The examples provided here do only queries: they do not create, modify, nor delete resources. They can therefore safely be used in production environments.
From the examples
directory, create a symbolic link to the snippet you want to use:
$ ln -s snippets/get_version.go main.go
Generate the go.sum
$ go mod tidy
Compile the example, it will go to $GOPATH/bin
$ go install
To run the example, you need to export the URL of the Feilong connector:
$ export ZVM_CONNECTOR=""
$ example
Some snippets need a parameter on the command line. For example, if you compiled get_guest_info.go
$ export ZVM_CONNECTOR=""
$ example MYGUEST
If you implemented token authentication on the server side, you need to export one more environment variable:
$ export ZVM_CONNECTOR=""
$ export ZVM_ADMIN_TOKEN="zvX2mFxuj8HcrYkAacLReV0RTQ0K5IIEighOR9F8AG"
$ example
If you mandated SSL on the server side, you might need to add your Certification Authority to the client. On a SUSE system:
$ sudo cp feilongCA.crt /etc/pki/trust/anchors/
$ sudo update-ca-certificates
$ export ZVM_CONNECTOR=""
$ example