Succeed as a group in creating a collaborative DEX
Build and release Swappityswap
- vgotcheva
- antron3000
- Customize and brand interface (antron3000, dilipomi, jaygoyanar, AleRapchan, steamerd)
- Write Swappityswap Contracts (vgotcheva, antron3000, sijo0703, kenzysc, steamerd)
- Import DEX-Course-u-exchange into DEX-Course-SwappitySwap-core and add the contracts team. We changed the initial plan and did not to fork swappityswap-core.
- Import u-exchange-sdk into DEX-Course-SwappitySwap-sdk and add the contracts team. We changed the initial plan and did not fork swappityswap-sdk.
- In Factory contract, change names from u-exchange to SwappitySwap - all names including LP token name
- In Router contract, change names from u-exchange to SwappitySwap - all names including LP token name
- Deploy Factory and Router contracts to Rinkeby for testing. Check contracts_info.json
- Update SDK and publish. Check
- Integrate with interface for the contracts deployed on Rinkeby
- Create DEX-Course-SwappitySwap-interface repo.
- Integrate SwappitySwap interface with the contracts on Rinkeby from previous step. Follow the last section of
- Test adding liquidity and swapping two tokens.
- Deploy on multichain (antron3000)
- xDai
- bsc
- polygon
- Integrate with interface and sdk (antron3000, dilipomi, jaygoyanar)
- Customize token lists (jaygoyanar, violeta, kenzysc)
- Test functionality (everyone)
- Host on (antron3000)
- Update Website (antron3000, AleRapchan)
- Complete documentation (antron3000, sijo0703)
- Bonus - display analytics [Graph] (ashish-op, metaver5o, antron3000, jaygoyanar)
- Reward contributors with SWAPPITY (antron3000)