All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Enable fee discount for confidential transactions in liquid
- Support Improvements
- Various bug fixes
- Fix amounts in tx list not releaved after clicking eye icon
- Update dependencies
- Various bug fixes
- Bump GDK to version 0.74.2
- Jade genuine check
- Bump GDK to version 0.74.0
- Bump Breez to version 0.6.6
- Update dependencies
- Support video content on promo screen
- Fix Jade BIP39 Passphrase input timeout
- Fix recovery keyboard matching words pre-emptively
- Various bug fixes
- Bump GDK to version 0.73.4
- Bump Breez to version 0.6.3-rc2
- Update dependencies
- Various bug fixes
- Jade QR Mode
- Refactor UI to Jetpack Compose Multiplatform
- Refactor Jade API to Kotlin
- Bump GDK to version 0.73.3
- Crash fix
- Bump GDK to version 0.73.2
- Bump Breez to version 0.6.2
- Update dependencies
- Verify address with HWW upon 2FA reactivation
- Bump GDK to version 0.73.1
- Update dependencies
- Various bug fixes
- Fix GDK build for F-Droid
- Allow custom gap limit on personal Electrum server
- Allow adding a comment on a LNURL payment
- Refactor Wallet overview options menu
- Bump GDK to version 0.72.2
- Bump Breez to version 0.5.2
- Various bug fixes
- Allow disabling TLS on Personal Electrum servers
- Refactor ViewModels to support Kotlin Multiplatform
- Refactor various UI elements
- Updated project dependencies
- Bump Breez to version 0.5.1-rc4
- Fix F-Droid dependency issue
- Re-enable expired 2FA UTXOs
- Update to Kotlin 2.0.0
- Updated project dependencies
- Bump GDK to version 0.71.3
- Bump Breez to version 0.4.2-rc1
- Hide fee selection on Liquid if fee estimation is network default
- Refactor various UI elements
- Fix Authenticator app 2FA setup
- Bump Breez to version 0.4.1
- Fix F-Droid dependency issue
- Revamp Sweep UI
- Bump GDK to version 0.71.0
- Bump Breez to version 0.4.1-rc2
- Fix v2 password login
- Fix wrong conversion when generating an address with amount
- Add push notification support for Lightning payments
- Bump Breez to version 0.3.8
- Make Lightning Shortcut opt-out
- Update transaction details view
- Improve QR code scanability
- Bump Breez to version 0.3.6
- Enable Singlesig Liquid watch-only descriptors
- New app setting "Remember hardware device"
- Add metadata for F-Droid build
- Handle "master blinding key" for advanced jade users
- Bump GDK to version 0.70.3
- Allow changing denomination on watch-only sessions
- Rewrite some UI screens into Jetpack Compose
- Enable Bluetooth adapter from the app
- Change Assets cache behavior
- Enable Sweep for Bitcoin Singlesig watch-only sessions
- Fix F-Droid build
- Various bug fixes
- Export Greenlight logs
- Add "Receive any Liquid/AMP asset" to the assets list on Receive and Create New Account screens
- 2FA SMS activation comply with US requirements
- Allow setting custom fees when recovering funds from Lightning
- Refactor ViewModels to support Kotlin Multiplatform
- Rewrite some UI screens into Jetpack Compose
- Update Jade Oracle whitelisted urls
- Bump Breez to version 0.2.15
- Bump GDK to version 0.70.0
- Fix F-Droid build
- Fix message signing UI
- Various bug fixes
- Updated project dependencies
- Improve build reproducibility
- Various bug and crash fixes
- Add a NoCountly no-op class to FDroid build
- Updated project dependencies
- Bump Breez to version 0.2.12
- Fix emergency recovery phrase restore
- Fix Account Overview crash
- Fix logout from the Notifications menu displaying the autologout toast
- Check watch-only wallet if already exists in the app
- Various bug and crash fixes
- Fix keystore key being invalidated when device was unlocked with face biometrics
- Bump GDK to version 0.69
- Support Lightning with Jade air-gapped BIP85 mnemonic
- Support Jade watch-only import by scanning BCUR animated QR codes
- Enable 2FA call method as an SMS backup
- Fix amount being calculated incorrectly for locales using comma as decimal separator
- Various bug and crash fixes
- Fix Jade BLE connection on Android 14
- Bump GDK to version 0.68.4
- Bump Breez to version 0.2.7
- Add icons to menu items
- Display an error message when personal electrum server is unreachable
- Fix scan of color inverted QR codes
- Fix NPE crash related to session handling
- Fix fetching remote config when Tor is enabled
- Bump Breez to version 0.2.5
- Support Android 14
- Lightning Shortcut
- Minor UI improvements
- Bump GDK to version 0.67.1
- Jade: Warning for non-default PIN server
- Support for message signing
- Bug fixes
- Support Lightning channel closure and sweep funds to onchain address
- UI improvements to lightning accounts
- Bump GDK to version 0.0.65
- Bump Breez to version 0.1.4
- Set Native SegWit as default standard account
- Add lightning onchain deposits
- Prompt for Jade FW update
- Prompt for Jade FW update
- Make QR code scanner take 85% of the screen
- Long press a QR code to show it full screen
- Remove PIN character limit for Trezor One
- Hide Denomination & Exchange dialog for watch-only multisig
- Fix 2FA threshold with empty string
- Fixes on denomination behaviors
- Fix receive address ellipsize middle
- Move "Recovery Transactions" setting in "Two-Factor authentication"
- Fix login into Bitcoin Multisig Watch-only wallet
- Bump GDK to version 0.0.63
- Update dependencies
- Add lightning support as experimental feature
- Add a blinding step in liquid for software and hardware wallets
- Fix watch-only view for large fonts
- Bump GDK version to 0.0.62
- Enable watch-only for Singlesig Bitcoin
- Bug fixes
- Fix F-Droid build
- Bump GDK version to 0.0.61
- Fix 2FA reset procedure
- Animated visuals
- Fix custom electrum server with Tor enabled
- Fix crash when app returns from the background and GDK session is no longer available
- Add troubleshooting links in Jade onboarding
- Persist last selection of the "Remember device" option
- Fix Jade login with bip39 passphrases
- Fix Trezor signing to recognize change address when sending
- Lock Jade on session logout
- Fix device list showing previously connected devices
- Hide menu entries(rename/archive) for watch only sessions
- Show the change address in Verification bottom sheet on Trezor devices
- Fix wallet restore when the corresponding multisig watch-only is already present in the wallets list
- Disable amount entry points until a valid address is entered
- Show fee error on bump transaction fee
- New Hardware Wallet Onboarding
- Network Unification
- Update GDK to 0.0.58
- Added CSAT forms
- Fix change address shown as recipient address
- Fix SPV icon showing an error for unconfirmed transactions
- Emergency recovery phrase restore
- Update GDK to 0.0.57
- Add 2FA reset option for multisig shield Liquid wallets
- Update GDK to 0.0.56
- Incorrectly displaying "insufficient funds" when sending from Jade singlesig wallet
- New About screen with social links
- Show announcements alerts
- Add BIP info on account labels
- Improve ephemeral BIP39 Passphrase based wallets
- Improve errors during restore
- Fix Jade login using Emergency Restore
- Fix BIP21 prefix for liquid testnet
- Login with BIP39 Passphrase
- Trezor & Ledger singlesig address display
- Faster Jade firmware update with binary delta
- Improve Ledger support
- Enable watch-only in Liquid
- Update GDK to 0.0.55
- Updated project dependencies
- Display the receive address in Transaction Details
- Display the amount without the fee in Transaction Details
- Fix error message on wrong PIN
- Fix 27-words mnemonic wallet restore
- Fix change address verification on hardware wallets
- Update GDK to 0.0.54.post1
- Fix balances after bumping transaction fees
- SPV for Bitcoin multisig shield wallets
- Help Green improve! If you agree, Green will collect limited usage data to optimize your experience
- Fix 2FA reset error message even on successful reset
- Fix Singlesig BIP21 amount error
- Fix Ledger address validation on Liquid Singlesig
- Fix default wallet name was empty on rename dialog
- Close drawer when clicking a wallet notification
- Archive accounts if they're no longer needed, then unarchive them from the archived list
- Support multiple hardware wallet devices on multiple networks concurrently
- Updated GDK to 0.0.54
- Updated project dependencies
- Crash on Liquid transactions with unblinded amounts
- Crash when resuming the application after prolonged period of inactivity
- Add Bitcoin Singlesig hardware wallet support
- Show active wallet sessions as system notification
- Support Jade firmware sha256 file verification
- Add ability to copy various transaction details
- Change network with hardware wallet from the toolbar icon
- Updated GDK to 0.0.51
- Slide to send a transaction
- Fix transaction fees amounts are not converted to fiat currencies
- Fix Trezor passphrase entry with empty string
- Fix WalletRepository being accessed from main thread
- Fix sharing Liquid's confidential and non confidential links
- Romanian localization
- Improved transaction review layout both for software and hardware wallets
- Update translations
- Show recovery phrases as Qr codes, to facilitate exporting your wallets on a new device
- 2of3 account creation for Bitcoin multisig shield wallets
- Streamlined wallet navigation: switch between your wallets without needing to log out every time
- Show a bottom sheet when an interaction with hardware wallet is needed
- Updated GDK to 0.0.49
- Updated project dependencies
- Jade Bluetooth pairing with Google Pixel devices
- PIN screen layout for larger displays
- Tor connection indicator
- Crash when requesting USB permissions on Android 12
- Automatic wallet restore, Green will find any wallet associated with your recovery phrase
- Enhanced privacy option enabling secure display throughout the app & screen lock
- PIN keyboard shuffle, to augment your privacy when entering PIN on login
- LBTC and BTC asset details
- Improved swifter Send flow, easier to use, easier to read
- Improved sweep paper wallet
- Improved transaction fee bumping
- Added balances on account cards, to facilitate navigation across accounts
- Support for wallet creation with both 12 or 24 words recovery phrases
- Updated GDK to 0.0.48
- Added Android 12 target
- Fix SPV progress indicator
- Support to connect to your personal electrum server in app settings
- Supports GDK 0.0.47
- Update project dependencies
- Disconnects Ledger X sessions when on Dashboard app
- Accounts renaming
- Pasting PGP keys in settings
- Biometric authentication for Android 12
- Update GDK to 0.0.46.post1
- Supports creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Liquid
- Supports GDK 0.0.46
- New camera Qr-code scanner
- Handles BIP-21 payment URIs opened from other apps (bitcoin: & liquidnetwork:)
- Improves wallet restore flow
- Improves transaction details view with a new UI
- Improves sweep paper wallet
- Simplifies "Send to" screen adding a way to quickly paste an address or scan a QR code
- Testnet networks must be enabled from App Settings to appear as create/restore options
- Shows a warning when operating on a testnet network
- No longer passes additional root certificate when fetching files from Jade firmware server
- Read-only amount when bumping transaction fees
- 2FA popup truncated on small screens
- Crash when deleting a wallet
- Trezor One login with Passphrase
- Bump GDK to version 0.0.45.post1
- Ignore expired server certs in Jade PIN requests
- Add SPV support to singlesig wallets in app settings
- Support host unblinding for Blockstream Jade version 0.1.27 and higher
- Revamp Wallet view with new UI
- Minor improvements to the Wallet Settings UI and PIN view
- Update and support GDK version 0.0.45
- Limit number of words in wallet restore to 27
- Fix crash reported on Play Store
- Fix bugs in hardware wallets support
- Fix GDK build for f-droid
- Support for creating and restoring singlesig wallets on Bitcoin
- Update GDK to version 0.0.44
- Update Gradle dependencies
- Adds a PIN pad for 2FA codes
- Improves Wallet Settings UI
- Drops support for bitcoinj and SPV on Multisig Shield wallets
- Fixes crashes with fingerprint login authentication
- Shows PGP and Watch-Only settings only on Multisig Shield wallets
- Support for creating and restoring Singlesig wallets on Bitcoin Testnet
- Enhanced support for Blockstream Jade
- Improves address validation on hardware wallets
- Preloads icons of Liquid Assets
- Improves handling of disconnection and reconnection
- Adds a warning when opening Help Center articles while using Tor
- Updates GDK to 0.0.43
- Ledger NanoX devices device identification
- Bluetooth device discovery
- Decimal and fiat amount request on receive
- Crash on Watch-Only wallets
- Crash when resuming the application after prolonged period of inactivity
- Show the wallet name in the main view
- Cache liquid asset registry in addition to GDK caching
- Display the account type in the account cards
- Improve tools for testing
- Revamp receive view with new UI and button to verify addresses on hardware wallets
- Generate 12 words recovery phrases by default
- Update Android and GDK dependencies
- Fix error handling when restoring or creating wallets
- Fix migration from v2 android screenlock logins