find . -name "*.py" | xargs grep -E "# FIXME:"
- ./main.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./main.py:# FIXME: move this method to the youtube package
- ./print_functions.py: # Cut off at a sensible length # FIXME: Hack
- ./database/engine_statements.py:# FIXME: probably outdated for variables and values
- ./database/orm.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./database/read_operations.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./database/read_operations.py: # FIXME: add to progress bar
- ./database/write_operations.py: # FIXME: add step to update
- ./database/video.py:class Video(PermanentBase): # FIXME: PickleTypes should probably be replaced by actual tables
- ./gui/dialogs/sane_dialog.py:class SaneDialog(QDialog): # FIXME: FUTURE: Was meant to be inherited, but might be useful on its own in future
- ./gui/views/grid_view/play_view/play_tile.py: def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): # FIXME: Make mouse hotkeys based on hotkeys.ini
- ./gui/views/grid_view/play_view/play_tile.py: # FIXME: Add a loop that lets you define infinite players in config (see download proxy list method)
- ./gui/views/grid_view/grid_scroll_area.py: # FIXME: do something with auto reload so that this is not needed
- ./gui/views/grid_view/thumbnail_tile.py: # Overlay captions (if any) on thumbnail # FIXME: Replace with something better like a small icon
- ./gui/views/download_view/download_tile.py: self.failed = False # FIXME: Implement handling of failed downloads
- ./gui/views/download_view/dl_scroll_area.py: # FIXME: do something with auto reload so that this is not needed
- ./gui/views/download_view/download_view.py: # # FIXME: remove and fix signals instead
- ./gui/views/config_view/config_items/combobox.py: # FIXME: Get QComboBox to set strings not ints
- ./gui/views/config_view/views/hotkeys_view.py: self.setWindowIcon(icon) # FIXME: Icon won't set
- ./gui/views/subscriptions_view.py: self.table_items = [] # FIXME: unused
- ./gui/main_window/main_window.py: # FIXME: icon, shortcut(alt/shift as extra modifier to the normal refresh shortcut?)
- ./gui/main_window/main_window.py: # FIXME: icon, look more related to action
- ./gui/main_window/main_window.py: if read_config('Debug', 'show_unimplemented_gui'): # FIXME: Implement
- ./gui/main_window/main_window.py: return submenu # FIXME: Used by toolbar to avoid redefining items
- ./authentication.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./youtube/update_videos.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./youtube/update_videos.py: except HttpError as exc_gapi_http_error: # FIXME: Handle HttpError exceptions
- ./youtube/thumbnail_handler.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./youtube/uploads_thread.py: # FIXME: wasteful compare
- ./youtube/uploads_thread.py: # FIXME: check if grab method is in list?
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py:# FIXME: because of formating string, for channel, it can't do batch dl
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py: # FIXME: faux filename, as the application is currently not able to get final filname from youtube-dl
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py: # FIXME: Probably overkill, should maybe only flag as failed from parent caller
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py: # FIXME: Replace with info grabbed from youtube_dl (hook?)
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py: # FIXME: Replace with info grabbed from youtube_dl (hook?)
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py: # FIXME: Add other presets like music
- ./youtube/youtube_dl_handler.py: self.download_progress_listener.finishedDownload.emit() # FIXME: Needs to emit failed status as well
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py:# FIXME: integrate with socket system
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: id=channel_id) # FIXME: stats unnecessary?
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: id=channel_id) # FIXME: stats unnecessary?
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: forUsername=username) # FIXME: stats unnecessary?
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: id=channel_id) # FIXME: stats unnecessary?
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: # FIXME: Somewhat duplicate code of get_remote_subscriptions, move to own function -- START
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: # FIXME: Somewhat duplicate code of get_remote_subscriptions, move to own function -- END
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: # FIXME: Somewhat duplicate code of get_remote_subscriptions, move to own function -- START
- ./youtube/youtube_requests.py: # FIXME: Somewhat duplicate code of get_remote_subscriptions, move to own function -- END
- ./controller/controller.py:# FIXME: imp*
- ./controller/listeners/listeners.py:# FIXME: imp*
- ./controller/listeners/listeners.py: # FIXME: move youtube-dl listener to its own listener?
- ./controller/listeners/listeners.py: # FIXME: move to db listener
- ./controller/listeners/listeners.py: video_id = video_url.split('&')[0].split('v=')[-1] # FIXME: Make a proper input sanitizer that handles YT IDs
- ./controller/view_models.py:# FIXME: imp*
- ./controller/view_models.py: # FIXME: only does filtered videos
- ./pickle_handler.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/
- ./default_application_handler.py: for ext in IMAGE_EXTENSIONS: # FIXME: In future use actual MIME type detection not simply *.ext
- ./config_handler.py: # FIXME: check for correct custom_ini
- ./init.py:# FIXME: module level logger not suggested: https://fangpenlin.com/posts/2012/08/26/good-logging-practice-in-python/