.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "Flag respawns" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) has taken the flag!" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "has taken the" -L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" L.droppedTrigger = "dropped" L.capturedTheTrigger = "captured the" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + L.hordeGate = "Horde Gate" L.allianceGate = "Alliance Gate" L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" @@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ L.anchorTooltipNote = "Open the options and lock the bars to hide this moving an --- Horde IoC Workshop yells: -- Goblin Mechanic yells: I'm about halfway done! Keep the Alliance away - fighting's not in my contract! -- Goblin Mechanic yells: It's broken again?! I'll fix it... just don't expect the warranty to cover this. -L.halfway = "halfway" -L.broken = "broken" +L.halfway = "halfway" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly +L.broken = "broken" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly -- Wintergrasp L.damaged = "|cFF33FF99Capping|r: %s Damaged" diff --git a/Locales/esES.lua b/Locales/esES.lua index 929bf97..5b7c9da 100644 --- a/Locales/esES.lua +++ b/Locales/esES.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ local L = mod.L --L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) has taken the flag!" --L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "has taken the" ---L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" --L.droppedTrigger = "dropped" --L.capturedTheTrigger = "captured the" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +--L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + --L.hordeGate = "Horde Gate" --L.allianceGate = "Alliance Gate" --L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" @@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ L.anchorTooltip = "|cffeda55fRight-Clic|r para acceder a las opciones" --- Horde IoC Workshop yells: -- Goblin Mechanic yells: I'm about halfway done! Keep the Alliance away - fighting's not in my contract! -- Goblin Mechanic yells: It's broken again?! I'll fix it... just don't expect the warranty to cover this. ---L.halfway = "halfway" ---L.broken = "broken" +--L.halfway = "halfway" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly +--L.broken = "broken" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly -- Wintergrasp --L.damaged = "|cFF33FF99Capping|r: %s Damaged" diff --git a/Locales/esMX.lua b/Locales/esMX.lua index fd11a52..6a50812 100644 --- a/Locales/esMX.lua +++ b/Locales/esMX.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ local L = mod.L --L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) has taken the flag!" --L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "has taken the" ---L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" --L.droppedTrigger = "dropped" --L.capturedTheTrigger = "captured the" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +--L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + --L.hordeGate = "Horde Gate" --L.allianceGate = "Alliance Gate" --L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" @@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ L.anchorTooltip = "|cffeda55fClic derecho|r para acceder a las opciones" --- Horde IoC Workshop yells: -- Goblin Mechanic yells: I'm about halfway done! Keep the Alliance away - fighting's not in my contract! -- Goblin Mechanic yells: It's broken again?! I'll fix it... just don't expect the warranty to cover this. ---L.halfway = "halfway" ---L.broken = "broken" +--L.halfway = "halfway" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly +--L.broken = "broken" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly -- Wintergrasp --L.damaged = "|cFF33FF99Capping|r: %s Damaged" diff --git a/Locales/frFR.lua b/Locales/frFR.lua index cd271a4..8a42218 100644 --- a/Locales/frFR.lua +++ b/Locales/frFR.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "Réapparition drapeau(x)" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) a pris le drapeau !" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "s'est emparée" -L.upgradeToTrigger = "Passé à" L.droppedTrigger = "a été lâché" L.capturedTheTrigger = "a pris le drapeau de" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +L.upgradeToTrigger = "Passé à" + L.hordeGate = "Porte de la Horde" L.allianceGate = "Porte de l'Alliance" L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" diff --git a/Locales/itIT.lua b/Locales/itIT.lua index 01b6b38..b1b4b90 100644 --- a/Locales/itIT.lua +++ b/Locales/itIT.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ local L = mod.L --L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) has taken the flag!" --L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "has taken the" ---L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" --L.droppedTrigger = "dropped" --L.capturedTheTrigger = "captured the" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +--L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + --L.hordeGate = "Horde Gate" --L.allianceGate = "Alliance Gate" --L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" @@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ L.anchorTooltip = "|cffeda55fClic-Destro|r per aprire le Opzioni" --- Horde IoC Workshop yells: -- Goblin Mechanic yells: I'm about halfway done! Keep the Alliance away - fighting's not in my contract! -- Goblin Mechanic yells: It's broken again?! I'll fix it... just don't expect the warranty to cover this. ---L.halfway = "halfway" ---L.broken = "broken" +--L.halfway = "halfway" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly +--L.broken = "broken" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly -- Wintergrasp --L.damaged = "|cFF33FF99Capping|r: %s Damaged" diff --git a/Locales/koKR.lua b/Locales/koKR.lua index 954d61e..e5c194e 100644 --- a/Locales/koKR.lua +++ b/Locales/koKR.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "깃발 생성" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+)|1이;가; 깃발을 차지했습니다!" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "점령했습니다" -L.upgradeToTrigger = "추가 전리품" L.droppedTrigger = "([^ ]*)|1이;가; ([^!]*) 깃발을 떨어뜨렸습니다!" L.capturedTheTrigger = "([^ ]*)|1이;가; ([^!]*) 깃발 쟁탈에 성공했습니다!" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +L.upgradeToTrigger = "추가 전리품" + --L.hordeGate = "Horde Gate" --L.allianceGate = "Alliance Gate" --L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" @@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ L.anchorTooltip = "옵션에 접근하려면 |cffeda55f오른쪽 클릭|r하세 --- Horde IoC Workshop yells: -- Goblin Mechanic yells: I'm about halfway done! Keep the Alliance away - fighting's not in my contract! -- Goblin Mechanic yells: It's broken again?! I'll fix it... just don't expect the warranty to cover this. ---L.halfway = "halfway" ---L.broken = "broken" +--L.halfway = "halfway" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly +--L.broken = "broken" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly -- Wintergrasp --L.damaged = "|cFF33FF99Capping|r: %s Damaged" diff --git a/Locales/ptBR.lua b/Locales/ptBR.lua index bc34d39..aa202d8 100644 --- a/Locales/ptBR.lua +++ b/Locales/ptBR.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "Bandeira reaparece" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) pegou a bandeira!" --L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "has taken the" ---L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" L.droppedTrigger = "largada" L.capturedTheTrigger = "capturou" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +--L.upgradeToTrigger = "Upgrade to" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + L.hordeGate = "Portão da Horda" L.allianceGate = "Portão da Aliança" L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" diff --git a/Locales/ruRU.lua b/Locales/ruRU.lua index dd76cdd..ca217e6 100644 --- a/Locales/ruRU.lua +++ b/Locales/ruRU.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "Появление Флагов" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+) захватывает флаг!" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "захватил" -L.upgradeToTrigger = "Улучшено до" -- тут еще вопрос (!) проверить на проде // spellcheck on live L.droppedTrigger = "уронил" L.capturedTheTrigger = "захватил" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +L.upgradeToTrigger = "Улучшено до" -- тут еще вопрос (!) проверить на проде // spellcheck on live -- Needs to match the in game text exactly + L.hordeGate = "Врата крепости Орды" L.allianceGate = "Врата крепости Альянса" L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" -- тут точно нужен перевод?// check on live diff --git a/Locales/zhCN.lua b/Locales/zhCN.lua index c9b0918..ee6bbf9 100644 --- a/Locales/zhCN.lua +++ b/Locales/zhCN.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "旗帜即将刷新" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+)夺走了旗帜!" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "夺取了" -L.upgradeToTrigger = "升级到" L.droppedTrigger = "丢掉了" L.capturedTheTrigger = "夺取" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +L.upgradeToTrigger = "升级到" + L.hordeGate = "部落大门" L.allianceGate = "联盟大门" L.gatePosition = "%s(%s)" diff --git a/Locales/zhTW.lua b/Locales/zhTW.lua index f44f726..3fd46d4 100644 --- a/Locales/zhTW.lua +++ b/Locales/zhTW.lua @@ -9,10 +9,14 @@ L.flagRespawns = "旗幟已重置" L.takenTheFlagTrigger = "^(.+)已經奪走了旗幟!" L.hasTakenTheTrigger = "奪取了" -L.upgradeToTrigger = "升級成" L.droppedTrigger = "丟掉了" L.capturedTheTrigger = "佔據了" +--- Alterac Valley +--- This is the trigger option when talking to the NPC to auto hand in the quest items +--- This chat interaction only appears when the NPC is ready to start an upgrade, and you need to confirm it +L.upgradeToTrigger = "升級成" + --L.hordeGate = "Horde Gate" --L.allianceGate = "Alliance Gate" --L.gatePosition = "%s (%s)" @@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ L.anchorTooltip = "|cffeda55f右擊|r打開選項" --- Horde IoC Workshop yells: -- Goblin Mechanic yells: I'm about halfway done! Keep the Alliance away - fighting's not in my contract! -- Goblin Mechanic yells: It's broken again?! I'll fix it... just don't expect the warranty to cover this. ---L.halfway = "halfway" ---L.broken = "broken" +--L.halfway = "halfway" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly +--L.broken = "broken" -- Needs to match the in game text exactly -- Wintergrasp --L.damaged = "|cFF33FF99Capping|r: %s Damaged"